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15903572 No.15903572 [Reply] [Original]

As a Marxist, is this worth reading at all?

>> No.15903583

>As a Marxist
You won't like it at all if you have Marxist convictions within philosophy.

>> No.15903607

there's already a thread about d&g's relation to marxism

>> No.15903609

As a Marxist I don't think it's even worth breathing

>> No.15903626

It’s more metaphysics, linguistics and applications of those to a wide range, including politics.

>> No.15903840


>> No.15903849

It's a book about guitar lessons

>> No.15903899


>> No.15903933

Me and Nick land are among the few individuals to fully understand the implications of Deleuzean thought and achieve the BwO. It is no coincidence that we both went insane soon after. Six visits to the psych ward later after deterritorializing myself with hardcore psychedelics, I have now returned to the fold of Platonism. The ethics of difference, it would seem, end only in a padded cell or a coffin. For my mother's sake, I now adhere to virtue ethics. Kinda miss fucking bipolar scene sluts but then again that's probably how I ended up with tertiary syphilis. I only hope my future wife can forgive me my immature philosophical infatuation...

>> No.15903955


>Does this book affirm my beliefs or not?

Fucking Christ ....

>> No.15904098

Why is this board so retarded?

>> No.15904103

>as a marxist
You dont do anything as a marxist, you lazy schmuck

>> No.15904106


>> No.15904116


>> No.15904168

I've seen a lot of ruckus about that book so it may be worth reading just on virtue of all the ruckus it had so far caused.

>> No.15904204


>> No.15904207

but is it helpful for anything?

>> No.15904266

>as a marxist
you may find yourself more at home on reddit or tiktok my underage friend, there is no accursed reservoir of sign value here for you to stuff into your festering tranny gash

>> No.15904299

It depends on what kind of marxist you are, D&G are marxists themselves, but in a constructivist/pragmatic sense. One must remember that being deleuzian or being deleuzo-guattarian is always about how philosophy is a toolbox

>> No.15904508


>> No.15904547

ok but what do they bring to the table? how do they differ from other marxists?

>> No.15904871


>> No.15904922

Given that it's the predominant ideological edifice for global capitalism today, yes, also >>15903955

>> No.15904928


>> No.15905153


>> No.15905193

No. It's a pile of schizo nonsense.

>> No.15905202

That's pretty endearing to say about D&G considering how they viewed schizophrenia and sense.

>> No.15905203

Marxism isn't a belief system, dumbfuck.


>> No.15905214

>you see, it's *supposed* to be incoherent gibberish
Fuck off.

>> No.15905218

Lol, it obviously went completely over your head.

>> No.15905225

This is bait

>> No.15905232


i'm calling up your wife
and telling her i'm sorry for your based

>> No.15905268

Gibberish by definition cannot go over anyone's head.

>> No.15905436


Everything is a belief system, moron. You believe Marx had something insightful to say about phenomenon, that's a belief.
If you ask 'should I read this, AS A MARXIST', you're basically saying : 'Is this within the parameters of what is considered acceptable critique of Marx.'
Why else would you include the 'as a Marxist' part? You are literally judging the worth (see OP) of the contents of a manuscript by how it relates to Marxism. i.e. you BELIEVE that a work either has or doesn't have worth relative to Marxism, if that's not a belief system, I don't know what is.

If you however seek to have your convictions (can I say convictions instead of beliefs you fucking sperg? Does that make it ok?) challenged, why include 'as a Marxist', at all?
OP is asking us to preemptively filter whether or not this book is acceptable like a soccer mom whose kids are going to a heavy metal concert for the first time.

Go and seize the means of reproduction with your right hand because I'm sure no woman will touch you.

>> No.15905477

>Everything is a belief system, moron.
You wish, you fucking faggot.

>> No.15905487


>Some things aren't belief, some things are true. Only the things I believe are true are actually true, though.

>> No.15905567

Absolutely. You might find out how stupid it is to view history and humanity in strictly materialist terms. Either that or you get filtered. You could be filtered from either the psychoanalysis, the prose, or humor. Give it a chance and challenge your worldview.

>> No.15905570


>> No.15905576

Everything Deleuze wrote is pseud dogshit.

>> No.15905589

>You might find out how stupid it is to view history and humanity in strictly materialist terms
Uh what is stupid about it? What other way is there to view history? Also did you even read the book? D&G are materialists.

>> No.15905632
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>> No.15905644

I would recommend reading Locus Solus before attempting C&S

>> No.15905651

can the virtual and desire be explicitly described in the material history espoused by orthodox marxism?

>> No.15905658

As a Marxist you should kill yourself.

>> No.15905679

No, it's worthless twaddle. Read Gramsci and Althusser instead.

>> No.15905727


>> No.15905753
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The absolute state of literature

>> No.15905757

Take your meds.

>> No.15905799
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Nice try Big Pharma, I only participate in horizontal subject-groups at La Borde

>> No.15905816

What is Althusser's best?

>> No.15905880

too reactionary

>> No.15905923

On the Reproduction of Capitalism.

>> No.15905925

As a faggot, Should I suck some cock?

>> No.15905982
File: 61 KB, 761x715, RraXI6NlDtysbQaQVv1zDih3xYGeRHQ65hDCmH2qpcY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what kind of faggot are you?

>> No.15906601

of the non-deterministic kind

>> No.15906690


>> No.15906733


>> No.15906734

Yes, but it is incompatible with the deleuzian idea of desire.
>marx: teleology
>deleuze: production of the new (difference, aka, what refutes teleology)

>> No.15906788

Yes, thinking

>> No.15906802

>Will this book be perfectly compatible with my spook?
If they get you asking the wrong questions, they dont have to care about the answers.

>> No.15906864

How does that refute teleology

>> No.15906872


>> No.15908430


1) It won't disabuse you of your mistaken beliefs.
2) If you do read it, it will give you another insufferable toolbox of jargon which you would then toss around with others to circlejerk/feel smart.

For these reasons OP, I strongly advise against your reading that book.

>> No.15908496

yeah probably

>> No.15908590

The book sucks, but Marxism is 100% correct.

>> No.15908989

Yes, maybe you will stop believing in the Marxist “base and superstructure” model and that there is such a thing as “ideology”

>> No.15909025

so it isn't worth reading thanks retard

>> No.15909407


>> No.15909418

I think AO is more strait forward in its message and goal. ATP is more experimental.

>> No.15909747
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top kek. Thanks for the laugh anon.

>> No.15909756

Found the brainlet.

>> No.15909779
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It's unpredictable, ever self-differenciating and non-dialectical at least in a narrow sense (as it connects to all kinds of things around it constantly in a rhizomatic and contingent manner). It still depends on how deterministic your reading of Marx and all that stuff though.

>> No.15909800
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D&G are absolutely right though, at least in the sense that they use ideology. It doesn't really touch ideology in a more complex and broad sense like Zizek uses it, at least not in a way that truly undermines it, more in a way that compliments and explains how it functions.