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/lit/ - Literature

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1593711 No.1593711 [Reply] [Original]



>> No.1593716

I liked it a lot, and I feel that people misunderstand Holden completely. He's not supposed to represent your average whiny teen, he has some pretty clear emotional issues that he's dealing with after Allie's death, which is why he hates change and adults and wants kids to keep their innocence and not grow up. The whole book is sort of his healing process.

>> No.1593720

Do you ever feel like authors give children too much credit? Like that guy who wrote the Little Prince, or C.S Lewis. In my experience with children they are often;

1. Incredibly stupid
2. Incredibly insensitive
3. Incredibly selfish

Then some douchebag author comes along and talks about how adults have their priorities all wrong and only children can go to Narnia. It's fucking stupid, children have no tact.

>> No.1593721

>I had a lonely child hood bawww

>> No.1593725

>I'm having a lonely adult hood bawww

>> No.1593726


That's not what I meant at all you big fat gay bitch.

>> No.1593728

It was okay,

I loved the narrative, prose, etc. Felt the story was a little weak, but I understand that this book wasn't about the plot. It was about character development. Holden is very relate-able, however redundant he may sound at times.

>> No.1593729


How about responding to the argument instead of turning this into Amateur Psychiatrist Hour?

>> No.1593732

I'm not an adult

I'm not fat or big or gay I'm actually quite attractive and slender! And I'm almost 6 ft

>> No.1593733


It wasn't even an argument. Children just sort of suck.

As for Catcher, yeh it's good.

>> No.1593735


I'm 6'2, model hot and runway skinny. Deal with it.

>> No.1593738

>lying on the internet in an attempt to impress a veteran tripfriend
congrats you are worse tripfag than brownbear

>> No.1593740

>Not an adult
>A veteran anything
Wut? Reported for underage b& anyway.

>> No.1593742


Oh well I'm better than fabulous.

In fact I'm only second to Virginia W00f who I feel actually posts correctly in threads. The rest of you are just fucked.

>> No.1593744

You're not better than fabulous in anyway ! sorry dude

At least some of us have the decency not to purposely derail /lit/ threads. and no, you're not one of us !

>> No.1593747


I wouldn't expect the trip fag circle jerk club to do anything other than derail this thread (which is what both of us have done).

It feels so good to be part of a club!

>> No.1593748

the only club you're a part of is the post-autumn newfag trips

>> No.1593749


Been on /lit/ since launch, but only occasionally due to the extremely low quality of the board

Been on 4chan since 2005

And yes, I'm the newest member of your club. Hopefully I can shit up the board like a champ in the coming months.

>> No.1593750
File: 4 KB, 126x122, kill e'reone this thread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tripfags arguing about who is less annoying? attentionwhoring on 4chan?
on a fucking literature board?


>> No.1593753


Agreed. Banning us all is the only option, not even joking.

I will gladly martyr myself for the sake of /lit/'s greater good.

>> No.1593754
File: 21 KB, 294x328, JDSLNGR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1593756

>they just don't understaaaaaaannnnddd!
Phucking phonies. Tell ya what, pay me and I'll hang out with you so we can talk about it.

>> No.1593931

Holden is a phony (and a hypocrite).

That is all.

>> No.1593939
File: 24 KB, 450x338, woopigoldberg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


But he's not a phony phony.

>> No.1593961

Ofcourse he's a phony by calling others phonies and then doing phony shit himself thus making him a hypocrite and a phony by his very own definition.

>> No.1593965


But at least he's aware that phonyness exists, even if he can't yet overcome it himself.

>> No.1593971

I'd argue that a self-aware phony still is a phony, though.

>> No.1593974

>"oh, that guy is such a cunt"
>"it's okay man, he KNOWS he's a cunt"

Doesn't work like that.

>> No.1593982

If he's aware of his phonyness then he is a phony phony. Holly is a real phony not because she is aware of it, but because she believes it.

>> No.1593986


I'm not saying it's okay, and being a cunt is different from being a phony. We're talking about self deception here, not a lack of empathy.

My point is that Holden's bad faith comes from a far more subconscious and natural place, probably because he is only a teenager who is still unable to properly control his analytical mind.

>> No.1593998

holden knows hes a phony. its this repulsion of his own hypocritical ways which lead him to that whole "catcher in the rye" dream. the self awareness if his own probems