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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 874 KB, 1200x2044, boug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15956251 No.15956251 [Reply] [Original]

In the 19th century we had Dostoevsky, Balzac, Tolstoy, Flaubert, Turgenev, Maupassant, Chekov, Zola, Dickens, Dumas, Goethe, Hugo, Lermontov, Melville, Keats, Proust, Stendhal. In music there was Beethoven, Wagner, Haydn, Mahler, Bizet, Brahms, Chopin, Schubert, Lizst, Mendelssohn, Berlioz, Sibelius, Bellini, Prokofiev, Puccini, Bruckner, Rossini. In the 21st century we have literally nothing that even close. Any books that go over why this happened?

>> No.15956266

lol, what are you talking about, man?
We've got moviiiss
And the youtuberss
All of them better than the fags you named

>> No.15956277

Sprengler in the Decline of the West says that a civilization is in its decay when they no longer can´t produce meaningful art

>> No.15956281

Lol why do you need books when you can just watch porn all day

>> No.15956290

Millennials are impotent and infantilized by capitalism, and further corrupted by the irony and "self-awareness" that dominates the internet age. They are literally incapable of making great art.

>> No.15956298

this but zoomers

>> No.15956302

Just add Chekhov and Whitman

>> No.15956308

If someone will now try to write or create art in a style of older masters, he will be considered a kitsch. That means that their art did not consist of timeless masterpieces, but was an artifact of time instead.

>> No.15956313

It's honestly pretty weird especially considering that the amount of people who could become writers was so small. Basically, you had to be a male born into a wealthy family. This eliminates 99% of people already. So the absolute amount of potential writers during the 19th century was like 0.00001% compared to now, when anybody could become one, and yet there has been very little good literature written this century or even the last 50 years.

>> No.15956317

We should create a community in our current system free from technology like the Amish but make the goal of society creating art

>> No.15956346

Considered kitsch by who?

>> No.15956360

By the critics and the readers.

>> No.15956380


It won't work since we'll just spend all our time farming and shit, basically one step above our wagecucking society. Really we can either bring back slavery to do the hard work, or go back to a rigid aristocracy v the plebs system.

>> No.15956390

Putting aside that you've included several figures who are really early 20th century...

In the nineteenth century everyone was complaining abut how their writers didn't live up to the classical ideal. Flaubert, Lemontov and Goethe were edgy sensationalists exploiting impressionable young men who'd read too much idealism. Dickens, Dumas and Hugo were dumbass blockbusters. Nobody was even reading Melville, War and Peace wasn't available in English until 1886, and the first translation was shit.

In music everyone was complaining about the lack of a new Mozart and the corruption of classical form. Chopin and Liszt were showoff playboys making cash off an imitation of the child prodigy meme but unable to write a good honest symphony. Medelssohn was busy fetishising Bach and everyone mocked Brahms and Bruckner for thinking they were fit to fill big Ludwig's shoes.

>> No.15956402

>In the nineteenth century everyone was complaining abut how their writers didn't live up to the classical ideal. Flaubert, Lemontov and Goethe were edgy sensationalists exploiting impressionable young men who'd read too much idealism. Dickens, Dumas and Hugo were dumbass blockbusters. Nobody was even reading Melville, War and Peace wasn't available in English until 1886, and the first translation was shit.
>In music everyone was complaining about the lack of a new Mozart and the corruption of classical form. Chopin and Liszt were showoff playboys making cash off an imitation of the child prodigy meme but unable to write a good honest symphony. Medelssohn was busy fetishising Bach and everyone mocked Brahms and Bruckner for thinking they were fit to fill big Ludwig's shoes.

So who are the misunderstood geniuses of our day and age who will go down as great artists in history?

>> No.15956430

>So who are the misunderstood geniuses of our day and age who will go down as great artists in history?
Same thing I was gonna post. He has nothing.

>> No.15956462

If someone today will find a lost Chekhov or Dumas story and will publish it under his name, he will not gain any fame and his work will not be considered that great.

>> No.15956471

Every half-decent rock/pop/electronic composer.

>> No.15956482

Electronic constantgratification made the leizure of the mind impossible, therefore true originality and genius. Thos phones everyone looks unto constantly? They are Harrison Bergeron-tier intellect-control.


>> No.15956492

Instead of just making fun of you I'd like to ask what you think the rock/pop artists of today are doing that's better than the rock/pop artists from 1960s/1970s?

>> No.15956497


Oops this was meant for you

>> No.15956504

speaking of him, i got something you can suck on

>> No.15956512

its unironically because of jews running the media, which the pr*testant capitalist system allowed to happen, especially where classical music is concerned. pretty much all anyone cares about now is how well some nepotistic kike can play a piece written by a european, instead of how well someone can compose a piece, so we get no new music, just the rehashed old stuff. these kikes get up on stage and make some shitty jokes and then play the violin like its an electric guitar to make it seem like they have some kind of emotional connection to the piece, or they sway around on the piano bench. then you have all the kinds who grow up learning classical instruments getting obsessed with performances of pieces instead of the actual pieces themselves, who don't give a damn about writing anything of quality. i'd have to write an entire essay to explain this properly but if you're into classical music or play a classical instrument you'll know exactly what i'm talking about.
and sure there are still people composing but if you actually look into the new stuff thats popular or gets any kind of intellectual traction, its all insanely degenerate shit.
as for literature its mostly because of the publishing industry which has to appeal to the lowest common denominator, obviously. the classical industry sort of evades this because of the barrier to entry, but consequently it becomes infected with pseuds.

>> No.15956518

>So who are the misunderstood geniuses of our day and age who will go down as great artists in history?

