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/lit/ - Literature

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15899103 No.15899103 [Reply] [Original]

>read previews of books im interested in
>Infinite Jest, Don Quixote
>long drawn-out spiel about how the author/translation is the best shit ever/the worst shit ever
>feel my eyes glazing over as i delve into the contents of the book
>begin skimming and flipping through for anything interesting
Nothing. What's going on?
I thought books were meant to be equal to films, anime or video games. This medium seems terrible in comparison.

>> No.15899110

You should go back.

>> No.15899122

You have to have mature aesthetic sensibilities in order to appreciate literature. Whether it's something that can be built or is determined by genetics, people are in dispute, but for now I would suggest sticking to anime.

>> No.15899132

you are just a bad reader as a result of years of watching anime while lying in your bed

>> No.15899146

Read light novels then read fun sci fi stuff then read progressively harder books. Theres a process to this shit hole

>> No.15899195

start with something lighter
if youre a weeb, starting with LNs is good to get in the habit of reading
then I'd reccomend you try something like
>Yukio Mishima - The Sailor Who Fell from Grace with the Sea
>Phillip K. Dick - Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep
something that isn't long or too hard to read
and then savour the feeling of finishing one of these books - that'll give you the motivation to read even more
if you need more reccomendations on what to start with
go search for the /lit/ Starter Kit
anon gets it

>> No.15899226
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Thank you for the helpful advice and recommendations.
But am I just oblivious and unfounded to say that these don't seem, at first glance, to be good books?

>> No.15899261
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>But am I just oblivious and unfounded to say that these don't seem, at first glance, to be good books?
Yes you are
that Mishima book is absolutely fantastic

>> No.15899280

if youre talking about
>Infinite Jest, Don Quixote
you are just as equally mistaken

>> No.15899282
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>at first glance

Greatness in literature will rarely shout it out at you. You have to give yourself over to the work and read them carefully to explore its ideas.

>> No.15899291

>that Mishima book is absolutely fantastic
Oh, no. I wasn't referring to your recommendations as subpar, rather theones mentioned in my OP I previewed.

>> No.15899317

>oblivious and unfounded
Yes, but Infinite Jest also happens to be bad. It's a broken clock scenario.

>> No.15899321

you might just be more intellectually suited for watching tv. reading is not for everyone you know

>> No.15899339
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>Infinite jest

>> No.15899383

YA is probably more up your street

>> No.15899404

nah you can tell trash prose right away for example infinite jest.

>> No.15900133
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>he reads the foreward/introduction
also sounds like your attention span is completely shot, probably from watching all those korean picture shows

>> No.15900256

>probably from watching all those korean picture shows
Though this can be easily fixed by dedicating some time each day to reading at least a page or two and it will quickly fix itself from there.

>> No.15900319

We should be a little more like /a/ in gatekeeping this board from retarded tourists.

>these don't seem, at first glance, to be good books?
The keyword here is you're a fucking retard and you have zero experience in recognizing good or bad books.

>> No.15900559

Read synopsis’s on wikipedia for what the books are about. Dont read reviews or look at good read ratings. Read what sounds cool even if its difficult youll go far because you enjoy it.

>> No.15900624

>We should be a little more like /a/ in gatekeeping this board from retarded tourists.
Coming to most boards from /a/ especially to this one, is hell. There are so many fucking newfags you just have to get over it. /a/ is a special place.

>> No.15900800

The thing with /a/ is that their best OC in terms of recommendations dates to 6 or 10 years ago and some may describe that taste kinda "reddit". Anime and manga have existed for less of a century, and anyone has the impression that things are changing all the time, new things are coming out literally every couple of months, and not by random whos and self published nobodies, but by the biggest figures in the industry. So it's a more dynamic medium and there's been like 10 years of new content since those recommendations were put into a list. And there's nothing to certify those recommendations are good. At most, it would be just some community aggregated bullshit, and maybe some Top 20 from some famous director.

Literature is different. It's been around for millennia. The stuff most serious readers enjoy dates back to somewhere in the last 6 hundred years. Recommended stuff can be obtained from UNIVERSITIES, writers and critiques. There's a lot to read. The new stuff is definitely not better than any more classic stuff. It doesn't replace those classics. And /lit/'s recommended readings and charts reflect that. People are putting out new charts all the time, but the historical ones dating back to /lit/'s creation (i.e., the sticky's) are still valid for the most part. And yet, they are systematically ignored by newfags and tourists.

>> No.15900872

even if you were a fag who only read comics and manga, you should realize not a single person respects an adhd speedreader.

>> No.15900879

>anime tranny got filtered by Don Quixote
Dead Gigachad Don Quixote poster is the hero of /lit/

>> No.15900965

Not reading all that shit but this board is filled with fucking newfags and welcomes them

>> No.15900980

Stop being such a sperg, bro. Imagine hating people getting into your hobby.

>> No.15901012

Seasonal shitters deserve to be shot

>> No.15901021

>Imagine hating people getting into your hobby.
and /a/ become like this board? I'll pass.

>> No.15901127

What do you mean become like this board? You guys literally have One Piece and My Hero Academia threads up all the time. We tend to keep our baby children shit contained in one thread (/sffg/)

>> No.15901194
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I just checked the board, and now I feel bad. It's like kicking a sick dog.

>> No.15901202
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Literature itself filters people, like OP for instance, unlike anime that any half functional autist can digest on some level literature brick walls you unless you have a lot of patience to go through shit you don't understand and you can't really get by being a "secondary" unless you divert conversation away from the book and towards politics and religion, which is basically /his/. There's no reason to be on every newfag's case because they'll leave shortly anyways, or they'll just become shitposters that actually thrive on hostility against them.

>> No.15901215

>Din Quixote review is actually about how awesome Shakespeare is for writing Hamlet

>> No.15901378

>unless you divert conversation away from the book and towards politics and religion, which is basically /his/.
Basically /lit/ surely you mean