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15930112 No.15930112[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.15930123


>> No.15930138

>has his reputation ruined by a language that is used by like 500 people

>> No.15930146

literally dick flattening

>> No.15930149


>> No.15930154
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>> No.15930158


>> No.15931473


>> No.15931550

How the fuck is TYT still going? I'd stick my dick in that crazy bitch though

>> No.15931762


>> No.15931787

lmao, lil nigga gona die soon im gonna be sad

>> No.15931815

He looks so tired and done with existing.

>> No.15931831

>He hasn't read Donald Davidson

>> No.15931987

fuck off the beard is scholarly ok?

>> No.15932040

haven't glanced at Chomsky in a decade, what do you mean?
explainer, pls?

>> No.15933397
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I'm not that poster, but I can explain.

Pirahã is a language spoken by a Brazilian hunter-gatherer tribe. It apparently lacks certain features that are considered to be universal among human languages.


Daniel Everett, the researcher who studies Pirahã, claims that the language disproves Chomsky's theory of universal grammar. Chomsky's theory states that certain aspects of linguistic structure, such as recursion, are shared by all humans - in other words there is a genetic/neurological basis for the human language faculty that creates a universal foundation from which all languages develop. Universal grammar would explain why all human languages are largely identical from a structural point of view, the only difference being the superficial sounds used to produce them.

Since Pirahã lacks some of these structural features (Everett's evidence for this is actually a little fishy), it seems to call into question the existence of an innate universal grammar. In truth, it does no such thing. In Chomsky's own words:

“The language [Pirahã] is “unique” because of the publicity it has received and the extravagant claims that have been made about it. Apart from that, it is very much like many other languages, as has been shown by careful scholarship. As a matter of simple logic, it would be impossible for the language to contradict any theory of mine, even if the claims about the language were true. The reason is simple. These theories have to do with the faculty of language: the basis for acquiring and using individual languages. That has always been clear, explicit, and unambiguous. The speakers of Pirahã share the common human language faculty; some are fluent speakers of Portuguese. That ends the discussion.

The primary claim of “uniqueness” is that Pirahã lacks recursion, which is, plainly, a core property of the human faculty of language. Suppose that the claim about Pirahã were true. That would be a curiosity, but nothing more. Similarly, if some tribe were found in which people wear a patch over one eye and hence do not use binocular vision, it would tell us nothing at all about the human faculty of vision.”

Even if Pirahã lacked recursion (which apparently it doesn't), this wouldn't be evidence that a universal language faculty does not exist in the human brain. It would simply be an example of a bizarre cultural development. And since the Pirahã people are perfectly capable of learning other languages like Portuguese, they clearly do have the same language faculty as everybody else.

Sorry for the blogpost. Noam explains it all in this interview: https://www.lavocedinewyork.com/en/2016/10/04/chomsky-we-are-not-apes-our-language-faculty-is-innate/

>> No.15933465

Go to bed Noam you old kike

>> No.15933512

He is really going for that garden gnome look.

>> No.15933530

It's working for him and so long as he doesn't become mossy or sprout shrooms he be ok

>> No.15933599

Proper write up. Everett really didn't disprove Chomsky, but Noam is still absolutely butt blasted anytime Everett is brought up lol.

>> No.15933743

chapo check

>> No.15933777
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more like garden noam

>> No.15933782

>Brooks died before Chomsky
Is Chomsky a Stan Lee tier vampire?

>> No.15933823

He's a living legend. It's pretty crazy to think he's lived for almost a century. The things that man has seen in his life, boggles the mind.

Brooks dying was an absolute tragedy. I'm still coming to grips with it myself. Funny to see him mentioned on 4chan, were you a fan?

>> No.15933833

>chapo check
Oh, you definitely gotta go back

>> No.15933836
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>> No.15933839
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>college peepee humor

>> No.15933841

You need to leave

>> No.15933858

Yeah, Noam gets really cantankerous whenever someone disagrees with him. His responses can be absolutely brutal roasts. I think it's just a quirk of his personality, combined with the fact that he's often misquoted and misinterpreted by brainlets who have no grounds to challenge him. It must get frustrating.

>> No.15933860

Hi, I'm a newfag. Is it true that you shat your pants and posted a picture of your shit stained panties on here?

>> No.15933877

No, it’s not true. It’s anonymous who shit his pants and put on an old cracked tripcode. I just don’t do that sort of thing.