They are everywhere. This era is genuinely producing some of the greatest artists of history.

The big music companies do everything in their power to keep you from ever hearing their work. They want you trapped in an endless cycle of formulaic brainwashing.


>> No.15956532

Post your rym

>> No.15956533

As said, every half-decent one.
>50 years ago
That's already a progress compared to the "art ended 100-200 years ago"

>> No.15956544

I'm not saying they great I'm just saying they were better and the people now aren't doing anything different so I don't know where the genius is.

>> No.15956548

This was the first I've heard of that website.

I just sincerely praised Roko's basilisk and the youtube algorithm has been blessing me since.

>> No.15956554

This is fucking ass bro lmao holy shit imagine listening to Mozart and then listening to this and going wow these are equally good

>> No.15956557

17th century>>>>18th century>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>20th century>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>21st century

you can say that the 18th was worse than the 17th but you can't deny that the 20th and 21st have been absolute dogshit compared to both, which was the main issue OP brought up. essentially you're just being a gay redditor who says everything being shitty and degenerate is okay and we should all play nintendo and watch porn all day because "sOciETy WaS ALwAyS baD XDDDDD"

>> No.15956569

The quality of your post proves that he is true.

>> No.15956573


Obviously, any name I say, you'll dismiss. The same way most of the people you cited were dismissed by their peers, either as unintellectual or too niche/obscure. But fine, if you like, limiting it to those who've published multiple works in the 21st century: Krasznahorkai, Mantel, Barnes, Enard, Ferrante, Denis Johnson. Obviously there are a bunch more who are really late 20th century crossover territory, but those 6 are all in with a shout. There are also a few people who've got one great book under their belt and could manage more. We'll wait and see.

>> No.15956585

yeah this isn't total ass like the other guy said but its not high art. its just simple blues/pop structure played on less digital instruments, but even then it has sound effects and shit to artificially bolster the tone.

>> No.15956586

>Dickens, Dumas and Hugo were dumbass blockbusters.

Fuck, I love Count of Montecristo, but this is so true.

>> No.15956595

>In the 21st century we have literally nothing that even close

We do faggot, you are just anachronistic.

>> No.15956602

If high art is something produced before 21 (or 20) century, then everything produced after that is not high art by the definition.

>> No.15956611
File: 90 KB, 500x600, Hanku Hillu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>talkin' shit about my nigga Chekhov
I'd fight you anytime.

>> No.15956612

post musicians

>> No.15956620

Proust is 20th century.

>> No.15956622

>he can't even read
That's the level of "old good new bad" posters.

>> No.15956623

LOL no we don't you retard. at best we have mccarthy who btfo's some of those gay french degenerates, but in music there is fucking nothing.

>> No.15956627

No posting musicians would make it more obvious to those who haven't read those works how bad your taste is

>> No.15956630

>Dumas, Dickens
They were Stephen king of 19th century

>> No.15956636

nooooo that can't be, the person who sold me an overpriced tacky hardcover translation of their oeuvre said they were classics!

>> No.15956639

As said, you are a shitposter who is unable to read a book (and isn't even able to write a semi-decent post).

>> No.15956643

>its just simple blues/pop structure

Imagine anyone taking your opinion seriously.



>> No.15956649

music and architecture in particular are very dependent on the society they are created in. i literally don't think that its possible to have good architecture or classical music in the 21st century. at best someone with a shitload of natural talent could write some sonatas or other solo pieces but no one with real talent is going to be able to write a symphony.

>> No.15956656

I've read most of those people which is how I know your a hack but posting musicians would make it obvious to everyone.

>> No.15956661
File: 42 KB, 703x436, images (76).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So fuckin' true

>> No.15956673
File: 540 KB, 568x7988, 1589210985681.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15956674

the first few notes literally sound like kryptonite by three doors down.

>> No.15956686

this honestly speaks to the quality of that time even more. if you judge dumas and stephen king on the same benchmark, dumas blows him out of the water even if his books were still entertainment.

>> No.15956687

holy shit guys take your Wagner posters of the wall this guy has space jamming

>> No.15956688

No, you didn't. In fact, you barely read (or listened to) anything posted in the op too.

>> No.15956697

>spend all our time farming and shit, basically one step above our wagecucking society.
you've never worked the field a day in your life.

>> No.15956698


Oh well, I didn't know music was judged entirely by it's first few notes.

It's almost as if there is a limit to the number of arrangements of a few notes, and that's why as the song progresses you get exponentially more possibility.

But you're just a hylic.

>> No.15956699

Back in the old times people still remembered how to use the shift button.

>> No.15956702

are you literally 14?

>> No.15956718

It's not Reddit here, you should stop trying to fit in so desperately.

>> No.15956719


No man, clearly high culture is best judged by people who speak ebonics and are unable to capitalize.

>> No.15956721

I listened to 5 minutes and that was enough. Listening to the first 10 seconds of Wagner would be enough to know you were listening to a genius

>> No.15956723

But They were actually good. Shitephen king is not.

>> No.15956729

I honestly feel people just want to show off that they have read all this long, old tomes, therefore they have to keep on shouting how all the good works of literature were created back in the day, and how nothing of value is being created now, just to show themselves different from the mass of people who can now read and write.
There are loads of great writers these days too, like Murakami, Umberto Eco, Kahlil Gibran, Paulo Coelho, Salman Rushdie etc.
There were loads of mediocre and subpar artists in those days too, of course.
And I don't listen to classic music so I won't say much, but Pink Floyd also creates art.

>> No.15956730

you don't know how classical music works. you don't just play the same blues guitar riff 8 times in a row.

