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15934938 No.15934938 [Reply] [Original]

>a few books you recently finished
>the books you're currently reading
>the books you plan on reading next

>> No.15934956

i may finish a book before august. After that we'll see

>> No.15934978

>a few books you recently finished
Hyperion book 1 and 2.
Red dragon.
>the books you're currently reading
Monte Cristo.
>the books you plan on reading next
God Emperor of Dune.
Eichmann in Jerusalem.

>> No.15934987

Recently finished Dubliners.

I uusally read three books at once. My main read (usually philosophy or non-fiction, and usually takes about a week to read) at the moment, which I read at work or on the train, is Phenomenology of Spirit. The book I read to bed (usually fiction) is The Sailor Who Fell from Grace with the Sea. My backup book in case I don't feel like reading either that day is currently War and Peace.

I plan on reading Thus Spoke Zarathustra next as my main read with Kokoro replacing The Sailor... as my bed time book.

>> No.15935001

>a few books you recently finished
recently finished Normal people would rate it 3/10
started reading
>the books you're currently reading
started reading The Man in the White Sharkskin Suit

>> No.15935009

>recently read
The Tin Drum and Cat and Mouse by Grass
>currently reading
Metamorphoses by Ovid
>planning on reading next
Dog Years by Grass, America by Kafka

>> No.15935031
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>a few books you recently finished
the cyberiad, capitalist realism, kill all normies, psychopolitiks
>the books you're currently reading
story of philosophy, the righteous mind, a supposedly fun thing ill never do again, the disappearance of childhood, moomins.
>the books you plan on reading next
maybe something by kafka or nazi literature in america by bolano

wait how is cat and mouse related to the tin drum? ive seen that its a sequel in some sense but i dont understand

>> No.15935047

>A few books you recebtly finished
How to be Stoic by Massimo Pigliucci

>the books you are currently reading
Basic Economics by Thomas Sowell
Contract as Promise by Charles Fried

>the books you are plan on reading next
Five Dialogues by Plato
Wealth of Nations by Adam Smith

>> No.15935203

Read: Sense and Sensibility, Crying of Lot 49, No Longer Human

Reading: Blood Meridian

Reading next: Swann's Way, Absalom Absaloum!

>> No.15935873

>a few books you recently finished
woodcutters, invisible cities, bartleby scrivener, swann's way
>the books you're currently reading
none, today I'll rest and watch a movie to let the latest books simmer undisturbed in my mind
>the books you plan on reading next
in the shadow of young girls in flower, sun and steel, of mice and men

>> No.15935997

The denial of death
The illiad
The odessey
>next in line
The Aeneid
The Nichomachean Ethics
The black and the white

>> No.15936021

>a few books you recently finished
Norwegian wood, antichrist
>the books you're currently reading
Anti-oedipus, gravity's rainbow
>the books you plan on reading next
Year of the hare, moby dick

>> No.15936022

finished roadside picnic today and started storm of steel, before that i read starship troopers and a canticle for leibowitz and the road. not sure whats next, Ill probably read a few short stories then either read don Quixote, moby dick or the illiad

>> No.15936066

>Recently finished
The myth of Sisyphus, a modest proposal, the missionary position, intellectuals and race, white fragility
>Currently reading
Infinite Jest, atomised, L'anomie ou le tumulte de tapirs
>Planning to read
Submission, the metaphysics, the dawn of day, heart of darkness

>> No.15936083

I just meant that I recently read The Tin Drum and Cat and Mouse. They aren't really related other than both being war-time novels in Danzig.

>> No.15936086

the sound and the fury, la pere goriot, resurrection, dead souls
>books you're currently reading
notes from a dead house
>books you plan on reading next
dunno atm.

