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File: 39 KB, 680x607, f11cd624-cdaf-4de2-9b69-2bcc18bb7999.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15930561 No.15930561[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is it true?

>> No.15930584
File: 40 KB, 570x671, 9B695F39-A6C2-44F2-900C-962AA11F61B2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he has to ask

>> No.15930588

Yea, people with average or slightly above average IQ tend to overcompensate with fancy words and shit.
Smart people and retards don't give no shits about appearances

>> No.15930589

who cares, even us midwits have our specialties in society

>> No.15930601

the tiny frog is very amusing

>> No.15930605

Yeah, bugmen who live in pods

>> No.15930606

this image always makes me laugh, idk why

>> No.15930612

even though the meme is supposed to cast inferiority on it, he looks very content. i wish i was 110 iq frog

>> No.15930918

As opposed the big boy?

>> No.15931032

the big boy is angry

>> No.15931139

now you just know the person who made this is in the <100 bracket
i dont want to sound like a midwit but i really do hate retards, i feel like some people have this notion that dumb people are "wholesome" or some shit but if you actually spent time around someone who was that stupid you'd be the latest advocate for the final solution 2

>> No.15931222

he thinkin

>> No.15931413

Both the stupid guy and the smart guy think they're geniuses, while the virgins in between mostly do nothing but question their intelligence, and look up ways to raise it.
This leaves no space for them to actually do shit. The chads who stand tall and never question they're wisdom are unstoppeable (I know that's the right way to spell it, so don't question me).

I know I am a genius. Wether I am low or high in IQ does not butter me.

>> No.15931430

IQ isn't true
Mine is very high though

>> No.15931524
File: 82 KB, 297x170, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IQ is a meme

>> No.15931548

retards generalize

>> No.15931552

Highest IQ post itt

>> No.15931557

does this mean you're retarded?

>> No.15931569
File: 13 KB, 269x187, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Intellectual humility is indispensable to wisdom, and wisdom is indispensable to intelligence.

>> No.15931576

Yes. Naive people see bits of reality for what it is, they just get confused really easily. Slightly smarter people toss out everything the naive people believe because of their god complex, they get confused just as easily but they uncritically assume anything the naive person accepts has to be wrong because it's naive. The truly patrician intellectuals actually have the proper critical acuity to, once again, see reality as it is, with the proper skills of logic to avoid the confusion of those beneath them, and this is what it means to be 'critical' rather than an uncritical dogmatist or an uncritical skeptic.

>> No.15932412

>be super high IQ
>realize you can capitalize on this by appearing on shows and writing low effort meme books instead of wagecucking
>dont care about being called a pseud/fraud because too high IQ to care about appearance
>live the life
you're the meme

>> No.15932440

Yes, the ruinous history of the US can be understood as the consequences of emancipating 120IQ-havers, especially women. This faggot bracket ruined everything and voted for gay shit meanwhile the gigabrains were making great things and the dumbass chads were fiddling around bonfires and shit. Midwits are the disease of the earth and social media is cursed for giving them an even greater voice.

>> No.15932512
File: 101 KB, 1436x869, 27ldon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek at all the midwit cope itt

>> No.15932534

My IQ is 134 and I was intentionally kept away from my paternal grandfather whose IQ was tested at 91. My mother (142, Stanford-Binet) was drafted into MENSA and it just managed to turn her against her working class family. She got them all tested and cut off everyone under 100.

That said, having 50 points in IQ difference from your family must be very dissociative. I've never made any attempt to really reconnect with my grandfather though. He seems like one of those "die for ZOG/Israel" boomercons given his social media. No desire to open that door.

>> No.15932559

t. midwit

>> No.15932574


>Thinks this pseud quit his day job


>> No.15932582
File: 7 KB, 209x241, 1237123127127.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw afraid to take an IQ test for fear of getting under 130

>> No.15932669

fuck u im a retard

>> No.15932671

IQ is a meme.

>> No.15932684

whatever your SAT is score is a good comp. Just about anyone who scores above 96th percentile is above 130.

That's not to say the SAT is a good IQ test, just that those two stats are correlated.

>> No.15932711
File: 51 KB, 1024x684, 1573838621549.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15932723

don't pretend like a high IQ is all he has, if he even has that. To do what he did all you need is a decent amount of luck and a work ethic, that's it, just a flash in the pan.

>> No.15932774

The 100 IQ guy also hates niggers, but he will never admit it because he is too obsessed with appearances and desires to appear not racist.

The idiot and the genius have long since discarded any desire to uphold appearances, as they are already outliers in society.

