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/lit/ - Literature

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15900755 No.15900755 [Reply] [Original]

Post everything you read this year, coward.

>> No.15900762
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>> No.15900942

an episode in the life of a landscape painter
epitaph of a small winner
molly, malone dies, the unnamable
life a users manual
a portrait of the artist as a young man
war and peace
the brothers karamazov
don quixote
death on the installment plant
the name of the rose
war and peace
the road
blood meridian
war and war
baron wenckheims homecoming
stoner, which i finished today
i think that's about it

>> No.15900976

if you read ulysses you must have a genius level iq, so why did you waste your time reading a book like stoner

>> No.15900989

Douglas Adams - Hitchhiker's guide Vol. 1
Osamu Dazai - No Longer Human
Christopher Moore - A Dirty Job
Aitmatov Chingiz - The day lasts more than a hundred years
Diogenes - Sayings and Anecdotes
Krishnamurti - Freedom From the Known
Richard K. Morgan - Altered Carbon vol. 1

Just started reading like three months ago just casually. (The list is chrono) currently reading IJ.

>> No.15900993

I don’t know, i guess i just wanted to see if it was worth reading, and the only way to find that out was to read it

>> No.15901002

was it good

>> No.15901005
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Not pictured:
Eleanor Roosevelt biography
The Impeachers
Hoover bio
McCullough’s Truman bio
Freddy D bio
Ambrose’s Undaunted Courage
Eisenhower in War and Peace

>inb4 /his/ books
You fags never post anything but /lit/ meme material

>> No.15901019

how was the bully pulpit? I'm jealous at that whole pic

>> No.15901023

Awesome. Kearns’s Lincoln book, Team of Rivals is great too

>> No.15901065
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The crying of lot 49
One, no one and one hundred thousand
Bhagavad gita
White nights
A farewell to arms
Plato's erotic dialogues
Tractatus logico philosophicus
A portrait of the artist as a young man
The gay science
Pessoa's poems
Oedipus rex
The savage detectives
On the heights of despair
>currently reading
Don quixote
Aristotle's metaphysics

>> No.15901068

wait, we read here?

>> No.15901105
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>Norwegian wood
>Brave new world
>Slaughterhouse 5
>Currently reading The master & margarita.

Might not look like much to you but having read 0 books since highschool im pretty proud of myself.

>> No.15901139

>In the Buddha's Words by Bikkhu Bodhi
>The Republic
>The Illiad
>Mythology by Edith Hamilton
>Industrial Society and it's Future by Uncle K.
That's it. I've been bad, I haven't wanted to spend money on books so I've been mostly ignoring reading for a while until I found some ebook sites on the wiki. The last three books are ones I've read in the last month or so.

>> No.15901153


Suttree - Cormac McCarthy

Can Life Prevail? - Pentii Linkola

Crying Of Lot 49 - Thomas Pynchon

Weight Of Three Thousand Years - Israel Shakak

Ship Of Fools - Tucker Carlson

Introduction To The Study Of The Hindu Doctrines - Rene Guenon

East & West - Rene Guenon

Crisis Of The Modern World - Rene Guenon

Apology, Symposium - Plato

The Bhagavad Gita

The Divine Comedy
(Paradiso) - Dante Alighieri

The Esoterism Of Dante - Rene Guenon

Insights Into Islamic Esoterism & Taoism - Rene Guenon

Orthodoxy - G.K. Chesterton

The Reign Of Quantity & The Signs Of The Times - Rene Guenon

Beyond Good & Evil - Friedrich Nietzsche

Political Theology - Carl Schmitt

Spinoza, Practical Philosophy - Gilles Deleuze

Venus In Furs - Leopold Masoch

Anthropomorphics - Adam Katz

Critique Of Pure Reason - Immanuel Kant (JDE Lecture Series)

Myths, Gods, Machines: Illuminations On Mythology, History, and Science - John David Ebert

Metamorphosis Of Plants - Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe

Hypermoderninity And The End Of The World - John David Ebert

The Lost Weekend- Charles Jackson

A Canticle For Leibowitz - John H Miller

Hyperion - Dan Simmons

>> No.15901181

How was Gita? Some dude gave it to me on my college campus a few years ago and I haven't opened it yet

>> No.15901204

very short and direct, if you are interested in religion it's a must read imo. I found it to be also very similar to plato

>> No.15901256

The Shockwave Rider
Poetic Edda
Kings of the Wyld
Nip The Buds, Shoot the Kids
Rage of Dragons
Senlin Ascends
Arm of the Sphinx
The Hod King
Butcher's Crossing
Memoirs of Hadrian
Will'o the wisp
Tears and Saints
Strange Travellers
Count Zero
Mona Lisa Overdrive
Dark Spring
Foucault's Pendulum
The Gallows Pole
Black Sun Rising
Jack of Shadows
Heroes Die
A Certain Smile
On The Marble Cliffs

>> No.15901257
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>> No.15901340

story of the eye
in the miso soup
less than zero
the melancholy of resistance
valerie and her week of wonders
my mother/madame edwarda/dead man
our lady of the flowers

>> No.15901383

War and peace
Crime and punishment
The idiot
Anna Karenina
The Gambler
Fear and Loathing
Wind stars and sand
Slaughterhouse 5
Cats Cradle
The great gatsby
Catcher in the rye
Kevin Rudd: The PM years
Moby Dick
The subtle art of not giving a fuck (needed to be able to shit on it)
Blood Meridian
Merriam Webster's vocabulary builder

Yeah Im a bit of a retard

>> No.15901387

>Fatal Purity
>Dead Souls
>A Primer of Medieval Latin
>Civilization and its Discontents
>Russian Stories
>Don Quixote
>Animal Farm
>Many Medieval Latin texts on law and natural science
>The Meno
>Job, Jonah, Genesis, Mark, Ecclesiasticus, Apocalypse all in Latin
>The Mabinogion
>Rameau's Nephew
>De Gestis Britonum
>De Rerum Natura

>> No.15901401

>Three Body Problem
>Andromeda Strain
>The Stand
>Narnia Books I-IV
>Conquest of Bread
>Prozac Nation

>> No.15901407

Darkness At Noon (Arthur Koestler)
North (Louis-Ferdinand Celine)
Castle To Castle (Louis-Ferdinand Celine)
Rigadoon (Louis-Ferdinand Celine)
The Master And Margarita (Mikhail Bulgakov)
Insatiability (Stanislaw Ignacy Witkiewicz)
Teach Us To Outgrow Our Madness [4 short novels] (Kenzaburo Oe)
The Street of Crocodiles (Bruno Schulz)
Sanatorium Under the Sign of the Hourglass (Bruno Schulz)
Lanark (Alasdair Gray)
The Lime Twig (John Hawkes)
The Road (Vasily Grossman)
A Posthumous Confesion (Marcellus Emants)
The Slynx (Tatyana Tolstaya)
Men In The Sun & Other Stories (Ghassan Kanafani)
Berlin Alexanderplatz (Alfred Doblin)
Pedro Paramo (Juan Rulfo)
The Tartar Steppe (Dino Buzzati)
Ashes And Diamonds (Jerzy Andrzejewski)
The Passion According To G.H. (Clarice Lispector)

>> No.15901446

Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde
Call of Cthulhu
What Does It All Mean?

