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/lit/ - Literature

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15904294 No.15904294 [Reply] [Original]

>just played vidya for the last 6 hours
>tfw i could have read 120 pages in that time
i'm uninstalling vidya and never playing again bros

>> No.15904313

>120 pages in 6 hours.
No, no you couldn't.

>> No.15904315

start with napoleon hill

>> No.15904326
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>3237 hours in Team Fortress 2
Think of all the things I could've done.

>> No.15904328

Is that some Herculean task to you? I just read 60 pages in 2 hours, and I’m a slow reader.

>> No.15904336

just play vidya in a foreign language you're learning and git gud enough to read books in said language. Barring living abroad vidya is the superior way of language acquisition after you've learnt the basics. Make sure you choose a game with lots of dialogue and text though. Quit bitching about games and see it as the awesome tool it is.

>> No.15904351

120 pages? or 120, as in really 60, pages?

>> No.15904357

what's wrong with playing some games if you are enjoying it at least? combine the two hobbies man.
Also, which game did you play, OP?

>> No.15904365
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>i'm uninstalling vidya and never playing again bros
stay strong fren

>> No.15904422

Thats why i only play vidya thats challenging, because then it feels like im actually accomplishing something. Whenever or not thats true i dont know, i guess any form of learning is good, to some degree.

>> No.15904486

lol stop projecting your fucking slow brainlet reading skills on to others

>> No.15904519

Yes please, you can do it anon. I dropped vidya for good, reinstalled steam during lockdown and after I saw that Rocket League (my favourite multiplayer pc game, I spent thousand of hours on that piece of shit) made a statement for that nig death and BLM support I told myself I will never ever play vidya anymore. It's just propaganda like the majority of entertainment today, that's why I read books written before XXI century.

>> No.15904528 [DELETED] 

I keep speccing out builds on grimtools and never actually playing. I need to either play the fucking game or not.

>> No.15904542

Get a grown up computer aka a Mac, and then you won't be tempted.

>> No.15904546


>> No.15904570
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imagine going on a zoom conference for work with a gay ass computer like that on your desk

>> No.15904586
File: 141 KB, 650x340, Hacking-Wine-Can-you-Go-from-Rookie-to-Connoisseur-in-a-Month.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the patrician choice is playing games AND reading books

>> No.15904594

fuck Mac, use Linux as your OS

>> No.15904619

>using a server OS on your desktop

if you enjoy looking like a boob, by all means

>> No.15904625
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>> No.15904751

i just have a completely normal white case with good specs. Not everyone is an ADHD zoomer faggot

>> No.15904761

Team Fortress 2 was worth it, and wasting away creative energies will turn out fine.

>> No.15904776
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>tfw read 30 pages in 6 hours

>> No.15904792

>server OS
what does this even mean

>> No.15904798

God I hate RGB shit. It’s ubiquitous and in fucking awful taste.

>> No.15904807

It means he’s talking out his ass.

>> No.15904814

You went from vidya to 4chan instead of reading so you've already failed.

>> No.15904827

how do you people read this much without getting tired? my limit is 40 pages for fiction and 10 for non-fiction. though I can read more than one book a day with this limit

>> No.15904831

This. Just have some self control ffs.

>> No.15904845

6 consecutive hours of gaming is too much anon. Nothing wrong with a little gayming but with limits.

>> No.15904858

The more you read at length the easier it gets, I used to struggle to read 20 pages. And I take little breaks as I read, usually at the end of chapters.

>> No.15904876
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Anon, go easy on yourself. Schedule some time over the next days to catch up. The fact that you recognize your faults means you have the agency to improve.

Keep going.

>> No.15904881
File: 225 KB, 250x241, woo baby yeah.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You won't regret it.

>> No.15904943

zoomer tier tower

>> No.15905010

>120 pages in 6 hours
average for 6 hours would be 300 pages nigga, personally i'd be able to read 200 comfortably and I'm quite a slow reader.
How is that possibly diffcult for you unless you're reading someone like Spinoza? You struggle to read 20 pages in an hour? Maybe you need some ritalin.

>> No.15905115

Depends on the book.
120 pages in 6 hours straight sounds daunting to me assuming the book is good. I managed to read 450 pages of a political book in the span of like 4 hours because it was dog shit and super accessible. But if well written it should take a while to finish it, no?

>> No.15905128

i shiggy diggy

>> No.15905141

Fuck that's a lot of hours.
Could've become profienct in another language or written a book in that time or gotten mega at investing.

>> No.15905144

Macs are fucking garbage.

>> No.15905154

retroactively refuted by terry davis

>> No.15905230

A while, not 20 pages in an hour, that’s glacial.

