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15927347 No.15927347[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

It's obvious the current exhibitionism and censorship by the Trans movement is because so many of them are narcissist, the rate of transgenders with diagnosed narcissistic personality disorder is far higher than the regular population.

But they bit off more than they can chew. They have intimidated doctors into silence and have politicized treatment, now many girls are getting transgendered who are going to grow up to regret it. It's going to be a huge scandal in about 10 years. I wonder if it will take the whole trans movement down with it, because a lot of these people are going to be mad.

>> No.15927361

I sure hope this transgender thing ends. I have no issues with LGB but that T is too much. That said, i'm mostly fine with FTM because most of them pass.

>> No.15927369

They'll steamroll them like all the kids damaged from racially integrated schools. The narrative is more important than child welfare or laments of personal suffering.

>> No.15927426

The movement will die out once all the kids grow up and start suing their doctors and counselors.

>> No.15927441

I think it's just gonna get worse and worse until it gets to the point where people are fucking animals and it's ok for children to express themselves sexually and shit like that

>> No.15927454


>I have no issues with LGB but that T is too much.

Accepting LGB means accepting that sexuality which does not and cannot by its nature lead to reproduction is just as valid as that which can. Once you do that, you open the doors to everything. Transsexuality, pedophilia, bestiality, necrophilia, & whatever else you can or can't think of.

It can't have escaped your notice how fast and inexorable the slippery slope was from "gay rights" to where we are now. This is why. And it's intentional (not consciously intentional for the majority of people, obviously, but the majority of people don't have much idea about anything).

>> No.15927468

Bad argument christcuck

>> No.15927498

Not him, but it doesn't need to be a good argument. What matter is that divorcing sexuality from reproduction removes the grounding from all sorts of things. Not necessarily logically, but in people's minds. People get the message even if it isn't true, and they understand that the old categories don't matter anymore.

>> No.15927505

pedophile drawing

>> No.15927510

Also the issue isn't accepting homosexuality. The only reason homosexuality was acceptable is because sex was divorced from reproduction. This all comes from technological advances, namely in contraceptives and birth control.

>> No.15927518

If you can't beat them, join them. Encourage these sick degenerates to mutilate themselves. Hopefully they will kill themselves sooner rather than later.

>> No.15927520

Pedofilia, necrofilia and beastiality are wrong because both parties cant give consent. Not because what above said

>> No.15927523

The slippery slope part isn’t so good but the point about toleration of non-reproductive sexual Union is quite correct, it sets a precedent of rejecting biological fact

>> No.15927533

What's the book like? Give a run down

>> No.15927542

As a hedonist, can I have an argument against transgenderism without sounding like a hypocrite?

>> No.15927548

Whats the problem , as long as we require consent between 2 or more adults doing their reproductive or non reproductive sexual stuff all is good.

>> No.15927554

gotta love how these hypocritical cunts only care about the harm done to FTMs, not MTFs, which are way more common

>> No.15927580

The problem isn’t a need for consent the problem is the need for a truth behind action and purpose beyond it feeling good. Obviously gay sex is nowhere close as bad as necro beast or pedo, that comparison is ridiculous. But the toleration and encouragement of that which goes against our biological drive (to reproduce) is a dangerous allowance of irrationality

>> No.15927581
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The wee wee is supposed to go into the vagina because to make babbies
If wee wee was supposed to go in butt, then there would be babbies coming out of butt

>> No.15927600

>i enjoy some things
>am i a hypocrite if i don't enjoy them all

>> No.15927634

this reads like cope because a liberal democratic system is particularly vulnerable to getting trojan horsed by jewish subversives in exactly the way you're describing.

You need to collapse gay democracy, Anglo culture as a whole, and the founding principles of the Western order before you answer the Gay Q. You are about a century too late to roll it back in any meaningful way. Whippings will continue until morale improves.

>> No.15927637

If I believe the ultimate purpose of life is pleasure, how can I condemn someone striving towards their pleasure, even if I'm repulsed by it?

>> No.15927650

If a dog mounts, that is as good as consent, in my book atleast. Regarding the corpsefucking: you could get consent from the relatives or from a written testament. In both cases, getting anally fucked by a german shephard and eating a dead cheerleader's maggotsnatch with the blessing of her parents, no harm is done - which is the reason we ask for consent in the first place. I'd even say that a corpse's silent consent is worth more, in most cases, than the consent of a heroin-craving lady of the night. The hypocrisy!

>> No.15927669

Children and animals can both give consent, and corpses aren't people so who cares.
You don't have power, the people who gain from creating meaningless problem-people like fags and trannies do. The people in power say that children can consent, which means they can and do. You will be punished for saying they can't.

In an Epicurean sense, yeah, they lead to you having less pleasure.

