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15894804 No.15894804 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.15894831

Whenever I hear the term "black bodies" it triggers a biological disgust reaction. Why is this?

>> No.15894863 [DELETED] 

Did you see that livestream where some guy paid another guy $6 to do a flip and he landed on his head and snapped his neck and laid on the sidewalk paralyzed for half an hour while everyone laughed at him?

>> No.15894878

Because you’re a fucking pseud.

>> No.15894882

No, but I laugh everytime I see this video.


>> No.15894896

I love how he just keeps going completely unphased

>> No.15894947

well it's not so bad if he was only paralyzed for half an hour is it.

>> No.15894966

I think that was the original intention? I am not sure. But I have a similar response in that it makes me think of corpses rather than people, and I think maybe that was the intent, to evoke a sense of dehumanisation and brutality. But at this point I think it is just part of the lexicon of a certain class of people and functions as a shibboleth more than anything else.

>> No.15895038

>A Taste for Brown Bodies: Gay Modernity and Cosmopolitan Desire

>> No.15895057


>> No.15895062
File: 3.78 MB, 250x401, 1594897951238.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>without organs

>> No.15895070

He died ten days later in the hospital.

>> No.15895099

“Black Anality” argues that “black” and “anal” are rendered ideologically, discursively, and representationally synonymous, and that black female flesh becomes the material space on which this convergence occurs. Drawing on an archive of online, widely accessible black pornographies, I develop the term black anality to describe how black pleasures are represented as peculiarly and particularly oriented toward the anus, and thus as peculiarly and particularly attached to anal ideologies. In doing so, I depart from black feminist scholarship, which has long examined the buttocks as an imagined locus of racial-sexual difference and which has developed a set of analytics that now predominate in the study of black female sexualities: spectacularity, excess, grotesquerie, and display. “Black Anality” offers a new set of analytics for black feminist work on sexuality: spatiality, waste, toxicity, and filth. These analytics, I argue, allow black feminists to consider how black female sexuality is imagined to be rooted in (and perhaps generative of) certain kinds of filthy spaces, particularly the ghetto; how black sexuality is constructed as literally and metaphorically dirty; how black sexuality is posited as toxic, non-productive, and nonreproductive; and how black sexuality is imagined as wasteful. In turning attention to this understudied and overdetermining space — the black anus — “Black Anality” considers the racial meanings produced in pornographic texts that insistently return to the black female anus as a critical site of pleasure, peril, and curiosity.

>> No.15895103

the guy in charge of the holding the chair didnt do his job. if the chair was firmly in place, the deaded guy might have been able to successfully pull off "dat backflip tho"

>> No.15895159

i legitimatly thought this was thought up by some 4chan troll until i googled it

the actual state of "science" in this time......

>> No.15895169

Holy based

>> No.15895189


>> No.15895203

the power of continental philosophy.

>> No.15895231


>> No.15895244

Show must go on.

>> No.15895260

lol, that’s exactly how they write!

....wait, is this real? if so, you can make anything primarily racially charged if you try hard enough instead of just seeing it as one of many social factors. absolutely disgusting state of affairs.

>> No.15895266

why not just write like you want to be read

why make it so...bad??

>> No.15895268

>virulent antisemitism
remember, no hyphen, because semitism does. not. exist.

>> No.15895331
File: 16 KB, 230x271, Hiram.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Burn the filthy academic ratheap, watch them scramble on the campus mall like cockroaches

>> No.15895359


>> No.15895388

This actually sounds like it might be good.

>> No.15895421

It's an abstract; those are always shit.

>> No.15895429

niggers tongue my anus

>> No.15895506
File: 206 KB, 564x756, FaceApp_1594982533612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Google it
>It's real
Jesus Christ, I'm so angry. What the FUCK is wrong with these people and WHY do they write like that!?

>> No.15895553

Yeah at this point I'm starting to understand why all the academic "intellectuals" get rounded up and shot whenever a revolutionary force gains power.