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15947009 No.15947009[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Now that Biden plans to eliminate single family housing zoning on a federal level, where do I go? Fortunately we have enough income to afford a million dollar house easily. Do we move to an even richer suburb with political clout to avoid having a ghetto built next door? Do we move to a liberal area that won't be "punished" by low income housing for voting like good goys? Or do I move into gated city suburbs that technically already have low income housing next to them?

I have tons of money so there has to be a way to avoid the riff raff as we move into a world where suburbs are abolished.

>> No.15947037

Trump will win

>> No.15947038

There are few books I know of this topic. Perhaps you're looking for something like "ZONED IN THE USA: The Origins and Implications of American Land-Use Regulation."

>> No.15947043

leftist have the fantasy of living in a community where everyone knows each other but in reality they hardly know any of their neighbours and don't make any effort to do it, that let's me to believe that they just want to be around of people who think like them without the smallest difference in thought and or/mutual self hatred.
they are the product of being socially excluded and learning socialization through online communication. Really a lost cause. No pyschologist should waste time on them.

>> No.15947046

Move to Boise

>> No.15947048

My issue is wanting to know where the rich live that they support this. Do they just have city condos or what?

>> No.15947058

Regardless they're getting their way on this now or in 4 years. Every rural community will have low income apts to ruin it

>> No.15947059

Oh you Americans

>> No.15947068

Fuck off. Building ghettos in every nice neighborhood to sink the middle class is pure commie

>> No.15947073 [DELETED] 
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>Do they just have city condos or what?

Yes. Gucci store looters aside, Manhattan is one of the highest security places on Earth. Just don't hire your personal assistant out of foster care.

>> No.15947083

It's a scheme to export the last of the poor out of the cities. Democrats are so fucking evil, lol.

>> No.15947087

I could see moving to the city but my issue is Baltimore is my closest one. Roland park is nice and good private schools but after the riots I dunno.

>> No.15947091
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I'm planning on moving to a more rural area as soon as I can. Not the boonies per say, just somewhere with a small, white community where I can grow vegetables and eventually raise a family. I lived in the suburbs growing up and while it wasn't awful (there were no niggers) it didn't ever feel like a real community. Not to mention the fact that you have no privacy since your neighbors house is 30 feet from your window.

I think theres going to be a serious resurgence in white identity in America if liberals continue to push this mandatory nigger-housing in white neighborhoods. The suburbanites have been able to safely ignore all the degeneracy and racial tension of the cities for a long time now. Its easy to be a white savior liberal when you don't live next door to black and mexican drug dealers. My advice would be to get out now. Where I live the local government has already been experimenting with "mandatory low income minority housing" for a few years now. Someone even spray painted "nigger lover" on the mayors house. Things are going to get a lot worse before they get better.

>> No.15947097

I totally get that. But where do I as a rich family go to avoid all this and just have a comfy life?

>> No.15947105

Did you not read the thread? What you're describing isn't an option now. You can't just go rural they will chase you there

>> No.15947109

>Its easy to be a white savior liberal when you don't live next door to black and mexican drug dealers.

See today's NY Times story "How one of America's whitest cities became the center of BLM protests" which is about Portland.

>> No.15947110

Back to /pol/ retard blogposter

>> No.15947111

>Now that Biden plans to eliminate single family housing zoning on a federal level
Sauce on this or gtfo

>> No.15947117

That’s awful lol
I grew up in NYC and lived there after college. I would actually consider moving back if crime spiked and rents went down. I can stay off the streets alone after dark; but I don’t really want to spend 8/10ths of my income on rent.
There’s literally no way around it in rural areas either; even if you live in a gated community under an housing association they’ll browbeat the community into diversity quotas even if it means waiving fees

>> No.15947127

kek, you fuck off /pol/tard, you don't really want books on this topic, you just want something to confirm what you already think.

>> No.15947145

Why are leftists so desperate to keep this plan of Biden's secret?

>> No.15947147

Yes, that is the definition of Leftism. Contrasting Liberalism with Conservativism (big C) is the literal reason why "Leftism" as a term was created.

>> No.15947153

Wouldn't DC also be close? DC has some nice neighborhoods.

>> No.15947154

I have a family though. If it were just me this wouldn't even be a sort of issue. I would totally live in the city then.

