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15907931 No.15907931 [Reply] [Original]

wow i hate philosophy now

>> No.15907942

i hate existential comics

>> No.15908068

half of those things suck

>> No.15908108

God bless Schopenhauer for his wonderful feminist philosophy.

>> No.15908253

>picture of ancient greek philosopher
Ancient greek philosophers despised democracy. They argued for healthy aristocracy. Why leftist manchilds only capable to scratch the surfface?

>> No.15908263

Is this guy implying that rich non-white people are somehow less vain than rich white people

>> No.15908264

Straight white males are given a big bag of cash the second they come out of the womb

>> No.15908270

What did you guys spend yours on?
I was a dumb kid and bought video games.

>> No.15908272

Half of those things aren’t even philosophy

>> No.15908274

Modern democracy is actually aristocracy, so no trouble here.

>> No.15908284

Those are all ethical or social innovations. Philosophy's role as the creator of sciences trumps all that squishy shit.

>> No.15908287

Just a typical milquetoast stand in for the type of person who has the privilege of ignorance. Pretty unnecessary, that "Privileged White Guy" posses an attitude common amongst all Americans.
Hopefully, when you're older, you'll make more honest attempts to engage and understand things that at first shock or offend you.

>> No.15908295

Literally all early science was done by philosophers. Newton was a philosopher. Try explaining to this same person how much early science was funded by the Church.

>> No.15908296

Yeah, but it's not healthy. They are extremely short sighted and they focus on how to get the proles to get them (re)elected and doing nothing but taking bribes and making themselves instead of having a healthy symbiotic relationship with the lower classes, like most healthy aristocracies have done throughout history. It's more an oligarchy more than anything.

>> No.15908299

It's an oligarchy and their suicide pact with the market prevents them from improving society in any meaningful way.

>> No.15908302

How long has this guy been making comics? 5 years? Why is his compositioning still so amateurish?

>> No.15908306

The opposite view of
>modern times are so shit!
>what do we have now except that thing which combines a large number of powers with each being a miracle not only for 1000 years ago, but even for 20-30
is even sillier.

>> No.15908307

Because half of you sucks

>> No.15908312

That assumes that proles actually have any power and their voting actually makes any non-minuscule difference.

>> No.15908327
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>> No.15908335

only whites care about philosophy

>> No.15908337

>healthy symbiotic relationship with the lower classes, like most healthy aristocracies have done throughout history.
Back then even in large countries population was way smaller, and many de-facto independent entities were just towns. Add to that that there was a large population with no rights at all. Ancient Athens were pretty huge by antique measures, yet their population without slaves, women and children was maybe 20-30 thousands. It's easier (and more necessary) to connect with thousands than with billions.

>> No.15908345

Wrong. Although neither I or any of their other black people I met gave a shit about Ontology. Just Ethics and Politics.

>> No.15908348


>> No.15908351

Schopenhauer and feminists actually agree that women throughout history were basically cattle and even in the west they were mostly half-cattle. It's just that Schopenhauer wants them to lose the half- part and feminists want to stop being cattle.

>> No.15908352

>neither I or any of their other black people I met gave a shit about the nature of reality. just gibs

>> No.15908366

>No black people gave a shit about fantasy worldbuilding for virgins

>> No.15908368

They worked the farms, which the aristocracy collected as taxes. If you were unusually cruel to the proles (or unusually lax as well), then you wouldn't get paid (either now or in the future). It was (and still is) generally a good idea to get along with serfs but not to let them trample all over you.

Do you think we should go back to city-states or at least US state sized regions (I mean average US state size, not like Alaska, California or Texas sized) in order to have a healthier political situation? I don't think continent sized nations are sustainable for the long term unless we go the imperial route.

>> No.15908373
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>Blacks giving a shit about ethics

>> No.15908417

Human history has been the coalescence of smaller Tribes into greater tribes for the general benefit of all involved. The one time this has proven to be detrimental is when people snatched other tribal lands into their holdings without attempting to integrate those tribes. Or when tribes came together in a loose confederation with no attempt to integrate the groups. Just because Modernity is failing you in some way doesn't mean that the city state is the peak of Human society.

>> No.15908451

I used mine to buy a cambodian orphan I'd kick around and pee on for fun

>> No.15908529

Sometimes I wonder how it would feel to cave in your paper thin skull with a ball peen hammer. Not because I don't like your posts, but because I think I'd enjoy it.