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File: 1.51 MB, 1920x1080, calhoun_mouse_utopia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15947935 No.15947935 [Reply] [Original]

Any good books about overpopulation?
Have you guys read Malthus?
>pic related is the mouse utopia experiment, look it up on YT

>> No.15947980
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Overpopulation doesn't exist. The only problem is resource allocation. You could pack all of humanity into the state of Texas if it had the density of Paris. The problem are NIMBYs who insist on having their own backyards instead of letting sensible development happen. We could feed 50 million people with a cubic kilometer of algae and yeast farms and a few dozen nuclear powerplants.
>muh that's not a humane way to live blah blah blah
Shut the fuck up. Give everyone a VN headset and you're set. Also, you can turn the rest of the planet into a giant nature preserve and let people vacation there if they want to.

>> No.15948013

A reminder that mouse experiment authors are saying "mice put in a dirty awful prison with some food are unhappy, therefore humans should starve".

>> No.15948096

Malthus: A Very Short Introduction

>> No.15948102

>he doesn't know about cultural differences
oh no no no no no

>> No.15948113

>everyone wants to live exactly the same way

>> No.15948117

Make a singularity first and then fill the universe with tiny computers simulating billions of humans each.

>> No.15948124

You can fill your VN headset with vastly different experiences.

>> No.15948126

>give everyone a VN headset
>Visual Novel headset
What did he mean by this?

>> No.15948132
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>You can fill your VN headset with vastly different experiences.

>> No.15948137

I feel like I’ve seen this exact response on /r/collapse (i know, I know...)
Regardless, why *must* we keep everyone alive?

>> No.15948143
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That your waifu will be real now.

>> No.15948153

Of course you can be an egoist and try to keep only yourself alive.

>> No.15948478

Billennium, short story by J. G. Ballard

>> No.15948501

overpopulation of job markets. end of technological progress, of innovation. demand drops.

>> No.15948616

Interesting point of view even tho I strongly disagree. You can't pack people like bees, violence would spread and people would become crazy. Maybe I'm just a country boy but quality of life matters, people need to live close to nature in order to feel happy Thoreau style. Your "let's pack 50 mils in Texas" sound like a technocratic distopian nightmare to me, I hope I will never see stuff like that in the next future.

>> No.15948647

Well, his solution to some of the problems you mentioned is to force everyone into VR headset and bombard people with artificial environments (because the one he would create would not be inherently conducive to human psychological health). I assume he would also have people pumped with chemicals/hooked up to hedonist machines

>> No.15949375
File: 272 KB, 1100x619, green skyscraper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cities are massively more productive and innovative than r*ral areas. It would bring enormous economic growth and technological progress with it.
That's the end goal, yes, but at that point you have enough space and capital that you can probably give every human their own habitat anyways if they wanted to have one for some illogical reason.
I strongly feel that a higher human population is an intrinsically good thing. More people means more consumers, more growth, more artists and more geniuses. More literature and works of art to enjoy, more like-minded individuals for any community, more resources to do the things that are important.
>because the one he would create would not be inherently conducive to human psychological health
Are you implying that living in a densely populated city is inherently inconductive to mental health? Even if that were true, it's a fact of life now that most people live in cities and we'll have to deal with that anyways. It's not like cities have to be brutalistic hell-scapes either. See pic related. They can be monuments of shining glass and steel and curated flora in whatever arrangement is most pleasing to human eyes.

>> No.15950076

Game Control by Lionel Shriver

>> No.15950177

if you're serious, check out "The Politics of Scarcity" by William Ophuls, tough to find

>> No.15950203

>I strongly feel that a higher human population is an intrinsically good thing. More people means more consumers, more growth, more artists and more geniuses. More literature and works of art to enjoy, more like-minded individuals for any community, more resources to do the things that are important.
I agree. Even more, larger population is not just an intermediate goal, but is also the end goal and primary value of civilization. You can also assume that civilization which can support huge population for a long time is also able to support other values.

>> No.15950588

https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/1352565/ That dense cities aren't conducive to good mental health is intuitive, overpopulation is a myth but the suggestion of packing people even tighter is absurd and psychopathic.
>More people means more consumers, more growth
Mass-consumption is at odds with having more artists and geniuses, but I'm sure it would be very nice to be an alpha++ world-controller. Growth will always require material, material must come from somewhere (expansion into unspoilt nature), and grass laden skyscrapers are no substitute for real nature. Furthermore, all humanity may fit in Texas, but the animals they eat won't.

>> No.15951918

Real nature produces little food without all the agricultural revolution and green revolution gains.

>> No.15952321

Wow you really don't understand the compound effect, not sure i should even begin

>> No.15952635

Fuck all the haters this is the real answer. Malthus was a retard

>> No.15953780

Funny how /lit/ acts like a christian board but the majority of answers to this thread are "yeah bro we can just pack people like livestock" or "yeah bro let's just consume more, who cares about God's creatures and nature, we need more people and more money". You act like you"d like to live in a technocratic society. You guys should read Spengler, we are truly approaching Kali Yuga.

>> No.15953945

true. quantity and quality are not the same thing. why the hell people go to vacation and travel to places where there are little or no people at all?

>> No.15954820
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And God blessed them and spoke to them: be fruitful and multiply, subdue the Earth and rule over the bird in the sky the fish in the sea and all living creatures that roam the world.

>> No.15954884
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based, rightoids are retarded.

>believe in just world fallacy + hierachies
>whut, why me have less ressources??
>it´s just like in dah movies thanos was right!!!

>> No.15954900

>The only problem is resource allocation
Bad thing is that resources are finite and the ways of extracting them also require energy. Thus if there's too much energy going to a larger population, it can't be put towards extraction and then the whole system collapses, standards of living and life expectancy fall, and Malthus is proven right.

>> No.15954922
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This book is required reading on the topic of overpopulation.


>> No.15954925

>just become a literal human-ant hive
No. Everything the stars light touches is for humanity to ravage and call their own. We must colonize every single square meter on this planet and beyond, breeding billions more humans to spread our glorious achievements.

It is not enough to exist, we must make sure we exist to the fullest possible extent. Suffer not the weak and degenerate death cults that wish you complacency.

>> No.15954926

>he thinks man will ever be able to leave earth in any meaningful way
Oh no no no

>> No.15954928

By the way, when I say humans I mean white Europeans.

>> No.15954957

Why are cribbing your writing style from WH40K you fruit?

>> No.15954965

Probably stealing it from that cringe ass webm of the swastika sun with a fucking gay voiceover.

>> No.15954982
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Based Bookchin is required reading to dispel Malthusian nonsense and the modern eco-fascist thinking that spawned from his misanthropic ideas.

>> No.15954990


>> No.15955026
File: 67 KB, 649x696, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Wanting Seed by Burgess

>> No.15955043

There are different opinions on /lit/, a lot of people are disagreeing with the guy too