>> No.15956731

no high culture is space guitar jams put into ableton

>> No.15956737

>t. phone poster who doesn't realize that people who post from a computer don't use caps on purpose so people know they aren't a phone poster

>> No.15956740

>Any books that go over why this happened?
Yes. Gadamer's Truth and Method gives an interesting argument as to why you perceive it that way, primarily in part II section 4 of the work, if memory serves me right. A background in Heidegger and Kant is strongly recommended, cursory knowledge of Dilthey would be advisable but is not essential.
In short, people are very ill-equipped to deal with and appreciate the profundity of contemporary art. Historically effected consciousness is crucial to the appreciation of artworks, and it takes generations to properly develop. That's profound and wise conservatism for you. A rare find indeed, and why I am fond of Gadamer.

If you're more interested in an incredibly boring culturally pessimist conservative take, which is also retarded, then read any second-rate conservative hack on the subject, but do realize that conservative hacks were writing the exact same tripe at any given historical stage. I can assure you that all those names you mention were decried as the symptoms of a dying civilization by their contemporary conservative commentators. Pure negativity, a sad bitch attitude and a pervading sense of impending doom are the only historically consistent features of all conservative hacks.

Time will tell. That's the entire point.

You're probably going to get shit on by posturing retards for mentioning names (which they haven't read), but I don't think you're wrong.

>> No.15956744

Jewish art critics who need to make space for the works of their own kin.

I don't disagree with the slavish replication of ye olde masters being kitsch but the usage of kitsch has been so diluted as to be effectively yet another buzzword for "thing I don't like".

>> No.15956745


Ah, you're deaf I see. You shouldn't be commenting on music if you are unable to follow variations on a theme ( literally something Mozart was known for).

>> No.15956749

No, it works like that:
>I want to praise something old and famous.
>Work A is more old and famous than B.
>Therefore A is better.
Listening, let alone analyzing does not factor in at any stage.

>> No.15956766

I hate to use the word but this is pure cope.

>> No.15956774

Are you suggesting someone with an indepth knowledge of an entire art form wouldn't be able to pick out genius?

>> No.15956784

It's obvious you don't know anything about music theory or I would of started with that lmao

>> No.15956792
File: 31 KB, 615x456, 1364174948051.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>loads of great writers these days too, like Murakami, Umberto Eco, Kahlil Gibran, Paulo Coelho, Salman Rushdie

>> No.15956798

Thanks for your input, I am a wiser man for it. Would you also say it is cringe, and that I should dilate, or is cope sufficient to express your thoughts on the subject?

>> No.15956806

You don't even know anything about simple punctuation, let alone music or literary theory.

>> No.15956814

Is greentext accompanied by the reaction image a high art?

>> No.15956815

Generally, great art is hated when it is released, mainly out of spite, envy, and stupidity, as displayed in this thread.

How many artists, who are today considered great, were treated with scorn in their own life?

Here's a modern symphony people will ridicule simply for the fact it honors a major video game title.


>> No.15956818

Try to use words to communicate if you are not a caveman

>> No.15956824

God, why do you all write as if you were the same limp-wristed effete faggot? Go back.

>> No.15956829

my personal recommendation would be to cease dilation. just give it up and let the wound close, its not a vagina.

>> No.15956834

Sure is summer in this thread, holy shit.

>> No.15956853

I don't think it impossible, but neither do I think it particularly easy.

>> No.15956856

not an argument and i literally do nothing but learn music theory. do you really wanna debate me on this?

>> No.15956859
File: 423 KB, 946x1080, herrwagner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wagner ended art

>> No.15956861

composers in the 17th century:
>i'll write a symphony to honor God!
composers in the 21st century:
>i'll write a symphony to honor a children's video game!
how can i not ridicule this? its fucking gay.

>> No.15956862

Could you name some people in our modern times you would consider a genius?

>> No.15956864

>old good new bad posters demand lists of books
>anon posts a list at >>15956573
>no replies
That doesn't necessarily prove that these names are better than old masters or are good in general. That just proves that "old good new bad" posters are nothing but illiterate shitposters and considering them anything else is giving them undeserved credit.

>> No.15956870

>My Dad is a record label CEO

>> No.15956880

you mean ruined.

>> No.15956883

Composers in 17th century didn't write for videogames because they had no videogames or market for them, pretty simple.

>> No.15956884

>ts fucking gay.

It's better than anything you will ever produce in your entire, MISERABLE life.

Why haven't you just ended yourself already?

>> No.15956885

Yes yes, very good, nice thoughts.

seethe cuck cope dilate cringe bluepill

>> No.15956891


>> No.15956892

or their society didn't create video games because they weren't gay capitalist slaves.

>> No.15956900

>The game covers themes of death, birth, and divinity and transcendence

I think it is honoring God.

>> No.15956901

Okay, which discord's raid is this? Why is nobody calling out these faggots?

>> No.15956902

I literally replied to that and he never responded lmao

>> No.15956903

i produced a shit better than that this morning, you fool. at least my shit served the purpose of evacuating waste material from my body, whereas this soiboi video game shit is completely pointless.

>> No.15956907

>Group's name is literally theophany

Why are you on a /lit/ board if you don't even know what words mean?

I think you hate your life SO much you come here hoping someone finally gives you the final nudge to eat a bullet.

>> No.15956915

a false god is not God you effeminate nigger

>> No.15956918


>> No.15956921

Your life is completely pointless and the misery you spread here makes it abundantly clear. You don't enjoy anything anymore and you cannot remember the last time you were truly happy.

>> No.15956925

I agreed with you until you posted that album

>> No.15956930

>So who are the misunderstood geniuses of our day and age who will go down as great artists in history?