>> No.15933883

Solid post lad

>> No.15933898

So then who exactly are you and why do people hate you?

>> No.15933902

You wished you looked like that

>> No.15933977
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Why is Ana such a slut?

>> No.15934012

I was never a big fan of Michael Brooks, he always came off as smug and condescending, and he was part of the Yang/Tulsi smear campaign. But I respect how messed up it is for him to die that young and how devastating it must be for his fans and people who knew him.

I'm much more of a fan of Rising and both Krystal and even Saagar apparently had a close relationship with him.

>> No.15934074

He could seem smug (especially for a new listener), and had a bit of a stubborn streak, but he was a very sharp thinker and a genuine humanist. I'm sure he would have had an exceptionally successful career. The reason so many people are grieving is because he really was a special person. He was rational, open minded, principled, knowledgeable, and cared deeply for others. God, I'm tearing up just thinking about it.

I don't listen to much Krystal, but she seems okay. I'm suspicious of Saagar because at this point it's hard to take anyone on the right seriously - even if some of their opinions overlap with mine. Their show is funded by some billionaire, so in a way it kind of feels like a Trojan horse to get lefties to accept right wingers lol.

I get most of my political news from The Majority Report, The David Pakman Show, and Democracy Now with Amy Goodman. I'll still keep listening to The Micheal Brooks Show, but it's just not going to be the same with him gone.

>> No.15934246

Old retarded lesbian that doesn't read

>> No.15934288


I have a large sum of cash, and I am very young. Will you be my mommy gf?

>> No.15934670

she looks like Chanel Preston

>> No.15934704

kekd and checked

>> No.15934733
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>> No.15934747
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I ain’t nobody.
They hate me for one or more of the following reasons. Named user (not supposed to say anything, but they say “butterfly” anyway), I am a woman, I am an anarchist, I am lesbian, I am an atheist [now, unfortunately, some probably hate me for being a “terf”]

I would settle for being that age again.

You can call me “auntie”. But hold onto that cash. We’re heading into a depression

>> No.15934814

Fuck off faggot, this is a Chomsky thread

>> No.15934830

>I get most of my political news from The Majority Report, The David Pakman Show

>> No.15934907

Problem? What shows do you listen to smarty pants?

>> No.15935018

Tim Pool

>> No.15935073


>> No.15935086

Oh, I thought you were going to list some retarded right wingers lol. I’m only familiar with Sargon. I don’t have a big problem with feminist/SJW stuff so I don’t tend to be interested in commentary like that.

Do you know TJ Kirk? I’m a big Drunken Peasants fan. They had Sargon on as a guest a few times.

>> No.15935156

Just where are you when anonymous shitposters shit up the board?

>Oh London Frog is the based!
>Dick flattening time! Based.
You're based-poster, aren't you?

>> No.15935168
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>I get most of my political news from The Majority Report, The David Pakman Show, and Democracy Now with Amy Goodman.

>> No.15935177

You’re just salty because left is best :)

>> No.15935180

I completely disagree with Chomsky's politics nowadays, after having learned to appreciate capitalism and realizing what evils its absence can create (specially in third world countries like mine), but when he dies I will be sad.

Whether I like it or not, Chomsky was a deep part of my teenage years. I read his books like a revelation (see Aaron Swartz portraying a similar experience), even though I know believe them to be deeply flawed and often dishonest. He's also, alongside Werner Herzog, the most famous person I ever talked to.

>> No.15935248

I don’t think Chomsky’s criticisms of crony capitalism are flawed or dishonest. You think the current system in the US is a positive state of affairs?

Chomsky is in favor of free markets - in the original sense of the word. But we don’t have free markets under American capitalism, we have corporate totalitarianism. I get the feeling you’re conflating him as some kind of communist, when actually he’s a classical libertarian anarchist.

I don’t understand the trajectory your political thinking took lol. I think you may have misunderstood what Chomsky was trying to achieve. I’d be interested in hearing about these flaws and dishonesties you’re referring to.

>> No.15935257

If your main takeaway from Chomsky was “capitalism bad” then you totally missed the point lol.

>> No.15935263

Mind answering what's your defense for being a TERF? Usually mostly see straight TERFs.

>> No.15935268

yikes goyim

>> No.15935285

His main critiques involving capitalism are of the neoliberal campaign of privatization and austerity, a society built to serve the rich, and the gutting of the state as a provider of social welfare by decades of right wing anti-government propaganda.

