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/lit/ - Literature

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15915341 No.15915341 [Reply] [Original]

Which ones?

>> No.15915354
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>> No.15915356

12 rules for lyfe

>> No.15915358

the big book of reddit

>> No.15915401
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>> No.15915406

unironically, the Qu'ran

>> No.15915431

Demian by Hermann Hesse

>> No.15915446

don't listen to this faggot.
The bible.

>> No.15915734

yeah, you're going to have to explain that choice

>> No.15915745

The Big Book of Reddit by Kind Stranger

>> No.15915746

>dis nigga asking /lit for parenting advice

>> No.15915753
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>> No.15915755

1) Moral Discourses/Enchiridion by Epictetus
2) Nicomachean Ethics by Aristotle

>> No.15915761

>Demian by Hermann Hesse
This is the best-selling Western book in Korea.
Possibly Jordan Peterson's book has sold more now, but Demian is easily the all-time fiction champ.

>> No.15915765

The new message and greater community spirituality

>> No.15915953
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Unironically Crime & Punishment. It brought me into reading classics as a teen and it's concept of the extraordinary and ordinary man stuck with me throughout my young life.

>> No.15915961


>> No.15916074

What's the best book for beating someone with?

>> No.15916094

Undoubtedly Plato’s Republic. I would be a much different person if someone had made me read that in high school

>> No.15916138
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>> No.15916158

>Undoubtedly Plato’s Republic. I would be a much different person if someone had made me read that in high school
different in what way?

>> No.15916181

Self Reliance by Emerson

>> No.15916190

Republic is not a good start for Plato. The reason why Plato is good for young ppl (imo) is the form that the dialogue takes. It's value is not from what exactly it teaches but it teaches one how to think through the way the dialogue is constructed.

I would say start with shorter dialogues first. Recommend Crito. Then maybe Euthyphro, Phaedo, Meno.

>> No.15916198

A question straight from r/askreddit. Please fuck off back. Thanks cunt.

>> No.15916242

Thus Spake Zarathustra

>> No.15916263
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Never been to Reddit, little fella.

>> No.15916265

Thrust Shat Zebra

>> No.15916275

As >>15916190 says, it would have helped me to think better earlier. But at the same time the moral system is top tier and would have provided me with a compass earlier on

>> No.15916281

Could you elabore why? And how do you know that?

>> No.15916304

Here's a window into it:

>> No.15916601

Critical thinking textbook. Rest are the pivotal books of the world (i.e. classics).

>> No.15916753


>> No.15918299

>Critical thinking textbook.
got a title of one in particular?

>> No.15918321
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unironically this

>> No.15918327


Unless he receives personal interactions with competent, humane people who genuinely care about him, no book will be able to scratch the true issue, the child will only superficially understand the books meaning and won't be able to process is properly because the machinery which should have been built by proper parenting will be irredeemably malfunctioning.
Bring the kid with you while you do things, show him how you do things and listen to him, it is worth 100 books.

>> No.15918670

carlos castaneda. civilization is a mistake. /thread

>> No.15918684

Non-fiction: either >>15918321, or, if the young person is somewhat precocious and already well-versed in sociology, Negri & Hardt's Empire.

Fiction: The Stranger, probably.

>> No.15918697


>> No.15918710

Balshaya kniga reddita

>> No.15918762

For you to read? John Holt.

For said young person to read? Anything that will catch his or her interest in reading, obviously it will vary a lot by age and inclination.

>> No.15918829

Probably any hesse book but I'm 20 y/o and I don't think I'm "on the right path" despite having read 4 of them.

>> No.15918890

𒂅 𒁍 𒊏 𒁍 𒌋 𒊭 𒊑 𒀉 𒁲 𒋾

>> No.15918893

Den store bog om reddit

>> No.15918904
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>> No.15918916


>> No.15918924

That was he first book I ever read at 15. What a fucking book.

>> No.15918927

Is this book worth going through? Know dave chapelle mentioned it in his show

>> No.15918933

>bitch got her tits hanging out
>dude got his ugy ass hair in the way with his rainbow fag teeth
>>>wanting to be a rapper
>niggers actually buy this book

>> No.15918938

Troll Slayer.