>> No.15956931


Tell me who the true God is then. I don't think you're pious at all. It's just another pathetic air you put on to try to impress anonymous strangers. Imagine that, your life is so miserable that you waste it trying to hate on everything. You are possessed by the devil.

>> No.15956933

i enjoy the blessings and grace of God, not mindless consumer shit. why would i enjoy things of the devil? why would i be happy in a world full of sin run by literal satanists? you are pathetic if you think calling out gay degenerate shit makes someone miserable.

>> No.15956942


Then please, share what you think is the best of modern art.

Or you will just keep attacking while having no substance, because you're a mere shadow of a living being.

>> No.15956943

God I miss the times when this board was elitist and well-read instead of just posturing elitist and genuinely retarded.
Even your insults are boring and cliché.

>> No.15956944

the triune God of Catholicism is the only true God and Jesus Christ is our saviour.

>> No.15956956

bluepill cringe post. cope seethe dilate beta cuck söyboy.

>> No.15956962

>you are pathetic if you think calling out gay degenerate shit makes someone miserable.

You are pathetic in that you lack even basic English comprehension. I said your criticism is evidence of your misery, which you admit is completely accurate:

>why would i be happy in a world full of sin run by literal satanists?

It's incredible that you're so deep in a well of cognitive dissonance that you can display it in a few sentences. Even more profound you cannot conceptualize it.

>God wants me hating on obscure artists

Satan is using your brain as a cocksleeve.

>> No.15956967

Lol he didn't

>> No.15956973

>the triune God of Catholicism is the only true God

But you don't know His Name?

>> No.15956976

>Group's name
its not even a group its just some guy with fl studio lol. and the name means nothing, he could've just thought it was a cool word.

>> No.15956977

You're welcome

>> No.15956978

>It's incredible that you're so deep in a well of cognitive dissonance that you can display it in a few sentences. Even more profound you cannot conceptualize it.
It is remarkably retarded.

>> No.15956994

un ironically, try to read some books other than the bible bro

>> No.15956996

His name is Jesus
"Neither is there salvation in any other. For there is no other name under heaven given to men, whereby we must be saved."

>> No.15957006

>i enjoy the blessings and grace of God, not mindless consumer shit.
>*refreshes imageboard pages furiously as another hour of his life is dwindling away, not in the light of the grace of God but in the pale cast of his computer screen*

>> No.15957013

can we go back to how that guy thinks that fuckin space guitar is on the level of Beethoven lmao

>> No.15957022

because everyone is shitting on your stupidity, lmao?

>> No.15957027

Oh my, what a terrible attack I have unleashed on you by disagreeing with a fragment of your post!
If we're talking music, as that is what you posted, then even most /mu/core is better -
GYBE, Death Grips, William Basinski, Scott Walker, Mouse on the keys, etc etc, you name it

>> No.15957038

That is, OP btfo.

>> No.15957045

After that people stopped arguing and just went to adhom because they knew they couldnt defend the space guitar lmao

>> No.15957051

LOL i could tell she was a kike as soon as she sang that first shrill word with her squeaky voice. imagine thinking a female kike can be an artist of any caliber. kys.

>> No.15957054

the duality of man

>> No.15957059

>misery = lack of happiness

>> No.15957065

What the fuck a racist postmodernist? This is a first

>> No.15957072

While "old good new bad" sentiment is beyond silly, modern shitposters still need to grow to achieve the Roman toilet scribbles level.

>> No.15957076

using a computer is not a mortal sin you retard

>> No.15957079

>After that people stopped arguing and just went to adhom

No, your criticisms were adhom to start. No substance, just "This is new, different, and therefore bad."

If it wasn't different you would say, "This is new, unoriginal, and therefore bad."

You're just a cesspit of negativity, lacking anything to contribute to the world.

>> No.15957087

why would anyone write out a detailed rebuttal of the claim that space guitar is on the level of mozart?

>> No.15957088

Before we get into the music theory I just want to make sure that you consider the space guitar equal to the likes of Beethoven and Wagner?

>> No.15957097

lmao great minds think alike

>> No.15957101


Not awful. Not really unique or different. Not even the best in that style. That female singing style with piano/accompaniments is pretty common.

Definitely still better than anything mainstream today, I can give it that. But anyone with lyrics more intricate than, "Poker Facex20" is going to beat mainstream.

>> No.15957104

If someone seriously praises Beethoven or Wagner today, then he is on a "i'm 14 and listen to old music" comments level.

>> No.15957108

>lmao great minds think alike

The eternal cope of midwits.

>> No.15957120

honestly if this anon really does know a shitload of music theory i would love to read a detailed btfo'ing of space jam guitar.

>> No.15957121

Once again a reminder that pseudointellectuals ITT demanded a list of books, but when some anon gave them a list, they were unable to even reply.

>> No.15957129

I think you should give the entire album a listen and then maybe listen to Ys. Probably one of the only lyricists in our day that is often argued to be better than the greats like Cohen/Dylan. She is an extremely highly rated artist and even though you can tell the obvious influences she is unique. I hate posting a meme critic but it's a good review.

>> No.15957131


>> No.15957132

Beethoven produced a work named literally "moonlight sonata". Face it, he was literally space guitar of his times, just with less technical capabilities.

>> No.15957136

The eleven-minute Have One On Me is an exercise in creating and dissolving chaos, as it begins quietly in the vein of neoclassical chamber music and cool jazz but slowly builds up, along the way toying with marching-band pomp, quasi-Caribbean effervescence and multi-voice choral counterpoint.
One of the most radio-friendly songs, Good Intentions Paving Company, delivered in a wavering tremolo voice over a sprightly country-rock rhythm, sounds like a cubistic version of vintage vocal harmonies. That's as much entertainment as she's willing to grant.

