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File: 49 KB, 700x694, Roger-bacon-statue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15946668 No.15946668 [Reply] [Original]

>NOOOO you can't just trust the bible and Aristotle!!!!
>you have to do le ebin science experiment!!

Books on why the eternal anglo never ceases to ruin philosophy

>> No.15946686

The Greeks already said that, look up Galen.
I hate the eternal Anglo as much as you do but you should not be sloppy in your criticism.

>> No.15946702

Science > Philosophy and religion

>> No.15946735

ummm sweaty it was the persians who invented the scientific method.

>> No.15946736


>> No.15946750

Based, OP. I really want to read Bacon's Major Opus. What do you think about it?

Science sprang from both religion - as sacred science, viz. egyptian - and (afterwards) philosophy, ignoramus

>> No.15946774
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>Bro science came from philosophy and religion therefore Philosophy and religion have a higher claim

Peak midwit. Science is inherently superior to philosophy and religion and people who say otherwise are just coping. I couldn't give to shits where science came from, its self evident its better

>> No.15946795

even second commandment says to trust only yourself.

>> No.15946816

Written using a computer. Pray to Jesus for me to receive your reply instead

>> No.15946821

ew. if you haven’t synthesizes both you are a midwit reactionary. scientoids don’t understand that they make philosophical prepositions all the time without actually thinking about it and therefor create shitty boiled down basic bitch ideas, and thats why they are largely just faggots who do what an actual administrator tells them to do. and philfags constantly ponder about theory without the practical know how to implement it, the exact opposite problem.

Philosophy provides the goal of a endeavor and science is the process to get to it in practice.

>> No.15946823
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Science > Philosophy and religion

>> No.15946843

Fuck off reddit

>> No.15946853

Scientifically define "better"

>> No.15946864

read anything about the egyptians, their science sprang from their mythopoesis and theology and was subservient to it

>> No.15946865

How could it be better if it deals with fundamentally different questions

>> No.15946871
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Bing bing wahooooo!!!!

I frickin love science bros!!! its so cool!!!

>> No.15946904

>haha bro lets play semantics

You semantic niggers are the most annoying and useless people on this earth

>> No.15946907

i wouldnt say they deal with different questions, science just assumes an epistemological dogma and sticks with it, basically a lesser and false ''faith'' (more of a belief than faith but the fundamentalism from some religious fanatics echoes there).

>> No.15946925

>cant define a basic word to make your stance logically coherent
y-you semantics niggers!

>> No.15946936

written using a computer, thanks to microscopic technology improvements thanks to improvement in optics thanks to medieval christians who were the ground of science and made significant improvements in optics, thanks to millennia of discussions about epistemology

>> No.15946992

You can deconstruct things ad infinitum, I ain't playing your game faggot

>> No.15947003

Science is a religion

>> No.15947004

Defining a word isn't a deconstruction

>> No.15947006
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>Said, while using the fruits of Science to communicate his retarded cope to others

Come talk to me when the bible leads you to create the next space engine, retard.

>> No.15947007
File: 55 KB, 680x695, U R A faggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Roger Bacon was fine, retard. It was William of Ockham that ruined Western civilization with his nominalist fideism.

You are just as retarded as OP.

>> No.15947027

science is so much better that it can't even understand how a virus behaves lol, look at the current situation with corona, modern scientists are lost and avowing implementations of wholly unscientific procedures never imposed in all human history. this is enough to ban modern science and enjail bugmen like you

>> No.15947036

>Omg I fucking love science, omg science has like solved all the worlds problems

>> No.15947075

based for calling out these faggots

>> No.15947081

Fucking based

>> No.15947158

Science sprang from philosophy, religion is the dogmatisation of philosophy to appeal to the masses. God is real, but God isn’t some anthropomorphic Jewish guy

>> No.15947204

again, read anything about the egyptians. their science was subservient and functioned based on theological principles, philosophy was a lesser intellectual activity. science only works within established dogmas, philosophy is inquiries and search for dogmas. i know you have the conception of dogma as any religious moralism, but you could understand dogmas as metaphysical, theological principles.
also anthropomorphization is different from humanization.

>> No.15947779

Based soulless Anglo

>> No.15947790

And do we use ancient egyptian science? Or are you one of those that thinks the pyramids are radio towers or whatever. Theology and metaphysics are made up

>> No.15947859

>And do we use ancient egyptian science?
yes, geometry, medicine, astronomy, to cite a few, were highly developed in ancient egyptian civilization

>Theology and metaphysics are made up
how if the ancients based their science on it? their worldview and praxis precisely because of theology/metaphysics formed a coherent ''system'' which sustained their civilization for MILLENNIA.
modern science on the other hand....