>> No.15936182

>A few book you recently finished
Uzumaki, Alias Grace: A Reader's Guide, Mother Night
>The books you're currently reading
Quite a lot, but the ones I like the most are Civilwarland in Bad Decline and The Unnamable
>the books you plan on reading next
Infinite Jest, The Tunnel, William Gaddis Reader, Prose Edda, Poetic Edda, and much more

>> No.15936258

>a few books you recently finished
Mere Christianity and The Screwtape Letters by C.S. Lewis
>the books you're currently reading
Time for God by Rev. Jacques Philippe
>the books you plan on reading next
Not sure which one I'll start reading next, but it's one of the following
A Canticle for Leibowitz
Collection of Essays by Kierkegaard
Introduction to the Devout Life by Francis de Sales

>> No.15936322

just finished:
heart of darkness, wuthering heights
currently reading:
to the lighthouse, We
planning to read:
gravity's rainbow, north and south

>> No.15936382

Just finished The Third Reich by Roberto Bolano.
I thought the ending was anti climatic. I was very briefly into a Civil War board game and got to know some guys who were REALLY into it. He captured the autism and mental illness and the aspect of really intelligent guys with really pointless monomania really well but the political aspects were kinda meh. Of the four Bolano novels that I’ve read, it’s definitely in last place. But I still want to read more of his books.

>> No.15936388

>The Idiot, The Confusions of Young Torless and Diary of a Madman & Other Stories (Gogol)
>Ulysses and The Flowers of Evil
>Probably try and read the winter volume of Chłopi, and then I've got Robinson Crusoe, Hume's Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding and some collection Melville short stories

>> No.15936434

>2666, Once and Forever by Miyazawa, Herodotus
>Speedboat, Kafka’s Diaries
>Making an Aristotle study plan. May search for some business books.

>> No.15936515

is there a chart of DFW? I don't want to start with IJ

>> No.15936593

>>a few books you recently finished
The Fault in our Stars, and I loved it
>the books you're currently reading
Sarum, and "The Horse, the wheel and the language", and Worm
>the books you plan on reading next
Being and Time

>> No.15936606

>a few books you recently finished
The Broom of the System, Sputnik Sweetheart, The Cold and the Cruel
>the books you're currently reading
The Experience of Pain
>the books you plan on reading next
Infinite Jest, Horcynus Orca, Rainbow's Gravity

>> No.15936607

Sun Also Rises
Naked Lunch
The Odyssey
The Adventures of Simplicius Simplicissimus
Not sure

>> No.15936619
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>a few books you recently finished
Life In Christ
Growth Of The Soil
>the books you're currently reading
The Bible
The Orthodox Church
rereading Brave New World
>the books you plan on reading next
idk, the Plato books, Morals And Dogma, might finish Divine Comedy, might reread Paradise Lost, idk, might reread 1984 or Pilgrims Progress, depends I guess on what I feel like reading

>> No.15936626

I tried to start reading his book on rap, but it is filled with references to stuff I'm not familiar with. Seems cool though.

>> No.15936695

Gearing up for Ulysses eh?

>> No.15936700

So you recommend Hamsun? I am interested in reading this but finding a copy is more expensive than I'm used to

>> No.15936712

He only wrote around 4 novels, start with broom if you want

>> No.15936715

Yeah but also a lot of essays and other stuff.

>> No.15936734

State and Revolution
Ten Days That Shook The World
Conversations with Friends

Also got halfway through Serotonin and bailed. Didn't see much in it that wasnt put forward in Atomised, and horny hatred of everything gets tiresome after a while. Sally Rooney just to know, for myself, what the hype is about. I kind of get it desu. The other two satisfying a deep interest I've picked up in Bolshevik history, and the USSR.

Infinite Jest. Tryna knock it out as fast as possible, 300 pages in. Enjoying it a good deal despite DFW being a bit annoying and show offy in a lot of parts. I believe the core of it is good and true.

Madame Bovary or Mrs Dalloway

>> No.15936738

>Tao te Ching/Dubliners
>Guénon's intro to hinduism/Portrait by Joyce
>Modern man in search of a soul by Jung/Odyssey and then Ulysses by Joyce

>> No.15936749

>a few books you recently finished
The madness of crowds, Lolita, The gambler-Dostoyevsky
>the books you're currently reading
>the books you plan on reading next
Hobbit and then LOTR finally.