The soul of the album, in fact, lies in the more spartan songs. Vocal pyrotechnics provides the scaffolding for No Provenance, and it's just the appetizer for Baby Birch, one of her artistic peaks, over nine minutes of delicate spiritual-like invocation that achieves a sort of mildly psychedelic and Eastern spiritual ecstasy before embracing an earthly blues rave-up. In California is a close second, with a tone that endlessly mutates from wailing to meditational and to tragic and to mesmerized, frequently soaring to chirping heights. Forming a trilogy of sorts with those two, Go Long (one of her zeniths as a poet) climbs even higher summits of pathos, the harp tinning like a baroque harpsichord while the voice is indulging in a fragile solo dance. The voice has to carry a significant weight when it is accompanied only by harp or piano.
Esme is more expansive and quick-footed, and anchored to a stronger melody, resembling an exotic melodic fantasia. Ribbon Bows pivots around another touching melody, imagining a quasi-operatic folk revival. You And Me Bess borders on the gentle pop lullabies of Burt Bacharach but slowed down to a pace more appropriate for a requiem. The ultimate perfection is sculpted in the solemn two-minute harp ode On A Good Day.

Newsom also returns to the abstract chamber lieder of Ys with Autumn and Kingfisher. However, that format here feels a bit weak and steely compared with the other more humane elegies.
She still shuns facile emotions. The closest she gets to being martial and anthemic is in the piano-based Occident. The most powerful rhythm emerges from the bolero-like piano crescendo and flamenco-like castanet rustle of Soft As Chalk. The album closes with a final spiritual-like piano-based incantation, Does Not Suffice, that boasts the one moment of dissonance in over two hours: it's the moment when everything disintegrates and she disappears like a philosophical fairy queen.
She has partially abandoned the turgid meandering of Ys and its baffling Joyce-esque lyrics, a fact that brings forth the elegance and sophistication of the lower, inner layer. Exhausting and exhilarating, this album pushed Newsom to a higher orbit than any of her contemporary singer-songwriters.

>> No.15957139

Anon, you should stop trying to fit in, you will not get any karma for that.

>> No.15957144

Nice bait

>> No.15957145

>Before we get into the music theory I just want to make sure that you consider the space guitar equal to the likes of Beethoven and Wagner?

Is it on the same level as Beethoven at his best? Perhaps it falls short. It beats him at his average, though.

You guys are literally filtering out not only the most renowned composers in history, but filtering them down to their greatest works. Not all of Beethoven's works are inspiring.

You have yet to say why the 'space guitar' is bad. You don't even have any actual criticisms at all.

Your entire thinking has this level of complexity, "Space guitar bad."

>> No.15957147

don't worry i'm formulating a response, i just have to finish reading these six books i just bought, then i can let you know if they're up to par

>> No.15957150
File: 53 KB, 420x420, 1574791062857.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Modern art is ugly because modern cultures reject God. Only through the glorification of the divine can true beauty be achieved.

>> No.15957154

I already replied to him and he never responded

>> No.15957157


And here's my confirmation. I'm actually dealing with music industry shills. Thank you for giving me certainty.

>> No.15957169

Anon, are you a literal teenager? Like you are not lazily shitposting, but are seriously leading a crusade for Beethoven on /lit/? Incredibly funny if true.

>> No.15957181

>post musicians
Wow, that was such a profound on-topic /lit/-themed reply.

>> No.15957184
File: 114 KB, 900x500, bunker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Postmodernist retards are doing the equivalent of posting this in comparison to St Peters Basilica and then saying "it's better prove me wrong"

>> No.15957190
File: 1.35 MB, 2816x2112, stonehenge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15957202

It's literally the music reviews of a meme AI scholar. Has no relation to the music industry and doesn't get paid for posting his reviews on a website made in the 90s. Ignore the review and the album though very intellectually honest

>> No.15957233

you do realise you are looking at some ruins, right? What do you expect from some millenia old RUINS??

>> No.15957243

>very intellectually honest

Copying and pasting works without citations is the epitome of intellectual honesty.

>> No.15957244

You don't like classical music do you?

>> No.15957250


>> No.15957256

Do monks make art

>> No.15957261

agnostic, supports euthanization
seems like he could potentially be okay, couldn't find much on him
>Denis Johnson.
father worked for the CIA, takes the Lord's name in vain in the title of his most popular work

a cursory bit of research leads me to believe that these people are a bunch of faggots, and the fact that two of them are women just proves that you have shit taste. yes, i will dismiss them, but not because they are unintellectual or niche, but because they are intellectual and popular among intellectuals. its not like you even posted people who are outsiders, they're all heavily praised from what i can tell.

>> No.15957263

Not an argument

>> No.15957270

shit like this is why we need another holocaust for real this time.

>> No.15957274

monks make art inside the rectum of novices

>> No.15957279

Music reviews that go over the music?

>> No.15957280

Anon, just admit it. Write something like "I am a clever teen who loves old masters like um... Beethoven! I like his um... moonlight sonata because it is about um... moonlight, and it is so romantic! Now I will show /lit/ what the real music is about!". Then you will make your position clear and our chat will be more productive.

>> No.15957287
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>> No.15957288

thats what i'm saying but i already know someone is gonna come in and say "noooooo you can't just dismiss atheist literature, you have to at least give it a chance!"

>> No.15957297

I, for one, blame that Philistine Schoenberg

>> No.15957302

I've wasted all this time talking to someone who doesn't even like classical music. Were you just baiting from the start?