>> No.15947161

Why do you people think this shit is going to happen

>> No.15947164

The whole point is that won’t be an option. Middle class whites over 30 gave up on cities forty years ago and now they’re just doing a repeat performance in the places the middle class fled

>> No.15947169

It's a little far unless we switch jobs. Possible I guess. I find it soulless and bland there, but if it's the only option I would.

They already have high security gated communities even in places like McLean which is the richest suburb in the country. I guess they saw this coming?

>> No.15947172

Depends on how rural you go. The Feds and Jews? Yeah, sure, you're right, but they're omnipresent, you can never escape them anyways. Nogs? No, there is such a thing as "too rural" for them, and it's actually pretty shocking just how urban their "too rural" still is.

It won't happen. Some intern came up with this and slipped it into some media piece at a meeting. Nobody at the Federal level actually cares about this shit, it's a pure wank piece for Extremely Online Liberals.

>> No.15947179

Because Biden said it. Because Obama already started it at the end of his term. Because if they're being this obvious about it imagine what their plans actually are.

>> No.15947180

After watching this, tell me why single family zoning shouldn't be ended


>> No.15947193

>it's a pure wank piece for Extremely Online Liberals
It's the opposite, something for reactionaries get all worked up about. The only sources I've found discussing this are right-wing sites.

>> No.15947194

AOC and Bernie types love this shit, and Biden has explicitly said as much. Obama started this program already.

Also.no place will be too rural dumbass.
>farm community
>build wal mart
>no longer too rural

>> No.15947199

Why are cucks so desperate to post irrelevant /pol/ shit on a literature board?

>> No.15947217

I think you're misunderstanding how the vast majority of rural communities actually are, and how people live outside of the cities and suburbs.

What exactly do you think people live like outside of these are like? How do you think they live? What exactly do you think putting a single house of blacks in the middle of the sticks will do to them?

>> No.15947221

Can someone explain to me why they stopped making brownstones? Everyone loves brownstones, so rather than fighting over who gets to pay two million dollars to live in one, why don't they make more? Did environmentalists get brownstone building materials banned or something? Or does it require too much skilled labor compared to the cinderblocks and 2x4 construction that any crew of undocumenteds can throw up in a week?

>> No.15947225

Why do you think a quota system to force “economic integration” of suburbs won’t change them?

It was already an initiative under Obama that stopped in 2016. It’s an initiative that relies on executive action and the courts continuing to define existing civil rights legislation as demanding affirmative action. It’s not some prospective bill that needs to be passed amid congressional melodrama.

>> No.15947228

Like the New York Post?

>> No.15947229

It's not a house of blacks. It's a low income apartments complex to flood your local school and make it feel like a city. That is the plan, not giving black people a house lol

>> No.15947240

Also, do people who grew up in the suburbs realize there are a lot of criminal whites in rural areas? If you live 20 minutes from the nearest police station, you'll probably have to spend more on guns, dogs, and surveillance equipment than if you just stayed in the burbs.

>> No.15947242

I would also like to know how the US transitioned to building their residential housing out of papier-mâché.

>> No.15947247

>Biden will implement the Obama-Biden Administration’s Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing Rule requiring communities receiving certain federal funding to proactively examine housing patterns and identify and address policies that have a discriminatory effect.

It’s on his website, just google the initiative

>> No.15947249
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I never suggested that moving to a rural, white community would be a permanent solution. Would it buy you enough time to raise a family and live out your life? I think so. By rural I don't mean "some open land 20 minutes outside a major city" I mean like an actual small community located hundreds of miles from the nearest Walmart. Also where I'm planning on moving it gets very cold in fall/winter so that is an extra barrier keeping the niggers at bay.

The reason why niggers can flood suburbs is because most suburban communities function as quasi-miniature cities. They have all the amenities of a city they are just more spread out. I don't think theres going to be a sudden in influx in blacks moving to random rural towns, especially in the Midwest. Niggers are very lazy and dependent on all the amenities/welfare programs that cities provide. If blacks were good at off the grid living then Africa wouldn't be such a shit heap.

As far as the long term is concerned, yes this probably just prolongs the problem for another generation or two. But the browning of suburbs is just a symptom of a much larger problem: the decline of white America. From the stats I've looked at it seems like white birth rates are just not high enough to keep America a white majority country for much longer. I don't really know what the long term solution is. Unless some measures are taken I fear that the liberal/nigger hordes will take over America. State by state, city by city, county by county, America will become one big black welfare state.