>> No.15905456

Good post fren

>> No.15905539

>just played 18 hours of Rimworld in one sitting

>> No.15905542

I stopped playing vidya seriously when i was 15. I believe that anyone that spends more than 5 hours a week playing video games is a manchild that has not evolved past their obsession with toys and pretty flashy colours. The only time i play anything anymore is when visiting my manchild brother

>> No.15905547

I beat half-life in one sitting once. It took about 7 hours. Seems like a long slog, but cubicle workers spend 7 hours in front of a computer every day.

>> No.15905574

I was reading crime punishment at exactly 20 pages/hour.
The edition has 434 pages.

>> No.15905599

I feel like everyone in this world is a giant manchild. Seriously, I don't even know what to call this feeling. I'm amazed that reproduction even occurs. Don't women find it cringe that men today don't go out to hunt or fight wars and instead just work jobs and bring in food without any manly effort?
Even construction seems like pussy shit with all the safety regulations and whatnot. And I say this as a blue collar worker.
It's really cringe to me that we're all living in wonderful safety and excess of resources
Where's the suffering?

>> No.15905685

I believe this is a problem, the safety and cuddling of society gives people the option of staying in a safe spot all of their life, never maturing or facing adversity. This also leads to an underdeveloped personality and results in todays common "NPC" possibly characterised by a weak will, no passions, social anxiety, overindulgence of media , depression, etc

At times like these i am glad i grew up in eastern europe, not much time to waste on video games when you get a job at 16

>> No.15905759

>Don't women find it cringe that men today don't go out to hunt or fight wars
Even some women are becoming manchildren

>> No.15905773

>At times like these i am glad i grew up in eastern europe
That's good of course but I'm sorry to inform that (in the cities at least) it's quite easy to be coddled into a complete mess, my source being myself of course. You also mischaracterize since an NPC is primarily someone who can't think for themselves while you just describe the average listless young man/4chan user.
Where are you from exactly though?

>> No.15905774

How so? women as the weakest gender were always grown children as Schopenhauer would call them, but they still have this sexual selection process ingrained into them.
Why would they select the modern man for reproduction, the man who has mantits for consuming too much sugar and is fat due to low activity and is frail due to a lack of hardships?

>> No.15905810

Oh no, I meant moreso there's more women playing video games and watching capeshit movies then ever before. It's very strange.

>> No.15905837

But women have always been children though, it's alright for them to play. What's not alright or rather what I'm confused about is that they'll mate with modern men in civilized society.

>> No.15905861

I'll play the big Nintendo games, which usually amounts to one game a year. Bought Animal Crossing digitally and regretted it 5 hours later. I don't think Nintendo is even bothering releasing anything else big this year. The Switch might be my last console.

>> No.15905889

>read a little over 30 pages of Moby Dick (Norton edition, where the whole story is only ~400 pages)
>can feel my eyes start to glaze over
If I could sit down and actually read for 6 hours straight I could probably finish a full book in that amount of time, or at least get a good ways through them depending on the book. But I had the same problem in high school (though it may partially be due to having to wake up so early then) where at some point I just start to zone out.

>> No.15905927

>hat they'll mate with modern men in civilized society.
So you are an upset incel because women wont sleep with you?

>> No.15905952

I'm such a modern man and I'm not an incel or virgin or whatever.
I just find it really cringe that we're all just manchildren, and something as deep going as biology still has women choosing weak frail men today as proper mates for reproduction

>> No.15905968
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>> No.15905970

>just worked for last 6 hours to finish a project for a job
>could have spent that time reading
Work ethic is a meme, I worked on Sunday for free like some 4chan janitor, what am I even doing with my life

>> No.15906035

>implying that the vast majority of 4channers aren't 20 yo NPC's wasting away in some room, wasting a large portion of their life on the internet
Just because you're contrarian doesn't mean you're thinking for yourself, perhaps you find more exceptions here on /lit/ but if you go on /pol/, /b/,/int/ ,etc you will find so many NPC's completely immersed in debates over politics, race, feminism, etc. I believe this is because they've achieved so little in their lives and have so little power that they need to assume the identity of their "clan" to even have a real identity.

I'm from NE Romania, region of Moldova. I allow myself shitposting time in the evening and sometimes during breakfast, the day is for the real world.

>> No.15906219

That is fucking dumb unless there is native text to go along with the language. You wont know what words say without it.

>> No.15906246

>20 pages an hour is a difficult pace
This is bait, right?

>> No.15906254

>6000+ hours in dota 2
>1000+ hours in csgo
>3200+ hours in rainbow six siege (and counting)

I'm 20 year old. I could've had 2 degrees with that time

>> No.15906265

Oh I certainly don't deny what you say, there are plenty of people who jump on bandwagons or accept a board 'consensus' without having any real experience with a given subject or in the real world. Couple this with the fact that I feel like half the posts on any given serious board might as well be a form of propaganda and proselytizing (think of how often you see people just mention book titles/authors or even post advertisements for the book like with Tedfags) and it makes me wonder why I even bother to get up in the morning if I'll just see the same shit every time.
>20 yo NPC's wasting away in some room
Literally me as they say but I'm working on it, and if I don't get better I'll at least get what I deserve. You seem to be fine as far as being in contact with reality goes so keep at it.

