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/lit/ - Literature

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15939426 No.15939426 [Reply] [Original]

Thoughts on this list?

>> No.15939437

Mostly good entry tier lit. American Psycho is awful. Japan fetish.

>> No.15939539

>all that Mishima
Looks like it was made for /pol/ kids or PewDiePie watching older teens.
Also no idea why you'd list the 2nd book of a 4 part series (Runaway Horses).
>Book of Five Rings
Doesn't make much sense because half of the book is just martial arts sword fighting stuff, and the other half, the philosophical teachings, are pretty basic and redundant (just flow with stuff, bruh). Even Hagakure would be better.

All in all, 6/10, might get some tards into reading.

>> No.15939563
File: 1.27 MB, 1623x2886, 1595449884225.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did you say /pol/?
>pic related
please post book lists. i can never decide what to read next

>> No.15939607

Disregard everything made by 4chan. We are mostly illiterate, pretentious retards.

>> No.15939612

Do your own research, you stupid baby.

>> No.15939631

80% of the books on that list are regarded quite highly in /lit/, are mentioned quite often and are listed on different charts.

>> No.15939635

Any list with all the dystopian fiction should have In Watermelon Sugar on it.

>> No.15939649

thank you kindly

>> No.15939783

It's fine as an entry-level chart. However, do we really need retarded e-celeb shit here? You can certainly find better charts just by looking at the /lit/ wiki and I don't really care about what an unfunny Youtuber and his fans think about Mishima et al.

>> No.15939815

This matches PewDiePie's reading list almost exactly. It's not great, just because it's so scattershot.
If you're American, a few good charts on here can be valuable. Most Americans are just used to the shit curriculum we were given in public schools.

>> No.15940100

Its the differences that matter. /lit/ has DFW, a ton of mutt highschool-core, etc, Bokklubben has Ovid, Boccaccio, Rabelais, etc. See the difference?

American literature here is especially terrible.

>> No.15941717

The tiers seem pretty arbitrary, they all seem about middle tier as far as difficulty goes - there was no actual difficult books in the "big PP" areas (gass, pynchon, joyce..?)

eastern non-fic is still basically eastern fic through western lens, one of the authors is even western.

western non-fic is also arbitrary, why jump from Roman phil to Kierkegaard? random

>> No.15941735

It's bad at estimating American literature, but it's good at giving readers a place to start. The Start with the Greeks chart here is more helpful than anything I saw in high-school.

>> No.15941751
File: 23 KB, 894x773, wojak big mouth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Garbage list, but the books are fine.

>> No.15942532

That picture is a total meme
Almost everything in "low tier" is high lit, and the upper tiers are pockmarked with bullshit

>> No.15942869

Spring Snow is infinitely better than Runaway Horses

>> No.15942881


That is a good list, indeed.

>> No.15942888


Because OP is retarded.

>> No.15942993

The OK I'm getting into reading tier is much better than the rest. You can tell this list was made by an insecure pseud.

>> No.15943158

>Book of Five Rings… Doesn't make much sense… Even Hagakure would be better.

>The OK I'm getting into reading tier is much better than the rest. You can tell this list was made by an insecure pseud.

these anons are right.

the eastern non-fiction section sucks ass – no Confucius, or if you wanted to be cool, Xunxi? the fucking art of war? and Chrysanthemum & the Sword, an outdated anthropological text written by a westerner? Sun & Steel, which isn't some samurai manual but a personal meditation on what bodybuilding means to yukio mishima, the individual? i don't like (haruki) murakami and KOTS isn't even his best work but everything else in the "what is a book" section is fine. i would say Sailor is a better, more mature mishima than Pavilion, also.

>> No.15943167

very unoriginal and not your real taste. Its what someone told you to read, npc