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File: 125 KB, 687x989, Ernst-Junger-1921.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15943782 No.15943782 [Reply] [Original]

Why do leftist cucks claim that glorifying war is something ignorant that you say when you haven't been involved in one when this fella was in two of them and enjoyed the feeling?

>> No.15943804

That is quite the wrong word in this circumstance, but he praised it yes.

>> No.15943812

Two entirely different value systems.

One only exists to live a placid existence of comfort, essentially the same as cattle.

The other wants to experience the extreme sides of life, and thereby access parts of themselves they wouldn't have known otherwise.

>> No.15943817

Hi Ryan Gosling

>> No.15943836

I guess some people go to war and come out loving it, but a lot of people came back from WW1 with terrible PTSD then known as 'shell shock' and it's been the same ever since with veterans from all sorts of wars. At the very least, going to war can convince some people very strongly that there's nothing glorious to dying in ditches from attrition.

>> No.15943847

he was basically on vacation in WWII though. he went to tons of used bookstores in paris & had affairs with french women. http://www.complete-review.com/reviews/juengere/strahlungen_i_ii.htm

>> No.15943862

he was the exception

>> No.15943875

How can people not just have their own opinions without vilifying everyone who disagrees with them

>> No.15943879
File: 97 KB, 626x800, ares.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most can't temper Ares well.

>> No.15943898

He wasn't. There were fascist movements all across Europe with millions of members who fought in the war and liked it.

>> No.15943911

Because it's not about opinions, it's about truth.

>> No.15943949

It's curious that the first world war is always depicted with a halo of nihilism and pacifism "war is baaad", but the second WW is always praised like a nice "brave" work that had to be done.

>> No.15943980

where is this meme coming from that he flat-out enjoyed the wars? There was some nationalistic and militaristic stuff written in Storm of Steel and Copse 125 and that era of his writing but by the 1930s he started to edit them out for the newer editions. Still his relationship with war, especially modern warfare, was never that one-sided. Just read what he wrote in the Marble Cliffs or in Peace. Where do you find outright war glorification in those writings?

>> No.15944009

Guess it's true after all that the people who glorify war never went to war then...

>> No.15944081

Even during WW2 he was eager to get into action and wrote in his diary that he was disappointed that he missed most of the action at the Battle of Sedan and was awarded the iron cross for a minor skirmish when it took much more to win it in WWI.

>> No.15944111

Fuck off out of here, semi-literate imbecilic mongoloid bastard.

>> No.15944255

Only psychopaths and profiteers like war. Most people are chickenhawks who would cower and cry in an actual battle.

>> No.15944263

Being eager to fight and being a good soldier is still isn't glorification of war or enjoyment of war.

>> No.15944272

soldiers always like the shooting part but losing buddies is why they dont like war
>who cares

>> No.15944362

True, but I just want to add that there's nothing psychopathic in wanting a great competition with high stakes to participate and win in. War is more complex than that, but glorification of war usually just stems from that basic drive that is in all of us.

>> No.15944425

OP please go and shoot yourself with 24 hour war ambience vids playing in the background

>> No.15944492
File: 122 KB, 800x1049, 800px-Cervantes_Jáuregui.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wouldn't say it's strictly a leftist cuck thing, I swear I've seen rightwingers disdain war completely.
Pic related fought in one of the biggest naval battles the medieval ages ever saw and loved every second of it.

>> No.15944501

Personally, I suspect all the war dogs are long dead.

>> No.15944568

Cite examples of "leftist cucks" who are claiming this

>> No.15944570

Can confirm as a Cervantes autist. Although his left arm was maimed for life, he looked back upon that battle as one of the most glorious events in his life.

>> No.15944593

Are you a combat veteran? Or an autistic nerd hiding in his mother's basement? We all know the answer.

>> No.15944659

Lol are you reading the responses in this thread?

>> No.15944748

Gee anon, I wonder (((WHY)))

>> No.15944797

do you even know what a citation is? This is a scholarly board and it would be appreciated that you at least attempt to 'fit in'. That means no more webnet slang acronyms.

>> No.15944825

And why wouldn't he? In his eyes he fought in a LotR style battle for the fate of Christendom.
Shame he got captured on the way home

>> No.15944871

Wtf who is talking about scholars here? What do I care about scholars?

>> No.15944899

Millions of people really didn't need to die because of a fucking Serbian shooting an Austrian prince. On the other hand, Hitler was annexing and invading countries for quite some time when he declared war on Poland. Britain and France and Russia would have to have been stupid to think Hitler wouldn't come for them later if they stood still. And guess what, they were right, he had precisely those plans. Then Japan bombed the United States for no fucking reason. There's the difference between WWI and WWII.

>> No.15944909

War used to be something else. Now it's glownigger central banking shit.

>> No.15944916

>Japan bombed the US for no reason
This is your mind on Judeo-mutt propaganda

>> No.15944928

Embargo fuck yourself, whitu piggu

>> No.15944942

The difference between aristocracy and bourgeoisie being the cause of the war

>> No.15944987

bc the us was involved and have to push that they ''won''

>> No.15945252

Absolutely pleb view. The first world war was about the destruction of the central empires. Everything went to shit after that. In fact, it was worse than the WWII since the said was only a revenge.

>> No.15945292

Why are people who glorify war always edgelords who listen to Sabaton without realizing that it is the most maximally cringe music that has ever been made?

>> No.15945354
File: 50 KB, 780x780, a41159ce4aa0453eb28571d6a5e1533035bff644.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only listen to Stravinsky. Don't know who sabaton is.

>> No.15945371

1. Ideology.
2. Stupidity.
There you go. This is the answer to every single question of the form "why do [group I dislike] claim x, when y?"

>> No.15945382

It's probably why peasants typically weren't sent to war unless out of absolute necessity for most of human history.

>> No.15945427

Ok mr centrist.

>> No.15945431

He never glorified war, learn to read.

>> No.15945451

I think the real reason peasants weren't sent to wars unless if absolutely necessary is because if peasants didn't grow and harvest crops then everyone would have starved, including the nobles.

>> No.15945472

This isn't centrism, it's the truth. Whenever you see an otherwise rational person make a statement that requires no more than a moment of rational reflection to dismiss, it's because of ideology. The precise content and origins of the ideology they espouse are a separate question.