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/lit/ - Literature

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15944054 No.15944054 [Reply] [Original]

>start reading 800 page book
>"I'll finish it no matter what!"
>250 pages in and I lose interest
>it's not even bad

>> No.15944065

if a book doesn't interest me by the end of the first page I drop it
ain't got time for bullshit

>> No.15944092

Might drop the book I'm reading now cuz the typeface is too small, I'm an aging Xennial that hasn't changed my contacts in months, I can't be reading this tiny ass shit.

>> No.15944549

If I don't like the first word used to open the narration, I'll close it then and there.

>> No.15945633

the first word says a lot

>> No.15945652

house of leaves. got pretty deep into the junkie tattoo artist and escher house parts but couldn't turn the pages with Danielewski's semen everywhere.

>> No.15945657


Yes, a book from Kundra, I literally threw it from my window

>> No.15945670


Dropping a book midway is easy. Everyone's done that.

Dropping a 500 page book with ONE PAGE LEFT TO GO... that takes strength of purpose.

(Reminds me of the episode in Hotel Paradiso where some thot tells a bloke to stand outside her window for 1 hour every day for a year and then she'll marry him, so he does it for 364 days and then ghosts her.)

>> No.15945678


>Hotel Paradiso

*Cinema Paradiso


>> No.15945699

A Hundred Years of Solitude.

I was enjoying it, it was interesting; with its fusion of the magical and surreal with a matter-of-fact historical narrative.
But it spans through so many generations and events that if I read more than one chapter in a day, I would struggle to remember what the hell went on.
If South American literature and culture was my main area of interest, and if it was one of the first books I picked up when I was first delving into literature, it probably would have grabbed me more, it would have probably spurred me on to presevere.
But as someone who already spent those formative experiences on Russian Lit, I feel like I already used up that inquisitiveness to unravel an alien culture or different perspective. I hope that makes sense, but by the time I came to it, it just wasn't for me.
Maybe this is the feeling that makes old people indifferent to new technology, etc?

>> No.15945794
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Simulacra and Simulation
Myth of Sysiphus

i guess it didn't help that i have no background or experience with philosophy

>> No.15946105

I got to the middle of crime and punishment and ive completely lost interest. I think fiction might not be for me.

>> No.15946120

For me it's whether and how big the first letter is capitalized. If the size of capitalization is not consistent with the mental suggestions of the title, the name of the author and the aesthetic of the cover, I drop it instantly.

I haven't finished a single book in eight years.

>> No.15946134

I don't, dropping books is for the weak. I invest enough time into choosing my book so that I'm always sure I can finish. Sometimes I stop reading a book after two weeks, and I don't pick it up again for a month, yet, sure enough, a month later I take it back again and I finish it in two days. There's no dropping out of the scale of eternity.

>> No.15946263


>> No.15946286


>> No.15946401

After reading the sentence “Call me Ishmael.” I knew this was gonna become my favorite book

>> No.15946712
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I just don't seek out any books that are over 200 pages desu
Obviously I'll make an exception for some (e.g. Blood Meridian) but after spending months reading IT and The Stand I was burned the fuck out on long reads and Stephen King.

>> No.15947998

As a big Dosto nerd, who has read all his work, I initially felt exactly the same way. It is more to do with starting in the wrong place. If you liked the tone, try Notes from the Underground, it is more concise, but less of traditional plot structure.
If you want something as dramatic with "plot" but not quite as heavy in terms of psycho-religious and political commentrary, Humiliated and Insulted is powerful and often overlooked work.