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/lit/ - Literature

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15950867 No.15950867[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Can video games be /lit/? They have scripts longer than Greek Tragedies. I think Chrono Trigger and the early FFs let me know about archetypes.

Persona introduced me to psychology and gnostic truth.

>> No.15950872

Video games?

Like for kids?

>> No.15950882

I fear that one day there will be an entire generation of grown adults that learnt about psychology and depression watching Bojack Horseman

>> No.15950898

I like Bojack Horseman. Anything wrong with it?

>> No.15950912

faggots and manchildren like Bojack Horseman

>> No.15950932

What is wrong with it though?

>> No.15951043

it's made to catter to faggots and manchildren

>> No.15951063

Fuck all of you, I'm going to create my own clan somewhere remote where our mythos is 1990s JRPGs and we reach true Gnosis.

>> No.15951081

I find it hard to refer to as art anything that took the work of over a hundred worker drones and was designed-by-committee to sell as many copies as possible.

>> No.15951092

I was actually thinking of buying this but I rarely played jrpgs. is it worth it? how satisfying is the gameplay?

>> No.15951156

Play 999/Zero Escape anon

>> No.15951215

Traditional turnbased dungeon exploring gameplay with plenty of other fun things to do half of the time. But the main thing I like about it is the comfy setting and story, basically a murder mystery set in a rural town featuring a band of autists, way better than the rest of the series which thrive on edginess

>> No.15951252


>> No.15951300


Southerners please kys. I will vote for Joe Biden to give you the opportunity to rise up and get massacred again by the ZOG federals.

>> No.15951348

Persona 3 is way more */lit/ than P4 or P5. Persona 2 is peak /*lit/. Not because it is edgy, but because the story is not totally braindead.

*The games are JRPG shit though, so i'ts not really /lit/ at all.

>> No.15951356

No. Stop making these threads, thanks.

>> No.15951361

Dude just go back to /v/.

>> No.15951412
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>> No.15951430

Does anybody think Bojack is edgy? It's the most "don't punch down!" cartoon in the world. The show spells out that Bojack's a bad person more than South Park does it for Cartman, for god's sake.

>> No.15951447

>Persona 3 is way more */lit/ than P4 or P5.
In what regard? I hear people hype it up as a masterpiece of storytelling and characterization, but it's really just the stereotypical weebshit for depressed teenagers all the same.

>> No.15951452

The post is one of the most retarded things I’ve ever read. Why it singles out “rednecks” as people who need to be educated about anxiety is lost on me

>> No.15951476

>it's really just the stereotypical weebshit for depressed teenagers all the same.
It touches on death related topics and coping. I wish I could defend it more and say is not really edgy, but they shoot themselves in the head to summon their personas, so although it's not "weebshit for depressed teenagers" and more like "baby's first existential crisis" it is still edgy JRPG garbage.

Junpei Iori is the best character in nu-persona and no one can tell me otherwise.

>> No.15951477

>Persona introduced me to psychology and gnostic truth.
No wonder the field is dominated with a bunch of homosexuals and women.

>> No.15951495

>being asexual
I watched that show with my roommate in college and was laughing my ass off at the show trying to make "coming out as asexual" a huge trial. As if anybody except maybe your mom would care that you can't get it up for anybody.

>> No.15951583

I used to like it as a depressed high schooler, but over time it grew increasingly narrowly focused on neurotic Los Angelenos and refused to portray the possible repercussions of behavior of people like Todd. Bojack was just being borderline abused by the writers by the end in order to make their pet characters look good in comparison.

>> No.15951612

I stopped watching like two seasons before the ending, and looking back I should have stopped sooner. For being such an "open-minded show that doesn't shy away from hard topics" it has a pretty fucking juvenile sense of morality. Your observation of the show having "pet characters" is on-the-mark: Bojack constantly got lambasted for romanticizing his sadness but Diane did the same shit and the show did it along with her. Todd was just an annoying little prick and the show treated Bojack like an asshole for pointing out that he was an annoying little prick.

>> No.15951631

still no answer. wow

>> No.15951676

I share this anon opinion as well, but you can add persona 2 has kaneko designs which are very stylish, if i had a jazz bar i would love if he design it

>> No.15951692

Makes sense.