>> No.15957305

Are capital letters the sin against the God?

>> No.15957318

There were a lot of bourgeois and upper-middle class writers. The human pool was actually qui te large in Western Europe at least, but more crucially generalised education and a culture favorable to writing ensured most of the gifted in that pool got a chance to shine.

>> No.15957332
File: 285 KB, 889x1126, u1w2VLc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If any janny delete this post, let him die the death, let him be fried in a pan; let the falling sickness and fever sieze him; let him be broken on the wheel, and hanged. Amen.

>> No.15957341
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>> No.15957344

Ok, now we can take it as confirmed. Anon, just remember that IRL such a sentiment will look cute only if you are a literal teen. If you will continue your "I fucking love Beethoven!" rants when older, it will be comical, but not in a good way.
If you are wiser than that and just shitpost it on /lit/, then please continue.

>> No.15957345

>a community of 4chan ermites intent on producing art
Please don't do that. It will achieve the feat of being both edgy and preachy, and to be elitist in spirit while mostly encouraging indulgent low-quality shit.

>> No.15957350

Max Richter is the closest to a good classical composer we have, even he fails when compared to the greatest


to the guy reccomending space guitar as art, consider suicide

>> No.15957356

>The handwriting found in New Testament manuscripts varies. One way of classifying handwriting is by formality: book-hand vs. cursive. More formal, literary Greek works were often written in a distinctive style of even, capital letters called book-hand. Less formal writing consisted of cursive letters which could be written quickly. Another way of dividing handwriting is between uncial script (or majuscule) and minuscule. The uncial letters were a consistent height between the baseline and the cap height, while the minuscule letters had ascenders and descenders that moved past the baseline and cap height. Generally speaking, the majuscules are earlier than the minuscules, with a dividing line roughly in the 11th century.[16]

>The earliest manuscripts had negligible punctuation and breathing marks. The manuscripts also lacked word spacing, so words, sentences, and paragraphs would be a continuous string of letters (scriptio continua), often with line breaks in the middle of words.

>> No.15957357

prove it faggot

>> No.15957359

You say the same thing about Tolstoy?

>> No.15957362


>> No.15957369
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>> No.15957371


>> No.15957388

its not bad by any means, i just hate how all the contemporaries go for le epic movie vibes. i enjoy subtlety

>> No.15957393

minimalism is a meme

>> No.15957400

Yes, "I fucking love Tolstoy" rants will not look any good too.

>> No.15957408

You lost the audience now. Just stop posting

>> No.15957411

this was the moment when i realized beethoven wasn't as great as i thought.

>> No.15957414

When you enter the thread with the bait in oppost, don't expect it to be nonbaity.

>> No.15957427

None of what I've posted has been bait.

>> No.15957433

>just with less technical capabilities.
don't mistake technology for actual complexity. A hammer can pound a nail better than a human hand can, but the human hand is still vastly more complex than a hammer.

Autotuned trash is more technologically advanced than Gregorian Chanting, but Gregorian chanting is infinitely more complex than autotuned trash.

>> No.15957459

When was that, before the Fall of Adam? Not the anon you're answering to, but in my experience /lit/ has never been well-read in majority in the past 8 years. The truly well-read anons where always rare.

>> No.15957463

Luciferic evil is instinctive, short termist, selfish; the power that desires to humiliate and crush.

The name Lucifer comes from the Latin meaning “bearer of the Light.” One's childhood picture of Lucifer as a slithering manifestation of evil is difficult to reconcile with the beauty of this name. Lucifer, however, represents a force that paradoxically can combine beauty and if you will, beauty gone too far, to the extreme of decadence, hence to evil.
In the Greek legend, Icarus and his father Daedalus escape from the tower of their island prison with wings fashioned of wax. Despite his father's warning, Icarus becomes enamored of his newfound power and of the beauty of the Sun; he flies up to the light (and heat), his wings melt, and he falls to his death. The wiser and more restrained Daedalus keeps his flight balanced between heaven and earth, thus succeeding in his escape from bondage. The Greeks were very aware of the temptation of Lucifer — in most of their tales of tragedy, “hubris” or overweening pride was the source of a hero's downfall.

>> No.15957467


>> No.15957500

What books do you recommend by those authors?

>> No.15957528

you are in 4chan, faggot remember that,
you are just nitpicking your good memories and thinking that this hell hole was ever good was your mistake

>> No.15957546

Cursory google search my man, Krasznahorkai has a great series

We’ve got some decent composers, no one in this thread is that into listening evidently


>> No.15957548

There's no interesting conceptual reflection behind what you're writing, just actual, bona fide illiteracy.

>> No.15957550

>he reads other books
lmao what pseud

>> No.15957556

Der zoomer nitwits are more intolerable than the earlier posters—popularization of twitter and our global smartphone adoption has killed the bottom, unfiltered levels of discourse

>> No.15957557

uncle ted would say otherwise

>> No.15957571




>> No.15957607

nigga this is shit, utter, utter shit
if you said someone like Toby Driver it would still be cringe trying to shill that lesser, prog metal version Zappa as a misunderstood genius but marginally less so than this abomination

>> No.15957608

uhh hello, based department?

>> No.15957618

most popular thread on the board for a while is about music
>/lit/ discussing music since 2020.