>> No.15936769

Recently read: Les Miserables, If On A Winters Night A Traveller

Currently Reading: We Wish to Inform You That Tomorrow We Will Be Killed with Our Families, Dune, A Very Short Introduction to Witchcraft

Next: War and Peace, King Leopolds Ghost

>> No.15936777

Yeah, it was a pretty comfy read but I don't think I'd read it again, it's not like one of the greatest books ever or anything
Also, I don't think it's that expensive, I got a used copy off abebooks for under ten bucks

>> No.15936804

Can anyone recommend me some beginner-tier Christian lit? Already read the Bible and some C.S. Lewis

>> No.15937027

Are "Crime and Punishment" and "Paradise Lost" considered beginner-tier?

>> No.15937086

>a few books you recently finished
CCRU Collected Writings, Neuromancer, Symposium, The Hill of Dreams, The Songs of Maldoror

>the books you're currently reading
The Story of the Eye

>the books you plan on reading next
The New Science, Against Nature

>> No.15937111

dunno if based or cringe

>> No.15937396
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>a few books you recently finished
Notes from the Underground
The Drawing of the Three
Blood Meridian
Julius Caesar
Interview with the Vampire
>the books you're currently reading
The Book of Genesis
Le Morte D'Arthur Book II
Antony and Cleopatra
The Sun Also Rises
Hamilton's Mythology
Beast in View
The Wizard Knight
>the books you plan on reading next
Paradise Lost
The Iliad

>> No.15937528

Five proofs by Feser

>> No.15937744

>a few books you recently finished
Don Quijote
>the books you're currently reading
Moby Dick
>the books you plan on reading next
Hunger by Hamsun or Ficciones

>> No.15937779

based bugman

>> No.15937872

>Read before
12 Rules for Life

>Reading Now

>Reading Next

>> No.15937999

my pleb alert is ringing off the hook, read something other than genre fiction
for Christ's sake you're practically a woman

>> No.15938181

>a few books you recently finished
King, Warrior, Magician, Lover
Sun and Steel
Kindle died, so couldn't read anymore on it
>the books you're currently reading
Autobiography of Malcolm X
>the books you plan on reading next
Self-Reliance, Souls of Black Folk, The Way of Men, Plato's complete works

Any other recs?

>> No.15938229

3/10 is generous, I can't get past 6% of it according to the Kindle.

Just finished The Idiot, starting David Copperfield. It's good fun already, enjoying churning through some chunky novels that I should have read years ago since lockdown

>> No.15938300

>a few books you recently finished
The Invention of Nature - Andrea Wulf. 8/10.
>the books you're currently reading
The Gene: An intitimate history - Siddhartha Mukherjee. Two thirds through.
Absolute War: Soviet Russia in the Second World War - Chris Bellamy. Twenty pages left.
Left Hand of Darkness - Ursula K. Le Guin. Two thirds through.
>the books you plan on reading next
Kinas Historia (History of China) - Hans Hägerdahl.
The Tao Te Ching.
Dune - Frank Herbert.

>> No.15938352

>finished in the past 7 days
>robinson crusoe
>east of eden
>notes from the underground

>Les Misérables

>planning on reading
>fifth business
>meme trilogy
>a portrait of dorian gray

>> No.15938365

Before: Siddhartha -Hermann Hesse
Now: The Ego and its Own -Max Stirner
Next: Technological Slavery -Jaques Ellul

>> No.15938379

>a few books you recently finished
The Denial of Death, Ernst Becker
The Love Besides, Elisabeth Badinter
Three Tales, Flaubert
Poetry, Paul Valéry
>the books you're currently reading
The Young Parque and Prose Poems, Paul Valéry
Grammaire of Sanskrit, Jean Varenne
>the books you plan on reading next
Monsieur Teste, Paul Valéry
Lost in Maths, Sabine Hossenfelder
Either Transcendal Style in Film or The Complete Works of Pierre Louÿs (or Laing's The Divided Self, can't decide yet)

>> No.15938403

Man I feel like there are a lot of frogs itt. I go to 4chan to escape my home culture, not find it in another garb (jk I love you all froganons).
>The denial of death
My fellow man of anxiety. Was did you think of it?

