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15914689 No.15914689 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.15914701

I don't bother listening to demonic Jews. Jews are the very manifestation of intolerance and the unearthly power of destruction and deceit. I don't tolerate the existence of the Jewish people, sorry.

>> No.15914711

Islam is literally the only answer to the liberal nihilism of the West, tolerance is a meme

>> No.15914733

Exactly. Don’t tolerate fascism or fanatic religions

>> No.15914736

>only answer
No, there can be other answers.
>liberal nihilism of the West
It's in their blood. You can't get rid of it. Best to seek distance and stop populating their lands, which makes them into demographic minorities. Just leave them alone.

>> No.15914737
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I'm sure such creature has no biases built into its solution to this 'paradox'

>> No.15914739

Voegelin on Popper
>Popper is philosophically so uncultured, so fully a primitive ideological brawler, that he is not able even approximately to reproduce correctly the contents of one page of Plato. Reading is of no use to him; he is too lacking in knowledge to understand what the author says.

>> No.15914764
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Are zoomers unable to understand any concept if it is not explained to them with bright colors and soft shapes?

>pic for attention

>> No.15914766

OP here.
You're a cringe faggot butterfly anal fucker.

>> No.15914769

You know that this idea can be used to justify the suppression and eventual extermination of any outgroup, right? Any ideological other is inherently intolerant of the norms of the majority and thus threatens that majority. This is just an argument for hegemonic despotism with an illusion of tolerance but only for those who obey.

>> No.15914771

More like don't tolerate degenerate transexuality.

This is why tolerance is bullshit. No is truly tolerant, and if you did have a society like that it wouldn't last for very long.

>> No.15914786

Based Gantz poster

>> No.15914834

This, but it SHOULD be used to exterminate other outgroups

>> No.15914852

Christ, why can't you people just filter the cunt?

>> No.15914874

Oh gee Mr Popper, that sure seems like a paradox! Maybe more can be gleaned about this paradox if we try to """unpack""" the concept of tolerance

>> No.15914898
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What’s wrong with bright colors and soft shapes?
If the medium is the message, give me the bright and soft.

When do you think you’ll understand what a paradox is?

>> No.15914899
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you forgot shit eaters

>> No.15914932 [DELETED] 

>muh paradox of tolerance by
a Jew.

>> No.15914938

God I hate this shit.

There is no paradox there.

>> No.15914939


>> No.15914953

Tolerent Society>Must fight intolerance to remain a tolerant society>Thereby becoming intolerant>Making this an intolerant society.

Of course this requires you to accept the premise that a fully tolerant society is in anyway something to strive towards, rather than a learned society that knows how and when to be intolerant of and to people or ideologies that present an existential threat.

>> No.15914960

See >>15914939

>> No.15914963

>When do you think you’ll understand what a paradox is?
Calling it a paradox has no effect on the fact that it states the necessity for hegemony and the extermination of the other. Using the word paradox doesn't lessen your hypocrisy it's just saying "Well, sure, we gotta kill these minorities but, ya know, its for, like, the greater good so we're totally not like other regimes."

>> No.15914986


>> No.15914997


It's easy.
You simply let people express themselves in non-violent ways, and suppress violence.

There. A tolerant society.
People with different views can easily coexist.
Hell I can even hate you and we can still tolerate each other so long as we suppress violence.

>> No.15915001
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>> No.15915005

By the logic of the propaganda piece that's what you have to start doing if they don't shut up and get too inconvenient for your state. All laws are inherently imposed by force and lethal force is a possible conclusion.

>> No.15915049

hey maja leave we don't want you here.
don't you get it

>> No.15915065

Haha, what?


>> No.15915079 [DELETED] 

One of these days I'm going to drag my knife across your throat.

>> No.15915089

Sure. Exactly how you can deal with it. It is intolerance to do so of course. Some sects that demand all bow before them will want violence. You simply have to meet them then and weed them out.
Violently? Hopefully not.

>> No.15915123

What if you let in millions of people with intolerant tendencies for the sake of tolerance?

