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15939126 No.15939126 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone read this? Who's in university today and what's your experience like?

>> No.15939146


>> No.15939162
File: 136 KB, 358x438, A6EAD63A-063A-4D6F-8C40-499BE5207180.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How dare you! Do you wanna see my diploma faggot? Do you wanna see my PowerPoint presentation you fucking puto bitch? Have sex, okay? Just fucking come out of the closet already

>> No.15939178


>> No.15939190

Woah take it easy

>> No.15939237

Read it, I enjoyed the first part of it talking about the experience of students at elite schools. In the latter half he goes off onto a tangent on the importance of a liberals education, what the purpose of school is, which not everybody may care for

>> No.15939251

By spring I will wrap up my bachelor’s in philosophy. It’s been pretty lame. I’ve had a few cool classes/instructors but the truth is that I could have learned more if things had moved a bit faster/been more difficult. In most classes it felt like high school (sometimes easier) and they ostensibly catered to the lowest common denominators, of which lowly ones there were plenty.
Overall, I enjoyed it because it wasn’t hard and I learned some stuff, though probably not more than I could have taught myself with the right resources. The $20k debt isn’t great but it’s better than some, but I’ll get a piece of paper saying I spent 5+ years of my life to do something so maybe it’s worth it.
I never did anything on campus, like clubs or anything, though I know most people hold strong left-leaning biases and the administration cucks pretty consistently to appease them.

>> No.15939256

Doesn't all that negate the study of philosophy entirely

>> No.15939268
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Here's UCI a year ago. But I read Coddling in an intro political science class (along with Locke, Rousseau, Mill, etc), so it's not all bad. The professor was an old guy though, probably won't be teaching much longer.

>> No.15939285

The mission of the university has been bastardized. Evidence of this is that so many people go today.

>> No.15939315

My bad, was thinking about another book, Excellent Sheep, which was mentioned in Coddling of the American Mind. I thought Coddling of the American Mind was interesting, delved into why Gen Z are more sensitive and fragile, having to do with how they were raised, and how the institutions, such as the universities, have adapted to this fragility

>> No.15939338

All what? Not going to clubs or making friends? Maybe, but I am not even sure that my university has a “philosophy club”, or, even if they do, whether the intellectual atmosphere would allow for discussion of anything other than “fuck trump” or feminist/socialist ethics
Yeah, I read some university productions from the 19th/early 20th century and the difference in quality is pretty obvious. I don’t know whether to be mad or not. A lax amount of work has allowed me to do some self-exploration into my interests but I am still supposed to pay for all this somehow

>> No.15939366

Yeah I've read it. No I'm not in uni.
It's makes undeniably true claims and accurately diagnoses the state of mind of many a American college student.
However it is a bit overwritten, the "in sum" part after each chapter is completely unnecessary and the final part of the book is almost another complete "in sum" bit but looking back on the book as a whole.
Also, you can get pretty much everything in this book out of a few YouTube lectures by Haidt.
It also makes the mistake of somewhat sugar-coating the intersectional ideology, though it doesn't endorse it so it's a minor annoyance.
It's worth reading if you don't know everything about the subject already.

>> No.15939432

No I mean turning yourself into a cog in the machine

>> No.15939461

Haidt is a hack who is unfortunately very popular now among self-flagellating liberals who feel guilty for having actual beliefs.

>> No.15939554

Why is he a hack? Wouldn't it be a good thing if his ideas become popular? Particularly the state of the social sciences and their left-leaning nature (to the point of potentially implicitly/explicitly stifling research that doesn't align with their beliefs/interests)

>> No.15939629
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>graduated in 2014, return to college to work
>2016 election rolls around, kids are literally crying over Drump winning on election night
>see more and more of the exact sentimet Haidt and Lukianoff call out
>lose friends because I'm not fully on board the "white people are the problem" train
>be now, living with my girlfriend at her parents because of the 'rona
>her sister is 22, responds to everything she doesn't like as "racist", "white people", or "you know, because colonialism"
>laughs at her own ignorance constantly
>she's an anthropology major
>mfw this is the American future

>> No.15939729

Idk most of it just seems like lazy pop psychology. His moral foundations theory says nothing and relies on reductive overly general categories to describe parties that are way more diverse ideologically than he makes them sound. And I just don't think the complexity of moral debate can be reduced to 5 very abstract categories. The political psychology stuff is just a way to avoid actually taking a position on anything and so appear smart, and to reduce the actual nuances of political debate to some bullshit evo. psychology.

>> No.15939745

The real redpill is that capitalism is having an identity crisis, and the universities and tech companies are ground zero.

