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15896244 No.15896244[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Can I have some good books about the fall of civilization?

>> No.15896253

Unironically Atlas Shrugged

>> No.15896254

Romans 1
Lamentations of Jeremiah
Revelation of St John the Divine

>> No.15896276

Do you speak French anon?

>> No.15896340 [DELETED] 

Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire. Hint it was Christianity that fucked it over

>> No.15896343

Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire. Christianity ruined it

>> No.15896425
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As a protestant, seeing Catholic churches burned down by Muslims gives me hope

>> No.15896468

>church randomly catches fire
>becomes a symbol of the "fall of civilisation" instead of the actual violence commited by muslims and the actual regressive leftist hysteria

>> No.15896469

Why do you care so much about a dumb church, lmao

>> No.15896482

based faggot

>> No.15896488

>French police arrested two persons on 8 September 2016 after a car containing seven gas canisters was found near Notre-Dame.[58]

>On 10 February 2017, French police arrested four persons in Montpellier already known by authorities to have ties to radical Islamist organizations on charges of plotting to travel to Paris and attack the cathedral.[59] Later that year, on 6 June, visitors were shut inside Notre-Dame cathedral in Paris after a man with a hammer attacked a police officer outside.[60][61]

Surely this and the recent incident of the Notre-Dame was completely, surely a random strike of bad luck.

>> No.15896515

Uh-huh, I'm sure that this time it was intentional again, they just couldn't find the leftovers of seven gas canisters they used to ignite it...
>Later that year, on 6 June, visitors were shut inside Notre-Dame cathedral in Paris after a man with a hammer attacked a police officer outside.[60][61]
Yep, that's what you do when you intend to burn a church, you bring a hammer and attack a cop.

>> No.15896539

What are you even trying to say? This snarky style that tries to appeal to the hivemind doesn't really work on 4chan if you haven't noticed yet.

>> No.15896654

>What are you even trying to say?
That it's idiotic to assume that Notre Dame was intentionally set on fire with no evidence for it except for some guy who attacked a cop with a hammer once two years earlier. Is that such a difficult idea to grasp?
>This snarky style that tries to appeal to the hivemind
Allow me to quote your own sentence:
>Surely this and the recent incident of the Notre-Dame was completely, surely a random strike of bad luck.
Seems pretty snarky, no? Also
>implying 4channel(TM) has no hivemind

>> No.15896809

Why are Catholic pedos burning a bad thing?

>> No.15896878

>who cares about this beautiful piece of architecture i only care about ideology hurrrrrr

>> No.15896891
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why is being a pedo a bad thing?

>> No.15896918

Muslim scientists and engineers just integrating into western society. I see no problems here.
Everything is as it should be.

>> No.15898514

I was laughing when I first read it
Living in present day, present time, I am crying

>> No.15898619

>That it's idiotic to assume that Notre Dame
No, in fact, is very reasonable to assume that Notre Dame was set in fire in the context of woke Europe full of jihadis. The real idiotic position to take is yours with the mental gymnastics.

>> No.15898666

The church was home to the last pipe organ in France built before the revolution.

>> No.15898744

So, still no proof, just vague guessing, absolutely not mental gymnastics.
Here's an another assumption: the cathedral was under restoration when it caught fire, and it's entirely possible that some tool malfunctioned or some worker fucked up. No less likely than some muslim doing it intentionally, and avoiding being caught, leaving no trace whatsoever, and never publicly and triumphantly announcing their blow to christianity.

>> No.15899199
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Not surprised really. Protestants have been known to suck Muslim cock. Heretics are ultimately fond of one another:

>> No.15899229

Ah yes, always make the best out of a good crisis. Those damn Muslim's and their animosity towards kaffirs must mean that they will organize plans towards burning down churches. THAT MEANS YOU SHOULD GET ANGRY. GET MAD. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR. Do not notice that I am intentionally cherry picking to make mudslimes look bad so I can further my own agendas.

>> No.15899307
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>> No.15899314


>> No.15899315

The Foundation Series by Isaac Asimov

>> No.15899342

>Martin Luther also took note of the similarities between Islam and Protestantism in the rejection of idols, although he noted Islam was much more drastic in its complete rejection of images. In On War against the Turk, Luther is actually less critical of the Turks than he is of the Pope, whom he calls an anti-Christ, or the Jews, whom he describes as "the Devil incarnate".