>> No.15935292

All feminists should be TERFs, why would you want a 6'5 300lb tranny with heavy stubble waiting to sexually assault a harem of lesbians at every meeting?

>> No.15935294

I can answer that: it’s because she’s a retard who doesn’t know anything about science. The consensus regarding the biological validity of trans people was established long ago. Gender dysphoria is driven by real physiological differences in their brains and hormonal profiles - it’s not a figment of their imaginations or a mental illness.

>> No.15935330

>The consensus regarding evolution was established long ago
>The consensus that God isn't real was established long ago
>The consensus that everything is material was established long ago
>The consensus that women and niggers are equal to White men was established long ago
>The consensus that we live in a simulation was established long ago
>The consensus that sci-fi movies are real life was established long ago
>The consensus that we should put penises in our shitholes and wear women's underwear was established long ago

>> No.15935340

> (((consensus)))

>> No.15935341

Seethe harder you schizophrenic faggot. People have the right to self determination, transgenderism is a real biological phenomenon, and trans people don’t hurt anybody by presenting as their true gender identity.

>> No.15935350

Let’s stop arguing about trannies and get back to Chomsky. I want to hear why that halfwit a few posts up thinks he knows better than Noam.

>> No.15935359

>Gender dysphoria is driven by real physiological differences in their brains and hormonal profiles - it’s not a figment of their imaginations or a mental illness.
No there isn't

>> No.15935363

>Noooooooo the unwashed masses must have the right to engage in sodomy with mentally ill freaks!!!

>> No.15935381

Yes there is

That’s an article summary, the study is cited at the bottom if you want to read the full paper yourself

>> No.15935418 [DELETED] 

Materialism. There’s no such thing as having a spiritually female brain or whatever. (Oh now this guy below is saying they do have women’s brains. Ha. No)
Perhaps someday we’ll be able to switch chromosomes midlife, but right now, they’re men with admitted mental anxieties about being men.
I feel sorry for them, but these methods of dealing with the issue don’t seem to work. Act and dress how ya like, have sex with whatever consenting adult, get the whole family to call you whatever you want. I don’t recommend the hormones and surgery. Enjoy.

>> No.15935425

I am quite familiar with Chomsky's anarcho-syndicalist views, thank you. As it happens, I have read six of his books cover to cover when I was sixteen, and watched many lectures (not just interviews).
And please do not try to infer what I think from baseless premises and extrapolations from what I said.

I am not here to discuss Chomsky, which I have done countless times on /lit/, and is frankly immensely boring, but merely to note the fact that I will lament his death.

>> No.15935427

Materialism. There’s no such thing as having a spiritually female brain or whatever. (Oh now this guy above is saying they do have women’s physical brains. Ha. No)
Perhaps someday we’ll be able to switch chromosomes midlife, but right now, they’re men with admitted mental anxieties about being men.
I feel sorry for them, but these methods of dealing with the issue don’t seem to work. Act and dress how ya like, have sex with whatever consenting adult, get the whole family to call you whatever you want. I don’t recommend the hormones and surgery. Enjoy.

>> No.15935436

You're going to die alone, you old hag.

>> No.15935444
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>> No.15935462

Lol, it’s not spiritually a female brain. The differences are structural and hormonal. Their brains are psychologically more similar to women’s, and this produces gender dysphoria. It’s got nothing to do with the chromosomes.

Your ignorance is so sad. You clearly have no grasp of the science behind this issue. And actually, gender reassignment surgery and hormone therapy tends to lead to better quality of life for trans people than if their dysphoria is left unaddressed: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6354936/

“ Research tends to support that GAHT reduces symptoms of anxiety and depression, lowers perceived and social distress, and improves quality of life and self-esteem in both male-to-female and female-to-male transgender individuals.”

You speak so confidently, yet have so little knowledge. I pity you.

>> No.15935476

>and hormonal
So why take hormones?

No no, really >>>/lgbt/

>> No.15935478

Lol didn’t answer my question. What issues do you have with his critique of capitalist systems as they currently exist? What about his analysis is dishonest? Don’t scurry away from my questions you greasy little brainlet.

Sounds like you read his books when you were a kid and none of it stuck besides some vague misunderstandings.

>> No.15935496

Similar doesn’t mean identical. Hormonal therapy allows trans people - whose brains are more similar to their gender identity’s but not identical - to shift their bodies towards a state that feels more comfortable for them and affirms their psychological identity. It’s not a hard concept.