Currently reading:
Lord of the Flies
Plato's Republic
Moby Dick

>> No.15901497

Forgot about the Gallicanus

>> No.15901504

how was the Slynx I've been wanting to pick it up but don't know if it's
>muh female writer

Or actually good

>> No.15901534

It's good.
The ending is kinda confusing, but is fine.

Wished it was a little longer.

>> No.15901579

In neither particular order nor naming convention:
Samdhinirmocana Sutra
Cheng Weishi Lun
Outlines of Pyrrhonism
Spinoza's Ethics
Critique of Pure Reason
Simulacra and Simulation
Thousand Plateaus
Difference and Repetition
The two other books by Deleuze on Spinoza

>> No.15901603

1. A Time to Keep Silence by Patrick Leigh Fermor
2. A German Officer in Occupied Paris by Ernst Junger
3. In Patagonia by Bruce Chatwin
4. The Jungle by Upton Sinclair
5. Moneyball by Michael Lewis
6. Nazi Literature in the Americas by Roberto Bolano
7. The Last Tycoon by F. Scott Fitzgerald
8. On the Marble Cliffs by Ernst Junger
9. Round Ireland in Low Gear by Eric Newby
10. Oliver Cromwell by C. V. Wedgwood
11. Troubles by J. G. Farrell
12. Loving by Henry Green
13. A Bend in the River by V. S. Naipaul
14. A King Alone by Jean Giono
15. The Blind Owl by Sadegh Hedayat
16. Another Day of Life by Ryszard Kapuscinski
17. The Adventures of Augie March by Saul Bellow
18 Butcher’s Crossing by John Williams
19. Barbarian Days by William Finnegan

Currently reading The Third Reich by Roberto Bolano.
The Names by Don Delillo is next on the list

>> No.15901611

The Luzhin Defense, Nabokov (1930): A
*Kroniek van een aangekondigde dood, Marquez (1981): A
The Adventures of Augie March, Bellow (1953): A - O
*De Metamorfose (2), Kafka (1915): Z
The Castle (2), Kafka (1926): O - Z
*Hadji Murad (2), Tolstoy (1904): O
Lolita (2), Nabokov (1955): O - Z
Pierre et Jean, Maupassant (1888): O
*Schaaknovelle, Zweig (1942): Z
Why Read the Classics, Calvino (1991): G - A
The Unbearable Lightness of Being, Kundera (1984): A - O
Blokken (2), Bordewijk (1931): A
Buddenbrooks, Mann (1901): A
*De Avonturen van Bill Clifford, Bomans (1948): G - S
Een Held van Onze Tijd (2), Lermontov (1840): Z
Ongeduld (van het Hart), Zweig (1939): A
Ik, Jan Cremer, Cremer (1964): G - A
Blood Meridian (2), McCarthy (1985): O - Z
*Of Mice and Men (2), Steinbeck (1937): G
A King Alone, Giono (1947): A
*The Death of Ivan Ilych (2), Tolstoy (x): Z
American Pastoral, Roth (1997): A - O
The Old Devils, Amis (1986): A
The Cockroach, McEwan (2019): G - S

Ignore my scoring

>> No.15901621

Is Paprika good? I've only watched the Filipino flipbook

>> No.15901705
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Meditations - Aurelius
The Hobbit - Tolkien
The Masks of God: Primitive Mythology - Campbell
Stoic Paradoxes - Cicero
Skin in the Game - Taleb
The Sea Wolf - London
The Year 1000 - Lacey and Danzinger
Introduction to the Study of the Hindu Doctrines - Guenon

Currently Reading:

The Count of Monte Cristo - Dumas
Revolt Against the Modern World - Evola

I've actually read more than I realized this year. Can't believe we're already in July.

>> No.15901724

How do you read so much? Do you have a lot of free time, do you skim, etc?

Who do you consider the best historian you've read? Not necessarily the most neutral but who has the most cogent takes?

>Plato's erotic dialogues
which ones are those

Did you like Crisis of the Modern World or Reign of Quantity better? Also mirin the sheer amount of difficult works here.

>the subtle art of not giving a fuck
Was it any good?
>Merriam Webster's vocabulary builder

Liking the Celine , lots of other stuff I don't recognize

Are you a Buddhist (Mahayana) or are you just reading the first two for fun?

>> No.15901802

>Who do you consider the best historian you've read? Not necessarily the most neutral but who has the most cogent takes?

Douglas Brinkley, although his subject material is somewhat limited. He’s incredibly accessible and brilliant in his coverage. Never even thought twice about Roosevelt and the national parks until I found his book and he turns what sounds like dry, boring history into something you can’t put down.
There are quite a few great and popular (for obvious reasons) historians like Robert Dallek, Jean Edward Smith, McCullough obviously, Goodwin, and Brenda Wineapple who tread the path between neutrality and enlivening the story to make it “readable”. Ambrose is really the only one I didn’t care for in that bunch because his writing is very “here’s the facts” with no narrative, and he has been known to attribute things to “interviews” that have no real backing. Undaunted Courage on Lewis and Clark was almost unbearable to read and I regret ever buying it desu.

>> No.15901818

Sun and Steel
The Sailor who Fell From Grace with the Sea
Mishima on the Samurai Ethic in Modern Japan
Letters from a Stoic
Fear and Trembling
Meaning of the Creative Act - Nikolai Berdyaev
Self Made Man - Norah Vincent
White Fragility
The Multi-Orgasmic Man - Mantak Chia
Can Life Prevail? - Pentti Linkola
Industrial Society and its Future
Madness and Civilization
The Consolation of Philosophy - Boethius
Suicide Prohibition - Thomas Szasz
The Abolition of Man - C S Lewis
In Praise of Older Women - Stephen Vizinczey
On the Importance of the Upcoming Moral Revolution and A Confession by Tolstoy

>> No.15901824

yo what this shit isn't short

>> No.15901862

I assume The Wilderness Warrior is the book your referencing for the Roosevelt book? I think I actually would be interested in hearing about the national parks ( I've gained a bit more appreciation for them in recent years) so maybe I'll pick this up.

>> No.15901885

Based list, this must've been a great year for you

>> No.15901944

Both grandparents died within the last 8 months and my mom was diagnosed with breast cancer last month. So nope, not a good year.
Slightly improved by literature (mostly the escapist genre fiction) but nothing is really blowing my mind. Maybe it's old age, depression or both.

>> No.15901952

>the subtle art of not giving a fuck
>Was it any good?

I got it off libgen. Its a stoicism lite, and confirmed my belief that its a money grab. The vocabulary builder is because I never had the time or money to do a course in greek/latin roots. It was worth my time, and I got it for free online. Worked through it over the course of a month.

>> No.15901970

A portrait of the artist as a young man James Joyce
The old man and the sea Ernest Hemmingway
House of Hunger Dambudzo Marachera
Anansi Boys Neil Gaimann
Stardust Neil Gaimann
Crime and Punishment Dostoevsky
The Tartar Steppe Dino Buzatti
Dead Souls Nikolai Gogol
Songs of Innocence and Experience William Blake
Story of the Eye George Battaille

>> No.15901990
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Picrel. Currently reading The Golden Dawn.

