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15914763 No.15914763[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

He was right about urbanoids. The truth is, population centers can be better understood as hubs where the winners of capitalism, aka people who are or are destined to become sociopaths, congregate in order to most efficiently exploit outsiders and each other. There can be no industrial anti-capitalism, it is an oxymoron. Uncle Ted was just mad because the university commies MK ULTRA'd him but ultimately a unified Ted-Pot pill is the answer to the capitalist meat grinder. There must be a movement to de-emphasize city living across all cultures.

And even though Cambodia was an ideologically disastrous and violent failure, the city cucks deserved then and deserve it today. Look at how evil cosmopolitans are this very instant. They have the floor to be the faithful stewards of society, but instead they consume at preposterous rates and perpetuate cycles of global abuse that will give your nightmares nightmares. Much of it can be boiled down to will to power and sexual pathology too. Cities corrupt the spirit and are anti-human.

>> No.15914831

There is no evidence Pol Pot deliberately enacted any atrocities. He was more sedate than Mao and himself was very benign. The reason for the atrocities was due to regional militias and US influence. Only brainlets think that Pol Pot was genocidal.

>> No.15914835

this is a childish overreaction
without cities there can be no education or collaboration

just because the current implementation has been corrupted doesn't mean it's impossible to implement

this is just the old jewish-nurtured atheist retardation manifesting again, this is just marxism

your solution is to just get a bunch of retards with no accountability to go around smashing cities? all you're doing is training a braindead mob to react to certain stimulus unthinkingly, without a strong will to govern them the same problem will just occur in another form

power requires restraint, technology requires law to direct and limit it

annihilate the jews, the product of humanity living only in city environments
re-establish ethnic monarchies
and decimate niggers and spics and other mixed racial trash

>> No.15914840

have sex

>> No.15914847

Low IQ post.

>> No.15914869

>without cities there can be no education or collaboration
That has to be one of the stupidest things ever posted on this site

>> No.15914901

do you know what a university is you shit for brains retard?
do you really pretend that every advance in civilized history wasn't centered around universities?
anywhere you would make a university a city will spring up to supply it

i can't even respond to this level of retardation
you have to be face to face to collaborate really

>> No.15914912

Yep. This one earned himself and his entire family a free trip to the countryside.

>> No.15914920


>> No.15914955

imagine falling for the academia meme

>We must drive actors, poets, dramatists and writers out of the cities, and pack them all off to the countryside. They should all periodically go down in batches to the villages and to the factories. We must not let writers stay in the government offices; they will never get anything written if they do not go down. Whoever does not go down will get no dinner; only when they go down will they be fed.

>> No.15914983

>do you really pretend that every advance in civilized history wasn't centered around universities?
please be honest: you aren't white are you?

>> No.15915002
File: 2.64 MB, 2250x2301, jews0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15915017

>i can't even respond
I think we can all see that

>> No.15915044

well you can't even form an argument, i'm just anticipating the gestalt of your braindead response you subhuman stimulus addict nigger

>> No.15915052

any sources on this?

>> No.15915088

>i'm just anticipating the gestalt of your braindead response
This is called "schizophrenia" and it can be treated with pills.

>> No.15915185

>make a serious statement
>it gets blown out
>you have no argument
>pretend your only goal was trolling all along
this is called "retardation" and it can be treated with pills, a whole bottle full of them all at once

>> No.15916743


>> No.15917997

This. Nobody starts with the fucking Greeks when they really should. Their city-states were glorious fountains of endless culture, art and education.

>> No.15918011

I definitely agree with you, which is one reason I plan to have no kids. I am not antinatalist though.
I have been too tainted by the urban way of life, so it's not easy for me to become rugged, self-reliant man living off-the-grid. I'm not interested in dying in the advent of a social breakdown because I have too many attachments.

>> No.15918034

Urban living isn't tainted living, it's just a stage in cultural development, mostly a decadent one but nonetheless an important one and one that can still bear good fruit. Sounds like you've been taught to unnecessarily hate yourself and your uniqueness by venomous Marxists. Also, you should have kids should the opportunity for it arise.

>> No.15918060

would you agree on the "agricultural soviet" bit or are you just another capitalist, ZOGged out ruralcel?

>> No.15918084

i’m pretty sure cities spring up around major rivers or oceans
you know good trading locations?

>> No.15918352

No, he was a shitty idealist. There's no escaping the ever expanding Atomistic hell-pit known as society. Nature is vicious and you should not fall for the advertising.

>> No.15918364

Pol Pot was a stupid rice nigger who led other stupid rice niggers on a quest to exterminate 1/3 of their own population, in order to "build a better world".

Gonna print out his ugly mug and take a shit on it.

>> No.15918366


>> No.15918396

Well, he is /pol/ pot after all

>> No.15918405

Imagine defending this dumb fucker