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15919079 No.15919079[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>> No.15919085

>After changing its usage rules last month to capitalize the word “Black” when used in the context of race and culture, The Associated Press on Monday said it would not do the same for “white.”

The AP said white people in general have much less shared history and culture, and don’t have the experience of being discriminated against because of skin color.

>> No.15919093

This post will consist solely of the especially retarded excerpts in this article.
>“White doesn’t represent a shared culture and history in the way Black does,” The New York Times said on July 5 in explaining its decision.
>CBS News said it would capitalize white, although not when referring to white supremacists, white nationalists or white privilege.
>Some proponents believe that keeping white lowercase is actually anti-Black, saying it perpetuates the idea that whites are the default race.
>The AP said white people in general have much less shared history and culture, and don’t have the experience of being discriminated against because of skin color.
So the "white people have no culture" meme is something people actually take to be true. The world gets crazier by the minute.
>After changing its usage rules last month to capitalize the word “Black” when used in the context of race and culture, The Associated Press on Monday said it would not do the same for “white.”
The fact that this is even a matter of debate and an issue people take seriously is alarming. I really want to buy up four hundred acres of woodlands in the middle of nowhere and live in a cabin for the rest of my life.

>> No.15919101

'racism' is a meme

>> No.15919106

well yea white people have MORE culture than just being "white". for different whitoid experiences in America check out Albion's Seed

>> No.15919108

Isn't that exactly opposite to the message they've been trying to convey about privilege?

>> No.15919124

And then one day, for no reason at all.....

>> No.15919152


>> No.15919179
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Just start using "European" instead. European culture, European history, European people. Also, when you are talking about white people in Europe, use "Native Europeans" (both words capitalized like "Native Americans") and also "Indigenous Europeans" as much as possible: this really triggers them.

>> No.15919188

journalism hitting a new low I see

>> No.15919197

kek that wouldn't stop, anon. People would say that it's hate speech, or excluding minorities. It also wouldn't work for America, Canada, etc.

>> No.15919203

*wouldn't work

>> No.15919212
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>> No.15919258


This idea of ‘white’ is laughable. I, a Portuguese Catholic share no common culture with a Utah Mormon or Appalachian Prot white. I preserve my Catholic faith and Romance language In direct opposition to Anglo globohomo in the first place.

Better for the term white to die. There are only two categories of man; the Catholic and the damned.

>> No.15919285

Following that line of reasoning, the term black should die off as well. I'm okay with this.

>> No.15919291

>I, a Portuguese Catholic share no common culture with a Utah Mormon or Appalachian Prot white.
This couldn't be more untrue. Culturally, linguistically, genetically you have far more in common with them than you do with random Africans or Asians. Likewise, just because an African guy becomes Catholic, he is still far more culturally compatible with his own fellows, than with random Europeans. Religion is a small and increasingly insignificant part of culture. If you ignore this and do not construct your country out of wholly compatible cultures, then you will learn what damned means.

>> No.15919299

I believe the black will join me in heaven when he dies, even if he is not in my tribe. The white prot will not. There could not be a broader gulf in the world for a Catholic.

>> No.15919316
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>> No.15919329

Eternity awaits fren. You race will not save your soul, but Holy Mother Church will.

>> No.15919350

I've started to do this. European Lives Matter

>> No.15919359
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>> No.15919387

These may be your beliefs, but practically no one else shares them, so they aren't suitable guidelines for composing a peaceful and prosperous country. 99% of African immigrants don't believe in Catholicism and their tribal and racial instincts will be uninhabited so they will still rob you and rape your wife. Whereas 99% of white "Appalachian Protestants", even if not Catholic, they will still see you as a fellow European of their kind and their tribe, and they will trust you and cooperate with you.

>> No.15919388

This is a good reminder that Christians are one of the primary promulgators of multiculturalism.

>> No.15919390

Black doesn’t represent a shared culture in the way they think either. There’s the difference between the experience of an African American and an Ethiopian and a Malian and a Rwandan and Haitian and a Khoisan. Of course they’re too blinkered and focused on the tediously provincial experience of the African American as universally representative of the black experience to acknowledge this. If you meet actual Africans you will find them generally quite personable and far less resentful.

>> No.15919392


Unironcially makes me angry. Don't normally seethe at bullshit like this but this is so fucking retarded.

How the FUCk are they not taking the piss when they say this.