>> No.15947253

The "Affirmitavely Funding Fair Housing" Act has been around since the 60s, with an Obama era update. It does not require the building of public housing in suburbs, but merely stipulates that any jurisdiction that receives federal money from HUD can't use that money to build housing which has a "significant barrier" to low income people moving in. This can be found with very little digging, the articles coming out now are all spin. Suck my nuts.

>> No.15947254

Because they want to live in a spread out community full of people of the same income? You incels act like the suburbs are bad because siding exists. It has nothing to do with that. It's about middle class people living together and having excellent schools and low crime. That's all.

If they could do that in another setting they would. Muh aesthetics don't matter when you're raising a family.

>> No.15947255

Don't you think this would fit better on /pol/? Putting "books about" before the rest of your post doesn't give you free reign to post whatever irrelevant shit you want. Of course this is a slow board with no moderation so it doesn't matter. You could have just as easily posted this on /sci/ and prefaced it with "scientifically speaking" or on /his/ with "historically speaking". It's sad to see this /pol/ garbage contaminate every board on this site. I'm not opposed to it on principle but it really should stay in its containment board. I don't want to hear nigger redpills from the grocery store cashier, you know? I just want to get on with the task at hand.

>> No.15947257

Yes, there are rural areas where that wouldn't matter. There are not enough Blacks in the country to do that in such way as to impact every last White person in rural America, ESPECIALLY in most Midwestern states. Again, there just are not enough people to do this with. This also says nothing about homeschooling, which is entirely legal, and the number of children being homeschooled is ballooning exponentially.

The whole doom and gloom blackpill thing is fun and all, but be serious for a minute here dude.

>> No.15947259

Yes anon, and the Boston Tea Party serves tea.

>> No.15947264

Like Biden’s website where he says he wants to implement the Obama-Biden Administration’s Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing Rule?

>> No.15947265

I'm not sure what you're getting at. When do you think the term "Leftism" was created? Who do you think it was created to describe? What did these people believe?

>> No.15947269

>I don't think theres going to be a sudden in influx in blacks moving to random rural towns, especially in the Midwest
Literally what the leftists did in Canada. You need to read more. They'd specifically pick the whitest, most conservative town and drop an apartment complex full of Somalis in it. And they admitted to doing exactly this on purpose. Towns with 5K people suddenly had 500 Somalis in it clogging up the schools.

>> No.15947272

I think it’s probably fair to say it will increase demands on schools and sewage either lead to tax increases or an overall shittier quality of life (but probably both)

>> No.15947274

Oh, I read a great article about those new god awful 5 story buildings that go up in every gentrifying city. It's because if you build up to 4 stories out of wood and the garage at the bottom out of cinderblocks, you don't have to get approval from the city council in most places. I'll see if I can find it. Now the developers who build those sound like assholes, and maybe they are, but it's because NIMBYs try to block building anything larger and more space efficient.

>> No.15947275


Already did. It is nothing sinister, you've been whipped into a frenzy over nothing.

>> No.15947281

There's this thing called refugees and immigrants retard. Also Harvard was going after eliminating homeschooling just last month.

>> No.15947285

There are a lot of horrible rural black communities in the south which are populated by descendants of people too unmotivated to make the great migration north in the 20th century.

>> No.15947287

You keep describing it like you’re not describing the exact thing they want to change. They don’t want economic integration of neighborhoods twenty minutes outside New York they want to go farther and flood the school’s you’re talking about

>> No.15947288

Read about the AFFH in more detail, you will see that it's not a mandate to build housing projects in the suburbs. This is all a ploy to frighten white suburban voters

>> No.15947289
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>You need to read more
Well recommend some books then. Also, Canada has been on the cutting edge of cucked political policy for a long time now; America is pretty fucked but I don't think things are that bad yet.

>> No.15947293

No one buys this kinda shit anymore. Leftists play this game with every policy and it's always ultimately worse than what we thought. Guns. Gay marriage. Etc.

>> No.15947294

It seems you are choosing to perceive this as a political attack. Let's go at this from another angle: Why aren't houses in "a spread out community full of people of the same income" built out of brick and concrete?

>> No.15947302

There's not getting through to you.
>Canada is bad because if policy
>America about to implement that policy
>yeah but we aren't currently at this moment as bad as Canada

>> No.15947311
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Link me some articles then please. The ones I've read made it seem like democrats were targeting suburbs near cities.

>> No.15947313

Because the people who need suburbs aren't rich enough to afford that, and if they were they would live in city suburbs or expensive condos and send their kids to private schools.

