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File: 870 KB, 1280x720, SARGON OF AKKAD, TYT's HASAN PIKER, DESTINY, NICK F, & co-host ASMONGOLD - POLITICAL PODCAST 1-3-47 screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15898407 No.15898407[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why did philosophers not like to meet up and debate in the past? What has changed?

>> No.15898418


>> No.15898458

i think social distancing during this pandemic has something to do with it

>> No.15898480

hasan > destiny > trainwrecks > asmongold > nick > sargon

>> No.15898602

Debating is not an intellectual sport, it's a performance art.
t. debater

>> No.15898609

in terms of what? highest IQ is prob asmongold or destiny. hasan definitely face and frame mogs everyone here tho

>> No.15898613

They're all equally retarded

Also this. If you want to debate in philosophy, then you can just keep a written (or personal) correspondence with the person you want to debate and not have all the gay drama on the side.

>> No.15898641

Isn't trainwrecks a chad with degrees in philosophy and biology?

>> No.15898643


>> No.15898648

Kill yourself.

>> No.15898655

Kill yourself.

>> No.15898667

Not paying your workers a living wage but letting them control the means of production is pretty epic ngl

>> No.15898687
File: 207 KB, 694x1010, morrowe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People have totally wrong ideas about what debates are for - >>15898602 is right.

The purpose of debates is to show off and develop your own understanding of a chosen subject. It is not to try and ''win'' or change the other person's mind. Honestly nobody actually changes their mind after losing a debate - they still have the same position as before, they usually just go off and research more so they'll be more prepared next time.

The big myth underlying 'debates' is that people are all rational and that a 'conclusion' can be reached through ''logic and facts'', but the truth is nobody actually holds a political position because they arrived at it ''rationally''. They hold it because they have an emotional attachment to it - usually based on their own background.

If you want to actually change someone's mind you don't debate them - you appeal to their emotions. Every successful propagandist in history has understood this. Take pic related for example - there's no ''data'' or ''facts'' being presented here, it's just a nightmarish vision designed to evoke an emotional response.

>> No.15898695

Asmongold > everyone

>> No.15898707

Kill yourself.

>> No.15898710
File: 176 KB, 220x224, 1573167551374.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>post yfw you realize Asmongold is genuinely the most intelligent person in this panel

>> No.15898716

Kill yourself.

>> No.15898717


Also not to mention it's possible to be very intelligent and insightful and even maybe a world's leading philosopher and still not enjoy debates. A lot of philosophers probably didn't engage in debates because they didn't enjoy it and didn't learn anything from them

>> No.15898792

It's because people with good intentions that are trying to learn something get steamrolled in debates. The only "debates" worth paying any attention to are long-term written correspondence. On the panel above the worst actors in this regard are probably des-tiny (master sophist and hairsplitter) and nick the spic (I win because I'm based, turns brain off).

>> No.15898823

hasan straight up cycles right? I can't imagine a communism actually hitting the gym regularly, hes gotta be on the juice.

>> No.15898850
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The socratics did this regularly. Pic related.

>> No.15898855

And then go read Schopenhauer's 37 Ways to Win an Argument. Serious intellectual engagement generally takes place in writing.

>> No.15898859


Unironically the only worthwhile debate I've seen on youtube was the Slavoj Zizek vs Jordan Peterson one which was really more like a cozy discussion.

Most other ''debates'' is just two autistic retards hairsplitting over the exact meaning of words or demanding ''studies''

>> No.15898860

This. The only area in which debates may have some intellectual use is debates over incredibly specific, obscure even, matters that most people haven't considered before. For example econonics motions are always shit because most people know very little about economics, but it's there that people are forced to think for themselves without emotional bias. And even then, original arguments on obscure topics are going to be weak, at which point simply talking with more confidence than the other teams will convince the judges/audience you know what you're talking about. That debates are being hosted on Twitch tells you all you need to know about your average debate.

>> No.15898862

Lenin heavily promoted physical fitness. All true communists are yoked.

