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/lit/ - Literature

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15958550 No.15958550 [Reply] [Original]

I’ve browsed /lit/ and read seriously ever since I was 19. I’m now 26. Rate my bookshelf. (1/5)

>> No.15958556

That's 7 years of reading?


>> No.15958557
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>> No.15958563


fucking organize your books

>> No.15958567

The only thing that should be on your bookshelf.

>> No.15958570
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>> No.15958581

>all those translations
lurk moar

>> No.15958585
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>> No.15958596
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>> No.15958609

How are Ferrante's Neapolitan novels?

>> No.15958620

It's okay. Good variety. Too many paperbacks. You're obviously focused on fiction.

I was in this position once. You should stop buying paperbacks of every single book on the canon or "modern classic" to save money and space. Stop accumulating props. Get an ereader.

>> No.15958628


>> No.15958707

It's possible OP already has one. I mean, what sort of book "collector" would get a copy of a minor book like The Miner by Soseki and not his masterpiece (Kokoro) or some of his other better known works.
It looks odd.

>> No.15958729

>I mean, what sort of book "collector" would get a copy of a minor book like The Miner by Soseki and not his masterpiece (Kokoro) or some of his other better known works.

It's the only one he found at the thrift store and he can't buy things online because his mother won't give him her credit card number.

>> No.15958736

>buying books full price

>> No.15958779

Obvious projection teenager

>> No.15958786

OP here. When I first started out reading, I didn't have any sort of syllabus or guide to follow, so I read whatever literature interested me. That is why you see single works by authors like Soseki (I actually received that particular book from a bookswap with a friend, but I liked it enough that I added Sanshiró to my backlog). However, I eventually decided to start over with the Greeks and work my way from there. Since then, I have read most of the Greeks, Romans, and now am reading Anglo literature like Milton's completed works. Also, e-readers are pozzed as fuck.

>> No.15958793

>paying for books

>> No.15958795

>no Borges

>> No.15958804

>needs power to read

>> No.15958839

>e-readers are pozzed as fuck
based buy an older copy of aesop they have redacted fables that were "misattributed".

>> No.15958841

>needing money to read

>> No.15958844

1) That bookshelf is fuck ugly, get something where the books approach the lip
2) Reorganize your shit. At least by height ffs
3) The one person that stops by your 1br apartment a year (most likely your mother) doesn't give a shit about what you read. Donate shit when you're done, stop hoarding garbage.
4) Start showering daily

>> No.15958849

>power does not require payment

>> No.15958850

>Also, e-readers are pozzed as fuck.
Okay. Keep storing cheap editions of books you won't ever re-read or use as reference (let's not fool ourselves) to decorate your living space.
Try reading a book at 1 am.

>> No.15958858

>Projection: The Post

>> No.15958860

>Try reading a book at 1 am.
It's called candlelight retard.

>> No.15958863

I've gone on 10 day hikes powering my ereader with a shitty solar panel pack from china, the power draw is so low you could spend £10 and power it indefinitely, also with regular books you can't read in a pitch black room so you're still paying for power

>> No.15958882

OP, I'm interested on how your political views have developed.

>> No.15958889

>needs an external light source to read

>> No.15958899

>needs new prescription lenses every 2 years

>> No.15958900

I was sort of agnostic when I started reading at age 19. But over time I became a right-wing Catholic.

>> No.15958907

>you can't read in a pitch black room

>> No.15958909

>But over time I became a right-wing Catholic.
great, another tradcath larper

>> No.15958919

Cringe, read more left wing theory

>> No.15958944


>> No.15958947


>> No.15958981


>> No.15958982

That's pretty much inevitable and what is going to happen to you after a certain age, like 7.5 in every 10 adults, my dear zoomer.
For my part I've experienced different levels of radiation from different display technologies over the course of my life from a very early age, with varying degrees of exposure, and I've also read on a Paperwhite for the last 8 years. My eyesight is perfectly fine and I don't wear glasses.

See >>15958889, also it's not there isn't a meme of copyists going blind from working very late into the night, reading and writing at candlelight, isn't there? (which has literally the same scientific value as the bit about needing prescription glasses).

>> No.15958989

>i know, ill just accuse him of projection so that i can cope!!!

>> No.15959001

>*also it's not like there's a meme of copyists going blind from working very late into the night, reading and writing by candlelight, is there? (a meme that has literally the same scientific value as the bit about needing prescription glasses).

>> No.15959002

I already have lenses. I don't have to fucking have them switched out every year like you fucking addicts frying your eyes inside your skulls. Being up at night isn't healthy for you either.

