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15896908 No.15896908 [Reply] [Original]

Please give me some general tips on language learning mainly for /lit/ purposes and to learn another culture.

>> No.15896987

Read "the untranslated" blog and especially the last post on it.
What language do you want to learn?

>> No.15897116

>What language do you want to learn?

>> No.15897124

Move to Russia

>> No.15897138

A tough one, rewarding nonetheless .
What is your first language?

>> No.15897155

get a russian gf and practice with her

>> No.15897165

>What is your first language?

>> No.15897196

Then will be extremely difficult to learn russian but you should persist .You should check the int board's sticky

>> No.15897233

>.You should check the int board's sticky
Didn't even think about that.
Never even browsed that board.

>> No.15897241

Total immersion. Do all of these things concurrently:
1) buy a "learn x" or "x for reading knowledge" textbook, work through it cover to cover.
2) listen to podcasts, streaming radio (both music and talk) in your target language for at least an hour every day. Watch TV, movies in that language. Change the language on your phone to your target language.
3) Most importantly, regularly SPEAK the language with fluent conversation partners. This can be in a formal way (hiring a private tutor, there are many online platforms for this; going to conversation meetups) or informal way (strike up conversation whenever you encounter someone who speaks the language).

>> No.15897308

All good tips except the last one (atleast halfly).
Stephen Krashen did some studies showing that speaking a language doesn't help you with it at all. You'll only be learning from listening to the other, by immersion, not because you are putting your skills to the tests. Because of that you'd rather listen to someone talk about something than talk with them.

>> No.15897334

Read manga that you've previously read in English, while concurrently going through one or more grammar books. Manga is the best for immersion because it's a mix of a novel and a film, but it's not incomprehensible to a beginner, like a novel, or painfully slow, like a film.
This is solid advice, but learning to understand a spoken language, and speak it yourself will be very easy if you are already fluent in reading it.

>> No.15897341

idk that seems counter intuitive.
its harder to speak a language on the fly bc it forces you recall information.

>> No.15897356

>>15897334 Not really a manga person but I guess I could try finding some in Russian.

>> No.15897364

brute-force your way through all the grammar and when you know the grammar to a t pick up books and learn the vocabulary used in it. Ideally you'll also learn some basic vocabulary while forcing yourself through grammar.

>> No.15897384

This is gold.
Thanks anon.

>> No.15897390
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language learning is one of the few things i'm legitimately good at. why is this, anons? and OP i have a system i go through when i tackle a new language. I only speak German and Spanish but I speak them at a near fluent level.

>> No.15897411
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>You'll only be learning from listening to the other, by immersion, not because you are putting your skills to the tests.
this isn't true, i don't know who Stephen Krashen is but i can tell you from experience that at the most advanced levels actually articulating complex ideas and sentence structures on the fly is by FAR the hardest point of a language. You can read classic literature in your target language yet still get btfo in casual, every day conversations about where to put the drywall or what Hans did last week. Passive Listening < Active Listening < Active Speaking

>> No.15897427

Tell me more

>> No.15897450

how can you live like that anon

>> No.15897492
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i do a few things that perhaps are unorthodox but i put a big emphasis on being able to speak, as everything derives in a retroactive way from speaking / thinking in your target language.
First step is, as a poster above me said, to find podcasts, music, anime, whatever in the fuck really in your target language and to INTENTLY listen. Just listen. Listen intently. Listen ACTIVELY that means don't just put on the background while you play Hoi3 or something. That's for a few months down the line. Hear the rhythm the sounds, the overall cadence and "flow" of the language.
I am a huge proponent of Professor Arguelles shadowing method and I can say that it has put my spoken Spanish in a variety of dialects (including Andaluz which i at first found S tier difficult) up to a tremendous level but it is one of the most blatantly autistic things you can ever do but seeing as you post on 4chan being the village autist is probably already firmly part of your lifestyle. Shadowing effectively just means going on a walk, ideally in a big park with few people or innawoods, and repeat everything you hear on your podcast, song, radio, whatever it might be, as they go around. Do this starting with only 10 minutes but gradually you will level up to 30+ minutes. I can't emphasize how effective this technique is even if you barely speak 1 word of the language. It's quite literally exercising your mouth and tongue muscles to speak the language (while also side effect getting your ass outside and exercising, which also stimulates learning).
Grammar, vocabulary, all that shit is secondary and sometimes even detrimental to forming a foundation of proper tone, pronunciation and general understanding of the "flow" of a language. Grammar should be reserved after a solid few weeks of just "immersing" yourself in the ways described above and by other posters, then you can move onto the details of accusative, dative, genitive, and other shit that no native thinker has ever thought about.

