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File: 33 KB, 640x454, vidal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15912894 No.15912894 [Reply] [Original]

Where should Gore Vidal be ranked amongst great American writers?

>> No.15912925

Among the 20th century’s best. Better still the later half the 20th century.
I don’t like ranking though.

>> No.15912944

Thank you butterfly

>> No.15912947


Middling talent. Julian is quite good, City and the Pillar is fine, and his non-fiction voice is wonderful but he's mostly an overly-dry historical novelist or shock jock type. His essays are well-written but are boring and self-obsessed political bullshit. He spent his entire life acting like a political insider because his former stepdad later become one of Jackie Kennedy's stepdads. His "scanadlous" works are so shitty that they would be laughable if they weren't somehow regarded as important "transgressive" fiction.

>> No.15912959 [DELETED] 
File: 187 KB, 954x876, no hope left.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have no credibility, tranny fag.
Amongst the great ones? no, he's not even close. He is pretty good tho.

>> No.15913170


>> No.15913231

Up there with Delillo, Pynchon, Henry James, McCarthy and just about touching Melville. An absolute beast of a talent. Handsome as well. Could suck a mean dick too i've heard.

>> No.15913239

I like him and Lincoln is a masterpiece but he wouldn't be top 10 desu. America has too many great writers.

>> No.15913254

Not among the best, certainly not. He’s good, but honestly I would never rank him highly.

>> No.15913297

Look at the trip in that picture and the trip of the person you’re replying to

>> No.15913689

Top 20, barely

>> No.15913722

Good historical novelist and debater I guess, not much more. He was charismatic and quick witted but not a truly great thinker or talented artist.

>> No.15913766

Yeah he should've had a show instead of Buckley, that hack

>> No.15913810

He was a great essayist too. To me Vidal represents the last of a certain American tradition going back to Emerson, one that died after 9/11.
As much as I've grown to hate Buckley, his show was pretty good.

>> No.15914023

he was definitely the last "public intellectual" the USA had, I'll give him that

>> No.15914212


>> No.15914233

lol he wasn't an "intellectual" just edgyidiot

>> No.15914346

Buckley could at least swallow his ego long enough to introduce his guests and the topic of the debate. I don't think Vidal would be able to keep himself from making smug effeminate jabs for that long.

>> No.15914446

Wrong, that would be Ben Shapiro or Joe Rogan.

>> No.15914494

Among the very best historical fiction writers of the 20th century.