>> No.15932804

is race constantly on your minds? must suck having that rent free all day

>> No.15932842

Only a midwit like in the image thinks it's not and is too intimidated to deal with the prospects and inevitabilies of seeing and arguing about society and culture from a racial consciousness.

>> No.15932863

iq is a meme, as much as intelligence is a meme.
Niggers and other undesirables possess little mental faculty. IQ observably supplies this understanding, therefore it cannot be completely independable.

>> No.15932961
File: 38 KB, 758x644, 1595287978191.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Big brains generalize too.

>> No.15932976

I usually don't lol at these memes but good choice of font for each.

>> No.15932993

in fairness race obsession is primarily why the traditional arts and sciences is collapsing in real time. No one on the far right or far left is producing good art anymore because art itself is a race comment and science is gay and jewish.

>> No.15933034

Not having race on your mind is unironically an aspect of white privilege

>> No.15933043

How do people in China or Japan have white privilege? That makes no sense

>> No.15933046

Only in multicultural societies led by jewish finance tyrants. Since I've moved to Mongolia I've awakened to a society that does not actively consider race. Really refreshing.

>> No.15933048
File: 12 KB, 232x217, FBCD1652-5BCA-4C99-94AF-002EF723249F_4_5005_c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15933051
File: 210 KB, 497x480, 6E85FE79-58EF-4F47-AF84-D8C8767E3EE0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15933067
File: 243 KB, 2048x2048, 88C25196-F916-490C-A6AD-89FE40DE240B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To some extent yes, though portioning it with particular iq brackets limits the clarity of the point as nothing is so definitively limited, the midwit pretension iq range definitely does not start at 100 it starts before 90, there are many below average midwits. The most stupid are barely in possession of intellectual capability and have almost no capacity for rationality, therefore they are better identified as irrational animals, they act off of instinct. This instinct is of a biological nature, and therefore act in ways of interest to their biology and therefore of themselves to fulfil some purpose of life. The most intelligent rationally reach the same conclusions but through reason, they are able to lay aside limits of consensus to arrive at truth. Those in the middle are too confined by social convention and confused philosophical ideas, they know enough to distract from instinct but they lack enough knowledge or processing ability to apply it rationally, often seeking ever more hedonistic and pointless pleasure above all.
In a particular case: the primary drive of life is to succeed evolutionarily via reproductive success (as this is what propagated life, keeping it around, if it didn’t do this it wouldn’t exist); the most intelligent know this from study and application of theory; the least intelligent follow their instinct that tells them to do the same thing, they don’t need to understand what they must do to do it; the moderately intelligent have many received and confused ideas that they adopt instead of instinct in a low level of rationality whilst conforming to a social convention, they are still ruled by cognitive dissonance.
This image illustrates another case of the same thing. The intelligent man understands that plurality creates unstable societies and toleration of the dangerous is cowardly. The idiot instinctively knows that those different from him are a threat (This is again biological because ethnic competition is evolutionary competition, which acts between genetically differentiated groups at any scale but moreso when those groups show obvious differentiation such as behavioural or physical as with race). However, it is wrong to say that the intelligent man hates niggers, he just knows rationally not to allow plurality within a society, hate is emotional and not rational.
A concise accurate summary of the midwit’s problem.

>> No.15933162
File: 222 KB, 720x601, 20200630_184658.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

120IQ. 130 and more are around 2% of the pop. I wish I was there

>> No.15934245
File: 129 KB, 898x908, bugman syas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>is race constantly on your minds? must suck having that rent free all day

>> No.15934317

Race is a foundational building block to civilization. There is a reason God included dividing humans by languages in the bible. Ignoring race is ignoring truth. We will never move on if we can't admit that black people are not capable living up to western standards.

>> No.15936232


>> No.15936247

Im so sick of americans bros...

>> No.15936255

He's on the left.

>> No.15936257
File: 228 KB, 696x378, scientific_racism_Irish_1899.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when are you gonna send all the inferior irish race back to ireland before their inferiority infects the superior white and black races?

>> No.15936260

Isn't Mensa just a scam?

>> No.15936271

he's smug even though he ain't shit

>> No.15936275

puff puff pass

>> No.15936278

<100 should have his fingered crossed behind his back

>> No.15936279
File: 82 KB, 747x1023, Arthur_Schopenhauer_by_J_Schäfer _1859b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Men of very great capacity, will as a rule, find the company of very stupid people preferable to that of the common run; for the same reason that the tyrant and the mob, the grandfather and the grandchildren, are natural allies.

>> No.15936280

>doesn't like generalizations
sounds like a waste of time bro

>> No.15936282

He's smarter than average

>> No.15936290

>for the same reason that the tyrant and the mob, the grandfather and the grandchildren, are natural allies.
and what's that?