>> No.15906353

I know a man a man who could read 50,000 Bibles per minute. He had a contraption to flip the pages for him. He was so learned in the Bible that, simply by seeing the ink upon the flipping pages, he knew the words laid upon them.

>> No.15906357

You can do it man, the hardest part of every good habit is starting, you have to force yourself for a while until the habit is formed. It was like that for me with going to the gym, having a healthy diet( at my current point, deep fried food makes me wretch) , reading daily and always studying something ( ora sto cercando di imparare l'italiano).
It's not easy and you will hate it before you love it but everything good comes at a cost of willpower and effort. I wish you the best of luck

>> No.15906359
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I was depressed so I ate 2 boxes of mochi and now my teeth hurt and I feel sick

>> No.15906361

you can't read 20 pages in an hour?

>> No.15906373

what game fren

>> No.15906590

death stranding

>> No.15906595


>> No.15906596

Lmao brainlet post

>> No.15906598

did you have fun tho?
if books were better than vidya, then dont you think people would read instead of playing vidya?????
checkmate bro

>> No.15906621

Thanks for the kind words, my two big issues are probably just too much nostalgia mongering and too much browsing this hellhole which leads to too much second guessing but I'm sure both habits will pass eventually. Not without effort, but nothing is ever without effort.

>> No.15906985

>implying that the vast majority of 4channers aren't 20 yo NPC's wasting away in some room

this is me but because of the quarantine

>> No.15906994

>Spend hours modding some beth game for hours to perfection.
>play for like 2 hours and uninstall
>could have read this whole time

>> No.15907011

Vidya is atrocious slop. You feel like a piece of shit when you stop for a reason. Besides engaging in reading, you'll find greater enjoyment taking a walk than sitting in front of a screen for hours.

>> No.15907020

t. currently in front of a screen

>> No.15907029

I started Prey (2017) tonight, played for four hours, don't regret it because it's actually a pretty good game so far.

>> No.15907033

>for hours

Try moderation mate

>> No.15907038
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>Farmed in MH Generations
>Now going to play rankeds in LOL
Sorry, not sorry. I'll have to read too much in my shitty English major anyways.

>> No.15907045

t. currently in front of a screen complaining about people using screens

>> No.15907046


>> No.15907056

Ate loadsa' balsamic onions, very acidic. Read sixty or so pages of Don Quixote, farting like a pig the whole time. The coffee didn't help.
My wife has kicked me out of bed and now i'm hunched at a terminal, might have a wank in a bit.
I don't play video games, they're for losers.

>> No.15907058

Read more.

>> No.15907063

I have read more than you screen user

>> No.15907068

Seems like it

>> No.15907083


20 pages an hour?

Wtf are you reading? Are you GSL and reading Immanuel Kant in German?

>> No.15907089

anyone here have tips for remembering lots of small details? i'm studying for exams in uk tax legislation. I don't struggle with motivating myself to study, im just a brainlet and there's so much to learn

>> No.15907098

>liking Arkane's attempt at nostalgiabaiting while at the same time making a shitty game

>> No.15907101

According to my Kobo stats, I read a little over one page per minute and it's consistent with all fiction books I read.
I basically read /lit/ top chart stuff like East of Eden and Don Quixote so not the easiest books.
Is this slow for fiction?
What's "normal" speed?

>> No.15907108

Why do you think it's shitty?

>> No.15907129


I'm jealous that you can even focus on vidya

P sure I have depression, or maybe apathy or whatever it stems from, I go from good highs where I'm highly product to brutal and protracted lows where I cannot focus on shit. Not even on vidya, like what's the fucking point if you become too brainlet to remember what you read or perform your WoW rotation successfully. Or are unable to play Starcraft, another game I like.

>> No.15907144


What is the basis of the nostalgia? FEAR? Doom 3?

I just watched a trailer for it and am confused by your post

>> No.15907156

Deus Ex and System Shock 2 (or rather most Looking Glass games). They did the same shit with Dishonored. Attempting to bring back these types of games while not having the self awareness to not fill them with all the garbage that modern games have.

>> No.15907209
File: 132 KB, 1807x923, space rangers 2 text quest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are text adventures /lit/?

>> No.15907241

Use Anki.

>> No.15907685

Depends on what you're reading. I usually start and finish books that're between 100-200 pages if they're an easier novella/novel like 'Animal Farm'.

>> No.15908163

i thought Return of the Obra Dinn was pretty /lit/ for some reason, even though there's barely any text at all.

>> No.15908179

Jesus Christ, anon. Look how many took the bait

>> No.15908212

big retard energy over here, another classic victim of the american education system