>> No.15947318

A better question would be why yuros froth at the mouth at the idea of houses built out of wood. Not everything different is inferior you know. Same mentality that makes you think shifting gears at every stop sign and traffic light makes you enlightened compared to brainless auto drivers in America.

>> No.15947320

You have not demonstrated that America is about to adopt policies identical to the ones Canada has implemented. I'm not just going to take your word for it you dumb nigger.

>> No.15947324
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Liberals are literally the only ones capable of making suburbs anyone wants to live in while conservatives seem to love living in poorly constructed communities of mcmansions right off of highways. Maybe just move to New England if you cant find a decent town.

>> No.15947331

You are so fucking naive it's incredible. The NY post article describes this but if you were familiar with zoning you'd know those near city suburbs arent single family zoned to begin with. SFZ really applies to more rural areas.

>> No.15947332

Okay. So they're technically not required, but what kind of housing do low income people usually live in? It's a worthless regulation that stifles free association. Trump literally just repealed that yesterday anyway.

>> No.15947340

Lol just google it dude, Obama began enforcing the rule in 2015 and Biden says he’s going to begin enforcing it again.
There’s a lot of civil rights legislation that isn’t problematic until someone enforces it.

>> No.15947342

Wood is fine, shitty chipboard boxes are not

We still have our guns, and gay marriage was legalized outright, not through sneaky wording in some bill

>> No.15947343


Homeschooling is constitutionally protected. It would take years to make it illegal. A few Yids at Harvard getting upset about their job security is meaningless. As for your comment about refugees and immigrants, go read "The Way Life Should Be". Take the blackpill out of your ass, it helps no one.

>> No.15947344

If that's true then why aren't those nasty conservatives being left alone in their suburbs, but instead the entire 3rd world is being moved there?

I'm fine with you looking down on conservative suburbs. But you're not doing that. You're talking about how they're so good the whole world needs to live there.

>> No.15947347

Homeschooling you’re kid doesn’t insulate you from the school taxes you pay now, or the larger school tax you would have to pay with a population influx in your community

>> No.15947357

Aren’t all those people homeschooling still paying school taxes? That sounds like a pretty raw deal and you act like homeschooling through High School is at all practical for most people.

>> No.15947359

Towns that don't want to do it can just not take money from HUD, which should be used to develop low-income housing anyway

I have been googling it, and I still think you're all caught up in a manufactured hysteria

>> No.15947364

Who cares? Children are more important than money. If you're a childless radical, do something about it. Commit an act of terror in Minecraft or something. If you have children, then money is less important than your children. Play the hand you're dealt.

>> No.15947370

I have, it’s enforcing the civil rights legislation that the left has been abusing for decades to push social engineering. It’s not that hard to understand.
I am significantly better off voting against “economic integration” of my community

>> No.15947371

Wasn't there a study by Harvard just a year or two ago that found those who most firmly support the notion of diversity live in the least diverse areas? From what I recall, opinions on the matter swung hard to the 'right' when the people running the experiment had ethnic minorities ride public transportation all day for a prolonged period.

I visited a friend recently who lives in a suburban area outside a major city. I was surprised by the experience, as everyone waved friendly to each other in passing, and our card game (Magic: the Gathering - not poker) was interrupted when a neighbor came by to offer us some extra food they had made. It'd be sad to see him lose that sense of community considering he's buying the place.

>> No.15947374

Hope you're right but I'm voting Trump now just in case. I wasn't planning on it but this is a last straw.

>> No.15947386

Buy a few thousand acres somewhere in Idaho or Montana. Build a nice house on it. Live and be happy.

>> No.15947388

Why do people always cherry pick the policies of candidates and make their own bullshit presumptions about what they will and won’t do?
What evidence is there that Biden won’t pursue the enforcement of this rule?
The fact that he’s saying he will and that his Democrat predecessor seems like pretty compelling evidence that he will.
Nothing would make me happier than to be able to write this off; but it’s actually very agitating.

>> No.15947392

>Towns that don't want to do it can just not take money from HUD, which should be used to develop low-income housing anyway
No state can do that and no not all federal money should be used to develop low income housing you fucking communist piece of shit. I hope people like you get jailed soon.

>> No.15947394

I'm saying if money isnt an issue move to a historic house in an idyllic 95% white town. The democrats there also aren't as depraved as city folk in my opinion.

>> No.15947418

I'll consider it but the problem there is lack of decent private schools, which are necessarily near cities. I own a medical practice so o can theoretically go anywhere. I just hate being near too many liberals.