>> No.15902011


moby dick
some shakespeare stuff (five plays)
barjavel - la nuit des temps
some edgar poe too

>> No.15902013

sound and fury faulkner (today) 9/10
old man goriot 7.9/10
resurrection tolstoy 9/10
the metamorpheses/in the penal colony/the judgment 9.2/10
dead souls gogol 7.5/10
the death of ivan ilych 9.7/10
death of socrates 8.5/10
war and peace 10/10
the gambler 4.5/10
notes from underground 7.7/10
demons 8/10
the idiot 9.3/10
anna karenina 9.8/10
the brothers karamazov 9.2/10
crime and punishment 9.1/10
mao II 7.5/10
blood meridian 9/10
LIBRA 9.1/10

>> No.15902032

Oh dear, I'm sorry to hear about that anon. I wish I had some words of comfort to say, but I can only keep you in my prayers and pray for your and your mothers well-being

>> No.15902035

War and Peace,
The Cinema of Masaki Kobayashi,
I Am Dynamite!,
F. S. Fitzgerald A Literary Life,
Writers at Work 6,
Beyond Good and Evil,
Writers at Work 7,
The Beautiful and Damned,
The Cambridge Introduction to 19th century American Novel,
The Scarlet Letter,
From Dawn to Decadence,
Wind-Up Bird Chronicle,
The Real Life of Sebastian Knight,
Naked Lunch,
Sentimental Fabulations,
Embracing Defeat,
Richard Ellmann: James Joyce,
The Nature of Narrative,
Thomas Pynchon in Context,
Wine-Dark Sea,
The Great Gatsby,
Writers at Work 8,
Sun Also Rises,
The Gift,
Goldsworthy: Augustus Biography,
A Temple of Text,
Apropos of Nothing,
Manfred Kuehn Kant,
Hawthorne Tales,
Do Androids Dream...?,
The Life and Times of Billy Wilder,
The Golden Bowl,
Writers at Work 9,
Left Hand of Darkness,
The Castle,
Fiery Angel,
Understanding Media,
The Crying of Lot 49,
Teatro Grottesco,
The Cambridge Companion to Baudelaire, Fleurs du Mal,
Damned to Fame,
London's Bridge,
China A History,
Tender is the Night,
Bloom's: William Gaddis,
As I Lay Dying,
Malone Dies,
Cinema of Mikio Naruse,
Bloom's Intro: McCarthy,
1922 The World Broke in Two,
The Unnamable,
Jules Laforgue and the Ironic Inheritance,
MR James Collected,

current reads: Redeeming Time, Gargantua and Pentragruel

>> No.15902045 [DELETED] 


Great North Road Hamilton, Peter F

Recursion Crouch, Blake*

Welcome to Dead House(Goosebumps, #1) Stine, R.L.*

City of Glass(The New York Trilogy, #1) Auster, Paul

The Metamorphosis Kafka, Franz

Bury The Children in the Yard Prunty, Andersen*

Kindle Paperwhite User's Guide Amazon

Why I'm Afraid of Bees(Goosebumps, #17) Stine, R.L.*

The X-Files: Stolen Lives(X-Files, #2) Harris, Joe*

Pushing Ice Reynolds, Alastair

Improving the Neighbourhood Clarke, Arthur C.

The Quiet Earth Harrison, Craig

Spin(Spin, #1) Wilson, Robert Charles

The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo(Millennium, #1) Larsson, Stieg

The Merchants of Venus Pohl, Frederik

Chasing New Horizons: Inside the Epic First Mission to Pluto Stern, Alan

Sunruined: Horror Stories Prunty, Andersen*

The Sands of Mars Clarke, Arthur C.

Pretty Girls Slaughter, Karin*

The Silent Patient Michaelides, Alex*

The Stranger Camus, Albert

Atmosphaera Incognita Stephenson, Neal*

Campus Tramp Block, Lawrence*

Agent of Chaos(The X-Files: Origins, #1) Garcia, Kami*

Into Thin Air Krakauer, Jon*

The Songs of Distant Earth Clarke, Arthur C.

Venus Bova, Ben

The Collected Stories: Volume One Clarke, Arthur C.

The Wall of Darkness Clarke, Arthur C.

Point Your Face at This: Drawings Martin, Demetri

Platform Houellebecq, Michel

A Crack-Up at the Race Riots Korine, Harmony

Apeshit Mellick III, Carlton*

Space(Manifold, #2) Baxter, Stephen

Night Lust / Lust Feast Gardner, Ken

>> No.15902055
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The Hobbit - Tolkien
LoTR - Tolkien
Silmarillion - Tolkien
Joseph and His Brothers - Mann
Moby-Dick - Melville
The Brothers Karamazov - Dustyjewski
Buddenbrooks - Mann
The Idiot - Dustyjewski
The Pickwick Papers - Dickens
Augustus - Williams
A Journal of the Plague Year - Defoe
The Golden Ass - Apuleius
The Border trilogy - McCarthy
Oblomov - Goncharov
A Canticle for Leibowitz - Miller
Butcher's Crossing - Williams
Confederacy of Dunces - Toole
Blood Meridian - McCarthy
Mason & Dixon - Pynchon
Gargantua & Pantagruel - Rabelais
The Count of Monte Cristo - Dumbass
The Good Soldier Svejk - Hayek

In that order.

>> No.15902064

shit i don't read so much when i see your lists

>> No.15902067

I'll be modest:

>"Dissecting the Holocaust" by Germar Rudolf

That's the only thing I'm definitely going to finish. Fuck big lists, I do one thing at a time.

>> No.15902077


good lad
im a slow dum reader too

>> No.15902083


Great North Road - Hamilton, Peter F
Recursion - Crouch, Blake*
Welcome to Dead House(Goosebumps, #1) - Stine, R.L.*
City of Glass(The New York Trilogy, #1) - Auster, Paul
The Metamorphosis - Kafka, Franz
Bury The Children in the Yard - Prunty, Andersen*
Kindle Paperwhite User's Guide - Amazon
Why I'm Afraid of Bees(Goosebumps, #17) - Stine, R.L.*
The X-Files: Stolen Lives(X-Files, #2) - Harris, Joe*
Pushing Ice - Reynolds, Alastair
Improving the Neighbourhood - Clarke, Arthur C.
The Quiet Earth - Harrison, Craig
Spin(Spin, #1) - Wilson, Robert Charles
The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo(Millennium, #1) - Larsson, Stieg
The Merchants of Venus - Pohl, Frederik
Chasing New Horizons: Inside the Epic First Mission to Pluto - Stern, Alan
Sunruined: Horror Stories - Prunty, Andersen*
The Sands of Mars - Clarke, Arthur C.
Pretty Girls - Slaughter, Karin*
The Silent Patient - Michaelides, Alex*
The Stranger - Camus, Albert
Atmosphaera Incognita - Stephenson, Neal*
Campus Tramp - Block, Lawrence*
Agent of Chaos(The X-Files: Origins, #1) - Garcia, Kami*
Into Thin Air - Krakauer, Jon*
The Songs of Distant Earth - Clarke, Arthur C.
Venus - Bova, Ben
The Collected Stories: Volume One - Clarke, Arthur C.
Point Your Face at This: Drawings - Martin, Demetri
Platform - Houellebecq, Michel
A Crack-Up at the Race Riots - Korine, Harmony
Apeshit - Mellick III, Carlton*
Space(Manifold, #2) - Baxter, Stephen
Night Lust / Lust Feast - Gardner, Ken

>> No.15902093

How many of them do you think are just trying to hype themselves up?

>> No.15902096

You read this. Was it impossible to read and remember and work out what it was all about?

