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15915045 No.15915045 [Reply] [Original]

it is kind of odd he never was racist or sexist in any his work, at a time when everyone was

>> No.15915060

>the feminist narrative couldn't possibly be false

You're right anon, the only explanation left is that Shakespeare was a nigress.

>> No.15915071

it is kind of odd that I cum in my boxershorts before I go to sleep but can never smell it on my crusty dick the next day

>> No.15915078


>> No.15915083

He was actually a Chinese hermaphrodite

>> No.15915100

Why the fuck do retards like this politicize fucking everything? Is this just an American thing, or do people in Europe and beyond do this shit? I'm tired of living in this bastard clown country.

>> No.15915112

that is pro jew though. that speech about jews is used to this day when jews suffer from persecution and antisemitism.

>> No.15915129
File: 113 KB, 468x403, 80A42B5F-B46E-4C6B-8638-6705AC7E0830.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There’s a philosopher named Baudrillard who had an idea that once something like politics loses its definitive bounds, it ends up everywhere. Everything is now political, just like how the sexual revolution has made everything sexual. There’s a book called The transparency of evil where he opens up the book with that idea

>> No.15915158

Europeans weren't "racist" back then. They were intrigued by other cultures, especially the Muslims, only they didn't have multi-culturalism as we do today.
Shakespeare represents gender relations as they generally were back then, which is undoubtedly patriarchal and whatnot. But he wasn't a sexist in the sense in the sense that people on here are; he didn't hate women.

>> No.15915211

politics is just a proxy for the human experience,

>> No.15915342

>Europeans weren't "racist" back then. They were intrigued by other cultures,
le Columbus face

>> No.15915386

protip: everything is always political

>> No.15915385

All his plays were performed by a male-only cast, even the female characters. And he himself was an actor. He also portrays Othello as a brainless retard who favors his emotions rather than his limited intelligence.

>> No.15915392

Only if you're American.

>> No.15915394

Saladin the Sultan was virtually a European hero in the renaissance period.

>> No.15915396

because he was a smart sensitive artist and smart sensitive artists don't tend to make dehumanizing generalizations

racism isn't just some ethical question, it's literally willful ignorance

>> No.15915408

Do you think racists are incapable of liking people from other races? I'm sure half the KKK like individual blacks

>> No.15915414

another protip: Americans are maybe the least politically conscious population in the world (Australians get a nod here as well)

if you go to any country in Europe the level of political sensitivity/engagement is so much higher it's actually hilarious

>> No.15915427

It's actually the other way around, as a non-American non-European person. Every American thinks in terms of conservative vs liberal, Republicunt vs Demonrat, and everyone is paranoid about muh agenda.

>> No.15915430

Or he banged a foreigner. Can't discount that possibility.

>> No.15915442

it's because there were no black people or Muslims in London back then.

>> No.15915473
File: 179 KB, 1107x494, 1595117323632 marcus aurelius bax.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Racists' Paradox:
almost no "racists" actually hate a race.
What they hate is:

1. particular behaviours (lawlessness, expressions of contempt/disrespect for societal norms, contributing to aesthetic deterioration, the real or implied threat to people or property, etc)

2. the feeling that their neighbourhood/region/country is becoming populated by people of other races - especially when the dominant expression of their culture excludes others (such as gangsta rap, Islamic culture, Hasidic jews - you can't just "become3" part of any of that, at least not without massive personal change/sacrifice)

>> No.15915535

Amerimutt hands typed this post

>> No.15915549

You are immune to the odor. It is still there.

>> No.15915649

bait, but this is actually how these people think:
>a primary source showing lack racism/sexism
>instead of letting this text inform their view of how people thought at the time, assuming its the exception

I was immune to SJWism because I studied medieval history and lit when people actually read primary sources. Doing so, it's obvious "racism" and "sexism" are modern constructs which poorly apply to society of those times. Sure you can point to this and that, but the fit is inexact, and SJWs always fail to acknowledge the structural and economic imperatives which actually led to these things (like protecting women in the home, because if you didn't, the high death rate would end your society).

>> No.15915708

Was generally more economically than racially motivated, and was informed (to some extent) by the cultures found and their differences from Europe. It's not really accurate to call it racism in the current sense.

>> No.15915716

They thought the people they were encountering were savages, by blood and by culture. It was obviously racism

>> No.15915743

what was the root cause of this evil attitude? was it unique to white Europeans?

>> No.15915748

>everyone in the time of Shakespeare was racist and sexist
*citation required*

>> No.15915759

it's inherent in every group of people. Chinese thought the Japanese were subhuman and vice versa. See WW2 in the East. They outdid Hitler in body count.

>> No.15915778

Really? I always thought it was jerking off into your own face.

>> No.15915784

>he never was racist or sexist in any his work

Correct. A damned shame about the anti-semitism though.

>> No.15915800


You're a fucking moron

t. European

>> No.15915850

No it's the normal reaction literally everyone has to people different than them. The sentiment is sometimes friendly, sometimes hostile, the nature of the group classification varies, but nobody can fail to notice the patterns of differences between groups.

>> No.15915853

OP was a retard

>> No.15915870

And encounters with Aztecs were different.
It wasn't because of skin color, but lifestyle.

>> No.15915892

They were very impressed by the Aztecs and Inca but they still thought they were basically savages. And of course culture, as in actual behavior, is going to matter more than mere physical appearance, but all humans use the latter as a proxy for the former, especially when everyone you meet who looks a certain way also acts a certain way, roughly speaking.

>> No.15915948


no it isnt shylock is a pretty harsh character of the jew from which most modern antisemitism derives its tropes in the anglosphere, and was a favourite play of the officials of the third reich wherein it was performed religiously and many fold more than any other work by a non german

>> No.15915972

>the trope of the Jew derives from shylock
no lel it derives from jews

>> No.15915992

They were impressed by the empire, but though the human-sacrifice thing was savage. That's not exactly racism. Even if general dealings with the culture can count as bigoted, there wasn't the element of superiority based on skin color.

>> No.15915993

I doubt he ever met a nigger, and I doubt he wanted to hire one as an actor

>> No.15916019

>element of superiority based on skin color.
That is literally never what racism has been though, it's an enormous strawman. The Euros saw the Aztecs and they saw they were a physically different specimen and that they also acted in a way that they considered inferior to themselves. Some of them thought that they could civilize the natives, others thought they were innately lesser. This has always been how 'racism' has manifested in Europeans, they made similar observations about their African slaves and they were again unsure of the possibility of civilizing them.

>> No.15916683
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I bet the thought of me rummaging through your mother's meat basement gets you feeling real political