>> No.15957630

They seem to be about the same to me, big day-to-day and thread-to-thread variztions but overall it's always been way too much memetics, niche interests and overly dogmatic takes. The bottom levels of discourse were never worth your time t.b.h

>> No.15957690
File: 74 KB, 435x512, unnamed (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>max richter
>eric whitacre
>bido gam ost

this thread is gonna give me brain aneurysm
anyway, contemporary composers are mostly memeshitters, but lest I be accused of mindless contrarianism, Pascal Dusapin is someone contemporary whom I would consider somewhat decent

also Friedrich Cerha, but I dont even know whether hes still alive

>> No.15957705

Go away stormfag

>> No.15957708

Post top 5 all time

>> No.15957717

Knew I'd heard that piece somewhere before


>> No.15957730

Staying in C21st and not including earlier work.

Krasz: The big ones are Seiobo, which is massive, erudite and held together entirely by theme over plot, then Wenckheim which is more of a social panorama novel with a brutally pessimistic plot twist.

Mantel: Her trilogy of Cromwell books are really well researched historical fiction which also applies a lot of early 20th century prose techniques. Side note: Mantel herself is batty as fuck, don't listen to her.

Barnes: For historical stuff, Arthur and George is more larks and dramatic irony, The Noise of Time is more despair and Stalinist menaces. For non historical stuff, Sense of an Ending is a crowd-pleaser, Levels of Life is despaircore.

Enard: Any of Zone - the mad paranoid political rambling novel that knows no full stop; Compass - the melancholy novel of recollections about scholars of the middle east; Street of Thieves - an adventure yarn across the sea border from Africa to Spain.

Ferrante: She'll be remembered for the social commentary and generational change stuff in her Brilliant Friend series, but the actual best is Days of Abandonment, which is short and vicious.

Johnson: Train Dreams is as impressionistic as it sounds, and lovely. Tree of Smoke is much longer and more novelistic and a guy whose other work is a little surreal reigning it in to talk about a more concrete subject.

>> No.15957761

When you have ADHD it's easier to listen to song/album than to read a book.

>> No.15957773

>solve the problem of cultural decay by joining an institution that is incapable of reproducing

>> No.15957810

Some good recs ITT, from contrarians, non-contrarians and metacontrarians.

>> No.15957821

OP just got filtered. He cannot see the value of later developments in literature because he is stuck in the 1800s. He doesn’t see that sort of literature as stale because he has not yet understood it enough. Yes, there are great works among them, that’s indisputable, but there are only so many you can read before longing for something more urgent. He hasn’t seen the gaps and failings inherent to the period that modernism made its project of exploring. Still further is he from an appreciation of the 60s post-modern or 90s edgy irony or contemporary post-irony. He thinks contemporary literature holds no value because he is not yet at a level of understanding where he appreciates or hungers for what contemporary literature is developing and developing into. He has not and perhaps cannot rise to the level of the zeitgeist. Spirit is not yet with him, cannot speak through him, for he is underdeveloped. I hope one day he will be adequate to the life of spirit and will not forever languish in the forth of its wake, but will join us in forging ahead.

>> No.15957864
File: 138 KB, 540x362, 41EB91E0-C5DB-4890-825C-D91769CB6693.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Art is gay

>> No.15957868

this, but how does one break free?

>> No.15957871

fucking die, you viper
i will rant until everybody hears me, yes indeed tolstoy is better than anything produced in the last decades, no just because you read hp when you were 15, does it make it any good. FUCK YOU FAGGOT

>> No.15957881

Tolstoy means fat in Russian, and so you are.

>> No.15957901

I have a dumbphone which I only use in an emergency during workhours. For entertainment I read during my commute or simply look out of the window and think, which is where the bet ideas hit. Your brain needs to roam free to be able to come up with good stuff. It's not as hard as it seems. Non of the stuff you do on your smartphone is necessary, believe me.

>> No.15957920

I started reading a lot when I got a good smartphone comfy to read from. Most other things are easier to do on the computer, but reading a single thing without doing much else is perfect on the phone, especially if you commute.

>> No.15957921

Aren't you on a computer right now?

>> No.15957947

you missed the point

>> No.15958004

I am. Setting boundarires to technology doen't mean forcing oneself into lving like a hobo in the woods. The former doesn't change anything, meanwhile here I can share and learn, profiting myself and others.

Reading especially is the worst on a display, less retaining and shit for your eyes, plus you are constantly available and checking back on notifications. At least get a dumb e reader.

>> No.15958047

reading physical books is just as bad for your eyes as a screen, the only difference is that most people don't stare at a book for 8 hours straight at a time. if you actually sit down and read for huge amounts of time your eyes get all wonky and hurt a little, same if you play piano for a long time. staring at something close to your face in any way is bad for eyesight.

>> No.15958056
File: 32 KB, 576x456, 1549163470919.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>says there is good literature after 1800's
>doesn't name a single one

>> No.15958087

This thread is a mistake

>> No.15958105

>says there is good literature after 1600's
>doesn't name a single one

>> No.15958150
File: 130 KB, 345x345, uhh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Einaudi with a guitar is among the greatest artists in history
Post Rock was a mistake

>> No.15958301
File: 20 KB, 506x606, images.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks anon, will check them out.

>> No.15958799


>> No.15959952
File: 382 KB, 500x775, Jack Kerouac was overrated.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Adherence to a strict doctrine of efficient use of capital has created a world who's visuals and very spirit were crafted by the lowest bidder. Do you feel inspired when you walk through a modern big city? Worse even are those cities that spring up as sores on the rotting carcass of a 19th century city. You are forced everyday to lay witness to the devolution of the human spirit in the strips of vinyl siding laid next to monuments of architecture. We are no longer ascending as a species, we've plateaued. Human desire to suffer for achievement has been slowly whittled away from the fabric of society, and technology has sedated us.