>> No.15938419
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>> No.15938428

>a few books you recently finished
The House of the Dead, Fog, The Power and the Glory.
>the books you're currently reading
>the books you plan on reading next
Ficciones. After that I don't know if Don Quixote or The Idiot.

>> No.15938436

Chesterton is good and easily readable. Try the Father Brown stories, then the Club of Queer Trade, then the Man who was Thursday, and then the Ball and the Cross.

>> No.15938472
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>The Ball and the Cross
>Not something like La esfera y la cruz

>> No.15938632

I read the hobbit and LOTR
I’m almost through Neuromancer
I’m going to read the original Foundation trilogy next

>> No.15938702

I recently read both of Iain Reid's novels and was astonished by how cliched and predictable the twists were, basically Fight Club tier. I'm Thinking of Ending Things at least had some good creepy moments and a generally nice atmosphere, but Foe was just utter shit. Currently, I'm not reading anything, but I'll start something new tonight.

>> No.15938703


>> No.15938810
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>>a few books you recently finished
Return of the King
Flowers for Algernon
>>the books you're currently reading
The Brothers Karamazov
>>the books you plan on reading next
East of Eden
Grapes of Wrath
Crime and Punishment
Notes from Underground
The Trial

Planned on reading 20 books this year but am well behind that goal. Doesn't help BK is pretty long to read. At least I got a healthy log of books to read afterwards though, and it's no big deal if I don't hit 20

>> No.15938841

Based. I got that TEN days book but I was busy with uni, I put off politics.

>> No.15939095

Crossboarder here, is there anything I should read before reading IJ?

>> No.15939117

It's real good anon you should get stuck in to it. The names of all the organisations can get a bit muddy, but the core lived in experience is energetic and fun to read.

>> No.15939131

>The Iliad, 1984
>not sure, maybe the Odyssey or Brave New World

>> No.15939441

oh ok so its not a continuation of oskar's story i see

>> No.15939583


>> No.15940435

>Dead Souls, Musicophilia, Discipline and Punish
>Behave by Sapolsky
>The Brothers Karamazov, On the Road

>> No.15940462

Tom Sawyer, Mark Twain
Kiss Me Like a Stranger, Gene Wilder

Huckleberry Finn, Mark Twain
Zen and The Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, Robert Pirsig

Something By Hemmingway, Probably The Sun Also Rises.

>> No.15940524

>All The Pretty Horses, The Crossing, Cities of the Plain
>As I lay Dying or Gravity’s Rainbow

I’ve been on a Corncob McCarthy kick lately.

>> No.15940537

Forgot to say, Nice post OP

>> No.15940568

I haven't read a single book this whole year.
Might read Fahrenheit 451 since it's the only book I own that I haven't finished yet.

>> No.15940583

I bought Tom Sawyer and Huck Finn from a book store. Got home. Started reading. “Nigger” is replaced by “Slave”. Instantly shut it and threw it in my closet. Ain’t reading censored shit.

>> No.15940615

That's a Rip man.
My copies are both uncensored.
Pretty stupid that people would just censor it and compromise Twain's work and ignore that it's totally natural that any early/mid 19th American would throw it around naturally.

>> No.15940779

And the fact that they’re not fucking slaves. I think it’s even more insulting to call them slaves when they’re not slaves.

>> No.15940877

>recently finished
The Plague
Notes from Underground
>currently reading
The Double
>plan on reading
Crime and Punishment

>> No.15940893

>you recently finished
The death of Ivan Ilyitch
>the books you're currently reading
I am legend
>the books you plan on reading next
It's fucking trouble for me to decide what book to read next I always have like 6 in mind (sometimes I end up reading nothing because of this), I think I'm just going to flip coin or something. Indecisiveness is faggotry, and that has to stop. But now, the book I want the most to read next is Blood Meridian.