>> No.15898886

Peterson and Sam Harris was pretty awesome.

>> No.15898901

True communists, not neoliberal shitheads.

>> No.15898910

Asmon > Trainwrecks > Nick > Destiny > Hasan > Sargoy

>> No.15898915

> hasan > destiny
I want to agree with you because I don't like that Destiny is fucking libtard but to be fair Destiny is more intelligent and better debater. I wish hasan and desTINY would stop being bitches and confront eachother again on podcasts and stuff. Also I got banned from hasans chat for simply saying Destiny reacted to a tweet

>> No.15898923

asmon > trainwrecks > destiny > sargon > nick > hasan

>> No.15898931

asmongold is fucking gross

>> No.15898933
File: 93 KB, 322x346, yui.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

actually the purpose of debate is to challenge concepts and answer criticisms to concepts and theories... your idea that all beliefs are ultimately opinionated merely appeals to anecdotes about their motivations, some beliefs are arrived at through logic and reason while others are arrived at through personal inclination, often because of identifying too strongly with a concept or holding a view that a group of concepts are indispensible with regard to a worldview where the worldview constitutes such a plethora of mentally correlated concepts forming that person's identity... aka unintentional intellectual dishonesty... other beliefs are held on the basis of flawed logic but honestly these are unproblematic as logic has the potential to be dogmatic, e.g eschew flawed versions of itself... at any rate the exchange of ideas could involve a certain artistic flair just as a violinist playing a concerto could exhibit an extra-musical beauty, let us say his technique, the means by which he executes the piece, but this does not change the goal of executing the piece... just because debates involve flow and lyricism doesn't mean theyre detached from their utility. you could say all ideas are arbitrarily held but to actually hold this opinion to extent of precluding things like empiricism and verificationism would require such a drastic solipsism as to render truth itself a palliative

>> No.15898950

You're the guy who made the thread about Perfect Blue, aren't you? Why don't you take a break from the internet and go read something?

>> No.15899015

Socrates versus Protagoras was one of my favorites of all time.

>> No.15899016


>no no ree my epic debates actually mean something

The majority of political beliefs someone holds has entirely to do with their identity and emotionality. This is why most Jews support Israel whereas most Muslims do not - if this fundamentally wasn't an emotion driven debate then you wouldn't see such stark differences.

It's the same with the vast majority of debates. Once a political issue gets big enough then people will start projecting onto it.

>> No.15899025


>> No.15899027

Public engagement won Hitler the chancellorship. He predicted why this would would be so in MK.

>> No.15899041

What's the appeal of watching any of these people. Are they entertaining personalities or do you feel informed

>> No.15899059

Thanks for proving my point. See the posts I referenced.

>> No.15899083

because they have a sense of "authority"
dubbed so by our peer group of millenials and zoomers
same thing with Podcasters like Sam harris or the youtube heroes like Peterson and Shapiro

>> No.15899084

Modernity must be destroyed

>> No.15899101


Hitler's political philosophy was based on the ideas of Carl Schmitt who pretty much said what >>15898687 is saying

>> No.15899111

>Hasan >
There's no way anyone actually thinks this, right? Even if you happened to agree with everything he does, the guy is as dumb as a brick and thinks paying his editor in computer parts means the editor owns the means of production over his YouTube channel

>> No.15899116


>> No.15899121

Hasan's politics are terrible. He he lost every debate to Destiny and has admitted as such lol

>> No.15899125


>> No.15899129

I think most viewers keep them on in the background for some white noise while they do other things on the internet (homework, gaming, browsing the 'Chan, etc.). I'd be very surprised if viewers sat through an entire stream like a regular TV program.

>> No.15899164

Guessing their political standings based on looks:



How right am I?