>> No.15947891

The best they managed was a big pile of rocks. There is no connection between modern science and the ancient egyptians. As far as being based on theology or metaphysics the theology and metaphysics were made up after the practical application they were meant to explain. Metaphysics has zero explanatory power in the real world if it did it wouldn't be called metaphysics it would be physics

>> No.15948060

Im not entering into discussions concerning metaphysics itself, but all traditional civilizations were grounded on metaphysical principles, very much like our own reality is grounded on a non-rational reality.
>the theology and metaphysics were made up after practical application
No, ignoramus. This is not even what metaphysics and theology imply (it is rather the opposite), you are reversing the order of how things work to suit your belief. Just open any book on egyptian, hindu tradition and you will see how their sciences don’t explain anything in themselves, but work in accordance to their theologies (egyptians didn’t even think matter was physical, nature for them was supernatural).
Nothing developed in time is developed out of joint, specially science. It is too tiring to deal with people like you who have never read anything but want all things to suit their fanciful worldview. Just another victim.

>> No.15948072

>Metaphysics has zero explanatory power in the real world if it did it wouldn't be called metaphysics it would be physics
holy based

>> No.15948089

What does physics explain? It is a set of observational formulae about how bodies behave. It does not explain bodies themselves.

>> No.15948092

No you are reversing the order of how things work to try to suit your beliefs. Metaphysics and theology are useless for everyday life and only made up after a society has developed in order to justify whatever arbitrary customs they've adopted.

>nature for them was supernatural

>> No.15948112

This "explanation" or search for mechanism doesn't exist in science, if the theory accurately predicts the observations it is accepted regardless of whether you feel it "explains" something. What you really mean by explanation is something that accords with your intuitions but reality doesn't have to do that.

>> No.15948119

>no u
the absolute state, lmao
as i said, just open a book on the subject, peabrain. that's how traditional civs worked.

>useless for everyday life
ground of morality and ethics is useless, for example? just to cite a single natural reflection of theological/metaphysical inquiry

read a book

>> No.15948161

>accuses metaphysical inquiry of not explaining anything
>this explanation doesn't exist in science
besides this ironic retardation, this is false. modern science has reached a subversion to the point of having literally systems of our reality, predictions and soteriological-like theories. modern science is a cult.

>something that accords with your intuitions
isn't it a fact that reality is grounded on non-rational principles? what do you think theology and metaphysics are?

>> No.15948170

There is no ground for morality, objective morality doesn't exist. Morality is a sociological construct of the culture it developed in and theology and metaphysics are developed to lend some authority to whatever arbitrary laws are there

>> No.15948188


>He thinks morality is not an expression of epigenetics


>> No.15948205

I accuse metaphysics of not being able to predict shit which it can't and science can.

>isn't it a fact that reality is grounded on non-rational principles?
Not intuitive doesn't mean non-rational. That's the state of your woo woo reasoning "I feel it intuitively so it must be rational."

>> No.15948216
File: 39 KB, 272x324, 1586413547288.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He thinks morality is an expression of epigenetics
>He thinks morality is a sociological construct

>> No.15948250

>reversing the natural order of things again
yeah you are a retard and there is no point in continuing our conversation

>> No.15948287

are you even reading what i post? metaphysics is not something developed in time like science, it is the ground upon which things develop.

>Not intuitive doesn't mean non-rational.. "I feel it intuitively so it must be rational."
retard learn how to read, intuition is not rational and that is my point

>> No.15948313

Guenon has fried your brain. There is no evidence at all of any culture that has developed according to some metaphysical master plan. You're the equivalent of an ancient aliens fan and there is probably a lot of overlap between you.

>> No.15948356

Just screaming metaphysics is the ground over and over doesn't change the fact that metaphysics is developed in a cultural context in all known historical civilizations. Metaphysics is a decoration not the ground.

>retard learn how to read, intuition is not rational and that is my point
So your saying reality is grounded on intuitive principles? Shit no it's not this is more Guenon crap. My suggestion is read more books and don't get memed into believing a quack

>> No.15948358

>there is no evidence
look at even the way you have been talking in this thread, and you have the nerve to tell other people they have their brains fried, lol.
i will tell you this a last time: read a book you massive retard, do you want recommendations? are you too ashamed to ask for it?

>> No.15948398

metaphysics points, describes, revolve around the non-rational (nonrational as in SUPRA-rational) kernel of reality and it is developed in time because it is what time implies and that is what i said in three or four posts of mine in this thread, but apparently you are too much of a mentally handicapped retard to be able to read properly.
seriously it makes no sense in talking to an illiterate person

>> No.15948420

This is gibberish that no one besides a Guenon fanatic would accept as meaningful. Enjoy being a laughing stock

>> No.15948455

>makes a metaphysical claim to refute independent standing of metaphysics

>> No.15948471

Is causality a sociological construct?

>> No.15948485
File: 23 KB, 600x800, 5278038C-E465-4FB0-BAA5-9BF9C719F0FE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ew. if you haven’t synthesizes both you are a midwit reactionary. scientoids don’t understand that they make philosophical prepositions all the time without actually thinking about it and therefor create shitty boiled down basic bitch ideas, and thats why they are largely just faggots who do what an actual administrator tells them to do. and philfags constantly ponder about theory without the practical know how to implement it, the exact opposite problem.

>Philosophy provides the goal of a endeavor and science is the process to get to it in practice.