>> No.15939816

I think the students who don't give a shit are a bigger problem than the vocal hyper-sensitive whiners. I went to a very liberal school, and for every student who was actively protesting about racism or whatever, there were at least ten other students who were either sitting on the sidelines or ignoring the protests entirely. I got the sense that nobody really cared about the state of the school beyond its ability to give them a diploma. Even the protestors were only speaking up so they could put "community organizer" on their resume and get a managerial job with some non-profit after graduation. I knew people who were unhappy with all the social justice shit and how it affected their departments, but they never tried to do anything about it. Everyone was so cynical and apathetic.

>> No.15939833

Oh, well, maybe. I have no intention of getting a job or really participating in society. I might go to grad school if I can do so out of country. Otherwise, I will try my luck at finding a rich woman to take me in or else working just enough to afford some world travel. I will keep reading for my own benefit and maybe eventually write something

>> No.15939844

hang in there anon

>> No.15939854


>> No.15939861

I haven't read The Righteous Mind, but I do know Haidt is active in academia and that The Righteous Mind is only the public-facing (ie non-academic) elaboration of his work there.

Haidt very definitely does take positions on what's going on in American universities today, and unless you believe BLM braindeads and /pol/tards have some nuance in their debates with each other, I fail to see what you're talking about (or if you've even read the book)

>> No.15939869

Read the book, pretty hard to protest against it

>> No.15939899
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>Anyone read this?
I've only read The Righteous Mind
>Who's in university today and what's your experience like?
Starting it this fall, and I'm a little nervous, but the political stuff is only a small portion, subsumed under a larger complex of concerns.

>> No.15939915

Such as? And what are you studying?

>> No.15939991

I wouldn't say they're a "bigger" problem so much as part of the problem. It's not easy protesting against the snowflakes because they can just paint you as the opposition, but students shouldn't completely remove themselves from the debate either. I hated to lose the friends I did but it was worth it for the sake of keeping my own backbone.

>> No.15940000
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>> No.15940048

This summer I finished my bachelors for Library and Information science. It took three years, and while many subjects were very simple and/or a waste of time, I think that the experience in general has been positive. I started studying while broke and through the job I got at a library the first year as part of a praxis program I have been able to buy all the books I want and still save up 30.000$
The US is pathetic, and I hope the travel ban is extended indefinitely. I have been in Italy now for 4 weeks and haven't had to listen to your ape tongue even once, it is simply bliss. Imagine actually being American. Go to school and end up bankrupt, go to the doctor and end up bakrupt, go on the street and end up shot. What a joke your third world sithole is.

>> No.15940080

>Everyone was so cynical and apathetic.
They were watching their own skin, they understand that stslinism is on the rise and that their future education is at risk if they voice opinions contrary to the loud vanguard.

>> No.15940086


>> No.15940225

>bachelors for Library and Information science.
yikes, seems like universities everywhere aren't doing too good

>> No.15940313

Go to university and sit in a food venue to listen to the most banal drivel you could possibly imagine. Two AI's could have a more meaning conversation

>> No.15940346

>And what are you studying?
Psych major and Bio minor
>Such as?
I believe the complex of concerns can be broken down into several categories:
>Timescale constraints
It seems that time in uni is relatively short and I'm attempting to take all the classes that I perceive as important, but I don't what to focus on.
>Pedagogical/epistemic concerns
I'm approaching this from a critical perspective with disdain for rote, formulaic education and deep interest in autodidacticism (which I've been doing for a few years) and learning optimization (particular for individuals with irregular intellectual profiles).
>Future opportunities
I have a variety of interests, but it's difficult to narrow things down, although the narrowing process seems artificially limiting.
>Impact of the pandemic on the college experience
Most universities are either going completely online or heavily reducing the activity on campus which will inhibit networking and internship acquisition.

>> No.15940406

what's its thesis?

>> No.15940418

when i was in college 2005 to 2009 i only had three profs who could have been considered "redpilled" . one was an old historian and the other two were older archaeologists in the napoleon chagnon mold

>> No.15940424

you're going to be pretty bored

>> No.15940527

>you're going to be pretty bored
You're probably right, but it this process appears to be necessary as an acknowledgment of learned information and a doorway into certain industries.

>> No.15940582

>(particular for individuals with irregular intellectual profiles).
e.g. you, who is irregular in that you believe yourself very intelligent (everyone else does too but for you it's actually true!)
but if you were you'd be able to put together a sentence without sounding like a huge douche. Please tell me you're older than 18

>> No.15940807

>e.g. you, who is irregular in that you believe yourself very intelligent
I think you're misconstruing a few things. I'm not claiming to be very intelligent, nor am I attempting to sound pretentious. I guess I should have used the term "uneven" rather than "irregular" and "cognitive" instead of "intellectual," since it's more descriptive. My point was that standardized systems of education don't work for everyone, and some people have aspects of their cognition that are higher functioning, as well as, other aspects that are greatly deficient. I was just briefly commenting on the lack of a individual approach to education and an aversion to integrated learning (as opposed to rote memorization of atomized facts).
>Please tell me you're older than 18

>> No.15941035
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*blocks your path*

>> No.15941166

What's this?