>> No.15935508

The same question could be leveled against you. It’s arguably abiological for you to be attracted to other women, yet you are. Is it a mental illness? Or would you argue there are biological factors causing you to deviate from the sexual norms of your gender. I really don’t get how a faggot can’t sympathize with trans people.

>> No.15935523

If it is illness that makes me who/what I am, I am blissfully so.

I am sorry you are homosexuals that hate what it is you are. Get well. Goodnight.

>> No.15935525

Liberals are not part of the left.

>> No.15935532



And I could cite much else, including his misrepresentations and half-truths about my own country (Brazil).

>critique of capitalist systems as they currently exist

He criticizes capitalism in general. It doesn't take Chomsky to criticize cronyism, and his critiques aren't original or smart. Nassim Taleb is a vastly superior critic.

Now my critique of critiques of capitalism is that other systems are empirically worse.


>> No.15935535

Seriously, who is this bitch? Why does she namefag? Why do trans people trigger her so much?

>> No.15935540

Just because other systems are worse doesn’t mean we can’t make this one better lol

“Systems” aren’t static sets of rules you swap between like car tires. They can be tweaked and improved and combined.

>> No.15935553

>Gender dysphoria is driven by real physiological differences in their brains and hormonal profiles - it’s not [...] a mental illness.
These are not mutually exclusive...

>> No.15935555


>> No.15935563

Sure, but there’s no reason to villify trans people as illegitimate or imagining their own condition as a delusion. Gender dysphoria happens when your brain doesn’t quite fit your body, and it’s okay to want to change your body to fit your brain. I don’t understand why this concept triggers so much hatred in people.

>> No.15935568

It’s always the Brazilians. There must be something in the water over there that stunts brain development.

>> No.15935578

Yes, capitalism can be improved.
But Chomsky is an anarcho-syndicalist in theory and a caudillo promoter in practice, so not really a capitalist nor a reformer of capitalism (which is usually known as "social-democrat", "social liberal" etc.) In Latin America he gave his support to caudillos and crypto-caudillos like Chavez, Evo and Lula, not to free market supporting democrats like FHC (ex-President of Brazil) or Mario Vargas-Llosa (who once tried to be president of Peru, it's a pity he didn't win).

>> No.15935596

You should be dicked down hard to purge your degeneracy. At least you're somewhat better than the rest owing to your TERF status.

>> No.15935598

Lula? One of the most popular and successful leaders in South American history? What’s wrong with supporting Lula?

>> No.15935684


Lula had an economically decent first administration, because he followed FHC's footsteps - the same FHC whose Plano Real he had fought in the mid-90's (which goes to show how backwards and wrong the Brazilian radical left can be). Then, specially after his second admin., Lula did the opposite of what he should have done, and, instead of trying to diversify our commodities-based economy and create programs of actual developmental value (such as helping small businesses) he started to establish measures which were always either populistic or cronyistic. Curiously enough, Lula was one of the biggest crony-capitalists we've ever had, and he used BNDS funds (destined to small businessmen) mostly to help big business, his partners in crime. He also completely destroyed what little education we had left, did nothing to stop our absurd levels of criminality (Brazil's *single biggest problem* for decades now - but a problem which doesn't affect the rich and therefore is not important for them), increased our bureaucratic hell, and more. Then, his successor, following the same left-wing pseudo-economics that he had slowly started to employ, threw our country into a deep crisis, and even faked data to win an election (for which she was thankfully impeached).

And I haven't even started to mention Lula's crimes, his proprensity to let others also commit crimes (therefore the big waves of corruption during his government), nor his anti-democratic bent and friendship with dictators from around the world.

And you should update your facts. Lula is far from popular nowadays, so much so that even an absolute mess of a candidate, by which I mean Bolsonaro, managed to easily defeat Lula's puppet Fernando Haddad, in an unprecedented win in which very little money was spent (as far as we know) by the winner, who also had almost no televised propaganda time, and who spent most of the campaign in a hospital bed. Amazing.

>> No.15935698

PS: I do not support FHC, but he was, alongside Itamar Franco and Michel Temer, the only non-disastrous president we've had since redemocratization.

>> No.15935765

Jesus what a copepost from that retard

>> No.15935928

I used to watch TJ back in middle school. He doesn’t appeal to me now though,

>> No.15936164

>And since the Pirahã people are perfectly capable of learning other languages like Portuguese
They aren't.