>> No.15948576

repeating guénon only proves how ignorant you are of the issue here. again, read any book on ancient egypt, hinduism, platonism, christianity

>> No.15948591

The SUPRA-rational crap is highly specific to Guenon

>> No.15948597
File: 30 KB, 996x1076, 1588434638249.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>NOOO you can't just trust Aristotle and share in his fervent belief in the gods!!!!
>you have to add le ebin bible to your worldview!!!

>> No.15948600
File: 474 KB, 650x720, 1593613253932.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But muh funny meme man

>> No.15948620

Supra rational is non rational which was the term i was employing here but you were too mentally defect to understand so i employed its synonymous, besides it is funny how you think everything revolves around guénon and none has ever employed the term. you are simply mentally ill.

>> No.15948624


>> No.15948639

just proving how superficial and 4chan-based your entire ''intellectual'' horizon is.

>> No.15948665

You wrote this
>metaphysics points, describes, revolve around the non-rational (nonrational as in SUPRA-rational) kernel of reality and it is developed in time because it is what time implies
I would be careful about accusations of mental illness

>> No.15948687

What other philosopher repeats SUPRA-rational over and over and claim that ancient civilizations were based on some primordial metaphysics?

>> No.15948706

one cringe ass statue

>> No.15948724

>French, having become hegemonic in Europe after the treaties of Westphalia in 1648, was a language in itself inconvenient, difficult, aristocratic, and literary, like Cicero's Latin or Lucian's Greek, inseparable, like its ancient ancestors from a bon ton in manners, from a certain bearing in society, and from a quality of wit, nourished on literature.
>whereas the English that prevails today and the world over is a vernacular and technological language dispensing with style altogether...now it is just summary, convenient, elementary, of a passive character...
>The great question, in the Enlightenment era, was the counterweight that only a Catholic, aristocratic, and royal France can and must oppose, on the Continent, the divisive and rapacious egoism of England, then observing its own political model, an original utilitarist philosophy and a science applicable to industry.

the bugmen won in the 18th ce

>> No.15948730

science is a project that is founded upon a philosophical outlook

>> No.15948748
File: 222 KB, 600x598, 1589058889316.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15948777

Yes I did and what is your point?

>> No.15948782

If you can't tell how deranged that sentence sounds you're already to far gone

>> No.15948796

All the platonists (orphics pythagoreans included), christians, advaitins, hermeticists, some idealists, most if not all mystics of any tradition. Will you ignore my pointing the identity between nonrational and suprarational and how you were too dumb to understand this even though i wrote explaining exactly this?

>> No.15948816

You didn’t make a single affirmative claim in the entire thread, only retorted with literal >no u! responses and repeated over and over about guenon saying the same thing. Thats the thing, you have no point at all.

>> No.15948827

None of them say exactly that Guenon just claims they do. You really need to read some more books you're making yourself look bad. And the commonly accepted word for not rational is irrational which you very much are

>> No.15948888

Ok you’re just trolling at this point.

>> No.15948907

I'm not. Prove me wrong disavow Guenon and his primordial tradition crap

>> No.15948922

Art > Philosophy > Science > Religion

>> No.15948927

Philosophy is a tier above science. Religion is a tier above philosophy.

>> No.15948930

Wubba lubba dub dub

>> No.15949012

>trying to include the bible in the same level as aristotle
christLARPers are all so tiring

>> No.15949045


>> No.15949086

>this one recent example from a specific branch of science urging caution is proof all science is wrong

>> No.15949098

really liking this thread, especially the NOOOOposting

>> No.15949173


>The trial of Mark Redwine, a Vallecito man accused of killing his 13-year-old son, Dylan, in 2012, has been reset to begin May 26 as the COVID-19 pandemic surges through Colorado and the rest of the country.

what the fuck is taking so long?

>> No.15949197

Why should anyone just trust the Bible and Aristotle?

>> No.15949205

he likes those

>> No.15949220

This. There is no discussion.

>> No.15949233

You're fucking retarded.
t. Anglo

>> No.15949241

where am i wrong markiplier?

>> No.15949251

>urging caution
They are supporting unscientific procedures, authoritarian impositions while deceiving people into believing it is all scientific. This is proof that modern science is a joke with no solid ground and an obvious political inclination.

>> No.15949264

mask fake, christianity confirmed real

>> No.15949275

Oh shit an anti-masker. This board is essentially the same as /x/

>> No.15949311

how will philosophaggots ever recover?

>> No.15949462

have anything to say about WHO contradicting itself all the time, how mainstream intrusctions on masks and the virus are all false?

>> No.15949503

I drank the aquarium cleaner and injected bleach like Trump told me to

>> No.15949747

idk, aristocratic english of the 17th to early 20th centry was pretty artistic and beautiful.

>> No.15949750

cope you autistic cringe anglo bugman

>> No.15949851


>There are actually people in this board that believe Science is worthless

>> No.15950207

Based ancient catholic magician conjuring a foundation for space travel from the push of God.

>> No.15950334

Holy fucking based

>> No.15950948

Quick and speedy trial bro