>> No.15959009

How can I deny the truth once I have learned it?

>> No.15959016

You should stay out of range of 5G towers, anon. Scientists say the technology causes COVID-19.

>> No.15959047

You should get a house near a power transmission tower. It's totally safe. That's why they cost less.

>> No.15959075

Ah, the illogical, unscientific mind at work.
Great talking to you, four eyed faggot.

>> No.15959082

Keep your cellphone a couple inches from your cock all day. It's not like there's a legal disclaimer hidden inside the accessibility options telling you that you shouldn't because it can give you testicular cancer.

>> No.15959087

>four eyed
what are you fucking 60 lmao

>> No.15959100

redpills for you:
>christianity is the truth
>catholicism is a corruption of christianity
>tradfaggism is incompatible with christianity
>christianity shouldn't be politicized and christians should be apolitical and simply accept the trajectory of the world as the will of God
>christians should renounce the world and politics as well
>christianity lends itself more to anarchic-communistic ideas rather than trad ideas, but those ideas shouldn't be politicized since they're basic moral ideas that can be separated from politics
okay enjoy ur life, stop watching nick fuentes and pick up simone weil

>> No.15959134

You must be incredibly arrogant or incredibly foolish if you think that a) there is such a thing as one overarching "truth" and that b) you know what it is

>> No.15959235
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...they're alphabetized

>> No.15959314


>> No.15959356

learn a second language and you'll find out

>> No.15959464

Surely you read the Bible in all those dead languages, right anon? Or are you larping as a (retarded) scholar?

The first 2 shelves have books in like 11 different languages. Just imagine not reading some book because you can't read it on its original language.

>> No.15959473


>> No.15959508

My rule is that you should learn a foreign language if it's reasonable for you to do so. It's reasonable to learn Spanish for example if you plan on reading dozens of books from Spanish language authors. The language is easy to pick up. It's not reasonable to learn Japanese if you only want to read Mishima. It's not reasonable to learn Danish for just Kierkegaard. etc.

There is no reason you shouldn't know French at least. You'll see that translation is garbage and fucks up almost every single sentence. You'll at least know what you're getting into when you pick up a translation if you at least learn a second language

>> No.15959528

oh wow, how's the view up there? as long as you're prescribing languages, what have you translated?

>> No.15959541

I urge you to read the Peloponnesian War

>> No.15959546

how have you managed to avoid never purchasing a vintage classics (red spine) book? wth

>> No.15959556

Well, I've read books in French, Spanish, Italian, and Portuguese. I'm working on Greek now. I'm not a translator, I just enjoy language learning and I highly recommend it, especially because I know that translation is inherently deficient and oftentimes it's just impossible to translate well

>> No.15959558
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Why so little hardcovers? And philosophy?

>> No.15959607

don't hurt yourself with all that patting on the back, not everyone has similar proclivities and resources. given the choice between translation and exclusion, i'll choose one everytime

>> No.15959625

>don't hurt yourself with all that patting on the back
you're the one who asked retard
>not everyone has similar proclivities and resources
doesn't really require any resources to learn languages, and literally everyone in the world is a language learner so that's just an excuse retard
>given the choice between translation and exclusion
??? literally what lol are you retarded? BLM, right? lol

>> No.15959639

Where's the Casanova collection?
I'm disappointed son.

>> No.15959649

1/5 why is this a thread

>> No.15959721

I speak two languages but I can’t learn every language I want to read a book in

>> No.15959743

By exclusion he's referring to not reading certain books just because you don't know the language (how the hell does your brain read "exclusion" and jumps to racism and BLM is beyond me).

Based on your list, you haven't read any Russian or Germans. Being unable to read Ancient Greek and Latin and not reading any translations might cause you miss on concepts you'd find in books in other languages. The translations = bad meme is tired and dumb.

>> No.15959812
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Imagine unironically thinking anything but Catholicism is Christianity.

>> No.15959834

>By exclusion he's referring to not reading certain books just because you don't know the language
doesn't make any sense considering what i said here >>15959508 obviously he's a retard who is strawmanning me so hard i have no clue what he is talking about anymore lol also you should read it too, i never said to not read translations, i just think people should avoid them as much as is reasonably possible for them. anyways i know ur samefag lol
read what i said here >>15959356

literally nowhere did i say to never read translations

>> No.15959846

pretty basic bitch for someone that has been reading for 4 years

>> No.15959856

>coping this hard after being told to learn french

>> No.15959896

>patting on back
i asked what you translated, you respond: i've read x (which is the back-patting) but have translated nothing, as i suspected
>anyone can learn languages
learning language requires a lot of feedback and time, you can't assume everyone has this available and accessible
>given the choice
i will read translations of latin over learning latin, you're just larping. QED

>> No.15959897

Why is lit so hostile Jesus christ.

