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File: 22 KB, 211x320, TheFountainhead.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15899803 No.15899803 [Reply] [Original]

Why does everybody on here hate this book

>> No.15899851

Instead, read Martin Eden by Jack London

>> No.15899861

because people don't really read it but they alrady dislike it's politics

>> No.15899891


I went into this book blind, just picked it up at a bookstore. I actually lol'd when people tried to frame it as political. Yes, it's about individualism, but that doesn't make it inherently political.

>> No.15899903

Her politics sounds pretty based from what I've heard, it's just that her books are long and look really boring.

>> No.15899913


There's a movie of it, I torrented it and flipped through it, it's actually p based

>> No.15899916

there is now way for me to say otherwise, i haven't read it either

>> No.15899923

Why don't you ask them when they hate on it instead of making a new thread. If they cant answer then its probably the fact that Ayn Rand is very clearly an mtf tranny.

Not an answer you retard tranny

>> No.15899924

the fountainhead is actually about individualism and aesthetics etc. and yeah it demonstrates how capitalism gives individuals freedom, but you don't have to get so salty about it, jesus

>> No.15899929

Everything is inherently political, and this kike's purpose with her libertarian writing is to turn people away from nationalism, away from directing their ire at specific people in power, and instead direct it at the idea of power, declaiming it as an evil no one should pursue. This cuts down on the number of dissatisfied young men who would otherwise be vying for position where her (((people))) have set up shop.

>> No.15899970


>> No.15899975

I don't. I think it's an exceptionally well written book and is Rand's best alongside We the Living. Peter Keating and Gail Wynand are legitimately great characters.

>> No.15899993


>Everything is inherently political

This is your brain on collectivism guys.

>> No.15900054

Whats the difference between inherent and intrinsic?

>> No.15900070

>Everything is inherently political

No, anon, everything is inherently philosophical, and politics is something that streams down from philosophy. In the Fountainhead (as opposed to Atlas Shrugged), Rand establishes individualism from a philosophical standpoint without much regard for the political consequences of such a system. It's a novel that deals far more with the inner workings of the characters's souls than with social institutions.

>> No.15900475

Dont know about you faggots, but I'm an architect and I hate it because Ayn Rand conflates 'classical' architecture with the way modernists taught (and still teach) classical architecture. It's all schlock, outward from this major problem. Most normies can't into architecture at all so they just criticize it politically, which is sort of peripheral to my issue with it.

>> No.15900495

>inherently political
An individualist theme, as you say, doesn't make a text inherently political, but texts are nevertheless inherently political.

>> No.15901693

We the Living is the long Rand book I've read so far but I very much enjoyed it

>> No.15903187

>texts are nevertheless inherently political

This is either wrong or meaningless. It is obvious that texts, being expressions of an author, are defined by what the author chose to convey and the way he chose to convey it, which is in turn determined by the author's general cosmovision (of which his political views are part of), but there is a clear qualitative difference between the Communist Manifesto and a Donald Duck comic book. If a Donald Duck comic becomes a "political text", then the notion of "political text" is meaningless.

>> No.15903207
File: 600 KB, 448x590, Screen Shot 2020-07-18 at 16.32.46.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>characters Rand doesn't agree with dumdum
>characters Rand agrees with very smart and strong!
This is the capitalist version of 13th century Icelandic tales lmao

>> No.15903225

That's true only of Atlas Shrugged though.

One of We the Living's heroes is a literal communist who only repents at the very end. Ellsworth Toohey is the main villain in The Fountainhead and is depicted as devilishly cunning, and Peter Keating, while an antagonist and weak man, is very humanized.

>> No.15903252

I just got this book today. A well read Russian I know with good taste said it was one of her favorites.

>> No.15903279

Except for that the "villains" aren't actually dumb in most cases?

>> No.15903299

Got this book at a goodwill for two bucks. I’ll read it in the future what’s it themes n shit. Also found a copy of the republic with some scribbles in et

>> No.15903364

Individualism, egoism, being a real one