>> No.15918983

This was a surprising discovery for myself, but most people don't actually read books to learn shit. They don't look at what the characters experience and compare it to their personal lives, to grow. I could give a book about the importance of silence and listening to a person who never knows when to shut up, and while he claimed to have loved it, he took absolutely nothing from it, and didn't change his behavior one bit. To a standard potato, everything written in books is just like vampires and werewolves and completely removed from real life.

>> No.15919097

lmao, what is this

>> No.15919209

My diary

>> No.15919250

Fiction: Dostoevsky, Tolstoy and Tolkien
Non-fiction: Technological Society by Jacques Ellul, Teddy Roosevelt's biographies, Kierkegaard

>> No.15919255

Forgot to add Don Quixote to fiction

>> No.15919541
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>> No.15919962
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A manga about a literature girl

>> No.15920144

So a manga about lit if lit was a cute girl? I kinda wanna read it now.

>> No.15920255
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It's exactly that

>> No.15920257

Rich dad poor dad (unironically)
How to win friends (unironically)
The Mystery method (unironically)
/lit/ tier books are for grown ups imho, good luck handing a 1000something pages Dostoevskij book to your 16yo son/cousin.
The fuck? Never knew it was a classic in Korea.
I've read it in high school and still stands in my bookshelf.
Yes if you are into crime/black culture otherwise don't bother.
Bios are cool.

>> No.15920567


>> No.15920845


>> No.15920903

Beat him to death with Ulysses

>> No.15920911

any thick hardcover will do.
beat them with it until they behave like they should

>> No.15920928

Force them to read Finnegan’s Wake until they start crying

>> No.15920993

The slap him until he stops crying. Repeat several times until the completion of the book and you have birthed a man...the next Great Man.

>> No.15921050

unironically >>15915446 and moby dick

>> No.15921057

Infinite Jest , L’Etranger, The Brothers Karamazov, Blood Meridian, Lolita, Moby Dick, Gravity’s Rainbow, Don Quixote, The Trial, Journey to the End of the Night, Ficciones, Ulysses, Crime and Punishment, Catch 22, 2666, The Picture of Dorian Gray, The Catcher in the Rye, The Sound and The Fury, 1984, The Great Gatsby, Hamlet, Invisible Cities, One Hundred Years of Solitude, Slaughterhouse Five, Mason and Dixon, Notes from the Underground, Siddhartha, Anna Karenina, Dune, V, The Odyssey, The Divine Comedy, The Waves, The Master and Margarita, The Plague, War and Peace, White Noise, Stoner, Wuthering Heights, Dubliners, The Book of Disquiet, Heart of Darkness, In Search of Lost Time, A Farewell to Arms, The Crying of Lot 49, As I Lay Dying, The Metamorphosis, American Psycho, The Sun Also Rises, Leaves of Grass, A Clockwork Orange, The Grapes of Wrath, On The Road, The Temple of the Golden Pavillion, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?, Ubik, Solaris, The Savage Detectives, The Holy Bible, Faust, Lord of the Flies, A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, The Pale King, Light in August, Dead Souls, Hunger, Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, Suttree, To The Lighthouse, Malone Dies, Dandelion Wine, Valis, Absalom, Absalom, The Wasp Factory, Pale Fire, Animal Farm, East of Eden, Roadside Picnic, Hopscotch, Fight Club, Franny & Zooey, Walden, The Fall, A Tale of Two Cities, Steppenwolf, The Iliad, The Good Earth, The Old Man and The Sea, Paradise Lost, I Am a Cat, The Count of Monte Cristo, Illuminatus, The Book of the New Sun, A Confederacy of Dunces, Les Miserables, If on a Winter’s Night, a Traveler, For Whom the Bell Tolls, Madame Bovary, No Longer Human, The Recognitions, The Idiot, Siren of Titan, Watership Down, Brave New World, Kafka on the Shore, The Magic Mountain, A Hero of our Time, Fahrenheit 451, Cannery Row, The Remains of the Day, The Name of the Rose, Of Mice and Men, The Tropic of Cancer, The Aleph, The Flowers of Evil, Ada, The Unbearable Lightness of Being, A Scanner Darkly, The Canterbury Tales, Finnegans Wake, Naked Luch, Bottom’s Dream, The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shady, The Death of Ivan Ilych, King Lear, The Tunnel, JR, The Man Without Qualities, Middlemarch, Under the Volcano, The Aeneid, Mrs Dalloway, Nausea, Oblomov, The Castle, The Waste Land, The Posthumous Memoirs of Bras Cubas, Against Nature, Molloy, The Road, The Gulag Archipelago, The Anatomy of Melancholy, Pan, Rings of Saturn, Candide, Metamorphoses, The Faerie Queene, 60 Stories, Neuromancer, Cryptonomicon, Correction, Essays, The Sailor Who Fell from Grace with the Sea, Sometiems a Great Notion, The Glass Bead Game, The Sorrows of Young Werther, Life and Fate, Storm of Steel, The Red & The Black, Atomized, The Leopard, Kokoro, Demons, Growth of the Soil, The Bhagavad Gita, Confessions of a Mask, The Golden Bowl, Frankenstein and The Quran