>> No.15899177

Ahh. I do not necessarily draw the distinction as he stated here:
>If you want to actually change someone's mind you don't debate them - you appeal to their emotions
In forensics I generated confusion on how to judge my presentations because, though they were overtly labeled properly, I used enough dramatic material that judges wanted to judge me as if it were Dramatic Interp - though the piece be a Negative Advocacy. This was considered unorthodox but someone had obviously thought about it because it was accounted in the rules.

>> No.15899187

>still being stuck on the Left/Right Continuum in 2020

>> No.15899193

Dude, you need to take your medication. I can tell who you are because you sound confused.

>> No.15899197

not even close

>> No.15899209

>Left winger


>Right wing

>Far right

I don't know where Asmongold goes and I think Trainwecks is like center right or right wing

>> No.15899218

Sargon would probably be considered far right right.

>> No.15899224

Nick>>>>>>>everyone else

America First, bitch

>> No.15899232

>I can tell who you are because you sound confused
OK. Point to my confusion and name me.

>> No.15899237

Policy debate is an abomination.

>> No.15899240

probably more right-wing/center right, nowhere near nick and much more socially liberal

>> No.15899239


>> No.15899242

destiny > asmongold > hasan/sargon/nick > train

destiny > asmongold > sargon >nick/train/hasan

>> No.15899262

Nick is way smarter than everyone on that list except Destiny. He is the only one who could hold up in a debate.

>> No.15899269

Ranking these guys in intelligence is like trying to figure out the worlds tallest midget.

>> No.15899272

Yeah but his socially liberal is just hiding his power level. You know he believes pretty much the same shit nick does

>> No.15899279


>> No.15899293

Destiny is pretty smart. In a debate with an established economist he told Destiny that he made better arguments than most economists he talks to.

>> No.15899299

Do you believe dinosaurs existed?

>> No.15899326

If that's not enough to demonstrate the uselessness of debate, then I don't know what is.

>> No.15899338


>> No.15899730
File: 40 KB, 333x293, 1577666181051.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you think Destiny has a high IQ?

>> No.15899773

Sargcuck is centre

>> No.15899774
File: 93 KB, 860x795, 1594392571560.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the only people in that pic who can hold their own in a debate are just destiny and nick honestly

>> No.15899778
File: 42 KB, 500x583, my shota wife.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not him but get better tastes in traps ffs

>> No.15899805

Is this a good movie?

>> No.15899816

Heh, these are the exact types of people you'd expect to "debate." All of these Destinies on crack will be replaced with computers eventually, and the soulful artists will remain.

>> No.15899819

Holy shit, is KEK being filtered to KEK or am I just retarded?

>> No.15899870

Centrist who believes blacks are genetically inferior

>> No.15899883

because he dominates all of them in debates. maybe if Mr Metokur were up there I would rank him higher.

>> No.15899892

>He is the only one who could hold up in a debate.
sadly we will never kno cos nick keeps coming up with excuses

>> No.15899959

What are you talking Nick debated him like 2 weeks ago for the 6th time

>> No.15899968

Destiny is unquestionably smart.

>> No.15899981

>Mr Metokur
Kill yourself.
He is a brainlet, his positions are internally contradictory.

>> No.15900249
File: 59 KB, 194x186, 1590729546093.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you realize debates can encompass more than just identity politics right? like you can debate on stuff that's totally quantifiable like language. jesus why is everyone on this board such a fucking nincompoop

>> No.15900307


>> No.15900317
File: 6 KB, 223x226, 159254.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being able to name the subhumans in the picture

>> No.15900348

...their names are on the picture

>> No.15900385
File: 66 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (5).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>knowing enough of them to rank them

>> No.15900418

I used to watch his show and I am honestly in disbelief how he even managed to pass his classes in Uni. He is 90 Iq (and that's being benevolent)

>> No.15900660

Just so you guys know both destiny and hasan have discords that raid places (including 4chan) to talk about them and how smart they are.

>> No.15900667

What the fuck are you talking about? Ancient philosophers were nobles who quite literally did nothing but meet up and debate all day long.

>> No.15900690
File: 13 KB, 76x111, tripeek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, it's Ape gang.