>> No.15941086

>The Story of the Eye
I still don't understand why people read this

>> No.15941105

It certainly made a good accompaniment to Maldoror as a transgressive piece

Why do people read anything?

>> No.15941123

I mean why do people read degenerate shit that has no point, I just don't get it

>> No.15941255

>degenerate shit that has no point
Fuck me lad, filtered to the max.

Are you seriously incapable of interfacing with such a work without treating it as some form of debased manual or apologia?

Also I should add, it certainly isn't a work of great depth of stupefying insight, nor is it intended to be. As Bataille himself outlines in the coda, he began the work as a mere diversion, only for an inadvertent semiotic alignment to arise which he had neither anticipated nor intended, but which recalled certain tantalizing images from the recesses of his psyche.

>> No.15941269

Its literally about fucking an eyeball, repeat that to yourself out loud, I wouldn't even dream that in a fever dream

>> No.15941278

Blood Meridian is kino.

>> No.15941344

Yes I suppose it must sound faintly outlandish to one who circumscribes the limits of his imagination within a poxy line of image-board text.

Back to your Breitbart articles brainlet.

>> No.15941483

>>a few books you recently finished
Lotr the fellowship of the ring
>>the books you're currently reading
Lotr the two towers
>>the books you plan on reading next
Lotr the return of the king

>> No.15941497

>>the books you're currently reading
Monte Cristo
>>the books you plan on reading next
Monte Cristo

>> No.15941795
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>inferno, lotr, meinkampf
>purgatorio, meinkamp, meinkamp
>meinkampf, meinkampf, meinkampf

>> No.15942044

>a few books you recently finished
Cormac McCarthy - The Road
DFW - The Pale King
Stephen King - Misery
Pat Conroy - The Water is Wide
>books you're currently reading
Don Delillo - Great Jones Street
David Foster Wallace - Infinite Jest
>the books you plan on reading next
Michael McDowell - The Elementals
Grace Krilanovich - The Orange Eats Creeps
William Faulkner - Absalom, absalom!

>> No.15943311

>a few books you recently finished
A bunch of Zweig novellas, The Burning Secret was one of the best things I’ve ever read
Brideshead Revisited
Madame De
>the books you're currently reading
Tristram Shandy I’m through the first four books
>the books you plan on reading next
Quicksand by Tanizaki
Don Quixote

>> No.15943647

>a few books you recently finished
Ethiopian Christianity by Philip Esler
Enchiridion of Epictetus
The Trial by Kafka
>the book you're currently reading
Chronicle of the Abbey of St. Edmunds by Jocelin of Brakelond
>the books you plan on reading next
The Brothers Karamazov

>> No.15945460

Based and checked

>> No.15945494

Read in the past couple months:
>Life & Times of Michael K - Coetzee
>The Vegetarian - Han Kang
>Brothers Karamazov - Dostoevesky
>City - Clifford Simak
>The Possibility of an Island - Houellebecq
>My Year of Rest and Relaxation - Otessa Moshfegh
>The Dog Stars - Peter Heller

I'm about to start Three Farmers on Their Way to a Dance by Richard Powers.

>> No.15946148

How's broom of the System baby?

>> No.15946357

Anti-tech revolution by Uncle Ted
Imperialism, the highest stage of capitalism by Lenin
Journey to the East by Hesse
>currently reading
Myth of Sisyphus by Camus
I'm getting filtered hard because I'm reading in English and not in my native language and translator uses pretty flowery language.
I feel like reading some occult shit, maybe some Jung or Evola

>> No.15946434

Yes, I've heard a lot about it here. I just have this feeling it's gonna be really, really kino. As soon as I finish I am legend I'm going to start Blood Meridian, so I don't even have time to think of other books I should read first.

