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/lit/ - Literature

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15922732 No.15922732 [Reply] [Original]

>write some fiction
>read it later
>It's the cringiest thing ever
Why bros?

>> No.15922745

literally the reason I stopped writing desu

>> No.15922803

I feel the same a lot of the time. But everytime I write, it's a little less cringe than before. Maybe one day, it'll be good.

>> No.15922807

same but I'll try again later

>> No.15922817

Write more, and frequently.

>> No.15922884

Basically this >>15922732
I write a decent amount and only get like two or three poems or stories I look back fondly on per year. And my grammar never improves because I don't get out much and punctuation is a social thing.
So I'd add that you should talk to people more.

>> No.15922900

wait, I'm retarded. I meant to quote the person above me.

>> No.15922934 [DELETED] 

It could be worse.

I spent my entire early adulthood working on an experimental prose piece that ended up having a 122,000 word count. It was mostly about a (self insert) narrator who wanted to fuck his mother but decides since he cant do it irl he tries to fuck her on the astral plane so he goes to an Indian (feather, not dot) reservation where he seeks initiation into the tribe's shamanic tradition but ends up being scammed and eventually raped by a group of redskin extremists outside a gas station. the book ends with his mother being sent his scalp which she humps until she cums because the sight if it gives her a mental breakdown.

Basically I wrote the whole thing in a manic episode that spanned five months and I spent the next two years telling my parents i didn't need to go to college because i was going to publish my masterpiece any minute. eventually my father got fed up and gave me enough money to just self publish because he was convinced it was shit and he wanted me to recognize this so that I'd give up being a writer go to uni to get a compsci degree.

I took the money and skedaddled down to the Bahamas where I blew it over the coarse of about two weeks. at the end of the binge i reread my book and realized it was absolute shit so i chunked my laptop into the hotel pool and took a flight back stateside. haven't talked to my family since and so far I'm scraping by as a cashier at a McDonalds. but the boss heard me calling a stray dog a nigger the other day so i might be looking for a new job soon.

i have the idea of writing a Divine Comedy-esque epic poem that consists entirely of lines plagarized from Steven Pinker and Mencius Moldbug that will be about a pornstar being guided by Henry Ford through a factory in heaven that produces rapists. but idk

>> No.15922945

What do I do if I have no inspiraton to write? For the past month or so I've been trying to write, but I have no story to work on, so I didn't write anything. Except a diary. I feel like coronavirus lockdown has stifled my creative spirit.

>> No.15923023

read books I guess

>> No.15923096

Then read more. And frequently.
Or watch something or play a game or go fuck a prostitute or do something adventurous and just consume and embrace experiences and you will find something you're compelled to write about.

>> No.15923668

When you read your writing, what about it makes you cringe?

>> No.15923705

You need a grand project.
Pick whatever body of litterature you like most. Dissect it. See what's lacking, think about how it can be improved, see what it should have but doesn't. Then start cooking.

>> No.15923756

Might be like how you cringe when you hear your own voice recorded

>> No.15923819

Good point.
OP, do you have any alpha readers? If so, do they share your reaction?

>> No.15923996

Take the story you wrote and combine it with the after story (future goals and all) and you have yourself a masterpiece.

>> No.15924716

To be fair, all literature is inherently cringe

>> No.15925030

Creation is an embarrassing process and dreams are embarrassing as well. You can't help that. That's something very common. But, at the very least, it's not something to beat yourself up over.

>> No.15926513
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"Damn, it's the cringiest thing ever"
- Shakespeare on Hamlet

>> No.15926574

It means you're getting better.