If your target language is Greek, Spanish or Turkish then Language Transfer has a fantastic program that i highly recommend. I also really recommend Anything Michel Tomas. I overall advocate for any platform that encourages you to simply speak and listen actively before engaging in any grammar or vocab rote learning

>> No.15897513

quality post

>> No.15897536

Пoчeмy кcтaти? Зaчeм oн тeбe.
Я нaпpимep, мoгy читaть aнглийcкий , нo c пиcьмoм вce плoхo.
B любoм cлyчae , yдaчи.

>> No.15897566

I don't need to learn it but I want to just for the sake of learning about another language and culture.
Plus I was going through my bookshelf and realized that a number of my favorite authors are Russian. really don't know about about the culture or history but it seems vast and storied.

>> No.15897607

Hey what are some good Russian-language chan image boards?

>> No.15897609
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>I don't need to learn it but I want to just for the sake of learning about another language and culture.
people are always going to ask you why. especially native speakers of that language as many are self hating or don't see value in their own shithole culture. you'll have to get used to it. just say its for fun. normies love fun. If Russian really is your white whale then go for it. If you're American i think practically speaking Spanish is your best bet and starter language, but I see no reason to not do Russian. When i was 13 I had wheelocks Latin and studied it while everyone else was getting pussy and had friends so my bias is obviously going to be go for it.

>> No.15897623

Do you find that most Russians want to be in American and or speak English?

>> No.15897666

i have personally found that most Europeans will almost always defer to English even between themselves if there is even 1 native English speaker around. I'm not sure if that's how it is anymore, but I have spent several years in Western Europe through the past decade and only meds have been accomodating to my desire to speak their language. Catalans, Greeks and wops specifically really enjoyed it in my experience. But Germans, Scandinavians, and anyone to the east of that leaned towards speaking English when they could. Possibly because they were desperately trying to leave their countries and they view English as the socioeconomic marker that allows you to do that. The few Russians I have personally known well were the same way.

>> No.15897830

>especially native speakers of that language as many are self hating or don't see value in their own shithole culture.
Why are Russians self-loathing?
I don't think they have a shithole culture, the history seems very interesting.

>> No.15897960

They aren't self-loathing. They do have great history and culture, but the modern country is a shithole. That's why they don't understand why you would learn their language, since normies only see language as a means of communication.
>t. from another Slavic shithole

>> No.15897993

What country are you from?
Can you recommend me some Russian-language image boards?

>> No.15897999

that's sad. english is disgusting

>> No.15898014
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Well I guess everyone 'hates' their own language and culture - except the Chinese those are so nationalistic it becomes annoying.
Even Nietzsche hated the German language and wished he could write in another language like French.

>> No.15898025
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based autist

>> No.15898044

Can you go into more detail about your approach or link some sites with the methodology?

>> No.15898063

>Shadowing effectively just means going on a walk, ideally in a big park with few people or innawoods, and repeat everything you hear on your podcast, song, radio, whatever it might be, as they go around.
Do you that you pause at the end of every sentence than repeat it out loud as accurately as you can?

>> No.15898142

Serbia. I don't know any apart from rutracker, but that's a torrent forum. Maybe start playing Warcraft 3, it has a decently sized Russian community.
That's the opposite of what I said. I don't hate my history and culture. I just realise that the country is a shithole, which is why I left, and why I don't understand why anyone would visit it, unless, perhaps, they were really into Orthodox Christianity. The Chinese are merely indoctrinated. Modern China is nothing alike ancient China, the same way modern Greece is a speck of dust compared to ancient Greece.

>> No.15898159

Do Serbs and Russians get along?

>> No.15898169


>> No.15898173

link doesn't work

>> No.15898183

Listen to this BASED Anon, OP.

>> No.15898608

ESLfags - how has browsing 4chin affected your grasp of the English language?
Has it helped your understaning of the nuances of English or has it turned you gay?

>> No.15899826

good tips