>> No.15946505

I haven't read anything in 9 years lol

>> No.15946546

Soulstealers by Philip Kuhn
The Red Queen by Matt Ridley
The Aegean from the Bronze Age to the Iron Age by Oliver Dickinson
Human Diversity by Charles Murray
The Arabs by Mackintosh-Smith
The Wonder that was India by A.L Basham
Bedouin Law from the Sinai and the Negev by Clinton Bailey
Some of Christopher Hallpike's books
The Homeric and Hindu Epic corpus

>> No.15946626

newfaggot here
>a few books you recently finished
Brave New World
Pride and Prejudice
Kafka on the Shore
Catcher in the Rye
The Stranger
>Currently reading
Light in August
>Plan on reading next
Gatsby, Lord of the Flies, and then Dostoevsky's works

>> No.15946836


>> No.15946845

>recently read
House of Leaves, Teachings of Don Juan
>currently reading
Antkind, charlie kaufmans new book, fucking whack
> next
uhhhh might do pale fire or maybe this gilgamesh translation my friend recc'd

>> No.15946884

The Dune saga
Gullivers travels
The Foundation bookks

>> No.15946899

Thoughts on Machiavelli (Leo Strauss), Leonardo da Vinci (Walter Isaacson)
Les fleurs du mal (baudelaire), Papeis Avulsos (machado de assis), tale of two cities (dickens)

>next books
eroticism (bataille), julius ceaser (shakespeare) leo strauss biography (tanguay)

>> No.15946933

Plato's Republic.
For my legionaries.
Beyond Good and Evil.
Stand on Zanzibar.
An Introduction to the Devout Life.

>> No.15946987

>recently finished
a farewell to arms
>currently reading
life of Christ, Fulton Sheen
>going to read
probably for whom the bell tolls
intro to devout life is good. you will have a hard time finding a priest to do a whole life confession though so it's pretty hard to follow everything in there.

>> No.15947123

>a few books you recently finished
Food of the Gods
How to Change Your Mind
>the books you're currently reading
Brave New World
Mycelium Running
The Myth of Sisyphus
>the books you plan on reading next
Why We Sleep
The Forgotten Language

>> No.15947335

>you will have a hard time finding a priest to do a whole life confession though
I'm friends with a monk inside a local abbey which is highly traditional so I imagine that the Father Abbot might be willing to help.
If not I know an uber-traditional (but still inside the Church) Ordinariate Priest who may be helpful.
Between them I should be fine, hopefully.

>> No.15947583

>>a few books you recently finished
Drnaso - Sabrina
Tsvetaeva - Selected Poems
Cervantes - Exemplary Stories
Staiger - Basic Concepts of Poetics
>>the books you're currently reading
Greek Lyric Poetry (ML West)
>>the books you plan on reading next
Barthes - Criticism and Truth
Longinus - On the Sublime
Pelevin - Omon Ra

>> No.15947691


>a few books you recently finished

Various works of Par Lagerkvist (The Hangman, The Dward, Herod and Mariamne)
Cabbages and Kings by O.Henry
A Clockwork Orange by Anthony Burgesse

>The books you're currently reading

Death on Credit by Celine

>The books you plan on reading next


>> No.15947862

>Recently read:
The splendid and the vile
Infinite jest
>currently reading
Land of wondrous cold
Myth of sisyphus (ok its more like an essay yea)

>> No.15947886

>recently read
The Passion - Jeannette Winterson
The Terror - Dan Simmons
Based on a true story - Norm Macdonald
>currently reading
Suttree - Cormac McCarthy
>planning on reading next
The Lincoln Lawye - Michael Connolly

>> No.15947895

Same current. Loving. You?

>> No.15948036
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Scanner Darkly, Congo Mercenary


American Pyscho, has anyone here read It thinking about buying It on Amazon is it worth It or is It just a meme loved the kino

>> No.15948122

>>a few books you recently finished
Umberto Eco - Numero Zero
Gerhart Hauptmann - Before Sunrise
Apuleius - The Metamorphoses
>>the books you're currently reading
Camus - The Plague
>>the books you plan on reading next
Gaddis - JR

>> No.15948381
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>> No.15948853

>a few books you recently finished
I've only been on /lit/ for a couples years so i'm still working on the "essentials".
Mason & Dixon
Modern Man in Search of a Soul
The Antichrist