>> No.15919403

People like that hate you and want you dead. They're not being "retarded"; they know exactly what they're doing and it's on purpose. Stop burying your head in the sand.

>> No.15919409

The strange thing is, the "white" identity was put to the forefront to stop people saying "well I'm Irish, I was just as much a slave as black people...". They would say "well no, you're white! you don't have the same micro-aggressions...". Now they want to effectively go back to us now being an homogenous group again.

>> No.15919416

not being*

>> No.15919437
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Seconded. African-American is an ethnicity with shared values and traditions. Black is a skin color. Except for perhaps the Gullah and a few other small groups in the rural south, most African Americans are culturally far closer to low caste Anglo's then they are to other Africans.

>> No.15919446

Also I would agree that Africans, at least those immigrants in my city, are by and large far more friendly and hard working then African Americans.

>> No.15919458

The KKK had a robust history of targeting Catholics.

I would vastly prefer a heterodox African Catholic as my neighbor (there are 200 million of them) as opposed to a "white" protestant from Appalachia, or an Anglican from the United Kikedom.

And again, I did not say I wished to live next to an African immigrant who didn't believe in Catholicism. Where did I say I wanted that? I would be classified as a religious separatist.

>> No.15919478

Religion is both theology and culture. I am not a multiculturalist: I am a religious nationalist -- all Catholics not ruled by divinely appointed monarchs should be under vassalship to the Vatican. That would necessitate the dissolution of most Catholic countries on earth into a re-ified Papal State.

>> No.15919485
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Chaste and Breadpilled.

>> No.15919487

>able to identify similarities between self and others
>able to realize that color of skin has no impact on subject of character
>falls into the christ cuck hole
You were so close

>> No.15919492

>It also wouldn't work for America, Canada, etc.
America will be South Africa tier in a few decades, so who cares.

>> No.15919496

He is kinda based not gonna lie, at least the man has a philosophy and is consistent about it.

>> No.15919506

Imagine believing that deeply held opinions and values are meaningless. Do you instead judge someones worth by their relationship to the means of production?

>> No.15919507

>Religion is a small and increasingly insignificant part of culture
Ideology comes before literally everything else. Try having conversations with white liberals and see how much of a difference your race makes.

>> No.15919511

That hole leads to my eternal salvation, a community of faithful who are dedicated to community building, and an anchoring for my daughter in a modern world that seeks to destroy her. Why would I be ashamed of preserving the institutions of my ancestors and receiving salvation because of Christ's love for mankind?

I feel the same, but for you and your denial of these basic principles.

Subscribing to race politics will get you where you are: fentanyl and porn destroying your precious blood and soil.

>> No.15919512

>99% of African immigrants don't believe in Catholicism and their tribal and racial instincts will be uninhabited so they will still rob you and rape your wife
Why do you believe this? Have you never met any African immigrants to the United States?

>> No.15919529

a blessed man! Our next Pope, if God Wills it.

>> No.15919532

This is a good reminder that Catholicism was on the wrong side of the Great Schism.

>> No.15919540

I remember reading that AP Stylebook was written by a Jew for many decades. I don't know if that's the case, but I strongly suspect it.

>> No.15919547

Autocephaly is why Eastern Orthodoxy was crushed by the Turk and irrevocably perverted by the Varangians into a death cult.

>> No.15919552

>the strength of a bond is the sole determinant of that bonds value
Judge their values not for how willingly they enslave themselves to it but for what the values are and how it reflects in their lives and actions

No hate christfag. I do want you to imagine if you and your kind (the virtuous catholics) used your strength to help raise the rotten people up to your level
You can't claim to be building community when your dogma is centered on isolation. That's just self consumption and is no different from masturbation

>> No.15919553

Oh no, god forbid we lose our worldly power.

>> No.15919555

Jounaloids always spew the most outrageous and on-the-nose anti-white rhetoric and then shallowly disguise it with terms like 'conversation about racism' 'discussion about confederate symbols' as if we're not seeing violent triumphal marches of radical bolsheviks in the street, spurned on by this "intellectual" class.

>> No.15919567

you claim exclusivity when the opposite is true: the door is always open. I will welcome you as long as you and I ascribe to the same creed.

I would be perfectly fine with agrarian workers' soviets if the Pope ordered it in an encyclical -- and I expect a series of Jesuit popes will enact this in a century or so, after China has been brought into the fold.

>> No.15919574 [DELETED] 

>Autocephaly is why Eastern Orthodoxy was crushed by the Turk
Mt. 5:10 Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness' sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
11 Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake.