>> No.15902100

im one of the anons who's read a lot. who cares. instead of being outside and living life we sat indoors in a room by ourselves reading words on a page. it's just a way to pass the time until we die, just like any other.

>> No.15902113


oh i don't think they lie
but shit i don't have time between university and doing shit in life

still find time to post on an anime board tho

>> No.15902135

With the amount of depression I see confessed on this website I doubt the resolve of people here. Not that I have any reason to direct my doubt at any individual anon. I just assume there's a failure rate that's not being reported somewhere in the mix.

It don't matter, though. None of this matters.

>> No.15902152

I don't have the resolve to do much besides read but it doesn't require me to do anything but sit in my own house. Curing depression in contrast seems like very hard work. You have to go out and be active and try to make friends and shit. How horrible it must be for them. I'm happy that I can be happy just sitting with a book.

>> No.15902215
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Whenever I finish a book I always take too long to decide what i'm gonna read next. Does anyone else have this problem? I think I might start flipping a coin.

>> No.15902442

O-okay anon, thanks.
What do you mean? I was okay with finishing it and not making everything out. I think a lot of the stuff doesn't make sense and it's not supposed to. You might understand what's happening, but not the reason, consequence or significance for that event. I mean, a guy who self inserts as badly as Delany did (mixed race, clumsy, bisexual) doesn't strike me as a particularly careful plotter like a Gene Wolfe, for example, but more of an exercise in pomo wankery.

>> No.15902698
File: 927 KB, 1494x1819, Portrait of a Young Lady, after Cranach the Younger, II (Portrait de jeune fille, d'après Cranach le Jeune, II)[Picasso].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Slowly working through my backlog, these are presented in order:
>Notes from a Dead House - Fyodor Dostoevsky
>Lolita - Vladimir Nabokov
>The Complete Guide to Asperger's Syndrome - Tony Atwood
>Existentialism is a Humanism - Jean-Paul Sartre
>Mind in Society - L.S. Vygotsky
>The Tipping Point - Malcolm Gladwell
>Chaos - James Gleick
>On Human Nature - E.O. Wilson
>The Body Keeps Score - Bessel van der Kolk

>> No.15902734

To kill a mockingbird (for the third time)
Looking for alaska (for the sixth time)
Ulysses (for the first time)
A movable feast (for the first time)
The alchemist (for the first time)

>> No.15902738

Nice taste
Jeez dude you read a lot don't you?

>> No.15902750

Roadside Picnic
Portrait of an Artist as a Young Man
The Plague by Camus
Heart of Darkness

Slow year, but all my free time has gone to learning Japanese and coding.

>> No.15902751

Down and Out in Paris and London, Orwell
Dishonesty is the Second-Best Policy, Mitchell
Brave New World, Huxley
The Architecture of Happiness, de Botton
The Picture of Dorian Gray, Wilde
Letters to a Young Poet, Rilke

I don't really read much. Roughly one per month because I'm very lazy and interested in too many other things.

>> No.15902761

American Psycho
In Stahlgewittern
Edith Hamilton's Mythology
Story of the eye
The Trojan War
The Iliad

>> No.15902787
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17/01/20: Good Omens (Neil Gaiman & Terry Pratchett) (Komazawa Daigaku)

30/01/20: The Diary of Satan (Leonid Andreyed) (Futakotamagawa)

16/02/20: The Black Lizard and Beast in the Shadows (Edogawa Ranpo) (Sakurashimmachi)

29/02/20: The Edogawa Ranpo Reader (Edogawa Ranpo) (Jimbocho)

17/03/20: The Night Land (William Hope Hodgson) (Sakurashimmachi)

19/03/20: The Penguin Book of Italian Short Stories (edit. Guido Waldman) (Nagatacho)

02/04/20: The Casebook of Carnacki The Ghost Finder (William Hope Hodgson) (Sakurashimmachi)

04/04/20: The Mystery of the Skeleton Key (Bernard Capes) (Sakurashimmachi)

21/04/20: The Picture of Dorian Gray (Oscar Wilde) (Sakurashimmachi)

04/05/20: The Collected Fantasies of Clark Ashton Smith vol.1 (C.A. Smith ) (Sakurashimmachi)

17/05/20: The Collected Fantasies of Clark Ashton Smith vol.2 (C.A. Smith ) (Sakurashimmachi)

23/05/20: Irish Ghost Stories (edit. David Stuart Davies) (Sakurashimmachi)

07/06/20: The Collected Fantasies of Clark Ashton Smith vol.3 (C.A. Smith ) (Sakurashimmachi)

14/06/20: The Collected Fantasies of Clark Ashton Smith vol.4 (C.A. Smith ) (Sakurashimmachi)

27/06/20: The Collected Fantasies of Clark Ashton Smith vol.5 (C.A. Smith ) (Sakurashimmachi)

30/06/20: The White People and Other Weird Stories (Arthur Machen) (Sangenjaya)

05/07/20: The Miscellaneous Writings of Clark Ashton Smith (C.A. Smith) (Sakurashinmachi)

09/07/20: Vathek (William Beckford) (Sakurashinmachi)

14/07/20: The Episodes of Vathek (William Beckford) (Sakurashinmachi)

Currently reading Lolita and Justine.

>> No.15902794

Is there any easy way to get this off GR? I tried exporting it but the csv came out all fucked up.

>> No.15902934
File: 75 KB, 755x767, 1519793424850.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Realtime Relationships
Orphan X
Past Master R.A. Lafferty
Blood Meridian
Flashback by Dan Simmons
10 Reasons why you should delet Social Media
The Manipulated Man
Wie die Dinge sind

>> No.15902954
File: 42 KB, 600x597, 1591580088671.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You screenshot the webpage.

