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15912641 No.15912641 [Reply] [Original]

Reminder that postmodernism is the enemy of Marxism. It moved our moved our political aims to the realm of the individual, inevitably the site of the consumerist-libidinal desire.

>> No.15912686

I'm not well-read in either ideology but I don't think you can simplify it like that.

>> No.15912760

There has never been such a thing as “consumerism”, it is, as Deleuze & Guattari say, an “idiotic notion”

>> No.15912776

The enemy of my enemy is not my friend.

>> No.15913091

Pic unrelated?

>> No.15913142

pic related

>> No.15913163

fucking what dude
>enemy of Marxism
shut the fuck up tree

>> No.15913215
File: 36 KB, 640x628, 17626253_1002405589901493_7403478581249253265_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Start with "Nietzsche & Philosophy" and work your way through Deleuze's books to ATP. If you're unfamiliar with stuff popular in that era (Nietzscheanism, Psychoanalysis both Freudian and Lacanian, Phenomenology, Saussurian linguistics, etc.) you might have a difficult time.

Lemme see if I can find that copypasta to help you along the way.

>> No.15913250
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Found it.

A decent short summary / intro to D&G:


A lot of the stuff here:

Everything by Manuel DeLanda:

A bit more on the Nietzsche-Deleuze relation through Klossowski (who dedicated his book about Nietzsche to Deleuze):

More on the Deleuze-Nietzsche relation (the entire series is fascinating if you're into Nietzsche):

The Deleuze for the Desperate series:

Derrida's lecture about Deleuze (mistitled, it's about Stupidity not Forgiveness):

There's probably a lot more, there are Vimeo videos as well which don't feature on Youtube.

Pirate Deleuze's Abecedaire (it should have English subtitles) as I can't find it streamed in full online anywhere.

For compilation books, start with the essay and interview collections (in no particular order): Dialogues, Negotiations, Desert Islands, Two Regimes of Madness, Essays Critical and Clinical. "Letter to a Harsh Critic" in Negotiations is short (about 7 pages) and tells you how to read his texts.

As for books written by Deleuze, start with Nietzsche and Philosophy (read the intro to the English translation by Michael Hardt even if you don't read the book in English). Deleuze's courses are also pretty accessible and translated in several languages: https://www.webdeleuze.com/

A decent bibliography:

>> No.15913289

not op but thanks! I'm trying to get into postmodernism but I'm not really knowledgeable in philosophy and psychology

>> No.15913375
File: 121 KB, 743x960, 55786368_2326967364008822_2009309430486663168_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well one thing to keep in mind is that Deleuze wasn't really a postmodernist in terms of content. You could make the case that he is one in terms of style (since he has the same difficult style specific for that era), but people mostly conflate poststructuralism with postmodernism which is why he gets lumped in with the rest of them. But he's basically described himself as the most naive philosopher of his generation, a classical metaphysician, an empiricist, a vitalist, a Marxist, a pragmatist and a few other things (in various stages of his work and referring to specific things, to be fair).

>> No.15914634

imagine being this much of a LARP retard

>> No.15914648

Marxism failed. It isn't nearly as anti-capitalist as it claims itself to be. Read the mirror of production by Baurdillard. You are stuck in bullshit ideology from a long time ago. You're no better than any of the other LARP spectacle ideologues. Let go of the corpse of modernity.