>The Ottomans also felt closer to the Protestants than to the Catholics. At one point, a letter was sent from Suleiman the Magnificent to the "Lutherans" in Flanders, claiming that he felt close to them, "since they did not worship idols, believed in one God and fought against the Pope and Emperor".

And that's not including the military collaboration, mutual tolerance of each other and general fondeness each heresy had for one another (All in the article).

>> No.15899344
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>> No.15899348
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Forgot the picture

>> No.15899352
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Also this one

>> No.15899397

The pope venerated the Quran and was called a saint for it. A series of political alliances isn't going to top that, anon. Are you even going to address why your vicar of Christ committed the blatant sin of idolatry and submitted himself to a false religion, or is that s deep mystery we can never understand.

What about the catechism saying Muslims worship the same God as Catholics and are part of the plan of salvation?

Muslims don't worship Jesus
Catholics worship the same God as Muslims
Catholics don't worship Jesus

>> No.15899431

I would take your bullshit more seriously if there wasn't actual evidence of Protestants actually collaborating with Muslims in destroying Europe 9along with the other iconoclastic, anti-rational, fundamentalist and generally heretical tendencies both groups share). I really don't care what you have to say because you will know them by their fruits and Calvinists and Lutherans aiding Muslims is definitely a fruit of heresy.

>> No.15899443

Nobody here is under the obligation to provide any proofs, retard. If French Goverment want to hide that fact they will also hide the proofs. Since you're a retard you will believe everything they say.

>> No.15899447

Harassment Architecture

>> No.15899462

And what kind of fruit is kissing the Quran or aiding Muslims refugees into European countries

>> No.15899478
File: 45 KB, 528x581, talmudimages.jpeg-9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hmmmm....i wonder if the latest Church to go up in flames has a talmud burning in its history.

>> No.15899529

The same type of fruit that involves aiding and abetting Muslims in destorying Europe and finding out you actually agree with them on a lot. Plus, most of the countries that are accepting buttloads of refugees either have a Protestant leader (like Merkel in Germany or the Queen in England) or historically were/are Lutheran (like Sweden). I guess, you could say France is a counter example but I'm pretty sure Macron is an atheist. Plus, France is pretty irreligious nowadays due to the Enlightenment, which was basically formerly Protestant philosophers dumping that heresy and making one of their own based on their upbringing. But it's to be expected from Protestant nations tbqh.

>> No.15899538

And you're not a retard because you make assumptions about practically everyone being a part of some sort of bizarre and pointless conspiracy? For assuming that somebody commited what would be one of the most dramatic terrorist attacks of the recent years, yet never announcing why they did it?

>> No.15899551

Aka the fall of western civilisation

>> No.15899585

You sure are mad. The pope officially said the only position Catholics can take on Muslim refugees is allowing them, especially at the expense of Christians. He actually thinks it's sinful to care for Christian refugees.

Anon the pope literally said this.

Also why are you so mad, freak?

>> No.15899593

I am sorry to see the spirit of France so lethargic and shallow.

>> No.15899622

Okay. He doesn't run the government, statements like that aren't infallible and never were, hence why Poland (an extremely Catholic country) doesn't even follow them.

Meanwhile, Merkel is ignoring refugee crimes left and right like Cologne and the Church of Sweden unironically shilling for refugees



So which is worse: saying something that people can (and should) ignore or actively aiding refugees because it's now part of your theology

>> No.15899633

Forgot these links:


>> No.15899636


>> No.15899639
File: 543 KB, 670x1009, 59996EEA-140B-4EF3-9110-438FA3B65D09.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Outstanding. USA falling, pedos, human hunting, the whole works.

>> No.15899646

I do worry sometimes, though. The Caucasians know their place right now, but there's only so much that a people will take. What happens when the newcomers go too far, and push them to the edge? We've already seen far-right movements in much of the Western world.

>> No.15899661

at this rate France won't have any cathedrals left in 10 years

>> No.15899667

based poland ignoring the guidance of the faggot cocksucker "vicar of Christ" and his "church," looks like poles are condemned to hell

>> No.15899683

You don't have to try very hard to make muslims look bad. Their burning down of churches isn't exactly a new thing

>> No.15899714

>S P E N G L E R

This, but unironically

>> No.15899723

Like I said, it's not an infallible statement. They can still be good Catholics and ignore Francis when he's being retarded. Not so much for any Lutheran state churches or th and them aiding refugees though lol.