>> No.15903091

>Story of the eye
Anon, that is just literal degeneracy and nothing else

>> No.15903865
File: 36 KB, 715x376, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Galaxy in Flames (The Horus Heresy #3)
False Gods (Horus Heresy #2)
Dark Night of the Soul
The Fifth Season (The Broken Earth, #1)
War in Human Civilization
Horus Rising (Horus Heresy #1)
Islamic Mystical Poetry: Sufi Verse from the early Mystics to Rumi
Tomorrow's Kin (Yesterday's Kin Trilogy, #1)
Mutineers' Moon (Dahak, #1)
I Am Slaughter (The Beast Arises #1)
Chios (Tom Swan and the Head of St George, #6)
Rhodes (Tom Swan and the Head of St George, #5)
Rome (Tom Swan and the Head of St George, #4)
Constantinople (Tom Swan and the Head of St George, #3)
Bronze Age Mindset
Venice (Tom Swan and the Head of St George, #2)
Castillon (Tom Swan and the Head of St George, #1)
Green Mars (Mars Trilogy, #2)
Red Mars (Mars Trilogy, #1)
The Path to Rome
First and Only (Gaunt's Ghosts #1)
The Great Partition: The Making of India and Pakistan
Atomic Habits: An Easy & Proven Way to Build Good Habits & Break Bad Ones
Night Lords: The Omnibus (Night Lords #1-3)
The Odyssey
Fall of Macharius (The Macharian Crusade #3)
Fist of Demetrius (The Macharian Crusade #2)
Angel of Fire (The Macharian Crusade #1)
Furies of Calderon (Codex Alera, #1)
Live Free or Die (Troy Rising, #1)
Legionnaire (Galaxy's Edge, #1)
Starship's Mage: Omnibus (Starship's Mage, #1)
The Girl and the Stars (Book of the Ice, #1)
The White Mountain (Chung Kuo Recast, #8)
The Broken Wheel (Chung Kuo Recast, #7)
An Inch of Ashes (Chung Kuo Recast, #6)
The Art of War (Chung Kuo Recast, #5)
Ice and Fire (Chung Kuo Recast, #4)
The Middle Kingdom (Chung Kuo Recast, #3)
Daylight on Iron Mountain (Chung Kuo Recast, #2)
Son of Heaven (Chung Kuo Recast, #1)
Foreigner (Foreigner, #1)
Sun and Steel
The Andromeda Strain (Andromeda, #1)
The Postman
Modern South India: A History from the 17th Century to Our Times
The Pen and the Sword (Destiny's Crucible #2)
Cast Under an Alien Sun (Destiny's Crucible #1)
The Vagrant (The Vagrant, #1)
The Eternal Mercenary (Casca, #1)
Vita Nostra
Gentleman Jole and the Red Queen (Vorkosigan Saga, #16)
CryoBurn (Vorkosigan Saga, #14)
The Flowers of Vashnoi (Vorkosigan Saga, #14.1)
Captain Vorpatril's Alliance (Vorkosigan Saga, #15)
Diplomatic Immunity (Vorkosigan Saga, #13)
Falling Free (Vorkosigan Saga, #4)
Winterfair Gifts (Vorkosigan Saga, #13.1)
A Civil Campaign (Vorkosigan Saga, #12)
Komarr (Vorkosigan Saga, #11)
Memory (Vorkosigan Saga, #10)
Mirror Dance (Vorkosigan Saga, #8)
Brothers in Arms (Vorkosigan Saga, #5)
Ethan of Athos (Vorkosigan Saga, #3)
Labyrinth (Vorkosigan Saga, #5.2)
Cetaganda (Vorkosigan Saga, #9)
The Vor Game (Vorkosigan Saga, #6)
The Mountains of Mourning (Vorkosigan Saga, #5.1)
The Warrior's Apprentice (Vorkosigan Saga, #2)
Barrayar (Vorkosigan Saga, #7)
Shards of Honour (Vorkosigan Saga, #1)
The Stranger

>> No.15903882

Industrial Society and Its Future
True Believer
Anti-Tech Revolution: Why and How
The Myth of Sisyphus
Imperialism, the Highest Stage of Capitalism
Notes From Underground
Journey to the East
Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience
"Letter to America"
Harassment Architecture
Combat Liberalism

>> No.15903895

Fascinatibg nonetheless

>> No.15903910

Πυραμίδα 67
Bleeding edge
120 days of sodom
The amulet by Bolano
Night soul and other stories
Plus by Joseph McElroy

>> No.15903952
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>Are you a Buddhist (Mahayana) or are you just reading the first two for fun?
I'm not comfortable with consoomer religious praxis, so I wouldn't identify myself as Buddhist for having merely read Buddhist texts. I have also read the Long Discourses and the Middle Discourses from the Pali Canon so I wouldn't limit myself to Mahayana either. That said I would eventually like to take up meditation or visit a temple, but I am skeptical of any communities in burgerland given what we've done to every other religion. At minimum I find the Buddhist views on metaphysics, epistemology, phenomenology, etc. to be valuable.

>> No.15903957

Yea. It’s thick as hell but very worth it if you have any interest in conservation, the parks or ol’ Teddy

>> No.15904079
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Colonel Roosevelt
Three Sips of Gin
Confessions of a Yakuza
Art of the Rifle
Moby Dick
Horn of the Hunter
Proof of Heaven
Rakugo: Performing Comedy and Cultural Heritage in Contemporary Tokyo
Still Life A Memoir
The Butchering Art
Book of Five Rings
Love Thy Neighbor
The Devil in the Kitchen
Victoria the Queen: An Intimate Biography
Women of the Pleasure Quarters: Secret History of the Geisha

Current reads:
Blood Meridian
A History of Japanese Theatre
Yoshiwara: The Glittering World of the Japanese Courtesan
Decline & Fall of Western Art

>> No.15904441

I have been keeping a spreadsheet with all the books I have read over the last ten years (started December 2010). Pretty comfy to go over it and reminisce. I just wish I had marked the dates when I started and when I finished the books.

You should really try that, feels great to be able to see it all before you.

>> No.15904750

Not really, I think my list >>15902083 averages at about 16 pages a day

>> No.15904781

I did the math wrong it's 46 pages a day.

>> No.15904853

Moby dick

>> No.15904855

Frankenstein by Mary Shelley
Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? by Philip K Dick
The Sorrows of Young Werther by Goethe
Existentialism is a Humanism by Sartre
Hunger by Knut Hamsun
Stoner by John Williams
A Hunger Artist (quite short) by Kafka
Ham on Rye by Bukowski
Myth of Sisyphus by Camus
Book of Disquiet by Pessoa
Crime and Punishment by Dostoevsky

>> No.15904863

I read ebooks so I don't even remember the titles

>> No.15904939

A Canticle for Leibowitz
No Longer Human
The Sailor who Fell from Grace with the Sea
The Crying of Lot 47
A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man.

>> No.15904956

Started reading at the end of 2019, slowly getting up to speed. Thus far in 2020:

Metamorphosis - Franz Kafka
The Art of War - Sun Tzu
Kafka on the Shore - Haruki Murakami
Lolita - Vladimir Nabokov
1984 - George Orwell
Sanshirō - Natsume Sōseki
Norwegian Wood - Haruki Murakami
I Am a Cat - Natsume Sōseki
The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle - Haruki Murakami

Currently reading:
Spring Snow - Yukio Mishima

Probably gonna read some Dosto next

>> No.15904995

I’ve read 32 books this year. My favorites from this year so far are Hunger, the Iliad, and Blood Meridian.

>> No.15905131

>Alias Grace
>Snow Crash

During Quarantine/Coof
>Manufacturing Consent
>Gulliver's Travels
>Crime and Punishment
>Notes from the Underground
>The Robber Bride
>Wind Up Bird Chronicles
>The Many Colored Coat
>They Shall Inherit The Earth
>Heart Of Darkness
>Roughing It In The Bush
>The Count Of Monte Cristo
>A Prayer For Owen Meany
>By Grand Central Station I Sat Down and Wept
>Grapes Of Wrath
>East Of Eden
>The Wars

Currently reading Robinson Crusoe. Quarantine unemployment has me reading like I used to as a kid, god damn I missed it. I qualify for govbucks so I don't have to worry about rent, I'm going to make the most of this time. Feels good to be a leaf

>> No.15905297

Blood meridian

>> No.15906173


>> No.15906199

a borges short story collection i cant remember the name of
el aleph
lottery in babel
a work about the history of the profession of the executioner
story of the eye/madame edwarda
songs of a dead dreamer
die gärten des mulay abdallah
two volumes of robert harris' history-fiction works on cicero (my latin teacher gave them to me i had to read them...)

>> No.15906750

World Order
The Black Swan
The Epic of Gilgamesh
A Confederacy of Dunces
part of Book of the Disquiet
American Psycho
currently reading Infinite Jest

All in all, pretty cringe.

>> No.15907170

Reign of Quantity is much more comprehensive.

