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/lit/ - Literature

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15946851 No.15946851 [Reply] [Original]

This is the greatest work of literature in the western canon. Fags will disagree jews will ree

>t. Chad

>> No.15946863
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Is it true that it had a big influence on pic related?

>> No.15946872

Thank you, you've caused me to close /lit/ for the day . Also sage

>> No.15946873

all about that DALTON translation famalamily

>> No.15946881

Thanks, you've inspired me to browse /lit/ for the rest of my day. Antisage, btw.

>> No.15946889
File: 67 KB, 874x1024, 2CC10D10-3B08-469A-B52E-61AC92986EE1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jewfag spotted

>> No.15946913

I have it. It has errors.

>> No.15946927


>> No.15946930

just learn German

>> No.15946948

any better translation? or are we just in an imperfect world

>> No.15946975

Seriously just learn German if you're this neurotic about the correctness of the translations

>> No.15947015
File: 42 KB, 723x666, CE30BB09-4DC0-41C1-91BA-3E52472498D1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not reading the work of the Leader in the origin German after spending several years in northern austria to learn the exact dialect and pronunciation

>> No.15947026

The Stalag edition is supposedly translated by a party member and approved of by the NSDAP. I havent read it yet though so i cant promise anything.

>> No.15947067

The Stalag edition has the same errors. As does the Ford translation.

>> No.15947076


The Manheim does not. Nor does the Reynal & Hitchcock.

>> No.15947078


>> No.15947080

The ford translation had a gay ass forward by some jew bitch named something Fox. I ripped that shit out of the book so fast. Raping her with satans pitchfork wouldnt be justice enough

>> No.15947136

Always with the jew forwards. It seems like every book I pick up has one.

>> No.15947157
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There are versions of Mein Kampf (mostly in German) that have every page shrouded in ante-, and post notes, as if they were a fucking study bible.

There is no limit to the pilpul kikery.

>> No.15947175

I have heard from racists I trust that these two are not as good as the Dalton
Unfamiliar with these though

>> No.15947196

>I have heard from racists I trust that these two are not as good as the Dalton
Dalton's is easy to read, but it's clear that he did not actually translate from German, because if he had there's no way the same retarded errors would be in his version. I guarantee you he reiterated the Stalag edition.

>> No.15947210

Examples? And best trans?

>> No.15947273

>Nach fast dreiundzwanzig Jahren,
glaube ich, war das Ziel erreicht.
>After almost twenty three years,
I think the goal was achieved.

That's from the first chapter when Adolf is talking about his father. I put it through google translate.

Here's the Stalag version of the sentence, which offers the same meaning in Ford and Dalton's "translations":

>He was about twenty-three years old, I think,
when he succeeded in making himself what he had resolved to become.

As you can see, the meaning has changed. The original German does not refer to age, but time.

Here's the Reynal Hitchcock translation:

>The goal was reached, I believe, after nearly
twenty-three years.

>> No.15947299
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Anyone else ever hit a geeb out an asshole before?

>> No.15947334

I mean is the father 23 or not

>> No.15947367

It’s interesting certainly but it’s not “great”
t. fascist

>> No.15947396

It could be argued that he was. It's not made clear from the original text, though. The translation is an assumption.

To be clear, inaccuracies like this do not make the translations worthless. If you want a readable translation the Dalton one is, in fact, quite digestible. If you want accuracy: Reynal & Hitchcock or Manheim.

>> No.15947478

Imagine caring this much about the various translations. Wtf it isnt poetry anon

>> No.15947523

Quick google translate:
>Er kaufte in der Nähe des oberösterreichischen Marktfleckens Lambach ein Gut, bewirtschaftete es und kehrte so im Kreislauf eines langen, arbeitsreichen Lebens wieder zum Ursprung seiner Väter zurück.
>He bought a property near the Upper Austrian market town of Lambach, managed it and thus returned to the origins of his fathers in the cycle of a long, busy life.

Reynal and Hitchcock:
>He bought a farm
near Lambach in Upper Austria which he worked himself,
thus returning, after a long and active life, to the origin of
his ancestors.

>Thus, at the end of a long and hard-working career, he returned to the life which his father had led.

Surely you see the issue.

>> No.15947536

Thanks to this, now the left is winning because the white have been feeling guilty for 3 generation and they won't do anything worth a damn other than kneeling in front of a nigga.
Hitler should have killed himself for publishing such a terrible book.

>> No.15948026

It's not poetry, no. It's scripture.

>> No.15948259


I think the Reynal version might be the most based, better than even Manheim, since it doesn't have any Jewish shystering in, or around, it.

>> No.15948338

>not speaking german
>not reading the OG german version
>not listening to OG hitler speeches on the tube
sucks to be a mutt I guess

>> No.15949214

Which translation is the best/most accurate/least jewed? I wouldn't mind owning it but I know western sources generally can't be trusted and I cant read german to check for myself.

>> No.15949265

Bible is better desu

>> No.15949315

based Ford and Dalton eliminating passive voice. Our Great-Uncle was 23 there. Meaning: preserved

>> No.15950293

Where can i buy a good english translation of it in europe? I've tried amazon.de and bookdepository, but amazon doesn't have it and bookdepository doesn't say which translation it is and it doesn't have a cover picture, so it could be shit.

>> No.15950323


Try to find Manheim or Reynal. I think ebay would be best.