From a Baltimore perspective, I can deal with the Bryn Mawr liberals but not the Park and Friends Baltimore ones if that makes sense.

>> No.15947433

Just because home schooling is legal doesn’t make it practical. Why should I vote for someone based on the assumption that I’ll be able to have a single-income household and that local taxes won’t price me out of that lifestyle once a new school needs to be built to accommodate the new residents?

>> No.15947445

Literally every American should be voting for Trump in November.

>> No.15947448

>Live in low income area of city in Canada
>No one talks to each other
>Move to the small suburban city adjacent that avoided amalgamation because the residents were wealthy enough to lobby against it
>Neighbors stop by to thank me for repainting the place and redoing the front deck
>Everyone says hi and waves when they walk by
>Entire neighborhood is white with a peppering of Indian and Chinese families
>Beautiful parkland nearby
>Cops are actively helpful and put on a large scale operation over a couple of break-ins
>Even the nearby reservation is in good condition because the council puts money aside to upkeep the buildings

Fucking night and day. Don't live somewhere poor.

>> No.15947453

What I'm saying is that enforcement of this rule is not what you seem to think it is

>I hope people like you get jailed soon
Stay mad, little bitch

>> No.15947468

You cocksucker, Reagan literally did this to middle class black neighborhoods. Verifiably so. But I guess black neighborhoods are immune to that.

>> No.15947471

The fact that children are important is the whole point. If I didn’t care about families raising children I wouldn’t care at all. You are basically forcing suburban kids into shitty schools with “economic integration of the suburbs“ though.
Homeschooling is put forward as an alternative to shitty public schools that result from dumping poor people and immigrants into the school system but it’s not practical at all

>> No.15947474

>Reagan literally did this to middle class black neighborhoods.

And what was the result and what can be learned from it?

>> No.15947481

Lol no. Blacks who made money deserted their fellow blacks to go live with whites, tanking values and letting poor blacks move in

Blaming whitey is delusional

>> No.15947482

Y'know, the popular assertion that you like minorities less once you live around them literally flies in the face of reality. You know that, right? The most racist areas of the country are small rural communities that have seen a total of 10 non whites in the last decade. This is readily available information.

>> No.15947487

Nope, statistical data disproves this. Post any peer reviewed study proving otherwise.

>> No.15947502

If money wasn’t an issue I could afford to be an ultra-leftist elite with walls around my house and homeschool children and not have to worry about society at all. I could just wallow in good boy points and support anything and everything with the words “diversity” or “equality” attached to it for PR reasons.
As it is I’m not just going to assume i’m going to be rich enough in ten years to isolate myself from public institutions; so I need to be pragmatic when things that effect crime, taxes and schools come up.

>> No.15947516

I feel the same but I am actually going to be the rich soon. I'm asking what I should do, given my circumstance.

Considering classical Christian school instead of prep school because I don't trust the liberal brainwashing too.

>> No.15947529

You don't want a fucking book you just want to post your propoganda.

Go back to Pol cultist

>> No.15947542

>There is only one cause for a thing
Actual real life talking donkey. Look at how he denies reality in a thread scaremongering about the effects of the verifiable practice that has already happened in this country. Anything to maintain your complex as America's primary oppressed group.
It was called s communist practice and I disputed it by saying it was primarily implemented by the King of Cons to fuck over blacks. You people calling everything Marxist is why millions of milquetoast progressives identity themselves as socialists now.

>> No.15947551

So you agree this shouldn't happen to whites then

>> No.15947558

Wasn't he pro busing too?

>> No.15947560

Lol ragey incel

>> No.15947563

Wait, so people are now saying desegregation that allowed middle class blacks to move out of the ghetto was a Reaganite conspiracy to oppress black people? Liberals have gone insane.

>> No.15947572

Biden isn't going to do this though so OP is retarded

>> No.15947575

>Don’t worry he won’t actually do it
Literally the only input people who don’t agree this is terrible have

>> No.15947577

Except he said he is. Weird how you're desperate to deny this. It's on his website

>> No.15947584

And yet they'd LIKE him to do it and hope he will, and they plan to vote for him hoping he will....

>> No.15947585

So now you admit it. Didn't take long. Yeah, just don't take money from HUD. Sounds reasonable. Notice how these people are fairly forceful with this stuff? "If you want to ruin your community then too bad." Thankfully that repeal happened.

