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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 635 KB, 663x444, soy334.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15924373 No.15924373 [Reply] [Original]

Any books that discuss necrophilia. I had yet another dream where I fucked a corpse so I'd like some literature on the matter to help me cleanse my palate. Really, a palate cleanser would be nice.

>> No.15924380

This is probably shitposting but what happened in your dream?

>> No.15924388

>/lit/ - Literature

>> No.15924408
File: 6 KB, 218x250, soy263.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I raped a mangled corpse before I ate what was left of her brain
im messed up
Totally messed up, YA HEAR ME

>> No.15924426

Can a corpse really be "raped"?

>> No.15924443

If dubs I stop going on /lit/ for a month, what a godawful post.
You are raping their spirit.

>> No.15924456

>raping their spirit.
Explain. Also you can never leave.

>> No.15924466
File: 24 KB, 632x756, soy277.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Obviously considering they didn't consent to me fucking their cunt
They didn't CONSENT to being RAPED

>> No.15924473
File: 285 KB, 1865x1080, 1585497939656.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just assumed it was normal to have hyper violent dreams but apparently not. I'm a pretty tame and regular guy but I have really violent and twisted dreams. They're not nightmares because I'm never afraid. Most of my dreams involve me killing random people and if they're women I rape them before or after killing them. It's been like this since my adolescence. A few nights ago I had a dream where I engaged in cannibalism. I dream very regularly and even had a period of my life where I had a necrophilia dream every few nights where I would maim and dismember women before having sex with the corpse. The dream I had last night was about me running around with -- what looked like a bread knife -- slashing people in the street and inside a big house even sawing people's heads off with the knife. I have dreams super regularly but they're usually super fucked up and twisted. There was a period where I would have necrophilia dreams every few nights. A few nights ago I had a dream where I engaged in cannibalism; mostly my dream involve me killing people, usually with a knife or shovel, and if they're women i rape them first or after. It's bizarre because I'm a pretty prudish guy in real life. The reoccurring dream I have was has me in a field at night killing sheep with a sword, it was super graphic because I would aim for their napes - trying to cut their heads off - but the sword was too blunt so it just embedded in them and blood would spray every where and their vertebrae was visible. I'd love to have cute romance dreams but I could't even tell you any. I guess I had one where I snuck into a school at night with a girl but then I killed the night janitor by embedding a shovel into the back of his head and then zombies showed up. I also bumped my head on something a few days ago and now my headaches are getting worse and keep talking to myself more often.

>> No.15924476

Do consent laws apply to the dead that exist in your mind?

>> No.15924520

There's no proof consciousness comes from the brain instead of the bones, even with all the flesh decayed, the conscious spirit can still be raped. QED.

>> No.15924541

There she is, on the board again, there she is up on the chair. There she goes, playin shitposter again, There she goes shitting up the board.

>> No.15924551

Why wouldn't the spirit be separate from the body at that point?