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/lit/ - Literature

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15951393 No.15951393 [Reply] [Original]

Jury duty has pushed me over the edge and I want to embrace anarchism via literature.
>get summoned to jury duty
>don't own a vehicle
>email the court explaining I don't own a car and can't make it to the court
>"figure it out, anon"
>"can you possibly provide me with transportation? If so, I am happy to go"
>"no, that's your responsibility, not ours"
How the fuck do they get away with this? Jury duty makes no sense philosophically in the first place (statistically speaking, very few countries even practice mandatory jury service, probably because the idea is retarded), but this is even more absurd. This is just punishing those in poverty and it's disgusting. I have decided to embrace anarchism now. I hate these motherfuckers. Besides I am Christian and jury duty literally goes against Christianity (Christ refusing to judge to adulteress according to the law by not stoning her to death like he was supposed to) and I have no idea how this even became rooted in a Christian country.

Give me some quintessential anarchist literature that isn't trash, preferably Christian but not necessarily. Non-fiction or fiction is fine. I want to be a refined anarchist. I know about Jacques Ellul, more writers in that vein is perfect.

>> No.15951403

You will probably find Simone Weil interesting

>> No.15951503


>> No.15951531

Perlman's Against His-Story, Against Leviathan. Not Christian but very anarchist, and also in conversation with what you're feeling now