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/lit/ - Literature

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15894150 No.15894150 [Reply] [Original]

What am I in for?

>> No.15894222


>> No.15894257

It's good

>> No.15894283

U T T E R . G A R B A G E

I don't know how weabs even waste their time with anime when one of their supposed best ones was boring as shit with horrible structure and almost no fore-thought for what the fuck he was gonna do and how.

Just "le existential bro, look how existential i am bro!" but admittedly does even this overtness itself badly.

>> No.15894695

This is absolute bullshit. Don't listen to this guy.

>> No.15894783

It's a waste of time, what do you even like about it in all its uselessness?

>> No.15894822

The best anime of all time is actually Tantei Opera Milky Holmes, but stuff like Neon Genesis Evangelion and Fate/Zero are promoted a lot more because braindead normalfags like you are less likely to not completely miss the point in them.

>> No.15894842


I read in a book that this is the first anime of all time. Imagine if you had a time machine and could go back in time and stop its production. What a better world it would be.

>> No.15894865
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Anime website dumb tourists

>> No.15894901
File: 578 KB, 859x1209, LoGH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The best anime of all time is actually Tantei Opera Milky Holmes, but stuff like Neon Genesis Evangelion and Fate/Zero are promoted a lot more because braindead normalfags like you are less likely to not completely miss the point in them.
All garbage, Legend of the Galactic Heroes is the only acceptable anime because of its traditional structure.

Not your girly weab shit.

>> No.15894913
File: 1.31 MB, 1920x1080, 1536966015467gochiusa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>space opera garbage

>> No.15894931

Getting banned for posting an off-topic thread.

>> No.15894933
File: 57 KB, 550x780, Legend of the Galactic Heroes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anime is Degenerate

There can be fine anime entertainment, LoGH is the best possible example for its case, but we must accept that the majority of anime is degenerate, 99% of it. And we must acknowledge the common ridiculousness of it too, as a sort of degeneracy. For to make a man ignore such a thing, just general stupidity or sometimes perverseness(as common with anime), and "try to like it" is degenerating effect.

Such common ridiculousness, and its lonely cult of immature men;-- We all remember our cherished childhood investments, and this is fine when it is a cherished childhood, and not lived into adulthood. For make no mistake, the man that got into anime as a teenager and has grown up with it no less faltering in his often obsession, and love of it, is no different from the boy who grew up with his comic books and cartoons and never outgrew it. Perhaps there is the level of degree in which the weab is above the soiboy, but small matters of degree. Where the more "seriousness, violence" of anime(, has also in itself its common perverseness) , may allow a greater ease to which an adult can enjoy it, but it's still a ridiculousness, or embarrassment(of fatherly virtue), no less when he considers himself a committed watcher of anime, and we are speaking even irrespective of the perversity.

And the actual topic of appreciating it, any supposed depression from anime, or a depressive character about it; that is, an impact from anime, is more the result of a mind zapped of its intellectual rigour, by his over devotion of his energies onto this emptiness -- wherein he must create something or lower himself to it -- , from focusing on unsymbolic forms for too long, an adjusted state to its type of language, mostly meaningless shapes which we must "learn" to understand. We must "get past" the silliness and stupidity to "appreciate it". The drawing style itself, with its big eyes, is stupid and made for little girls, arising out of the sedated and in many ways feminised post-war Japan, these are the shows that children watched. And there is nothing wrong with that, the original cartoons, like an Astro Boy(though of a racially different motivation to us, and as result in many ways emotionally incomprehensible as like many other cases from its country), which is similar to a Mickey Mouse. But we have as of yet, and do not intend to, actually go into detail of that 99% of anime, wherein there is an active force of perversity, consciously directed in such a way, and not by subconscious structures.


>> No.15894936

For your sake I hope this is a copypasta. Why would you waste so much time and effort talking about Chinese cartoons?
t. Can speak and read the language fluently.

