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15939024 No.15939024 [Reply] [Original]

I'm afraid that critics/academics could diss my philosophy books, and that keeps my away from publishing

>> No.15939035

yes I’m sure that’s it

>> No.15939070

if you want to publish philosophy it would be impossible and incredibly ignorant to try and avoid academia.
philosophy, as a field, is not about honing the cutting edge of reasoning skills to find new answers to problems that will always plague us-- it only looks like that to the unitiated. philosophy, like much of the humanities, is essentially a discourse revolving around, and dependent upon, the works of philosophers youve heard of and the academic who have devoted their life to studying them. politics of academia aside, there is effectively no reason to pursue philsoophy outside of it, as only by inculcating yourself in the discourse going on in academia can you be saying anything of relevance.

tl;dr philosophy without academia is self-help, no matter how many famous philosophers you reference

>> No.15939116
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Fuck philosophy

>> No.15939161

Your tl;dr is just about perfect, but I disagree that there is nobody out there who is actually working on the big issues. Because of how atomized and granular most fields have gotten, this work does tend to be at least partially tethered to one author or school of thought or another, but its definitely more than just textual analysis and criticism (with a few exceptions, of course).

OP if you put your work out there it will be criticized and ripped apart, no matter what. Philosophers live and breathe on criticism, defense, and sometimes lifelong feuds. Every attack is an opportunity for you to nail the defense. What sort of ideas have you been considering?

>> No.15939184

Dam, it’s not like I can just do whatever the fuck I want with my life

>> No.15939214

They’re tots gonna diss you my nigga

>> No.15939239
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Just write fiction and poetry with your philosophy contained in it, or argued for through it. There's no need to go down the million rabbit holes in philosophy and waste your life in an "endless feud." Let the bugmen do that