>> No.15919580

It's politically motivated
Because the political projects of the west are built on white acquiescence.
The only reason immigration works is because these people are put into functional ecosystems upheld by white majorities
You're being used and deceived every time you allow moneyed interest to speak like this
They'll stop once white acquiescence is no longer needed to build the coalition or when they're actively punished for using language like this

>> No.15919586

>Autocephaly is why Eastern Orthodoxy was crushed by the Turk
Mt. 5:10 Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness' sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
11 Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake.
12 Rejoice, and be exceeding glad: for great is your reward in heaven: for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you.

>> No.15919594

African immigrants to EUROPE are not remotely comparable to African immigrants to the United States. In the US you literally get doctors and rich elites on proper visas and stuff. In Europe we get the exact opposite.

>> No.15919603

This. Most first generation African immigrants I meet here in the US are some of the most diligent and kind people I know.

>> No.15919610

“As we have already said, so now I say again: If anybody is preaching to you a gospel other than what you accepted, let him be eternally condemned!” Gal 1:6

"And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it." Matthew 16:18

Authority comes from Rome. "The Gates of Hades" is the Golden Horn in the Argonautica, which Jason must cross to arrive in Colchis.

Byzantium never could claim authority over Rome, and it was heresy of the first order to try.

>> No.15919621

>If anybody is preaching to you a gospel other than what you accepted, let him be eternally condemned!
I guess that's the gospel of political power he's talking about. It's not the meek that will inherit the earth, but those who have the strongest army, right? It's not a blessing to be persecuted, but it shows that God is punishing you, right? If that verse shows anything it shows how your own beliefs have become perverted and enslaved to the world, and have nothing to do with Christ. You are not Christians at all, because your god is the human political state and its emperor.

>> No.15919632

The interlocutor of Christ's will on Earth is the Pope. You are drawing distinctions when none exist.

>> No.15919647

I present to you the words of Christ (>>15919586) that condemn your false piety and you respond with Rome. Christ is water running off your back, ignored. If there is no distinction to you between the Pope and Christ then you are damned.

>> No.15919651
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There is no proof of this, but there is significant proof against this, such as during most of the Middle Ages there were 3 or more "popes", many of whom were total degenerate homosexual perverts

>> No.15919663

It's kinda hard to proselytize when the Islamic civic authority is actively thwarting you by mass converting the population to join their faith via taxation and controls your bishopric as well.

>> No.15919675

See >>15919586

>> No.15919685

are you aware of what an interlocutor functions as? If so, I don't see what the point is. On matters of theological import, the Pope speaks for Christ in order that His will be done.

Encyclicals and Catholic tradition exist to contextualize these, and my reference to the Argonautica was itself a reference to the encyclical "In suprema Catholicae" in which Benedict XIV explains this portion of the Gospel in relation to the Maronites.

We are not sola scriptura fags. There is a robust canon for us, supported by the Popes, Aquinas, Ambrose, etc. that help illuminate the texts. All are sanctioned by the Pope as theology, Christ's will on Earth. They do not conflict with the Gospels -- in fact they illuminate them.

>> No.15919692

Before we proceed further, define for me what you believe the term "interlocutor" to mean.

>> No.15919695

>I don't care that you posted something from the Beatitudes, I have a Papal Encyclical.
Lol, well there you go.

>> No.15919703

Martin Luther had roughly the same strategy as you do now: shitpost with relativism. They both lead to the same place. It's not a good one and one I suspect you profoundly dislike living in.

>> No.15919706

>If you quote the words of Christ you are like Martin Luther.
This is Catholicism.

>> No.15919713

The most conservative move ever: running and hiding.

>> No.15919718

out of curiosity, what do you see Paul's Epistles as if not the first series of church encyclicals from a central authority further along in time from the real-events of the Gospel?

Please engage genuinely here. I am trying to see where you stand, not own you in an argument. Approach me with rigor and equanimity and you will find this as enlightening as I do. Take your time.

>> No.15919731

No thanks. If Christ states that persecution is a blessing, and you cite persecution as an example of Orthodoxy's failure, what is there to say? Why do you care what I think about the Epistles when you don't care what they say to begin with? You're playing politics, I'm not.

>> No.15919735

Do you consider St. Paul of Tarsus to be a political figure?

>> No.15919741


>> No.15919746

I will include you in my rosary this afternoon. Pax Vobiscum

>> No.15919769

based desu