>> No.15907312

A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man - James Joyce
Burmese Days - Orwell
The Wealth of Nations - Adam Smith
Dune - Frank Herbert
Coming Up for Air - Orwell
War and Peace - Tolstoy
Antic Hay - Huxley
The War on Normal People: The Truth About America's Disappearing Jobs and Why Universal Basic Income Is Our Future - Andrew Yang
Keep the Aspidistra Flying - Orwell
Crime and Punishment - Dosto
Enlightenment Now: The Case for Reason, Science, Humanism, and Progress - Steven Pinker
I'm also half way through The Sound and the Fury by Faulkner

>> No.15907343

How does AK compare with War and Peace? Might start it later this month

>> No.15907365
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I've only finished a single book back in may that I started the previous August. It was only like 400 pages.

Am I retarded?

>> No.15907744
File: 1.91 MB, 1261x1247, 2020 July.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm better than you and it's because of the books I read

>> No.15907750

yes that's pathetic

>> No.15907779

>my struggle vol 1-4
>blood meridian
>naked lunch
>kafka short story collection
>the bend of the world
>fardwor russia
>the brief wondrous life of oscar wao

also read half of gravity's rainbow and quit
currently half way through a anna karenina re-read

>> No.15907783
File: 628 KB, 432x963, 2020.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
The Mad and the Bad
The Crying of Lot 49
The True Deceiver
The Elementary Particles
The maps and the Territory
Europe in Sepia
Taмплiєpи (Knight's Templar)
Wittgenstein's Nephew
The Fatal Shore: The Epic of Australia's Founding
Three Men in a Boat
A Portrait of the Artist as a Yong Man
The Structure of Scientific Revolutions
The Lit Quarterly, Issue 3: Asterism

Currently reading: The Upside of Down

>> No.15907792

forgot american psycho

>> No.15907861

> I find the Buddhist views on metaphysics... etc. to be valuable

I feel the same way. I am exploring Christianity (primarily because I think the cultural aspect of Buddhism would be too difficult to integrate into my American lifestyle and way of thinking) but I’ve noticed that there’s such little focus on key metaphysical and especially ontological questions. Much of the Protestant services I’ve been watching online feel closer to self help / life advice and I’m not understanding how it’s possible for someone to apply a doctrine without having a solid logical base to justify it. Buddhism and Hinduism really outclass them in that sense.

>> No.15907912

1. Cuentos de San Petesburgo, Gogol
2. El sobrino de Wittgenstein, Bernhard
3. Macbeth, Shakespeare
4. Balada de un café triste, McCullers
5. Leibniz, a short introudction
6. Reflejo de un ojo dorado, McCullers
7. Lost in the Funhouse, John Barth
8. The Divided Self, R. D. Laing
9. The Myth of Sisyphus, Albert Camus
10. Arabia Felix, Thorkild Hansen
11. Tai Pei, Tao Lin
12. El libro de los Seres Extraordinarios, J.L.Borges
13. Primeros Cuentos, Clarice Lispector
14. Lazos de Familia, Clarice Lispector
15. Legión Extranjera, Clarice Lispector
16. Felicidad Clandestina, Clarice Lispector
17. ¿Dónde estuviste anoche?, Clarice Lispector
18. El viacrucis del cuerpo, Clarice Lispector
19. La mano de la hormiga, Fernández Ferrer
20. Antología Fantástica, Borges, Ocampo y Bioy Casares
21. La vida es un sueño, Calderón de la Barca
22. Reloj sin manecillas, Carson McCullers
23. La insportable levedad del ser, Milan Kundera
24. Elizabeth Costello, J. M. Coetzee
25. Arte Poética, J.L.B.
26. A bend in the river, V.S. Naipaul
27. Bodas de Sangre, Federico García Lorca
28. Disgrace, J.M. Coetzee
29. Heart of a Dog, Mikhail Bulgakov
30. Death and the Dervish, Meša Selimović
31. Solaris, Stanislaw Lem

>> No.15907991

Spanish is my first language so i apologize in advance if there are any redaction mistakes.
Anna Karenina
toyko blues
National Episodes (Spanish, Benito Perez)
white nights (short story by big D)
The Name Of The Rose
Demons by Dostoievsky
not the most avid or organized reader but had fun with these titles, had them on by read list for a long time and now thanks to Coronachan finally had the time to read them.
Now reading The Glassbead game by Hesse and the Unbearable lightness of being by Kundera. both are bretty fun but i don't like the two-dimensional characters in Hesse's, definitely felt the lack of depth after reading Demons. man those fucking Dostoievsky characters were BREATHING through the pages. i swear

>> No.15908073


Worse pace than previous years but:
The Birth of Tragedy
To Each His Own (sciascia)
The Tartar Steppe
The Eye (Nabokov)
Loving Venice (Kral)
Geometry of Shadows (de Chirico)
Confessions of an English Opium-Eater
Songs of Innocence and Experience
No-No Boy (Okada)
The Story of a Shipwrecked Sailor (Garcia Marquez)
The Storm and Other Poems (Montale)
The Dud Avocado (Dundy)
On Anxiety (Salecl)
Five Modern No Plays (Mishima)
Snow Country
The Word of the Speechless: Selected Stories (Ribeyro)
Zama (Benedetto)
The Seven Madmen (Arlt)
Meditations on First Philosophy
In Memoriam A.H.H.
Aurora Leigh
Literary Theory (Eagleton)
The Zoo Story
The Symposium
Malone Dies
The Glass Bees (Junger)
Cat's Cradle
Memoirs of an Anti-semite (von Rezzori)
The Unnamable
Compleat Catalog of Comedic Novelties (Rubinstein)
Wittgenstein's Mistress
Infinite Jest
Women and Men

>> No.15908305

1- La lámpara, Clarice Lispector
2- El palacio de las blanquísimas mofetas, Reinaldo Arenas
3- El mundo alucinante, Reinaldo Arenas
4- El hipogeo secreto, Salvador Elizondo
5- La salvación de lo bello, Byung-Chul Han
6- El túnel, Ernesto Sábato
7- El elogio de la sombra, Junichiro Tanizaki
8- Heart of darkness, Joseph Conrad
9- El tañido de una flauta, Sergio Pitol
10- El libro de Monelle, Marcel Schwob
11- El astillero, Juan Carlos Onetti
12- Feliz año nuevo, Rubem Fonseca
13- Blood meridian, Cormac McCarthy
14- White noise, Don DeLillo
15- El libro del desasosiego, Fernando Pessoa
16- Por el camino de Swann, Marcel Proust
17- The crying of lot 49, Thomas Pynchon
18- El agua cae en otra fuente, Juan Vicente Melo
19- Lost in the funhouse, John Barth
20- Under the volcano, Malcolm Lowry
21- La vida: instrucciones de uso, Georges Perec
22- Molloy, Malone dies, The unnamable, Samuel Beckett
23- Donald Barthelme, Sixty Stories
24-Infinite Jest, David Foster Wallace
25- The waves, Virginia Woolf
26- A portrait of the artist as a young man, James Joyce
27- Pale fire, Vladimir Nabokov
28- El marino que perdió la gracia del mar, Yukio Mishima
29- La virgen de los sicarios, Fernando Vallejo
30- La ciudad sitiada, Clarice Lispector
31- Dubliners, James Joyce
32- Zero K, Don DeLillo
33- Waiting for the barbarians, J.M Coetzee
34- Historias cortas, Rubem Fonseca
Currently reading: Austerlitz, W.G Sebald.