>the books you're currently reading

>the books you plan on reading next
The Technological Society
Growth of the Soil
Carpenters Gothic

>> No.15949006

>American Pyscho, has anyone here read It thinking about buying It on Amazon is it worth It or is It just a meme loved the kino
The book was more disturbing than the movie imo because your mind can picture more fucked-up imagery than a movie can provide
There's a lot of slow, unexciting chapters that are largely there to juxtapose the violence and show how empty Bateman's life is. There are some scenes in the book that couldn't be put in the movie as well which you may enjoy.

It often takes you from kinda bored to extremely disgusted in the span of a few pages, and if a book can keep you on your toes like that I'd say it's a good one.

>> No.15949113

Thanks I’ll definitely get It

>> No.15949252

Recently finished
>Witcher series
>Magician trilogy Fiest
>Farewell to arms
>Oldman and the sea
>The Gambler

>The Idiot

>More Dostoevsky
>Shadow of the torturer

>> No.15949278

>Bhagavad Gita
>Exploits and Opinions of Dr. Faustroll
>Tao of Symbols


>Glass Bead Game

>> No.15949283

Finished The Sympathyser by Viet Than Nguyen, The Wise Man's Fear by Patrick Rothfuss, Deacon King Cong by James McBride, The Wolf by Leo Carew & The Sellout by Paul Beaty. Reading Shakespeare for Squirls by Christopher Moore and almost finished Black Leopard, Red Wolf by Marlon James. Reading slow because I'm not sure what to read next.

>> No.15950629
File: 687 KB, 832x1000, 1592108172395.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a few books you recently finished (in the last month)
Industrial Society and Its Future
Technological Slavery
The Burning Edge: Travels Through Irradiated Belarus
>the books you're currently reading
Sea Room: An Island Life in the Hebrides
The Conspiracy Against the Human Race
>the books you plan on reading next
Way more than I can list. Currently thinking some combination of :
Strathclyde and the Anglo-Saxons in the Viking Age
Bronze Age Mindset
1177 B.C. - Year Civilization Collapsed - Turning Points in Ancient History
Can Life Prevail?
Infinite Jest
Growth of the Soil

>> No.15951066

This picture reminds me of the boarding house I was at when taking the test at Eton. Is there source for it.

>> No.15951320

No sorry, I just have it for the frog.

>> No.15951437


>recently finished
naked lunch
berlin alexanderplatz
moby dick

brothers k

sot-weed factor or dune; or...suggestions?

>> No.15951442

absalom is so good. i think especially if you have no idea what the actual story is. great book...

>> No.15951465

fast reader ...

>> No.15951473

>>a few books you recently finished
Don Quixote
Several Plato dialogues
The Odyssey (not the first time I’ve read it)
The Great Gatsby (also not the first time I’ve read this)
>>the books you're currently reading
Leaves of Grass
The Diversity of Life
>>the books you plan on reading next
Journey to the end of night
More Plato dialogues

>> No.15951475

dw about it bro counting books is for squares. just enjoy gods little angel alyosha

>> No.15952403

I finished Les Miserables today!! I don't read that fast. I read around 4-500wpm If I'm really enthusiastic. But I'm an unemployed student so I have a lot of time to read

>> No.15953004

>recently finished
Master And Commander
>currently reading
Post Captain
The Sympathizer
Indian Heroes and Great Chieftans
>plan on reading next
HMS Surprise
Old Indian Days
Still need to finish The Light Fantastic

>> No.15953256

>a few books you recently finished
Infinite Jest, A Little Life
>the books you're currently reading
Simply Christian
>the books you plan on reading next
Imma have to hit up some Discworld. Missing some Pratchett, and after the books I finished earlier, it would be nice to have something light without child abuse in it.

>> No.15953303

Supposedly, you should read brothers karamozov after crime and punishment, the idiot , and demons. Just fyi. Seeing as you want to read dosto next start with c&p or notes.
Notes can be finished within a day or two