This isn't Dutch, but the Reformed church is loves Muslim cock just as much:

>> No.15899725

Celsus - The True Word.

>> No.15899746

>regressive leftist hysteria
No such thing.

>> No.15899753
File: 473 KB, 900x963, 20200719_114205.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hmmm.....i wonder if these people tie in with the Protestants and their refugee goals.

>> No.15899763


>> No.15899779

>pagan is literally still asshurt about the exodus

>> No.15901506

Give me one good reason the Euros shouldn't just herd all their Muslims into camps & starve them to death. Kill them by not feeding them. And if they complain, just shoot them on the spot.

>> No.15901549

Who gives a shit about some faggoty cathedral in France?

>> No.15901735

A Canticle for Leibowitz

>> No.15901781

You can just rebuild it. Being old doesn't add anything to it

>> No.15901799

Between this and all the clown world shit that has been happening for decades now, how do you guys keep your sanity, or how do you just resist the temptation to top yourselves?

>> No.15901820


>> No.15901855

How far is too far? Is driving a 40 ton lorry through crowds on busy market steet is not far enough? Burning down Notre Dame not far enough?
No one is going to do anything. New diseased scum from africa and ME arrive to Europe everyday, during this pandemic time, and nothing is being done about it, but they will shut down the whole countries to stop covid.

>> No.15901895

If it's of any comfort to you just remember that they'll never amount to anything in the long run. At the very worst, they'll recreate their shitholes here, then become a Brazil-tier irrelevant hellhole - these people couldn't grasp greatness if you hit them over the head with it.

>> No.15901905

Some abbos have been burning churches and temples in Southern Chile for a few years now.

>> No.15901918

Based. But personally I prefer when they burn bourgois old fucks in their big mansions.

>> No.15902065

That is not comforting in any way.

>> No.15902082

yes how amazing. i have to watch europe turn into a shithole but hey at least it will always stay a shithole afterwards lmao

>> No.15902089

Protestants are the muslims of Christianity. The resemblance between Islam and Protestantism is vast

>> No.15902461

Civilizations exist to reach the pinnacles of existence - everything else is just white noise. The inbred, 80IQ, deracinated masses are not even aware of pinnacles existing, much less how to try to reach them.

>> No.15902487

It's karma, Western Europe is falling to the eternal civilization-destroying m*slims as punishment for supporting the Ott*man Shitpire for all these centuries. It's the death of a civilization, inevitable.

>> No.15902663
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You should read "L'intelligence en péril de mort" de Marcel De Corte.

>> No.15902667

Unironically the Bible.

>> No.15902775

slavs will inherit Europe

>> No.15902880


>> No.15902896

if they ever sober up

>> No.15902909

The End of the Modern World - Romano Guardini
The Crisis of Our Age - Pitirim Sorokin
The Crisis of Civilization - Hillaire Belloc
In the shadow of tomorrow - Johan Huizinga
The Abolition of Man - C. S. Lewis
East and West - René Guénon
The Crisis of the Modern World - René Guénon
Reign of Quantity - René Guénon
The Fate of Man in the Modern World - Nikolai Berdyaev
Le Déclin de l'Europe - Albert Demangeon
Progress and Religion - Christopher Dawson

>> No.15902924

Mark Hewitson - Europe in Crisis
Hans Jonas - The Abyss of the Will
Nikolai Bediaev - The Spiritual Crisis of the Intelligentsia
Peter Wust - Crisis in the West
Henri Daniel-Rops - Le Monde Sans Âme
Gonzague de Reynold - L'Europe Tragique
Louis Dimier - Histoire et Causes de Notre Décadence
Jacques Maritain - Antimoderne
Paul Bureau - La Crise Morale des Temps Nouveaux
Erich Fromm - Sane Society
Marcel De Corte - Essai sur la fin d'une Civilisation
Julien Benda - La Crise Du Rationalisme
Max Horkheimer - Eclipse of Reason
Albert Demangeon - Le déclin de l'Europe
Paul Valéry - The Crisis of the Mind
Rudolf Pannwitz - Die Krisis der europaischen Kultur