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15939555 No.15939555 [Reply] [Original]

What the fuck do I read to understand computers. I want to know how networks and all that other shit works. Don't fucking dumb it down. Tell me what textbooks I need to read to understand how A.I. is going to fuck us to death one day. I want to be able to tell my "back-end" coder friend to fuck off. I want to backend the backend. Please. Fuck.

>> No.15939604

A.I. Are Neets. Luddites call them pseudo intellectuals because anything not natural (swallowing semen, listening to niggers, mastering the scantron, gpa and iq scores, diplomas and caps and gowns and ceremonies celebrating mediocrity) is considered pseudo-whatever. Because the real natural intelligence is how the system builds/programs/certifies you.

>> No.15939634
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if your friend is some webdev monkey then pic related will give you more fundamentals than he's likely to have.

>> No.15939641
File: 50 KB, 700x467, stims.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

give me a book or fuck off

>> No.15939642

computer networks is different branch than AI. Its nice to have clearly defined goals: "i want to use certain method to solve certain task" and then you read about method. If you dont know what interests you, you can try reading Norvig Artificial Intelligence Modern Approach, implement some of these algorithms from pseudocode in book to working code in language of your own choosing. Neural Networks, MinMax, and Genetic Algorithms are AI too albeit primitive but you must start somewhere. Also it helps if you have interest in competitive programming, because you can use GA for optimization problems, and solve lot of hard tasks (any graph problem where goal and optimization functions are clearly defined) super duper fast

>> No.15939658
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thanks. I'm not sure what he does, but it's not webdev.

>> No.15939670
File: 264 KB, 903x1429, 44894B83-FC31-4536-99DB-7BE643D03561.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he thinks im exaggerating

>> No.15939679

Get the fuck off my board zukerberg

>> No.15939692

thanks I'll check that out. I'm not interested in programming, I'm a screenwriter.

>> No.15939705

wtf does this mean.

>> No.15939840

Code by Petzold

>> No.15940630

Of you had just finished blowing me, and we were laying bed naked, I’d break it down for you from the begining. But because your literally a pill popping machine programmed to scan sentences and hide behind masks to protect an idea of yourself to buttress the absolute abyss of stupidity that is the entirety of your lives in experience, I’m gonna pass

>> No.15941002


>> No.15941015
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>> No.15941222

If you're serious about learning about computers and how they work, you should try Nand to Tetris

>> No.15941232

Don't worry, the current hyped """AI""" is just glorified statistics.
Get an introduction to the architecture of computers

>> No.15941252


>> No.15941259


There is OSSU on github too. Check it out.

>> No.15941260
File: 156 KB, 1242x1394, gigachad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Don't fucking dumb it down.
Install Gentoo and read the Arch Linux wiki.

>> No.15941272

Arch Linux can be unironically more user friendly than Ubuntu depending on how you want to use it.

>> No.15941566

statistics is only way to create intelligence