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/lit/ - Literature

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15944757 No.15944757 [Reply] [Original]

Do you read VNs? They are very deep, thought-provoking and brimming with creativity.

>> No.15944842

not chuuniges but yes

>> No.15946084

this guy sounds like he jerks off to the smell of his own farts

>> No.15946094

Dies irae is trash

>> No.15946107

>litteraly who Twitter rants

>> No.15946427

just admit you're an otaku

also >>15946107

>> No.15947623

I read some. There are some that are better than you'd otherwise think. Most are just trash, but some trash in reading is fine. I mean, Fate/Stay Night is just Harry Potter for filthy weebs. It's not so much deep as deeply confused.

Maggot Baits, on the other hand, has surprisingly good prose at points and occasionally shoots through a few interesting themes inbetween the sex and violence that would make Sade blush.

VNs are just a medium. I can't say I've read any VN that's been as good as the genuinely great books I've read, but I've read VNs that are better than 80% of the books I've read.

>> No.15947801

>Fate/Stay Night is just Harry Potter for filthy weebs
I can't argue against that since it's the only vn I've read so far, but I've enjoyed it quite a lot. Would you mind recommending me some that are better(besides maggot baits), I'm also learning japanese atm, so I would appreciate it if you could recommend me some that I might be able to read in ''just'' a couple years.

>> No.15947805

visual novels aren't literature but they're fine to keep yourself entertained while still reading

>> No.15947813

This belongs on /a/.

>> No.15947820
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VN's are based!

>> No.15947903

i download and played Coffee Talk a couple months back in the middle of the night because i was bored and liked the lofi music it had. It was alright. wasn't the greatest, it definitely tried to play itself off as deep many times, but i overall enjoyed it because of the aesthetics and being able to insert myself into a simpler world for a little bit

>> No.15947931

since a visual novel's forte is seldom its writing/story (maybe steins gate?) the best vns to me are those that have some gameplay like ace attorney and danganronpa, sorry lit but I'm with v on this

>> No.15948371

/lit/ approved VNs: Rance, Umineko, Higurashi, WA2, Steins;Gate, The House in Fata Morgana.

>> No.15948483

I do! Very fun way to spend time and some really fun stories out there.
>Fate/Stay Night is just Harry Potter for filthy weebs.
Pretty much. Sad thing is that the series has so much more potential and keeps getting *almost* interesting before the waifugachabusiness model engines start roaring again.
Steins;Gate is absolutely fantastic. Ace Attorney is fun but has an infuriatingly juvenile approach to characters and morality. Danganronpa is fun if you want to drown yourself in your "weeb"; if F S/N is Harry Potter, Danganronpa is the Hunger Games equivalent. 999 is pretty good too.

>> No.15948710
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I'm about to do my second Shizune run on Katawa Shoujo. I still read /lit/, but instead of video games I've largely filled that hole with KS.

>> No.15949535

I don't read the Moon Runes, so I can't tell you what would be easy to read.

I think Sharin no Kuni has its virtues. I don't know what it would be like in original Japanese. It's got an interesting premise. Some routes are much better than others, there is one in particular I found affecting about sloth/laziness that I've rarely seen written about in such a way.


Honestly, most VNs that are somewhat decemt would often be better as light novels or novellas. There are definitely light novels with literary merit. As much as a meme it is, Welcome the NHK is a really good light novel with genuine merit to it.

I enjoyed Fate/Stay Night as a teenager precisely because it was absolute fucking trash mixed in with a fun story with good world-building.

>> No.15949560
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I liked subahibi

>> No.15949577
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>t. me and my weeb tourist friends who hail from /a/ and /jp/ and occasionally come here to express our insecurities and read Catcher in the Rye tier literature approve of some porn game for weebs
Can't you faggots just stick to /jp/? Jesus Christ. As if this board needed more cancer.

>> No.15949972

Reminder that if you haven’t read every book in this list you can’t talk shit about VNs

>> No.15950109

What are you on about? Imagine being that assmad