>> No.15921079

You sure do love posting this

>> No.15921997
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what would you recommend a 16 years old to read?

>> No.15922822


>> No.15922829

This guy reads!

>> No.15922830


>> No.15922952


>> No.15923902

The Berserk manga to get them into existentialism. Then Crime and Punishment, The Birth of Tragedy, BGE, Twilight of The Idols, and Thus Spoke Zarathustra.

>> No.15923914

I thought this was supposed to be one of those pictures where you could see multiple things

>> No.15924965


>> No.15925001

12 rules for life.

>> No.15925036

The ego and its own
There's a chance he might become a ruthless and succesful businessman or a lawyer
i'll take the chance

>> No.15925042

Unironically what’s the name of the silence book

>> No.15925048


>> No.15925061

fischer was lucky man only reason he win against russian

>> No.15925091


>> No.15925104
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>> No.15925110

The book of Ecclesiastes.

>> No.15925267

I knew worst korea was shit but what the fuck

>> No.15925329
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>> No.15925414

>95% larping anarcho-commie
>5% ruthless businessman
you gotta be careful with first reccs anon, kid won't know what to do with post-Hegelian shit

>> No.15926208


>> No.15926397

Laughter in the Dark

>> No.15926540
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>> No.15926660

Unnironically Nietzsche and various stoics.

>> No.15926986

>t. ESL russian

>> No.15927735

Critique of Pure Reason

>> No.15928786

Self-help books are definitely good for children, but imo Seven Habits is a better one to use for kids. Most kids are going to get off track because they blame others, take things too seriously, don't take things seriously enough, or have no plan. Covey at least addresses that.

>> No.15929336
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seriously this
a friend, whom i met on here, recommended it to me when i was 15
really set me on the right path, i dread to think what would have happened otherwise desu

>> No.15929396

Fun fact: In the film "Pawn Sacrifice" (((they))) cast an austrian actor to play the jew Bobby Fischer, and a jewish actor to play the Russian Boris Spassky.

>> No.15929719

What happened after you read it? What were you like before?

>> No.15929802
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i guess it just generally put things in perspective for me, particularly the division between appearance and actuality, the importance of a just life (and how one goes about living it), and the constitution of the soul
before reading i was your typical mindless teenage boy, didn't really care for anything desu

>> No.15929880

Yeah right. I know plenty of people who are now in their early 20s who still carry that mindless teenage boy lifestyle, to the point they would downright refuse to pick up a book and would probably finish the book and then ask "what was the point of that." I sometimes wonder if they'll ever grow out of it.

>> No.15930451

Did you read any other dialogue before the Republic?

>> No.15930492

who care

>> No.15930545

What's good about Teddys Bios? What would they get out of them?

>> No.15931111

yeah i know people like that personally, it's rather depressing
no, it was my first book in general lol
though i intend to buy his complete works at some point in the near future to brush up on his philosophy

>> No.15931600

Crime and Punishment or Bible

>> No.15931618

>epic tities

>> No.15931633

War and Peace (not divided into 2 separate physical books)

>> No.15931655

What's the point of making this reply then?

>> No.15931665

The Fight Club

>> No.15931930

Teddy was an admirably stoic man who did a lot of good despite going through a lot of shit. One of my favorite "celebrities" and I'm not even american.

>> No.15931952

i'm bored of incels replies here

only GREEKS and ROMANS are true way

>> No.15932444


>> No.15933690


>> No.15933916

Probably atlas shrugged, It is very heavy handed and very independence and goal oriented. Not my fave book at all but its a good counter to the commie stuff that is infecting American schools