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15916820 No.15916820 [Reply] [Original]

Any books about finding a purpose?

Don't get me wrong, I try to put effort in my current job, and read a few books, mainly works of Plato and Stoicism, but I don't have a definite goal in life.

>> No.15917034

Storm Maze by Raindrop Freefall

>> No.15917695

Take what Plato said in The Republic, and mentally and physically exercise yourself. Even if there is no defined or clear goal, the mere act itself is purpose.

>> No.15917707

>but I don't have a definite goal in life
Welcome to 99.9% of human life. Self-reflection and observation might help you. Keep a diary where you record and try to understand what you thought every day, what affected you, how and why. It will help you understand you own unconscious motives and your own reactions.

Also spend some time observing people and nature, losing yourself in their and only then writing to reflect on what you observed.

>> No.15917876


>> No.15917897

find a crush desu

>> No.15918207
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>An effective philosophy of living is formed by a combination of cosmic insight and the total of one's emotional reactions to the social and economic environment. Remember: While inherited urges cannot be fundamentally modified, emotional responses to such urges can be changed; therefore the moral nature can be modified, character can be improved. In the strong character emotional responses are integrated and co-ordinated, and thus is produced a unified personality. Deficient unification weakens the moral nature and engenders unhappiness.
>Without a worthy goal, life becomes aimless and unprofitable, and much unhappiness results.

>> No.15918217
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k anon here ya go

>> No.15918323

>Plato and Stoicism
Have you tried reaching your mid twenties? You’ll be fine.

>> No.15918339


Any book on do-it-yourself.
Nothing better than seeing something you do take shape, even more if what you are building is to satisfy your own creative drive.