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15948995 No.15948995 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any actually decent post-modern treatises for the rejection of women?

>> No.15949000

Dumb kid, use a bat. Foam barely hurts women

>> No.15949001

The eternal feminine draws us upward, Anon. Learn. Get puss.

>> No.15949004

How the fuck is reading something going to make me stop wanting to bend her over that couch and fuck her in that tight little ass

>> No.15949009







>> No.15949014

anyone remember that video where that little baby just gets fed up with his big sisters shit while they are filming something and he just hits them both with a hammer

>> No.15949015

Same reason why reading about germ theory makes rational people want to wash hands after taking a shit.

>> No.15949020

But reading about germ theory doesn't make you stop wanting to shit

>> No.15949023

you really don't need a treatise for that. Just get married, faggot.

I have never loved and hated women as viscerally as I have after marrying my wife. Part of the reason why these basedboys are so liberal is because they never have to be master of a home. Books won't teach you that.

Living in Japan also allows you to beat your woman when she's out of line. Blessed Land of the Rising Sun.

>> No.15949024

But germ theory is not arguing for you to not shit.

>> No.15949035

I don't get it you know some book that will make me want to wash my hands after I have sex? What does that have to do with anything

>> No.15949049

Yes, stop being a faggot and/or a nigger

>> No.15949051

Based muslim boy enforcing sharia

>> No.15949053

I think X to be true.
I am not learned enough KNOW if it is true.
Hence I'm asking of there have been those who have more experience and know more than me who have written about X.

>> No.15949065

And my question is how is a book going to make me stop wanting to have sex. It's like asking for a book that will make me stop wanting to shit

>> No.15949066

>Living in Japan also allows you to beat your woman when she's out of line. Blessed Land of the Rising Sun.
Japan is the most materialistic, nihilistic and modernist nation currently in existence, and Tokyo is completely filled with degeneracy, its the Tel Aviv of East Asia (25% of Tel aviv are faggots, no I'm not kidding at all)

Using Japan as an example or argument just makes you destroy your whole argument

>> No.15949073
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>> No.15949079

Maybe there isn't one maybe there is. I don't know. And your analogy doesn't make sense. Taking a shit is an essential function for life. Having sex is not. You're comparing different things.

>> No.15949089

>Taking a shit is an essential function for life. Having sex is not.
>having sex is not essential for life

Okay class I think we all agree anon needs to start doing a little reading! So how about you start with a 3rd grade biology textbook anon?

>> No.15949095

>Living in Japan also allows you to beat your woman when she's out of line
absolutely based

>> No.15949107

In Japan they don't have time for literally anything, all of them are wagelsaving away their life for materialist posessions 16 hours a day, every day, 365, with a few very short holidays

Please shut the fuck up about Japan if you have no idea what Japan is even like

>> No.15949116
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If you don't shit for a year, you will die
If you don't have sex for several years, you will still physically live.
I would know.

>> No.15949174
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I'm shitting right now

>> No.15949185

Japan is an objectively best country in the world.

>> No.15949191

Sounds like the US but without Vibrancy

>> No.15949201

I find the American obssession with Japan very fascinating, maybe I should write an essay on it

>> No.15949215

Nice ass.
Made for BBC

>> No.15949222


>> No.15949237

Sex is not a necessity like taking a shit is. Plenty of people have lived their entire lives without fucking but none have gone without shitting.

>> No.15949242

having sex isn't essential for continuing to live your own life, retard

>> No.15949244

Unironically 4chan threads.

>> No.15949245

why is lit such a coomer board

>> No.15949249
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>> No.15949255

not all of them are wageslaving! like owners of listening bars, that seems comfy. and i was just referring to the fact that you are allowed to beat your woman. why did i hit a nerve anon?

>> No.15949259

/v/ and /tv/ are worse

>> No.15949260

It's a similar story as their obsession with Israel. Japan allows them to project their fantasies of living in a country without blacks onto a non-Western subject. Similarly obsession with Israel allows them to project nationalism onto a "victim" subject which makes it okay.

>> No.15949261

But the urge to shit is physiological just like the urge to have sex. No one is asking for a book on how to stop feeling like you need to poop

>> No.15949286

No, sex is not like pooping you brainlet

>> No.15949296

Do they teach animals in the wild to bang?

>> No.15949297

but without sex, is it a life?

>> No.15949303

imagine the hentai

>> No.15949304

Yes, virtually all of them are, its even worse than in the west, none of them life a good life. I find this obssession with Japan completely nonsensical, stop watching anime because it presents a completely distorted reality

>> No.15949312

not an answer though. those boards are containment boards for people from /b/

>> No.15949319

They start 'em early these days.

>> No.15949331


>> No.15949335

>none of them life a good life
that's bullshit, i literally just mentioned listening bar owners as an example, i'm sure there's a lot of others for other niche things that blossom in japan. i don't even watch anime, and i've been to japan and didn't enjoy it that much.

again, why did i hit a nerve? are you waging in japan and regretting it?

>> No.15949336

I wasn't trying to answer

I still don't understand why /b/ fell out of popular use and why /v/ and maybe /tv/ became containment boards for /b/ users

>> No.15949351

No I've never been to Japan, but I know four people who live there. I just don't like how people have a distorted view of it that's all

>> No.15949354

probably because videogames and tv/movies are some of the most basic hobbies that the lowest common denominator enjoys?

>> No.15949367

No, it's pure look at stats, also I'm not American.

>> No.15949371


Nothing, it's all incel cope. Those who have gfs fuck them, and enjoy it, those do not, whine and moan.

Same with riches, and smarts.

>> No.15949383
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holy based

>> No.15949388

People say it's "boomer mentality", but you're pretty much right. I love my wife but learning so much about the mindsets unique to women (and I'm sure vice-versa for them) leads to a sort of cynicism that makes me dismiss so much of what women say and what women's "movements" are about. It's funny to me that "incel" is the new slang for "woman-hater", because in my experience, the more successful with women a man is (whether it be as a dedicated husband or a degenerate manwhore sleeping with spoken-for girls), the less likely he is to defend them.

>> No.15949407


That implies that every man in a relationship is a happy man who is satisfied with his woman. Which is utter nonsense.

>> No.15949411

don't get me wrong, i'd kill myself if i were japanese and wouldn't have any inheritance money to pursue my passions (or i'd just neet, unsure) but saying that literally everyone there wages his life away and is miserable is pretty mindless. i recommend the documentary moriyama-san for an example.

>> No.15949416

>pulling her shorts up to show her ass
>that poster on the wall
poor kid, another coomer in the making

>> No.15949423

i don't think you can last a year without taking a shit

>> No.15949432

Even worse. Ban shitting and humanity will die in a week or so, ban sex and humanity will die in 100+ years.

>> No.15949458

is that her sister, or her new mom?

>> No.15949468

his* I'm an ESL

>> No.15949475


They are definitely happy with then fuck them

>> No.15949480


>> No.15949497

Yeah you're right, I just exaggerated for a dramatic effect its not actually like that. But it is worse than in the west though

>> No.15949526

Why leave in the first place though?

>> No.15949709

how old do you think she is, bros?

>> No.15949823