>> No.15947590

This policy does nothing and won't even be included in any bills, it's just nice-sounding shit for his website

>> No.15947634

Yeah don't worry about it bro. These people are evil. Never forget that.


>> No.15947637

Kys, I am euro and I love automatic gearbox. I also don't care about your houses.

>> No.15947638

Biden opposed bussing, he used to be racist af, basically for his whole career until 2008.

>> No.15947641

It’s exercising the ridiculously wide latitude of powers the courts have allowed the executive branch under existing civil rights legislation.
The fact that there is no bill makes it so much worse, lol
This happens time and time again with social changes in America; nobody actually votes for this shit they just use to courts to continuously expand what they can do and start initiatives like bussing in public schools.
Then everybody gets pissed, the country flips back to a conservative president and enforcement stops but the problem hasn’t been fixed.

>> No.15947648

What does this have to do with literature?
Just saying "books about ___" doesn't make a topic /lit/ related

>> No.15947659

For all intents and purposes, he is. You shouldn't regard Biden as a fully functioning human being, but a puppet with strings controlled by the various elements within the Democratic Party.

He will absolutely be influenced by the far-left if he wins. There's no doubt.

>> No.15947663

>won't even be included in any bills
Oh, you mean we’re not voting on it, it’s just gonna happen regardless? Thanks I feel so much better

>> No.15947678

Why do marxists always pretend like their specific brand of leftism is the only kind?

>> No.15947682

>He will absolutely be influenced by the far-left if he wins.

I wish. More like he'll be influenced by the woke-left and push a bunch of divisive identity based policies. If he wins and pushed medicare eligibility down to 55 I won't be mad though. I'm getting older, and the sooner I can stop paying for high deductible obamacare bullshit the better.

>> No.15947684

Just because he may change the zoning laws doesn't mean there will be a giant diaspora of poors to the suburbs. Poor people primarily work in the service industry and rely on public transportation to commute in the cities. Supposing there isn't a concomitant development of PT and growth of service jobs in suburbs, they won't be able to move because they won't be able to commute and work.

>> No.15947688

Theyre special snowflakes, Hes obviously going to throw the far leftoids some bones too when he gets in, even if he is a liberal

>> No.15947700

Because they're often embarrassed by the people they ally with.

>> No.15947709

If they tear down the projects in the city, and only give them vouchers for those new rural projects, best believe they will move there.

>> No.15947720

The bus stop gets built after the first wave because suddenly the community needs it and that enables successive waves. It’s not that complicated.
Same thing happens with schools and sewers.
Now you’ve got a large town with a “little downtown” and higher taxes and a shittier quality of life for everyone that hasn’t moved there within the last 8 years from somewhere shittier.

>> No.15947747

This is like a long term blockbusting strategy for real estate investors. Import a bunch of poor criminals, so that the long time residents sell their houses for pennies on the dollar. Build a bunch of transportation infrastructure for commuters on the tax payers dime. Then build some luxury condos for middle class commuters. Then refurbish the old houses and sell them at a huge premium because you got that area zoned in a way that they can't build more condos there, but it's close to the train line. That's why the only way to go is either commit to full urban and just buy a condo in the middle of the city and just ride out the ups and downs, or go full rural and move to a place so remote a blockbusting scheme won't be profitable. Living the burbs is just asking to be a pawn of predatory real estate devs.

>> No.15947796

Well the city is too expensive; i’ve already lived there. Hopefully technology will make going full rural practicable from a working standpoint.
We already saw people fleeing from the city to the suburbs starting in ‘68 and I guess this is just the next step. Just flee to the country’s interior I guess.

>> No.15947846

That's my plan t b h. I've scoped out some decent houses on that I can afford to buy with cash if I sell some stock. Once Musk's satellite internet is out of beta and fully operational, living in a totally obscure backroad on the outskirts of a hick town is going to be comfy as fuck. Amazon shipping times will probably suck, since there probably won't be an airport or even major highway nearby, but whatever, order the shit ahead of time.

>> No.15947867

God I hope so, Rona is proving a lot of modern work doesn't need to be in close proximity at all. But this could further social alienation.

>> No.15947873
File: 93 KB, 625x408, Banlieue-Paris.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dont get why those social housing projects look like shit after a while
im living in a very "social democratic" western euro country with top tier healthcare/education system/public transport/welfare/subsidised housingblocks yet the poor troubled youth still try to blame their fuck ups on le evil society and they go around vandalising shit/mogging people for phones & cash/tagging walls with their shitty graffiti

>> No.15947880

If poor people were smart, they wouldn't be poor.