>> No.15959905

if you have time to shitpost on /lit/ all fucking day long like you have been, you have time to learn a language

you're too stupid to learn latin, keep coping retard

>> No.15959918

>Ivo Andric
Are you balkan?

>> No.15959927

That's a lot of meme books but for some reason not enough meme books.
At least you had fun with King.
4 or 5 books of modern philosophy would have made it much better, honestly.
you also have a few translations of Vargas, are you building up for Conversation at the Cathedral and War at the end of the world?

>> No.15959979

> You'll see that translation is garbage and fucks up almost every single sentence. You'll at least know what you're getting into when you pick up a translation if you at least learn a second language
I'm not the language scholar that you claim to be, but when i see "translation is garbage" and "(translation) fucks up every sentence" i read that to mean translation is worse than not reading at all. You're just repeating the /lit/ meme
you're confusing posters here, no arg against learning a language but the idea you've tied yourself to (all translation is a failure) is highly elitist, your logic dictates: since no one speaks latin, we should abandon all latin translations until someone can claim fluency in it. translation is an art; most readers are in arrears for the mighty efforts of those that want to share rather than chastise because of social/national starting place. There's no cover charge for reading outside one's culture anon

>> No.15960004

>since no one speaks latin, we should abandon all latin translations until someone can claim fluency in it.
never said that retard :) but you are too stupid to learn latin anyways hahaha i don't expect you to learn shit, keep reading garbage translations and leave the big boy reading to the rest of us haha we'll just laugh at you, oh is that elitist??? hahaha sorry pussy i guess knowing math is elitist too, and being able to play violin hahaha you're such a retard pussy nigger lmao

>> No.15960017

that's all you read in 7 years? lmao holy shit you are stupid

>> No.15960052

I've never been so tempted to post that Wojack crying under a mask before, but I'll try to reach the end of my natural life without having debased myself to Wojack posting.

Just know you're retarded.

>> No.15960062

seems fine to me, unless he starts a family he can read all the necessary theory/non-fiction you pseuds think it's good enough to be /lit/ in 5 years

>> No.15960068
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>I've never been so tempted to post that Wojack crying under a mask before, but I'll try to reach the end of my natural life without having debased myself to Wojack posting.
>Just know you're retarded.

>> No.15960092


>> No.15960101
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>4 years
Pic related.

Because most anons here are zoomers who don't actually read and get intimidated by those who do.

I'm American who's white Hispanic and lives in DC.

>4 or 5 books of modern philosophy would have made it much better, honestly.
Catholicism is my only philosophy.
>you also have a few translations of Vargas, are you building up for Conversation at the Cathedral and War at the end of the world?
I'm actually planning to read War at the end of the World; it's in my backlog.

Some of us adults can't read as much as we like to because we have to work, zoomer.

>> No.15960102

whew, thought i'd get something original here, glad to see you trot out the classic adhoms

>> No.15960110

lazy, not an argument, it doesn't take long to learn french, spanish, italian, etc.
ur a lazy monolingual nigger who is coping, just shut up brainlet lmao learn french

>> No.15960124

read this out loud to another human and explain how you came out with the upper hand

>protip: you can't

>> No.15960136

You realize that I, OP, am not the one who's arguing about translations with you, right? I'm a working class adult who balances his free time reading literature, exercising outside, maintaining friendships, and studying stocks. I literally don't have the time to pursue as many intellectual endeavors as I want to. Such is the life of a wagecuck. That being said, I can speak fluent English and Spanish, and rudimentary German.

>> No.15960152

Holy shit anon, stop being such an autist. Some people don't have the time to learn a second langauge because they've allocated their resources differently. It's as simple as that.