>> No.15894937
File: 24 KB, 225x350, Commander Reinhard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And the soiboy problem always comes back to the feminine, there is no blame for a man being physiologically feminine, but there is a blame for him to not try to self improve. And for him to willingly neglect himself to such a lowering thing. I remember the completely foreign character it had on my understanding in its every look and pronunciation when I first watched it, but I went through all the supposed "good" anime and after trying it all, I have only recapitulated my original beliefs of its oddness and pointlessness, though as I have said some may be fine entertainment. Cinema is a lazy modern medium, and limited by this, even after it has been championed by the midwit during the twentieth century as something better or more unique than it is; Anime is the even more so lazy medium.

So what do we do about its disturbing influence on the minds of so many a ungrown youth?

>> No.15894941
File: 115 KB, 680x973, 5CACF039-5E35-4F97-9772-093CF7ABA4B2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im sorry, but my space opera garbage is better than your space opera garbage.

>> No.15894943


>> No.15894948


>> No.15894954

Being fluent in Japanese is so creepy.

>> No.15894957
File: 621 KB, 900x1200, 1593816165931.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its the cover of the novel you dumb dumb
>blah blah my father didn't loved me so I watch space opera shit for toddlers
Based, how do I learn the moonrunes, anon?
At least post Ideon

>> No.15894961

are you a woman?

>> No.15894965

The worst part is when I talk to zoomers about their anime obsession, most of them haven't even heard of the so-called "good ones". How can people be so addicted to such utter crap? I honestly think the little orgasmic noises the women in animes make every ten seconds are part of what keeps adolescents glued to the screen.

>> No.15894967

I don't see why. I use it to read literature and serious non-fiction. If I were still plugged in, I'd probably read Bungei Shunju all the time.
>Its the cover of the novel you dumb dumb
Don't think you're fooling anyone with that. Everyone and their mother (on this website) has heard of that movie.
>Based, how do I learn the moonrunes, anon?
For what purpose do you want to learn Japanese? If you only want to watch cartoons, just give up and watch subs. But if you'd like to read serious work, I can help you.

>> No.15894973

>I use it to read literature and serious non-fiction.

Dude, please. Everyone knows you're a chronic masturbator who jacks it to cartoons as soon as they hear "Actually, I am fluent in Japanese!"

>> No.15894979

Okay dude, feel free to believe whatever you like.

>> No.15894982

What do you take me for one of your wetback friends? I however do not count myself of so low a breed, but a nobler sort. Whereof the noblest well might rule the more ignoble, yet never raise them to their level by commixture, but simply sink to theirs.

>> No.15895005 [DELETED] 

Achk! Teens in bed with street-walking nintendos, "kiss-anime" parisians.

>> No.15895007
File: 23 KB, 313x500, 1594508115644.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You seem to have a similar capacity to the author of pic related for talking out of your ass about things you don't understand

>> No.15895024

Ahh, so it is not your lacking friends for which you have mistaken me, but a better man, the kind of which I know less than you do about. For no more uselessness than is apt for your nature.

>> No.15895037

You might have the potential to become the new hottest /lit/ meme if you write a book, my man.

>> No.15895081
File: 468 KB, 1080x2471, S00718-10121609.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Don't think you're fooling anyone with that. Everyone and their mother (on this website) has heard of that movie.
God, you are stupid

>> No.15895094

What a weakness of character to break under the humour of its very own encouragement. An obvious break, in the man--; You obvious cow. Your faults lying in unwanted and open seclusion.

>> No.15895107

That still isn't literature. Take it to /a/.

>> No.15895127

It's literally a novel. Genre and YA fiction is allowed on /lit/.

>> No.15895149


>> No.15895202

Cringe, you vile contemptible savage, no higher kind shall twinkle out of your unlowering stars, and yell ... ... ...

>> No.15895232

Shut up you literal child

>> No.15895271

ideon is for hipsters that feel gundam is too mainstream.

>> No.15895665

Sell me on milky holmes. How is it not moe garbage?

>> No.15895947

Monster and Berserk should be considered on the same level as LotGH.