It won't, it's going to be here for decades. Trannies are neo-Galli. They're the Perfect Person: totally detached from reality, concerned solely with material pleasures, entirely dependent upon the system for survival in literally every way, incapable of reproducing without the system, and all wrapped up in a package that has absolutely no internal fault lines or loyalties to anything but the system.

>> No.15927676

interviews a couple doctors and transgenders who regret it, and some transgenders who don't. Basically suggesting girls are transitioning because social media and porn make them hate womanhood, and rather than letting it sit and growing out of it schools are pumping gender idealogy in their brains and their progressive parents let it happen. Only for them to grow up and regret it. Also some stuff about the side effects of transitioning and economic reasons it's happening.

>> No.15927681

>how can I condemn someone striving towards their pleasure, even if I'm repulsed by it
Like this: I believe the ultimate purpose of life is pleasure, and I believe that my pleasure is more important than anybody else's pleasure.

>> No.15927684

Sounds pretty good, I think I'll check it out

>> No.15927690

I wish,the world would be a better place.

>> No.15927693

See, even this demonstrates the point. You don't have anything else to go off of because sex is completely divorced from nature now. You just "consent." Well we can waive consent if we want to. It's nothing more than a legal construct.

>> No.15927708

>Well we can waive consent if we want to. It's nothing more than a legal construct.
That is to say, it only matters regarding law. It doesn't make something right or wrong. If you accept "consent" logic then you no longer have any basis for declaring any sexual activity as right or wrong -- only for saying that it's illegal. And laws are mutable.

>> No.15927734

Becoming a tranny leads ultimately to more pain than pleasure, thus becoming a tranny for your own pleasure is self-defeating.

>> No.15927738

One last addendum, as an illustration of my point. We live in a world that's made it legal to kill babies in the womb in order to preserve women's sexual freedom. Does anyone actually think there's some kind of moral standard that's going to get in the way of people fucking dogs or corpses once that specific activity gets its turn in the spotlight? Don't make me laugh.

>> No.15927769
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Well /lit/?

>> No.15927776

/lit/ - Literature

>> No.15927777

lol, this shit is literally inmates running the asylum.

>> No.15927779
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>> No.15927782

>You know this mental illness is actually because of this other mental illness

No thanks

>> No.15927784

>What is society

>> No.15927789

>The best way to treat the mental illness is to force everyone to conform to what the mentally ill person says. Also if you call them mentally ill we're going to get you fired from your job.

>> No.15927799

the sad part about this cartoon is that sophie has a really appealing drawing style. i bet she could draw some really good stuff is she wanted
yes i said she, if that's what she wants to be called then let her

>> No.15927801

Reap what you sow, faggots. Thankfully this makes them infertile for life so more dumbasses won't be produced.

>> No.15927809

>sophie has a really appealing drawing style

>> No.15927815

>you're just against the existence transpeople
Yes I am.

>> No.15927836
File: 324 KB, 1280x1293, 87110fbbc3c4b904b0ca312d201d5ede11992997.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do canadians really

>> No.15927845

>right or wrong
By justifying sex based on the construct of consent you are inherently saying that as long as there is consent, then the sex is okay. Sex becomes a sources of pleasure and nothing more. Acquisition of pleasure is just fine as long as all parties are getting pleasure from it, and no one is getting displeasure (negative pleasure).

So yes, Trannies are absolutely correct, the moment you justify an act based on its pleasure, and then arbitrarily slap down "children can't consent" (they can't, but the construction of consent is nonsensical anyways so that's really another point because you can consent even if you don't consent), you are in fact just laying down arbitrary lines in the sand. Children can feel pleasure, the tranny feels the pleasure, ergo the Tranny should be allowed to fuck the child (or to butcher their genitals, it's functionally the same).

>> No.15927858

Why does nobody cares about the boys whose lives have been ruined by the trans movement?

>> No.15927881

Men are expendable. More importantly, they're being repurposed. See >>15927669. Actual men are unnecessary, indeed actually deleterious to the system, so the system repurposes them into these weird eunuchs. Its sort of feminism in reverse: feminism was about making women into shitty half-men to make them better producers and consumers for capitalism. Turns out, its much more efficient to turn men into shitty half-women to make THEM better producers and consumers for capitalism! Artificial wombs are much more efficient than artificial testes, as well!

>> No.15927914

>consent makes moral
Dumb liberal

>> No.15927919

In the past transgenders were mostly men who wanted to be women, the theory that these are false transgenders getting transitioned is because suddenly it's more women. Also when shit happens to guys people generally care less, same reason the larger suicide rate isn't considered as a gendered issue.

>> No.15927924
File: 52 KB, 311x451, roy-den-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you guys see the lawyers who shot that judge had a "My Twisted Life" style memoire that's 1700 pages long and called "Stupid Frigging Fool"? Someone get a copy of that shit!

btw looks like all his anger and misogyny stems from the fact that he was short lol