>> No.15960155

>Catholicism is my only philosophy.
Then there are better catholic philosophers than the ones you are reading
As peruvian it makes me proud people take the time to mostly read Vargas chronologically

>> No.15960161

ITT: a typical /lit/ poster gets exposed

>> No.15960169

you can't just accept you are wrong and move on, you have to insist for whatever reason you have.
Stop it, get some help

>> No.15960177

ask me how I know you can't even bench a plate

>> No.15960210

>extremely online zoomer tells normal, working, everyday person that he's a "nigger" and a "brainlet" for not engaging with hobby seriously enough by learning multiple foreign languages
All those languages up your sleeve, and not an ounce of grace

>> No.15960234

holy fucking based

>> No.15960307
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ladies and gents, i'm afraid that our deepest hope is confirmed...we got 'em

>> No.15960846

How many of the books about on your shelves have you guys actually read? I find it hard to make it through even 300 page long books, nevermind multiple of them or longer. Add is a bitch lmao i've been thinking of trying pairing it with an audiobook, but it kinda ruins the idea of a peaceful self book reading and feels like a cucked experience. Idk. I want to read more, but I just have trouble

>> No.15960973

Delete your social media, don't consumer visual media, put your phone away, and get off /lit/. Now you suddenly have more time to read.

>> No.15960977

painting may be for you

>> No.15961073

cut your internet for a month you will read

>> No.15961408

shut up lazy monolingual retards lmao just admit you're too dumb to learn a second language and every excuse you give is just cope for a low IQ, i bet you've tried a failed to learn another language many times and now you cope constantly about it, me no have time, me no have resources, me no have blah blah blah, how about you no have IQ HAAHAHAHA monolingual scum, if you only knew how dumb and bovine being a monolingual makes you hahahaha

>> No.15961463

I was going to say get rid of that Ayn Rand bullshit... and then I saw the Mein Kampf... Why the fuck do you have that piece of shit in there?

>> No.15961480

he's a retarded neo-nazi, what do you expect lmao

>> No.15961560

here it is (you)

>> No.15961566

shut up pussy monolingual brainlet

>> No.15961570

>complains about other people not learning other languages because they're lazy and waste too much time on 4chan
>has been shitposting like an absolute retard for the last 7 hours

>> No.15961580

i logged on my computer right now after 3-4 hours of reading, cope harder retard

>> No.15961587

need another one?
here (you)

>> No.15961588

thanks faggot, i know ur obsessed with me

>> No.15961603
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>christians should renounce the world and politics as well
>basic moral ideas that can be separated from politics

>> No.15961662


>> No.15961664


Definitely give you props for being a fan of Ray Bradbury. <3

>> No.15961677

Kek keep seething weaklings

>> No.15961761

Você é uma bichinha.

>> No.15961811

Hardcovers are expensive af my man

>> No.15962125

I know more languages than you (6; including Latin), thus I have the authority the say that you're a dumb cunt.

>> No.15962154


>No Michael Crichton

Lurk more

>> No.15962184


>> No.15962191 [DELETED] 

>all that Vargas Llosa
Gringo basado.

>> No.15962212

no you don't

>> No.15962220

No they're not

>> No.15962294

If I found your collection in a dumpster I would salvage most of it.

>> No.15963240

>given the choice between translation and exclusion
lucky for you that's never the choice

>> No.15963395

nice larp

OP needs more Faulkner and more Conrad

>> No.15963448

Why do these posts seem unreasonably toxic for what the thread is about?
Is everyone just jealous of OP for sticking to a thing for 7 years? (eve nif it something so mundane as reading fiction and browsing /lit/)

>> No.15963453

What's your favorite Bradbury story?

>> No.15963561

>since I was 19
Never going to make it

>> No.15963596

>hebrew and greek
>dead languages
And before you come at me with "but Koine Greek isn't the same as modern Greek!!" it really doesn't take much extra work to bridge the two.

To his point, everyone who reads literature seriously should at least know Latin. There's really not an excuse for just sitting down an hour or so a day for a year to be proficient with it

>> No.15963760

This. I give OP's shelves a 6.5/10. Hardbacks are cheap if you buy owned stuff online, and even then hardbacks are genuinely only 30% more expensive when bought new, less than the price of a good coffee added onto your book.

The lack of non-fiction is also pretty atriocus, and there's a lot of essential fiction missing there.

>> No.15963808

why does lit fetishizes hardbacks?

>> No.15964026

You have fallen for all the memes.

>> No.15964057
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As someone able to read five languages, you are retarded. To be abl to actually understand the subtext of a foreign language you need at least 5-10 years of cultural regular context. You can learn to communicate in a couple months, but that will not benfit you in reading for example a russian work, as you will know nothing abot the humour or other linguistic fines - which a proper translation with annotation will be able to transform. Memeing learning a language which you will never atually use, most if at all in reading, is retarded and shows that you're an illiterate mutt.

>> No.15964589

You've browsed this board for 7 years and yet somehow you've managed to avoid reading Camus.
I mean, you should have at least have a printed out version of l'anomie on your shelf.

>> No.15966031

didn't even look, you're an attention whore niggerlover, fuck you and die OP