>> No.15915137

This post perfectly represents the justification for preemptive violence against marxists

>> No.15915159

Youll be so excluded and ostrasized you may as well be dead

>> No.15915170

>Some sects that demand all bow before them will want violence.
That's every single group of people in the history of mankind.

>> No.15915192

you dont have to tolerate violence
that doesn't undermine free expression and discourse

there is no singular dimension of tolerance

>> No.15915202

That's why every tolerant faction should fight others to death until only a true tolerance will be left.

>> No.15915210

Marxism is a fanatic religion

>> No.15915221

I guess because you don’t know what that is.

Ah, chromosomal trouble, you say.

I agree. Peace can be had, but some profit from violence

>> No.15915222

tolerance is fucking gay. why should we put up with things we don't like.

>> No.15915228

Hardly any muslims are coming to the west and demanding we change society. Spend less time on /pol/

>> No.15915254

Dishonest baiting Liberal faggotry. Screaming in pain as you punch down at your enemies, rewarded by no digits.
Based trips of honest absolute totalitarianism.

>> No.15915265
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Oh shit! He even put a period on the end of his sentence, so you KNOW he's serious!

>> No.15915591

I mean, yes. Fuck fascism and fuck Islam.

>> No.15915602

rape capital of the world

>> No.15915613

This. I don't even get where this idea comes from, I live in a city that has a lot of Muslims compared to other US cities and I see like 1/1000 people who might be a Muslim.

>> No.15915637

You're in the US

>> No.15915653
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>> No.15915684

You don't understand my point. Muslim immigration to the US isn't proportionately comparable to Muslim immigration to the UK for example. So, your experience really doesn't apply and you're just providing an anecdote.

>> No.15915732

>fanatic religious

Such as leftism in all of its forms, from social-democracy to Marxism.

And please leave this board.

>> No.15915763

>if you want to marginally reduce immigration and/or are a little uncomfortable with the whole trans thing then you're outside the law and should be destroyed
this is what liberals unironically believe

>> No.15915858

It's what liberals are using to distract your budgie brain with. There's a class war and all you can think about is darkies getting "your women"
The IDpol wars are shit and YOU FALL FOR IT

>> No.15915874

Who decides what's tolerant?

>> No.15915905

Yeah there can be other answers in your head.
But in the real world, the only probable solution is Islam.
t. different guy, and disillusioned fascist (still fascist, just disillusioned too)

>> No.15915909

>jew undermining freedom of speech
Absolutely shocking

>> No.15915912

>There's a class war
You know that that's not going to sell, right? Talking about class is Reactionary now and if you do it too much I will report you to HR for devaluation of POC experiance that your reductionism causes and you'll have to go to another reeduca . . . I mean sensitivity seminar.


>> No.15916040

See, this is why anonymity is good. If you weren't a tripfag, I'd say based. But based on your previous posts, I know you are marxist, so your post is very based at all.

>> No.15916056

>Why would corporate America go woke?
Because the Civil Rights Act of 1965 and case law developed from it requires them to. Come on, do you really think "woke capital' manifests in a world without American dominance?

>> No.15916088

You should watch the video before trying to start an argument solely based on its title

>> No.15916127

I skimmed your video, it reviews contemporary Critical Race Theory rhetoric used by diversity trainers and posits as an example of a disciplinary technology (in the Foucaldian sense) to encourage obedience. That's not totally wrong, but it sort of misses the point - companies have to engage in capital-A Antiracism because Civil Rights Law requires them to or they'll get sued.

>> No.15916139

If anything it'd be more interesting to explore Civil Rights Law as a disciplinary technology applied to corporations, media, universities, and so on.

>> No.15916149

I also don't tolerate Marxists like you

>> No.15916157

Popper's a fucking hack

>> No.15916459

How is a philosophy about wanting to end class exploitation "intolerant"

>> No.15916610

The paradox of tolerance is much more relevant to the behavior of Antifa than to any group on the right, really.

>> No.15916702

then you should have no problem if I don't tolerate this answer