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15900895 No.15900895 [Reply] [Original]

any books on the afterlife?
I think that theres a possibility of it existing because of the way consciousness and memory works.

>> No.15900898

>I think that theres a possibility of it existing because of the way consciousness and memory works.
Nice leap of logic

>> No.15900911
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>> No.15900914
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>> No.15900919

if there is a heaven i hope only white people can get in.

>> No.15900920
File: 181 KB, 1108x1009, no_death.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15900931

That chart put into a nice visual representation of the thoughts ive been having

>> No.15900944

The last book of Plato's Republic

>> No.15900970

same. Reincarnation makes a ton of sense even if there is no soul or karma. Given this, it’s reasonable to try to make the world a better place, because you could be born in it again. There’s karma at work, in a way

>> No.15900978

Start with the greeks.

>> No.15901131

i dont know why but i find it ironic how he dude in that video is now dead

>> No.15901667

Reincarnation is for brainlets
That pic isn't even about reincarnation anyway

>> No.15901745

Can someone explain why this pic is wrong?

>> No.15902411

it is so good people die.

>> No.15902478

Phaedo, Gorgias, Republic, Phaedrus

>> No.15902518
File: 64 KB, 400x618, 0802414362.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heaven and the Afterlife

>> No.15903831

death isnt a thing that happens, its when things happening ends. when you die, you dont end up exactly where you were, you no longer are. before you were born, you werent, afterwards, you arent. no state isnt a state on its own.

>> No.15903862

>when you die, you dont end up exactly where you were, you no longer are. before you were born, you werent, afterwards, you arent.
same thing. Your future self is “weren’t” as soon as you die.

>> No.15903869

Reality isn’t enough for you and your white privilege? You want to colonise the afterlife too? You know the ancient Israelites weren’t white right? Smh

>> No.15903881

That's just semantics and nothing in your post disproves what is said in the picture. You also operate on baseless assumptions

>> No.15903883

>I think that theres a possibility of it existing because of the way consciousness and memory works.
How did you come to that conclusion? When grandma's memory is gone due to Alzheimer's does that mean that a part of her soul is in heaven now? Doesn't that constitute wishful thinking and violate the Occam's Razor?

>> No.15903898

When my laptop stops working because I poured water on the keyboard does that mean that the Internet stops existing?
Materialists are dumb

>> No.15903913

>when I pour water on my grandma does that mean I want to have sex with her

>> No.15903921
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When in doubt, always assume that you want to fuck your family members.

>> No.15903943

Holy shit how confused can one shitposter be. I wouldn't be able to concoct a better piece of incomprehensible drivel if I tried for a week.
>time doesn't exist if any given thing doesn't exist
>because time doesn't exist we now reduce anything we want to absurd
>therefore any given thing must exist and never cease to exist
how fucking stupid do you need to be to fall for that?

>> No.15903948
File: 124 KB, 288x292, 1584793448931.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, the entirety of human literature is about the afterlife

>> No.15903949

The reasoning may be wrong, but the conclusions the picture makes are right.

>> No.15903951

When I smash the boombox, where does the music go? Checkmate materialists.

>> No.15903958


>> No.15903960

>consciousness is generated by the physical!
>I know this because I have only been able to observe physical phenomena with my physical means of observation

>> No.15904008
File: 27 KB, 425x301, 71nR9gQLnTL._AC_SX425_[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No shit mystic, what part of Occam's Razor don't you understand? Either grandma's memory is broken with her brain or you invent unsubstantiated bullshit by claiming that grandma's consciousness is backed up in the fucking cloud. Memory has different types that are broken with different brain damage, explain that dumbass. Explain how personality can be changed with brain damage (Phinneas Gage) if you postulate some retarded soul Internet. Explain how every aspect of personhood has a brain part you can damage and therefore remove.