>> No.15908343

I've been lazy. Finished Ulysses up, re-read Siddhartha, finally checked out The Crucible, read The Plague with a few buddies, read Edith Hamilton's Mythology with my mom, currently reading the Torah with a friend. I've been mostly focusing on avant-garde cinema though

>> No.15908365

Naked Lunch rips. How was Blood Meridian? Also, there's a great adaptation of The Castle on the Criterion Chanel right now if you want to see what I think is the best Kafka adaptation ever made. His stuff is pretty much impossible to film, and unless you count broadly Kafkaesque stuff (eg. Eraserhead), nothing compares to Michael Haneke's Castle.

>> No.15908379

Buen gusto, anon. How was the Coetzee? I want to read something about hussars and I'm between The Opposing Shore and that one, or something by Roger Nimier but I can't find any translations.
I've never read anything by Coetzee and the premise looks kinda derivative (I've already read The Tartar Steppe).

>> No.15908625

It was great, honestly. I haven't read The tartar steppe yet, but I'm familiar with the plot and as far as I know, general similarities aside, The steppe (making broad assumptions here) has more to do with waiting and borderline metaphysical tedium and that sort of thing, whereas Coetzee's novel can be read as a commentary on otherness and the hostile behavior of societies against what surrounds them. But anyway, Coetzee's a genius and his prose is pristine, so you should read it. Sorry if my English isn't the best.

>> No.15908664

2019 was primarily fiction. 2020 is primarily non-fiction:

When Google Met Wikileaks
The Two-Income Trap
Death of the West
The Servile State
A Republic, If You Can Keep It
The Corrections
Currently reading:
The Federalist Papers (1-17 done)
The Coronameron
The Map and the Territory
Technological Slavery

>> No.15908672


imagine wasting so much time reading dogshit lmao

>> No.15908680

Cool. I'll add it to the backlog

>> No.15908708

i'm new to reading so yeah i only liked about half of these books. but also obviously your a nazi cunt.

>> No.15908749


>> No.15908772

who is the author of antisocial?

how are you finding map and territory?

consider also sartre's anti-semite and jew, you might get something out of it.

>> No.15908783

I've read 1/3rd of "pursuit of power", a history book about the 19th century. I read all the way up to the chapter on palatinite brinksmanship in "the thirty years war", and I read up to the delivery of a note of demands by the austrian government to serbia after archduke ferdinand's assassination in "the great war". Probably 200-250 pages in total.

>> No.15908802

A NYT jew named Andrew Marantz
Map and the Territory is great about 1/3 in. Like much of Houellebecq's novel, just wonderfully readable, engaging, insightful, etc...

>> No.15908871

Borges - Ficciones
Baudrillard - America
Gorz - The Social Ideology of the Motorcar
Nietzsche - Genealogy of Morals
Heidegger - The Question Concerning Technology
Camus - The Stranger
Ellul - Propaganda
Hoppe - Democracy: The God That Failed
Shelling - Historical-Critical Introduction to the Philosophy of Mythology
Bataille - Visions of Excess
Land - Thirst For Annihilation

>> No.15908963
File: 373 KB, 1156x1446, Näyttökuva 2020-7-20 kello 7.53.41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

32 books so far, ahead of my schedule. Going to read more Gunter Grass next

>> No.15909081

>reading none-fiction
who are these plebs

>> No.15909094

no Knausgaard.

>> No.15909348


>> No.15909371

>Plato complete works
>unabomber manifesto
>how to win friends
>name of the rose
>ecology, community and lifestyle
>pale fire

>> No.15909379

I’ve read disappointingly little this year so far.

The Samurai, Shusaku Endo
The Big Yaroo, Patrick McCabe
Silence, Shusaku Endo
Inspector Imanishi Investigates, Seicho Matsumoto
Sir Gawain and the Green Knight
Man’s Search for Meaning, Viktor Frankl
Devils in Daylight, Junichiro Tanizaki
The Death if Ivan Ilyich, Leo Tolstoy
The Penguin Book of Norse Myths, a Kevin Crossley-Holland
The Invasion, K.A. Applegate
A Confederacy of Dunces, John Kennedy Toole
The Decameron, Giovanni Boccaccio
The Iliad, Homer
The Turn of the Screw, Henry James

>> No.15909400

Guenon- Reign of Quantity
Guenon-Intro to hindu docrines
Dostoevsky- Demons
Ellul- Propaganda
Seyyed Nasr- Man and Nature
Schuon- transcendent unity of religions
Taleb- Skin in the Game
Timothy Ware- The orthodox church
Chesterton- The Everlasting Man
Sister Joseph- The trivium
Adler- How to read a book
Berlinski- The deniable darwin
Rose- Nihilism
Political theology- Schmitt
Lingua Latina Per Se Illustara

im forgetting some im sure. i dont keep track

you and i had a lot of overlap

>> No.15909460

The Pale King - DFW
God Bless You, Mr Rosewater - Kurt Vonnegut
The Hound of the Baskervilles - Arthur Conan Doyle
Collected short stories - Franz Kafka
my brother's self-published short story collection
Desolation Angels - Jack Kerouac
Youth - Joseph Conrad
Heart of Darkness - Joseph Conrad
End of the Tether - Joseph Conrad
Satori in Paris - Jack Kerouac
Idoru - William Gibson
Tristessa - Jack Kerouac
James Gandolfini - Dan Bisschof
All Tomorrow's Parties - William Gibson

>> No.15909471
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Here's a comprehensive list of all the pieces of literature I've read in this current year so far:

>> No.15909511

Forgot The Silmarillion.

>> No.15909551

Hard Boiled Wonderland by Murakami
Plauge, Myth of Sisyphus, The Fall, The Stranger by Camus
Infinite Jest by Wallace
Eyeless in Gaza by Huxley
Stork Kaliph by Babits
Homo Zapiens by Pelevin
Master and Margarita by Bulgakov
Stoner by Williams
Suttree by McCarthy
Inherent Vice by Pynchon
Meditations by Marcus Aurelius

>> No.15909686

I haven't read anything yet

>> No.15910399

Der Schimmelreiter-german
The Iliad
The Art of War
7 Socratic dialogues written by Plato
Histories - Homer
Ultima noapte de dragoste, intaia noapte de razboi-Romanian
The Bible
Notes from the underground

>> No.15910904

Alexander of Macedon
Portrait of the Artist
Hitler - Kershaw
Sorrows of Young Werther
The Rise and Fall of the British Empire
Theogony and Works & Days
The Iliad
Unabomber Manifesto

>> No.15911335

Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?
The Symposium
You're Awesome
Clandestine in Chile
Currently reading Moby Dick

>> No.15911347

People who'd rather learn things than literally waste their time.

