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File: 159 KB, 1600x900, pope-francis-1-gty-jt-180628_hpMain_16x9_1600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15894794 No.15894794 [Reply] [Original]

I want to become a cardinal. Which Bible translation do I need to read?

>> No.15894800

Touch the child first.

>> No.15894803

learn Latin

>> No.15894833

Read it in hebraic and latin just to be sure

>> No.15895219

Anon, I...

>> No.15895287

Catholics don’t read the Bible

>> No.15895805

Any of the RCC approved ones for your country. You'll also need to regularly attend Mass, help out at your parish a lot, and talk to your priest about discernment. Then, if you're deemed a possible fit, you go to seminary. Eventually get ordained a priest, possibly a deacon first. Then you do a good enough job and somehow end up a bishop. I'm not sure how to go from bishop to cardinal, this probably relies more on connections, which hopefully you'll have been making the entire time.

>> No.15896213

Were there any cardinals named Sin?

>> No.15896228

>I want to become a cardinal. Which Bible translation do I need to read?
Just buy a Bishopric and go from there.

>> No.15896259
File: 22 KB, 360x360, Jeremus_Head.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are there actual priests and Cardinals that browse /lit/? The fact that someone from here could become the future pope is hard to grasp.

>> No.15896268

I see better theology arguments on 4chan (even /tg/ of all places) than anywhere else on the internet.

>> No.15896294
File: 15 KB, 304x228, _49152085_pope_blessing_westcath_reuters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have the habit of blessing things in the off chance that if I do end up becoming a saint or pope, those blessings will all have been retroactively made valid.

>> No.15896311

There's a saint named Lucifer.

>> No.15896322

this guy

>> No.15896324

I do it every time someone sneezes.

>> No.15896485

Based fragile doctor

>> No.15896602



>> No.15897825


>> No.15898271

it harkening that so many members lack self control. I may be a coomer, but I will never force myself on anybody. pedo priest deserve to be given the death penalty for destroying a child's innocence and sacrilege for what they stand.r

>> No.15898308
File: 26 KB, 678x380, cardinalsarah_2018_vatican-678x380.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know we have had priests here in the past.

I doubt an actual cardinal would ever post here, though. Not only are most of them in their late 60s, 70s, and 80s, they're actually very busy most of the time. They have a hand in the actual running of the Church, since most of them are either archbishops of major cities or they work in the Vatican. They're not called "the Princes of the Church" for nothing.

Also OP should probably read the Bible, read Aquinas, read Augustine, read Catherine of Siena, just read every major Doctor of the Church.

>> No.15898320

>I want to become a cardinal
looks like /x/ might help you sell yourself better than /lit/ theories that will make you a priest at best.

>> No.15899198

>I doubt an actual cardinal would ever post here, though. Not only are most of them in their late 60s, 70s, and 80s, they're actually very busy most of the time.
Yes; but what about any future cardinals? We can't know about that.

>> No.15899233

This, if you're serious.
But, then again, your question reveals that you are motivated by worldly ambition rather than a desire to serve Christ, which would automatically disqualify you from selection.

>> No.15899284

You honestly are starting from a pretty serious disadvantage if you haven’t learned at least Greek in order to read the NT in the original.

I would say learn Greek then read the Septuagint, then read King James to understand the standard American/British view. After that learn Hebrew and read both Old Testament and New in original language. Then would be good to read the Vulgate translation to get a sense of what someone like Aquinas was reading—Latin shouldn’t be too hard.

Of course you ought also to read the Italian translation—you are going to be preaching in Rome a lot of you are a Cardinal.

I think this is enough to get you started on your journey Cardinalanon.

>> No.15899799

Cardinals is a definite no. There are extremely few of them. No way any of them post here.

Who knows other than them.

>> No.15899899

It says he's only venerated in Sardinia and not formally canonized as a saint though.

>> No.15901090


>> No.15901532
File: 27 KB, 620x423, ranjith.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You just need to work hard, I guess.

By the way, who are everybody's favorite cardinals? I assume everyone ITT has them.

In addition to the usual Trad Burke/Muller/Sarah trifecta, I really love Cardinal Ranjith, the Cardinal Archbishop of the major city in Sri Lanka. He is actually super reverent and adores Christ. He mandates that everyone in his archdiocese receives the Eucharist kneeling and on the tongue. Or at least he did before the coronavirus hit. He also very ably handled things after the Easter bombings in Sri Lanka a few years ago.

He'd make an excellent Pope.

>> No.15901766

Begone, prideful one. Prayers for you at mass tomorrow.

>> No.15902138

performed by Nietzsche

>> No.15902232

Start with the Greeks

>> No.15902611

It's statistically almost a certainty that multiple priests have posted here, we've probably had at least one bishop post at least once. Cardinals are almost impossible. Not only are cardinals all super old (and thus probably don't actually use the internet much if at all), but they are also some of the busiest people in the world. Even your small-time parish priest works like 14 hour days 6 days a week. Imagine how much harder it would be for his boss's boss's boss.

>> No.15903595

The bible in hell.