>> No.15951715

I didn't finish it (watched through season 4), I think it teaches a poor mindset. I got the impression that it encourages one to blame every problem in his/her life on mental illnesses or addictions, then be witty enough to realize you're shifting blame, then "take responsibility" and call yourself an asshole while not doing anything you need to do, and continue to do bad things while being aware that you are doing bad things. It felt like it encouraged a weird self-therapy pity-party soliloquy that would never end.

>> No.15951753

Dark Souls is /lit/.


>> No.15951896

Why are some people who play games so obsessed with games having every label out there, except for the label "game".
First they wanted them to be a fucking sport.
Then fucking art.
Then fucking film.
Now fucking literature.
There is no shame in in enjoying such a hobby, but don't people get tired of trying to tack on as many labels to a hobby as possible? You don't see football players asking if UEFA is literature for fuck's sake.
It's in its original name, it's a video game. A game that you most likely play on a screen of some sorts. A GAME.

>> No.15951899

if i was american i would vote biden too

>> No.15951925

To propagate the idea of video games as a culmination of other art forms.

>> No.15951942

Because computers can do anything.

>> No.15951944

I love video games, but the amount of shame hobbyists expose in themselves is embarrassing. It's a beautiful and unique medium that can do things that no other medium can do, but they want it to be a lesser version of everything else. That's why we have the movie-game epidemic we're dealing with now.

>> No.15951976
File: 264 KB, 600x810, 63198925_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>persona 4
You are a friendless obese retard and I would kill if given the chance.

>> No.15952004

Movies are a century-old medium. That means that they are not old at all and don't have the classic vibe, but they are also outdated already and are superseded by the technically superior form of art.

>> No.15952009

Shut up, nigger.

>> No.15952012

cute belly button

>> No.15952013

>and are superseded by the technically superior form of art.
this is your brain on stem, you become a literal bug.

>> No.15952022
File: 114 KB, 555x414, Theodore_Kaczynski.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This, which is why they should be destroyed.

>> No.15952030
File: 191 KB, 800x1000, VYvziRoX_OiaLs8YWfRz-KfTaoTY9Xja9XGJ6pR2D1I.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They can, but it's rare.

Exhibit A

>> No.15952042

That's a nice admission of defeat. But you can start with the Greeks... I mean, ancient Greece profound movies. Plato showed some great movies in his cave.

>> No.15952043

>muh metal gear
you are a clown, just like the personafags and the dark reddit souls.
Get some personality fuckface

>> No.15952046

>Everyone likes you instantly
>You're good at everything "SENSEI SENSEI UHH MUH SENSEI"
>Everyone wants to fuck you, even the comic relief guy that only exists to make you look better
>Main bad guy's motivation is shit "LIFE IS UNFAIR YOU'RE BORN A LOSER" and the rebuttal is "UHHH FRIENDS!"
The game is shit.

>> No.15952048

based. what next, fallout? planescape? /v/ is such a fucking joke.

>> No.15952053
File: 193 KB, 590x350, Milton.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Exhibit B (Talos Principle as a whole)

MGS as a series has some atrocious writing at points, but the pic I posted was pretty on point of the current state of affairs back in 2002.

>> No.15952054

John Ford would direct circles around Plato. Stick to bugs

>> No.15952077

yeah they are always the same examples. everyfucking time, garbage at the level of tom clancy novels, but since that is literally the only thing they know they think is supposed to impress people.

>> No.15952085

You'd better move on to the mediums which have history/accumulated wisdom or technical power (but you can cling to the medium which has neither if you wish)

>> No.15952144
File: 1.80 MB, 2160x3488, P00724-203626(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me: A well rounded human being
You: one dimensional autistic spergs

>> No.15952155

they are /lit/ in the same way that john green books or shonen manga are /lit/. literature for children.
the only game with significant artistic merit in the history of video games is Earthbound, and that's because it was directed by an actual writer with a vision instead of some freelance hack game """"director""""

>> No.15952164

and people STILL root for cartman. the majority of americans are severely retarded

>> No.15952167

based autistic 2hufag

>> No.15952171

>it has words on it
>it must be literature!

>> No.15952182

/lit/ merit /=/ "artistic" merit. By defintion, good Games have artistic merit, but they don't have /lit/ merit. The traditional definition of artistic is "doing your craft well.' Since Super Mario Bros on the NES was a craft (game design) done well, it counts as art.