>> No.15904023
File: 162 KB, 1311x438, 1566084042135.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why is the transmission modified when I fuck with the transmitter?
Stop citing occam's razor when it doesn't apply to your "argument", midwit.
I don't care about convincing dumb physicalists that they're wrong, it's not the point of the thread. Believe what you want to believe. I can already tell that nothing will get through to you.

>> No.15904037

See >>15903949
Or if your attention span is too short: https://youtu.be/jEU2BmuuQj8?t=1275

>> No.15904048

No but one day she will able to know what it is like to be conscious again
The reason why I tie memory and consciousness together is that you can not be conscious while constantly forgetting stuff. In this moment I can think because I remember my previous thoughts and my prior thinking. I am in a state of remembrance.
I had this revelation when I underwent Anesthesia, what would have happened if I had died during the Anesthesia? Well i would not have remembered being put under in the first place. The reason why we can wake up from a deep sleep is because we have a context of being put asleep in the first place so we must wake up. Death is sort of similar as there has to be a time when you will eventually reawaken. This can take billions, trillions or gazillion years because when you are dead you have no concept of time so it might just appear to be a second.

>> No.15904049
File: 211 KB, 301x287, 1594991142937.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>because consciousness and memory
wtf r u going on about? nothing you said makes any sense get this shit off my board faggot

>> No.15904053

>Stop citing occam's razor when it doesn't apply to your "argument", midwit.
Imagine being this dense. This cretin actually think that postulating an ephemeral copy of the brain with absolutely no evidence and no added explanatory power has nothing to do with Occam's Razor. Holy shit, the deep delusion this imbecile lives in every day.

>> No.15904056

Whatever you want to believe, bub :^)

>> No.15904078

You sound scared.

>> No.15904080

Even if anyone can report experience with no brain activity (I call bullshit on this), it can only happen after the fact. And fake memories are really no surprise if you know the first thing about brain pathology. If you think this disproves materialism, you don't think much.

>> No.15904086

Mental gymnastics.

>> No.15904089

You only project your wishful thinking, also nice argument brainlet, I enjoy your unconditional surrender.

>> No.15904097

Imagine unironically being a physicalist reductionist atheist.
I personally can't. How soulless do you have to be to feel no yearning for the spiritual?
Maybe the gnostics were right about the hylic thing.

>> No.15904102

Ultimate Journey by Robert Monroe.

>> No.15904105

A lot of buzzwords, a lot of fear. But there's nothing to be afraid of, anon.

>> No.15904107

Another brainlet concedes defeat. Those reading this who want to actually learn the first thing about consciousness research can check out Dennet's Orwellian vs Stalinist memory, get something that isn't retarded out of this thread.

>> No.15904131

Your gesticulations are amusing. This was never a debate, I provided you with a reasonable source that deconstructs physicalist arguments, which you haven't bothered looking at (considering the delay between your posts and the length of the video).
There is nothing to concede, you haven't made any kind of argument to refute. This isn't debate club.
Instead of desperately looking for validation through shitposting, please attempt to open yourself to possibilities beyond your initial assumptions, you might find that your initial kneejerk reaction was ridiculous and unwarranted.

>> No.15904142


>> No.15904150

The only field I've read into that has a decent explanation of whatever it could be is Kabbalah.

Ask yourself this: what is life?

>> No.15904262

I hope there's an afterlife. I want to see my dog again.

>> No.15904278

This guy is a pretty notorious. He's good enough of a scientist and a theoretician to get into some high profile journals. But in the very same journals soon after you can find critiques that tear him down. Reasons why he's a hack are a bit complicated, but easy enough to research if you have the inclination.

>> No.15904604

thats not yourself though. the "you" isnt. youre imagining it like there is a you but its experiencing nothing and since nothing cant be experienced, the you experiences something again, but there is no "you" anymore.

of course its just semantics, the true definition of death is what we are arguing but sadly baseless assumptions is all i have to go on. i cant disprove the picture, im just saying it doesnt sit right with me and feels like a giant cope. even if you do get reincarnated without your memories, then thats not really you and you might as well be dead. our conception of a continous consciousness is dependant on memories.