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15916816 No.15916816 [Reply] [Original]

Books on helping me understand why I slept with my best friends gf of 5 years? I'll take anything at this point.

>> No.15916865
File: 283 KB, 831x819, plato against homos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Proclus - On the Existence of Evils

>> No.15916891
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It isn't evil, I didn't do it to spite him. Although I did get off on degrading her ( but so did she so idk how to count that ).

>> No.15917028

don't resort to books to validate yourself, you're just a piece of shit.

>> No.15917528

It's just Americunt culture. I haven't bothered talking to an American, outside of professional context or Internet convos on art, in over 10 years.

>> No.15917534

Based. Americans get the rope.

>> No.15917541

OP makes me hate Americans even more, it's true

>> No.15917586

"On the necessecity of siocide for those that think their lives are interesting also sage"

>> No.15917683

It totally is a problem of evil you retard faggot. If you don't see the evil in yourself you are being willfully blind, and therefore you are not capable of freedom.

>> No.15917763

It definitely is evil. you should consider asceticism, anon. I fear for your soul.

>> No.15917872
File: 19 KB, 462x585, satanic_imagery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a darkness to exploring fetishes that most Americans refuse to acknowledge. In American culture, developing fetishes is considered a positive movement in one's individuality, but in most religions, fetishes are considered perverse, which also brings one closer to hell. This is why BDSM chambers typically have black and red imagery, which is associated with Ahriman or Satan. Ahuramazda or God is more associated with cerulean, green, and white. Music is not necessarily closer to the will. Colors, especially when expressed unconsciously, can also indicate certain metaphysical truths. Red velvet, black leather and tiles, or whatever are naturally evil in imagery, which is interesting how many BDSM chambers adopted such subversive imagery. I believe it ties into a combination of the blackness of ambition *and* sensual indulgence.

>> No.15917890

I think I remember you for an earlier confession thread. Aren't you the guy who got off sleeping with girls with boyfriends? And you started feeling massively guilty when your friend asked you "why did you do that to me?"? Hope you found a way to live with it, because agonizing over past mistakes without deriving understanding from them is pointless.

Anyway on the topic of suddenly resurfacing guilt, you might like Dostoievsky's the Eternal Husband, although of course Brothers Karamazov also deal with it wonderfully.

>> No.15917895

you need a book to understand that? Obviously you are just a bad person

>> No.15917946

>It isn't evil, I didn't do it to spite him.
It doesn't matter what your fucking intention was, the fact is you betrayed your best friend and nothing you say will change that. You're a narc.

>> No.15917965

I should have been clearer in referring to background imagery*

>> No.15917968

American's roots in Puritan morality is what allowed such a lush crop of perversity to exist in the first place. What is suppressed will frester and pressurize until it explodes into a monstrosity. There are very few people on this planet with a healthy relationship and understanding of sex.

>> No.15917989

I disagree. The idea that what is suppressed will fester and pressurize until it explodes is a false understanding based on outdated understanding of neuroscience. Rather, it is about conditioning, normalization, and habituation. The reason Americans became like this was due to the 50s and greater normalization of debauchery. That is, media started treating it as normal and healthy. I remember reading an article from a senator, which I lost, about how social engineers increase the frequency of subliminal messages associated with normalizing sexual deviancy prior to economic downturn. They do this in advertisements and other media in order to maintain social cohesion in an age where religion has lost its power, which is kept confidential, and it ties into the prison industrial system too.

>> No.15917995

From this post it seems like you already know


>> No.15918002

When my bestfriends GF sent me lewd texts I immediately showed him and they split up.

Now me and him own a house together :^)

>> No.15918017

It's both, these pathologies develop due to the aforementioned undercurrents of our history, but are explained away and subsequently enabled via fraudulent theory, because it's profitable for certain types to keep people drip-fed on incessant yearning, which, like you say, takes them further away from God and true understanding.

And in my opinion, it's a mistake to apply hard moralistic language to such people, as perverted as they may be. They're sick, and trying to fill a hole they don't understand, through their constant chasing of extremes. "Infernal" is a very apt description for that state of being: incessant burning from desire that will eventually reduce them to pitiful husks.

>> No.15918119

>incessant burning from desire that will eventually reduce them to pitiful husks.
That's a very astute way of describing it. I think there's something about black and red shades in background imagery that connotes it too. The opposite is mastery over and minimization of desire that will eventually increase one's heart to bountiful fruit, which I think is associated more with luminescent shades of cerulean, green, and white. A big issue in this day and age are people trying to blur or reject the line between virtue and vice, and antinomian tendencies are becoming very common in academia. It may reach a tipping point where it becomes socially encouraged for couples to read decadent, raunchy poetry with each other rather than virtuous ones.
I do feel there is a kind of conspiracy of certain powerful antinomian groups that are trying to make good into evil and evil into good.

"Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter!"

The qualitative dimension of the good and evil are fundamentally distinct and irreconcilable in my view, and I do worry about the direction our civilization is heading. Imagine seeing orphaned children in sewers reading illustrated copies of Marquis de Sade's Justine...