Also, our departure from the primalistic connection to nature and other forms of life in favor of unchecked growth has blinded us to our Hypoborean origins. Heroes have been replaced by normal people that will inevitably disappoint you, spirit by political doctrine, love by compatibility, community by echo chambers.

We are hikers who have lost the trail, and the majority will forever be too placated to return us there. That's why you're here. Now go take the forest passage and strive to inspire someone long after you're dead.

>> No.15960112

Capitalism, everything has had any excess chopped out and has been fine tuned to have only the best selling parts left. As everyone is in competition with everyone else and trying to make the maximum money for themselves it drives things towards the most bang for your buck option.

From classical music to pop music.
From churches to massive apartment buildings
From great novels to generic cheap to produce tv shows.

Also the other fundamental reason is people get bored of the same thing so change must happen.

Classical music has been done, redoing the same thing over and over becomes less and less interesting so people had to find new types of music.
Same with stories, reading got replaced with movies/tv shows as its a new way or telling stories and makes it more interesting again.

In 100 years it will be different again.
hopefully tv shows will be replaced with virtual reality.
I have no idea what music would look like in 100 years, who knows

>> No.15960181

>From churches to massive apartment buildings
Good, can't live in church.

>> No.15960230


massive apartment building/massive office building/skyscraper/whatever.

The point is in olden times the biggest most stand out building in a city was a religious buildilng. In modern cities the most stand out buildings are the skyscrapers...

>> No.15960309
File: 40 KB, 418x322, the future is now old man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>In the 21st century we have literally nothing that even close.
t. Boomer. Take your rose-tinted glasses and shove them up your ass, those aesthetics made sense in that cultural context, now the culture is completely different and new aesthetics have to arise. You're scared, and feel out of place, because you can't understand the new culture.

You're going so say "hurr there's nothing to understand", while failing to understand that the lack of meaning is exactly a byproduct of a decaying generation. You're a relic of the past, desperately clinging to meaning, seeking validation from other Boomers who also know the authors you name-dropped. It's sad. Give it up. Embrace the nothingness. We've exhausted the well of Classicism, of high art, now the only thing that's left is the literary equivalent of shitposting.

>> No.15960320


>> No.15960571

we gots dfw and pynchon

>> No.15960764


>> No.15961575


>> No.15961597

He's right. He said we will be focused on science in this era.

>> No.15961637

this is possibly the worst thread i've ever seen, i'm going to kill myself

read 'middle c' btw

>> No.15961658

My big booty be poppin.

>> No.15961661


>> No.15961713

Niggggga why yo ass poppin so much? Nigga I gonna bust a nut.

>> No.15961778

based scaruffi ag
But for real Scaruffi's modern music canon is the closest there is to a genuine canon of 'popular music' on artistic merit. And of course it's incredibly bias and often inconsistent, but much closer to what will probably be worth regarding a hundred years from now than the usual rolling stone or shitfork aggrandizings.

>> No.15961859

dubstep is accelerationist music par excellence, malicious compliance

>> No.15961882

kode9 sucks but skrillex is based

>> No.15961906

skantia is the only good dubstep i heard in prob 5 years

>> No.15962318

>"sOciETy WaS ALwAyS baD XDDDDD"
He didn't say that, he said that in the present everyone always think the past was always better (which, being the retard that you are, proved his point) regardless of wether that's actually true or not, and that the really good stuff becomes available many years later.

>> No.15962448

This. Anon outlines it pretty well in the case of classical music, but it's actually present in every art medium.

>> No.15962460

The two aren’t mutually exclusive. What does being infantilized and irony-poisoned have to do with producing great art?

>> No.15962994

Julian Casablancas.

>> No.15963007

Andrew Hussie

>> No.15963039

All Gods are false.

>> No.15963072

You forgot to mention Nietzsche... but yeah, our civilization is in decline and the state of the arts prove it

>> No.15963080

>It's honestly pretty weird
only if you’re a materialist. the soul of the west has been crushed and no amount of marxism or free market could ever repair it

>> No.15963095

By whom

>> No.15963109

Wagner wishes to restore art, why do you say he ended it?

>> No.15963124


Y'all will laugh at me but in 100 years time it will be seen as an undeniable masterpiece. Its not as Technical as the older greats but unironically has more SOUL.

>> No.15964300

The Decline and Fall of Western Art by Brendan P Heard.

>> No.15965315

no one can live up to him

>> No.15965335

>In the 21st century we have literally nothing that even close
In the 19th century people lived in their own shit and nothing better to do than make up fancy "aesthetic" fantasies to feel their lives had meaning
Now you all come here to shitpost, and you ask WHY?
Because you're all fucking morons, that's why

>> No.15965364

Do you understand we're only 20 years in? Put yourself in the mind of a person from 1820 and ask yourself who are the great artists of your century.

>> No.15965377

everyone wrote long ass letters all the time, which is good exercise

>> No.15965470

Moving Goalposts: The Thread

>> No.15966661

So I guess we've gotten really shitty since those days, unless you're saying "it's all relative," in which case I'll show you the door

>> No.15966700 [DELETED] 
File: 102 KB, 448x618, EEFFA0AA-F9F9-4B4B-BDDA-22DE8ED0B695.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That was only true of the urban working class, whose lives are still dogshit. I’d argue the rural and middle to upper class lived better and happier lives then the 21st century man or woman.

>> No.15966710

Do provide evidence. "Most of these people were dismissed by their peers." Who are these peers, exactly, and present their dismissals.

>> No.15966757 [DELETED] 

Scratch that. Thinking about it the only class whose lives have improved much is the elite class. The lives of the middle class and managerial class though are drastically worse.