>> No.15947885

>merely stipulates that any jurisdiction that receives federal money from HUD can't use that money to build housing which has a "significant barrier" to low income people moving in
So basically shitty housing? Like low income apartments. There’s a lot of latitude in deciding what constitutes a “significant barrier”


No one wants to help with your estate planning faggot

>> No.15947951

misery loves company

>> No.15947982

Wtf definitely voting Trump now

>> No.15948051

Busing was a bad policy. Forcing people to be together has gotten us where we are today.

>> No.15948067

anon is pointing out how with the system as it is you will have to pay more taxes on the property you own in the country to pay for the children of illegals attending local schools to the point that may begin to impact your ability to maintain your smallholding

>> No.15948094

Same. Fuck this.

>> No.15948095

>We already saw people fleeing from the city to the suburbs starting in ‘68
commuter suburbs date back to the 19th century, retard. and the great post war suburbanization wave started in 1945

>> No.15948130

But that doesn't fit with muh racism narrative!!!

>> No.15948142

Are you retarded? I said that Reagan built public housing projects next to middle class black neighborhoods. Where did you get that nonsense babbleshit from?

>> No.15948155

Nobodies talking about when someone invented having a house you could drive to the city from lmao
Everybody knows cities like Detroit had a white migration out of the city starting with the riots and increased crime rates in the second half of the 1960’s. It was an acceleration; learn to read.

>> No.15948240

This board would have so much more literature discussion if you put half the effort into reporting posts about pop-culture, podcasts, youtubers and meta shit that you do into losing your shit every time a subject tangentially related to politics comes up

>> No.15948275


Why don't you just leave the USA and go to hell.

>> No.15948284

They don't care about board quality they care about their subversive politics

So white people should have been thrilled to have race riots or what is your point lol

>> No.15948297


>> No.15948302

Go to powells books in portland oregon visit the marxist section you will find many books that lambast the suburbs for reasons mostly manifested by the authors insecurities and character flaws

>> No.15948303

Why would they be thrilled to have race riots?

>> No.15948312

I don't know. You presented white people fleeing race riots as problematic but I can't figure out what you'd prefer

>> No.15948363

I didn’t present it as problematic. I presented the increase of movement as the logical consequence of declining conditions in cities at the time.

>> No.15948399

>classical Christian school
Yeah let me just tell you the fucking horror stories I've heard from people who went to Christian schools. Teachers who have things for certain students getting off by breaking them down emotionally in front of the entire class over the smallest shit, an administration that will gaslight you if you bring it up and question your religiosity, an entire administrations of hateful, damaged adults that take pleasure in breaking down children.

>> No.15948895

society of the spectacle and revolution of everyday life would be a good place to start

>> No.15948911

I'll keep this in mind. It's our families actual personal church so I trust then but I suppose it's still worth looking out for

>> No.15948959

Total bullshit

I've lived in rural, suburban and rural areas. Rural areas have no opinion on race because "minorities" live 4 hours away and they've never seen one

Those who live near the minorities live in hyper-radicalized paranoia

>> No.15948978

I really don't know why, but I'm almost certain he will. It seems like all the same ingredients that cast the spell last time, and it would be fucking hilarious. I feel like life's just too funny to not take that opportunity.

>> No.15949021


Old data, literally took me 30 seconds of googling. Please dispute it further, I wonder what 90 seconds will find.

Gonna hinge heavily on turnout. If whites sleep and Blacks and Latinos mobilize it wont be close. If Whites behave normally and Blacks and Latinos behave normally it'll be a coinflip etc.

Watch the rustbelt closely, not a Trump supporter but if he's steady there he'll take the election again. But remember, he took the rust belt by a very slim margin and Republicans don't do particularly well there. If Rustbelt folks feel like they've been properly represented by him he's safe. If they're dissapointed or indifferent he's fucked, not because they'll vote Biden, but because they'll stay home, especially without a Great Satan candidate to vote against.

>> No.15949029

Catholic schools are good, random protestant outfits put together by some evolution denying yokels, not so much

>> No.15949050 [DELETED] 

You keep saying "minorities" like they're all black.

>> No.15949067

Because he's an idiot. I wonder what would happen if the donkey actually googled where the bulk of these spooky minorities live. Hint: It ain't Chicago, Detroit and Atlanta.