>> No.15941263
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I read it. I've taught both at the university and high school level, so I've seen lots of the failings the book talks about in action. Zoomers are the most helplessly neutered people to ever exist and it shows up in ways you'd never predict until you're actually dealing with them. I'm not mad at them- they didn't raise themselves. I'm sad for them. Thinking critically is almost impossible for them. They are very poor at following precise directions, yet seize up at the first indication that you're about to remove the training wheels and ask them to think independently. If you're teaching high school, you have to spend the first semester basically coaching them on how to operate like an actual human being. If you're teaching college, there's not only not enough time for that, but by then they've developed a self-righteous sense that their disempowered fragility is somehow demonstrative of their own moral superiority and (being too neurotic to stand by themselves) will band against you as a mob to defend their right to complacency.

I think CotAM is an excellent read for teachers and parents. However, I will say that all these modern leftist thinkers tepidly protesting against the direction the left has taken now that it's finally coming back to threaten them personally (Jonathan Haidt, Bret Weinstein, etc.) were until very recently all pretty damn enthusiastic about the overly-domesticating forces that led to this bullshit in the first place. Nobody has been more complicit in destroying our youth than soft, highly educated, far too agreeable people with good intentions, but they talk as if they had no idea there were having lunch for decades with people who were openly advocating for a violent communist revolution and preaching about feminine penises.

>> No.15941299

>America is self-destructing
The world is healing.

>> No.15941736

>but they talk as if they had no idea there were having lunch for decades with people who were openly advocating for a violent communist revolution
Bret has said that he's been opposing this stuff since the late 90's in grad school.

>> No.15941808

This is why I’m a stemchad. I don’t need to pay some geriatric wanker to explain Nietzsche to me; I can read that shit on my own time; comparatively I’m not gonna have much luck figuring out abstract algebra by just reading a book.

>> No.15943248

He can say it, but I seriously doubt that, or he would've been on the shitlist a lot earlier. For the past decade, depending on where you work and what department you're in, it's been virtually impossible to keep your career if you try to warn people about the kool-aid. You can probably get away with it at a small to medium sized university in a red state, but Bret worked at Evergreen of all places. Is there any evidence of this? Not being pissy, sincerely asking.

>> No.15943277

> Cross Cultural Center

>> No.15944080
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>> No.15944120

american education sucks cause everybody can join any course (math courses arent locked for math majors, philosophy courses arent locked for philosophy majors) so every course has to be designed that a rando with no real passion for the subject can get an A. Everyone i know who spend some time studying in america said the level was shockingly low. One guy did a year at NYU and said the 3rd year math courses would be the easier then the first year courses here.

>> No.15944239

To be honest, if you don't at least have some formal training in philosophy at university, you will come off sounding like a complete imbecile if you have just read a book compared to someone who has discussed it extensively, written essays about it etc.

>> No.15944303

American education is a money making racket. It's not real education. It's merely a trade school where you learn the basics of a profession and then go work for some arsehole's arsehole son who glided through business school.

Under our current system there is no going to school to simply learn and enjoy. It is a machine meant to make you a bit more money than the average worker but still under the yoke of the "ruling class." I say this not as a superior person but as an observer who did go to school for knowledge and enjoyment rather than training for a future career. I liked art and its ilk so I went to art school. I now work part-time in a hobby store. It is what it is. I get to apply my knowledge often, though. I think it helped.

>> No.15944310

Why don't you get a job as a UX designer or some shit at least

>> No.15944316

R u in Irvine?

>> No.15944357

I don't want to.

>> No.15944366

Enjoy working part-time in a hobby store then.

>> No.15944397
File: 43 KB, 1132x316, commies gonna commie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

trash written by the ex-husband of susan sontag. fuckoff retard.

>> No.15944470

I will. I mostly do what I want, get paid to do something I enjoy well enough, and can get more of what I enjoy. If it weren't for randoms and my expectations of perfection for myself I understand I'll never achieve I would be happy instead of merely content. It is the path I chose and the one I walk now. We'll see where it goes.

>> No.15946153

Yeah, close enough at least.

>> No.15946179

>sins of the wife
Whats your problem

>> No.15946875

I kind of want to be this.