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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 111 KB, 716x1094, don quicks-oats.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15956920 No.15956920 [Reply] [Original]

Wow, he's LITERALLY me!

>> No.15956947


>> No.15956950

i hate these mary sue self insert characters

>> No.15957009
File: 183 KB, 865x1300, 12079957-medieval-knight-on-grey-background-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Have read mostly chivalric romances for the past year
>am about to read Don Quixote
no he's literally me

>> No.15957010

I remember having to read that shit for school. I hated it, it was long and with an outdated language so I couldn't understand shit.
Should I give it another try, /lit/?

>> No.15957023

>reading translations
>made by women
>by jewish women at that


>> No.15957028

Yes. Make it your motto to vividly ignore everything your school has taught you and start anew.

>> No.15957042

Give a better translation wiseguy.
Seriously it's so boring.

>> No.15957043

If you're going to read it in Spanish then yes.

>> No.15957107


>> No.15957113

No translation is worth it.

>> No.15957122

None of them can capture the poetic prose in the original. You only get the story.

>> No.15957179

I'll consider it.
>just learn a whole language to read a book bro

>> No.15957238

WOWIE that's a shit cover

>> No.15957248

Spanish is one of easier to learn.

>> No.15957268

You are a mindless consumer driven insane by shitposts, of course you are

>> No.15957372

>just learn a whole language to read a book bro
Unironically yes. Like, translations are ok if you don't feel like learning a language, they do a job that's just "well enough" to "get it", but I think that you can't understand a book as thoroughly as you can with the native language.

Crime and Punishment in Russian, The Metamorphosis in German, One Hundred Years of Solitude in Spanish are absolute masterpieces and translations can only do so much.

>> No.15957390

I think it's amazing(appart from the NYT shit) from a design perspective. the red background with the yellow book title gives it an alerting feeling. together with the blurred motive, it's as if something dangerous is approaching. something out of focus, but still recognizable as danger

>> No.15957395

t. larper

>> No.15957406
File: 92 KB, 777x652, 1594999520842.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You have delusions of grandeur and severe lack of impulse control?

Am I Don Quixote too?

>> No.15957410

Faggot, if you're going to read a masterpiece you've got to do right by it. Otherwise you'll just be reading a flimsey part of it. This is particularly true in regards to Don Quijote. The Spanish prose is one of the features that made it the masterpiece that it is.

>> No.15957421

>You have delusions of grandeur and severe lack of impulse control?

>> No.15957714

jajajaja queer

>> No.15957816

What does "danger" have to do with Don Quixote?
The only acceptable cover is some variation of him and Sancho on the road. Their designs are recognizable and appealing and have become a staple in character design in general.

>> No.15957820

Not to mention that looks like a legit solid metal refined sophisticated well-crafted knight helmet, whereas Don Quixote's headwears were: a piece of shit DIY cardboard helmet and a literal washbowl

It makes no sense to make that a cover

>> No.15957932

a good translation is pretty easy to read desu

>> No.15957936

jajajaja marica*

>> No.15958195

i like it. it does 4th wall breaking and meta stuff better then 90% of everything else. legit funny sometimes. also i always read it as a big life lesson, just like my dad used to tell me: you should always leave enough rope for people to hang themselves.
the people around don quixote did not do that. they forced him to face his reality, they dragged forcefully the carpet from under his feet and in the end, i think this is the reason why he died: he could not live in reality, and his world has been taken away

>> No.15958464

Grossman's translation is actually pretty good