>> No.15949076
File: 92 KB, 553x803, Strong+Towns+Book.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Suburbs are evil.
Read pic related if you want to see a real solution.

>> No.15949097

>still believing in statistics in 2020
Someone hasn't taken a stats course

You can find a "study" for any conclusion you want, statistics is a scam. You have to go out and see these things for yourself

>republicans don't do well there
I've driven across the entire midwest in the last year and see Trump signs plastered everywhere, I've seen maybe one Biden bumpersticker and some Bernie shit in cities like Madison. After black riots have been storming through cities and leaking into suburbs, people will be scared into voting for big orange again

>> No.15949112

> Perhaps most notably, on the 50th anniversary of the March on Washington, we found few differences in perceptions based on geography.

You just disproved you’re own point lmao

>> No.15949114

Spoken like sheltered sububan retards who base their worldview off of google searches

Leave your cuckdens and go travel through rural America, you won't see a non-white for days

>> No.15949118

>Lower middle and middle class suburbs arent amazing and are just that income brackets alternative to city and rural living

Wtf this is evil

>> No.15949284

>Point literally suggests an Urban/Rural divide as opposed to one based on location
>This somehow disproves my point
What is wrong with people on this planet? How can you deny reality with such bravado? I relay to you only facts. Republicans hadn't won Michigan since HW Bush, same with Pennsylvania, Wisconsin hadn't gone red since Reagan. But sure bubba, you drove through rural Indiana and saw a bunch of Trump Pence signage, so clearly the Rust Belt is Red again.

You deny stats? Seriously? So you just believe things based on your limited eyeball test? That is the basis for all of your beliefs and arguments?

I live in Eastern SC, if I behaved as you did I'd be floored everytime a democrat won any election anywhere in the country. I can't believe this is my competition. On a fucking literature board. How dumb is the average person?

>> No.15949306

>After black riots have been storming through cities and leaking into suburbs
Will you people stop with this shit? I live in Philadelphia, there is no atmosphere of fear here in the city, and nothing has happened in the suburbs. But some will take any excuse to clutch their pearls, it seems.

>> No.15949341

Voting Trump literally thanks to this thread and nothing else

>> No.15949344

The blacks are looting buildings and occasionally torching cars. Bunch of savages, when white people did race riots they marched into Black neighborhoods, killed people and burnt their homes down. That's how you riot. Niggers take note.

>> No.15949349

Republicans aren't synonymous with racism brainlet

>> No.15949361

>atmosphere of fear here
>clutch their pearls
We’re talking about Biden resuming the enforcement of Obama’s Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing Rule
What the fuck are you taking about?

>> No.15949368

Not sure I agree at this point but where did you even get that from? All I've said is that urban areas hate minorites less than rural and that the Rustbelt going blood red like they did in 2016 is very very unlikely based on history.

>> No.15949374

You have no stats supporting your claim then

>> No.15949385

Didn’t a shoprite in Philly get ravaged for 15 hours straight? Yeah I’m sure that didn’t leave an impression on anyone.
Remember the predictions based on surveys for the last election that were totally wrong?
It’s called the difference between Public Opinion and Popular Opinion. Statistics rely on random sampling and surveying turns useless when people won’t say what they think because it might sound racist and get them hassled

>> No.15949427

> How can you deny reality with such bravado?
No refunds lol

>> No.15949436

Don't know why I bother on this website. I'm not writing a thesis for you to rationalize it away in favor of your preferred reality.

>> No.15949464

>Didn’t a shoprite in Philly get ravaged for 15 hours straight? Yeah I’m sure that didn’t leave an impression on anyone
It's open again and people still go there. Like, the only people who are really rattled about the rioting seem to be people who don't live in cities. Life goes on here. A Rite Aid two blocks from my house was looted and burned, and yet the character of the neighborhood has not changed, people conduct their daily business and talk to their neighbors about the same old shit. Nobody feels like the city is going to hell, and the majority of my neighbors say they've seen worse in their day. I'm not talking about statistics or surverys here. I'm saying that the coverage of the protests and riots was largely sensationalized to stir up fear and resentment among suburbanites, and it obviously worked.

>> No.15949469


in construction cost of materials is always minimized. even the very tall midtown buildings being put up in manhattan right now by the dursts or whomever with units that presell in the tens of millions are made from the shittiest mats possible. the only goal is not building a literal ignition box.

>> No.15949501

Property values literally dropped in these areas. Cope