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/lit/ - Literature

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15911475 No.15911475[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What do art hoes read?

>> No.15911482

Sav said she reads Cioran

>> No.15911493

Well I was looking through Virginia Woolf's diary a couple days ago. She was talking about Byron, Shakespeare, Milton, Joyce, Bernard Shaw, Austen, stuff like that.

>> No.15911508
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>tfw no poetess gf

>> No.15911517

Wikipedia pages on serial killers and pregnancy tests.

>> No.15911521

The Bible.

>> No.15911525

it doesn't matter, you're not going to attract or impress an art hoe or any gril by knowing her favorite books. You want to know what an art hoe likes to read? Just ask her, and use it as an entryway to getting her to talk about herself, which is what both you and she are really more interested in anyway ("Oh you like mein kampf? Interesting, what appeals to you about it")

>> No.15911539

>"Oh you like mein kampf? Interesting, what appeals to you about it")

>> No.15911562

She hated Ulysses, didn't she?

>> No.15911575

chad's dms

>> No.15911577

She hated that it wasn't her who wrote it.

>> No.15911581

my diary desu

>> No.15911600

Yes, she said it was boring, which is strange because they have a similar psychological realist style. I think she had some mixed feelings on it though, and even admitted that he did some things better than her.

>> No.15911646


>> No.15911901

murakami, lolita, john green

>> No.15911935
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>> No.15911963
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I used to think "art hoes" were just a meme.
Then I went to a gallery showing, and these obnoxious bitches lined the walls.
They all dressed the same, same haircut, and had the same mannerisms.
No individuality at all.

>> No.15911979

probably highest concentration of silver hair, dark lipstick and daddy issues

>> No.15911992

Sounds like an easy way to get your dick wet tbqhwyf

>> No.15912025

Lovecraft and Poe for sure.
>but Lovecraft is le racist
They don't care.
>wanting to impress an art hoe
wtf lol

>> No.15912058

they are obsessed with taking photos of themselves in front of long-venerated works of art as if their levels of worth are even remotely comparable

>> No.15912084

Art Hoes enjoy two things.

>sappy sad tales

Their tastes rarely extend past those point.

>> No.15912115

Milk and honey

>> No.15912237

maybe if you weren't too scared to talk to girls, you could ask one and find out

>> No.15912249

My messages desu (not yours)

>> No.15912250

Every time I talk to girls I almost always threaten bodily harm.

>> No.15912254

They don't fucking read you idiot. If you talk about literature you're gonna look like a complete moron, Just treat them like any other whore.

>> No.15912310

Social Media comments, Twitter feeds, etc.

>> No.15912315

The French. You know which ones.

>> No.15912329

I'm not scared, I'm despondent.

>> No.15912333

This. Maybe if they're really intellectual they read an online article from time to time.

>> No.15912344

They all read Genre Fic and you know it.

>> No.15912384

any decent art hoe reads magnetic fields lyrics. the rest are just posers

source: ran in the same circles as these girls for a few years

>> No.15912824 [DELETED] 
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Who do art hoes age so rapidly?

>> No.15912831
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I'm worried.

>> No.15912839

On the Jews and their Lies seems like a better read.

>> No.15912869

>heavy mascara, eyeliner, filled eyebrows
>light mascara, eyebrows, no eyeliner
come on virgin you can do better than that

>> No.15912913

It is the exact opposite. You would be better off taking your chances with sex tourism in the Congo or Somalia.

>> No.15912915

holy shit

>> No.15912938

>comparing photos where she has make up and good lighting

>> No.15912939

Mark Fisher

>> No.15912940

drugs, alcohol, make-up. That's why you can't be a faggot and fall for their tricks. Fuck a good lucking femboy, don't be a faggot looking for art-hoes

>> No.15912955

>looking at honest photos of a woman who looks like shit

I see nothing wrong here

>> No.15913025

This is just with/without makeup you retard.

>> No.15913036

exactly, that's why it's important to see what a woman really looks like underneath her lie cream and dishonesty powder

savannah brown is barely 24 and looks like a lifelong crack addict

>> No.15913112

arent those video screenshots?

>> No.15913236

Then most women look like crack addicts. She doesn't stand out from the crowd.

>> No.15913265

>They don't care
based art hoes

>> No.15913274

Twitter feed

>> No.15913342
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Why do latinas age so badly?

>> No.15913351

Be quiet, hole.

>> No.15913360

can confirm.
my waifu is a big fan of them

>> No.15913380

For real though, you must be very naive if you don't think she looks better than your average woman sans makeup.

>> No.15913512

She looks like the crypt keeper you delusional waifufag/roastie.

I could use her nasolabial folds to redirect floodwaters from the Three Gorges Dam and save China.

>> No.15913533

Did she write that in her diary? I found a book written by her Vita at the charity shop the other day, I wasn't aware she was a writer too.

>> No.15913545

I want to fill her womb with my cum

>> No.15913547

Someone post the webm where she gets fucked doggy style.

>> No.15913568

Ironically you're the one trying to make women look better than they actually do by underestimating the effects of makeup. If I was as retarded as you I'd be calling you the roastie instead, which is a whole lot more plausible.

>> No.15913596

you have piqued my curiosity

>> No.15913635

There's a webm with two vids side by side, one where le ebin pixie girl plays the guitar, and the other she gets raw dogged from behind.

>> No.15913653

it's obviously not the same girl in that webm.

>> No.15913657

is she the girl from gdp?

>> No.15913659

Lolita, Camus, Sartre

>> No.15913668

i've seen it. not convinced it's actually her

>> No.15913671

ummmmm individuality is a characteristic of whiteness? sorry sweetie

>> No.15913691 [DELETED] 

there is a girl from gdp that in her youngness has made "sweet" covers on youtube has the girl in that link

>> No.15913740

there is a girl from girlsdoporn that in her youngness has made "sweet" covers on youtube as the girl in that link.

>> No.15913753

how come that some art hoes are so well read in psychology, poetry and philosophy, so skilled in art and beauty, yet still remain such ugly people? they do drugs, they drink, they fuck around and live out all the other aspects of a simple hedonistic life. in fact, they are worse than the average woman you'd meet.

>> No.15913772


>> No.15913803

>art hoes are so well read


>> No.15913820

Culturally they have children at age 15-20 so they don't slelect genetically for longevity.

>> No.15913872

I've met some who read all the stuff /lit/ would be inte

>> No.15913897

Art hoes invariably read surface level highschoolcore and short modernist crap

"Art hoes" aren't even real, why would you think an instagram fashion term invented primarily for the fashion (as is everything else with women) would be a real thing? Any woman capable of having real thoughts wouldn't be on instagram, wouldn't know what "art hoe" means, and would want to throw the women who could be identified as "art hoes" off a cliff if she did

>> No.15913978

Have sex. I don't mean that as a joke either.

>> No.15914252

she has to be half-white, no?

>> No.15914286

I'm not interested in having sex with you.

>> No.15914358
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Only good you can create by dating an art hoe is using her as a equally inner wounded partner to improve yourself together.

>> No.15914361

Is Woolf supposed to be ironic? I read the mark on the wall and it was a) terrible and boring b) infuriating philosophically c) clearly try hard. If the lazy bitch just fucking stood up... Literally 'U can't know nothing tier'. Honestly, the story made me realize why women's suffrage is dumb.

>> No.15914489

> well read
> skilled in art and beauty

we know different art hoes