>> No.15911367

The Old Man and the Sea
Battle Royale
Norwegian Wood
Poor Folk
Notes From Underground
The Double
On the Road
War & Peace
August 1914
The Man in the High Castle
The Sailor Who Fell from Grace with the Sea
The Death of Ivan Ilych

>> No.15911383

wuthering heights
great gatsby (reread)
to the lighthouse
turn of the screw
heart of darkness
we have always lived in the castle
breakfast of champions

>> No.15911392


>> No.15911398

what are you thinking of lotf so far? i loved it and dont get why it gets so much hate

>> No.15911480

So far?
>Slaughterhouse Five
>Mother Night
>Cat's Cradle
>Ghengis Khan and the Making of the Modern World
>Tao Te Ching (the Ursula Le Guin translation)
>The Tao of Pooh
>No Longer Human
>The Lies of Locke Lamora
>Permaculture: Abundant Living on Less than an Acre
>My Lesbian Experience with Lonliness
>My Solo Exchange Diary pt. 1
>The Body Keep Score
>The City & the City
>The New Confessions of an Economic Hitman

I also had an abortive attempt for Life and Fate. I just couldn't get through it.

>> No.15911490

Hamlet (Shakespeare)
Julius Caesar (Shakespeare)
Book of Job
Theatetus (Plato)
Philebus (Plato)
Demons (Dostoevsky)
The Idiot (Dostoevsky)
Call of the Wild (Jack London)
Old Yeller (Fred Gipson)
Oblomov (Goranchov)
On the Incarnation (Athanasius)
Master and the Margarita (60% done and gave up, think I got filtered)
Oedpius Rex (Sophocles)
Byzantium (Juddith Herrin)
Hunger (Knut Hamsum)

>> No.15911501

What was your opinion on Turn of the Screw? I remember hating it in high school. I tried rereading it during the pandemic, but still hated it. Is there something I'm missing with Henry James?

>> No.15911545

>Heart of a Dog
Have you read A Day Lasts More Than One Hundred Years? It's another strange, anti-Soviet scifi story. I quite liked it.

>> No.15911702

hated it, but it was on my reading list for college so there we are. i just couldnt suspend my disbelief when the protagonist's main issue with the ghosts was not that they were ghosts, but that they were poor people ghosts.

>> No.15911837

It doesn't show them all at once

>> No.15911984
File: 85 KB, 500x451, 1588500169422.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I am also trying to avoid all these therapeutic self-help pitfalls that all the contemporary voices on anything religious or philosophical are shot through with. It's all a variety of coping, which is great for livestock and office drones (Mindfulness™ is little different from saying 'god loves each and every one of us and has a plan'). Coping is the root of all seething. We must go beyond cope and seethe to realize... true sneed

>> No.15912036
File: 648 KB, 1071x1363, Screenshot_20200331-145103_Instagram.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only way to escape cope is to die. You cannot live a life free of coping

>> No.15912052

Take multiple screenshots and paste them together in MS Paint.

>> No.15912100

Infinite Jest , L’Etranger, The Brothers Karamazov, Blood Meridian, Lolita, Moby Dick, Gravity’s Rainbow, Don Quixote, The Trial, Journey to the End of the Night, Ficciones, Ulysses, Crime and Punishment, Catch 22, 2666, The Picture of Dorian Gray, The Catcher in the Rye, The Sound and The Fury, 1984, The Great Gatsby, Hamlet, Invisible Cities, One Hundred Years of Solitude, Slaughterhouse Five, Mason and Dixon, Notes from the Underground, Siddhartha, Anna Karenina, Dune, V, The Odyssey, The Divine Comedy, The Waves, The Master and Margarita, The Plague, War and Peace, White Noise, Stoner, Wuthering Heights, Dubliners, The Book of Disquiet, Heart of Darkness, In Search of Lost Time, A Farewell to Arms, The Crying of Lot 49, As I Lay Dying, The Metamorphosis, American Psycho, The Sun Also Rises, Leaves of Grass, A Clockwork Orange, The Grapes of Wrath, On The Road, The Temple of the Golden Pavillion, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?, Ubik, Solaris, The Savage Detectives, The Holy Bible, Faust, Lord of the Flies, A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, The Pale King, Light in August, Dead Souls, Hunger, Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, Suttree, To The Lighthouse, Malone Dies, Dandelion Wine, Valis, Absalom, Absalom, The Wasp Factory, Pale Fire, Animal Farm, East of Eden, Roadside Picnic, Hopscotch, Fight Club, Franny & Zooey, Walden, The Fall, A Tale of Two Cities, Steppenwolf, The Iliad, The Good Earth, The Old Man and The Sea, Paradise Lost, I Am a Cat, The Count of Monte Cristo, Illuminatus, The Book of the New Sun, A Confederacy of Dunces, Les Miserables, If on a Winter’s Night, a Traveler, For Whom the Bell Tolls, Madame Bovary, No Longer Human, The Recognitions, The Idiot, Siren of Titan, Watership Down, Brave New World, Kafka on the Shore, The Magic Mountain, A Hero of our Time, Fahrenheit 451, Cannery Row, The Remains of the Day, The Name of the Rose, Of Mice and Men, The Tropic of Cancer, The Aleph, The Flowers of Evil, Ada, The Unbearable Lightness of Being, A Scanner Darkly, The Canterbury Tales, Finnegans Wake, Naked Luch, Bottom’s Dream, The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shady, The Death of Ivan Ilych, King Lear, The Tunnel, JR, The Man Without Qualities, Middlemarch, Under the Volcano, The Aeneid, Mrs Dalloway, Nausea, Oblomov, The Castle, The Waste Land, The Posthumous Memoirs of Bras Cubas, Against Nature, Molloy, The Road, The Gulag Archipelago, The Anatomy of Melancholy, Pan, Rings of Saturn, Candide, Metamorphoses, The Faerie Queene, 60 Stories, Neuromancer, Cryptonomicon, Correction, Essays, The Sailor Who Fell from Grace with the Sea, Sometiems a Great Notion, The Glass Bead Game, The Sorrows of Young Werther, Life and Fate, Storm of Steel, The Red & The Black, Atomized, The Leopard, Kokoro, Demons, Growth of the Soil, The Bhagavad Gita, Confessions of a Mask, The Golden Bowl, Frankenstein and The Quran

>> No.15912140

Indeed, nice to see. Do you feel youve grown through what we have read ?

>> No.15912212
File: 159 KB, 571x700, 1567331761480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based, I read the last tycoon as well. Probably would have been his best book along with his debut if he had finished it.

Picture of dorian gray
The last tycoon
The waste land and other poems
A Christmas Carol
The Delicate Prey - Paul Bowles
The Waste Land (Essays)
Lost Lunar Baedecker - Mina Loy
A Hundred Camels in the Courtyard - Paul Bowles
Time of Friendship - Paul Bowles
Things Gone and Still Here - Paul Bowles
Americana - Dellilo
Midnight Mass - Paul Bowles
Mere Christianity
Too Far From Home - Paul Bowles
Their Heads are Green and Their Hands are Blue - Paul Bowles
Up Above the World - Paul Bowles
The Plague

>> No.15913585

Glad I'm not alone then. I hated that book

>> No.15913631

don't often browse /lit/ so didn't want to make a thread and don't know exactly in which thread to ask so this'll do. I read the Hannibal books save for Hannibal (the last one) years ago and want to reread at least Red Dragon and SotL. My questions are whether Hannibal Rising is worth it or if it weakens the character by giving him some sympathy explain all backstory (barely remember anything of that book) and if Hannibal is as awful as I hear whenever someone mentions it?

>> No.15914791

15 Lives of Harry August
A Short history of England
The Punic Wars
Name of The Wind
Wise Mans Fear
Tau Zero
The Lord of Light
Colossus- Rise and Fall of The American Empire
Napoleon the Great
Blood Meridian
Altered Carbon
How to Win an Argument by Cicero