>> No.15952211
File: 166 KB, 1024x676, Sistine-Chapel-Vatican-5-1024x676.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's right, video games are clearly high art.

>> No.15952213

The "classic-vibe"? What? Even if you think video games are superior to film (I find the comparison pointless, different mediums have different goals by nature), it's clear to many people that game-makers have enough insecurity to ape film.

>> No.15952222

In a meta-sense, one should root for Cartman and Randy. They are the clowns of the series and it goes dull without their instigation. In terms of his morality, yeah, that's pretty silly.

>> No.15952234

>weeb shit
>genre fiction

>> No.15952242

Yes but definitely not Persona. MGS2 and the first three Silent Hills come to mind.

>> No.15952243

Yes, video games are better (but we shouldn't blame Michelangelo, he had no computers).

>> No.15952248

I said art. I didn't say high art. Don't put words in my mouth.

>> No.15952292

same shit
I can kill you with one hand

>> No.15952326

Dude postmodernism lmao
>first three Silent Hills
Mediocre horror genre fiction, second game only sticks out because of how it blatantly copies western literature.

>> No.15952346

MGS2 utilizes the video game medium to address post modernism in a way that no other medium could.

>> No.15952364

What makes MGS2 stand out is how it subverts the player's expectations. Its actual attempts at postmodernism is weak and shallow.

>> No.15952844

>artistic merit

i dare say there are games that have artistic merit and can't be no other art form would replicate the experience, i say ICO and Shadow of the Colosus.

>> No.15952865

almost every traditional fine artist alive right now is convinced that they would do a better job than michaelangelo. The guy hardly even saw a naked person, and his skills are well documented right now.

>> No.15952898

You are a bunch of bitch ass niggas

>> No.15952908
File: 108 KB, 220x309, 220px-Shin_Megami_Tensei_Nocturne_NA_cover.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Recently discovered pic related; I don't consider video games /lit/ but the fact that you fight Yahweh himself as the final boss is worth mentioning.

>> No.15952918

Lol. You can't even buy a copy of a Michelangelo painting done by a fine artist that looks anywhere near as good as the original. The guy was a one of a kind genius

>> No.15952969
File: 62 KB, 324x246, 1472849586327.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but the fact that you fight Yahweh himself as the final boss is worth mentioning.
You don't
Try II or Apocalypse for that

>> No.15952977

fine art is a skill that was teach always by teacher to student, you always need to grind for years so you needed your master, on /ic/ it was documented who teach who, and from the line of michaelangelo it went to bridgeman and glenn vilpu who is alive (but its really old), so the skills that Michaelangelo used are more refined nowadays, but anyway you need a lot of practice.

>> No.15952984

>Final boss
Hahaha fucking busted. You haven't beaten that game.

>> No.15953021

In one of the endings you ally with lucifer to fight god, but you never actually fight him. Anyway is a really good game.

>> No.15953040

>lit/ merit /=/ "artistic" merit
what i meant by significant was precisely /lit/ tier, kino, etc. artistic merit. Maybe I should have worded it better

>> No.15953124
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>> No.15953336

I don't take advice from subhumans. Enjoy your bugs and wikipedia articles.

>> No.15953469

Fuck off icycalm, roach.

>> No.15953523

>accumulated wisdom or technical power
the fuck is technical power. the technique of those making the work? technological advancements related to the work?

>> No.15953652

Only Fromsoft games have any literary value.

>> No.15953659

Fun action games at best.

>> No.15953671

>They have scripts longer than Greek Tragedies.
>B-Baka! I-It's not like I a-actually l-l-like you or anything!
>repeat ad infinitum

>> No.15953701

Cry back to plebbit, homo

>> No.15953854

T. Brainlet who has never looked for the lore.

>> No.15953868

>Football players asking if UEFA is literature
One of the worst analogies

>> No.15954322

>but the fact that you fight Yahweh himself as the final boss is worth mentionioning
Every other jap does that thing were you fight "God" at the end, it's not worth mentioning and it's such a retarded idea that only edgy /v/edittors find it interesting

>> No.15954542

>but the fact that you fight Yahweh himself as the final boss is worth mentioning.

You don't play JRPG very often right?