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/lit/ - Literature

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15892362 No.15892362 [Reply] [Original]

What's the most influential ancient Chinese literature?

>> No.15892379


the Calgon recipe.

>> No.15892388

Tao-te Ching

>> No.15892427
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Is there a version of this for Chinese history? This one covers philosophy and fiction pretty well

>> No.15892505

Months ago I saw one anon talking about White Deer Plain by Chen Zhongshi. The book was translated to my language recently and I'm curious, is it good?
I'm asking because books are expensive here and 24 dollars (when converted) are a lot for me.

>> No.15892526

Would love to talk about the Romance of the Three Kingdoms in a thread that didn't open by calling Chinamen 'chinks'.

>> No.15892539

Anyone ever read a translation of Records of the Grand Historian? Is it any good?

>> No.15892567

First things first, presuming you have no knowledge of China, the History of China podcast is your best starting point. It’s intro-level, sure, but it’s very well done.

Books-wise, here’s an eclectic group that will give you a good overview of Chinese history. I’d recommend:
>The Romance of the Three Kingdoms (start with this, it’s mostly fiction but a super fun read, unironically my favorite novel of all time)
>The Analects of Confucius
>Dao De Jing
>Doctrine of the Mean/The Great Learning (more advanced Confucian works, both very short)
>History of Imperial China Series by Harvard University Press
>Imperial China 900-1800 by F.W. Mote
>Cambridge History of China (super expensive, find this at a library)
>Forgotten Kingdom by Peter Goullart
>The Search for Modern China
>God’s Chinese Son
>China in Ten Words
>Jesus in Beijing
>Mao’s Last Revolution
>On China (by Henry Kissinger)

Those are a good start. There are so many other great books but they are Chinese only. English-languge literature on pre-Yuan (before the 1300s) Chinese history is super lacking, especially primary sources. So many classics of Chinese history are untranslated or hard to access in a non-academic setting, like the Records of the Grand Historian or the Zizhi Tongjian, it’s really a tragedy. The listed works will give you a good overview, though

>> No.15892583

How do you feel about Mark Edward Lewis' series?

>> No.15892589

Just read Legend of the Condor Heroes like a normal person

>> No.15892631

It wasn't translated here.

>> No.15892652

>no Journey to the West

>> No.15892663

I'm glad you're spreading the quality of content /pol/ is known for to the furthest reaches of 4chan.
Thank you for participating in ruining this board.

>> No.15892675
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Carl Jung:
>The I Ching does not offer itself with proofs and results; it does not vaunt itself, nor is it easy to approach. Like a part of nature, it waits until it is discovered. It offers neither facts nor power, but for lovers of self-knowledge, of wisdom -- if there be such -- it seems to be the right book. To one person its spirit appears as clear as day; to another, shadowy as twilight; to a third, dark as night. He who is not pleased by it does not have to use it, and he who is against it is not obliged to find it true. Let it go forth into the world for the benefit of those who can discern its meaning.

>> No.15892965

New and improved reading list going off some of the posts in this thread
>History of Imperial China Series by Harvard University Press
>Imperial China 900 to 1800
>Cambridge History of China
>Forgotten Kingdom by Peter Goullart
>The Search for Modern China
>God’s Chinese Son
>China in Ten Words
>Jesus in Beijing
>Mao’s Last Revolution
>A Dragon’s Head and a Serpent’s tail: Ming China and the First Great East Asian war, 1592-1598
>A New Account of Tales of the World
>Daily Life in Traditional China: The Tang Dynasty
>History of the Northern Dynasties
>History of the Southern Dynastiea
>Imperial Twilight: The Opium War and the end of China’s Last Golden Age
>New Book of Tang
>Spring and Autumn Annals
>Strategies of the Warring States
>The Bamboo Annals
>The Book of Han

>Doctrine of the Mean/The Great Learning
>Art of War
>Yi Jing
>Han Feizi
>Discourses of the States
>Yi Zhou Shu

>Romance of the Three Kingdoms
>Dream of the Red Chamber
>Journey to the West
>Water Margin

>> No.15892970

please refrain from using pejorative, racist terms like "chink".

>> No.15892979
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>> No.15893271

have sex incel

>> No.15893372

>mfw i've enjoyed reading confucius analects more than zhuangzi

>> No.15893415

>zhang fei styled "the retard"
>liu bei styled "the messiah"
>dong "he did nothing wrong" zhuo
>zhao "never relax around niggers" zilong
>zhou "had a brilliant plan" yu

>> No.15893429
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as another anon pointed out
>Romance of the Three Kingdoms
its a fictionalized (most likely) accounting of the Warring States Period. one of its most well known character is Guan Gong, who has become deified in certain ethnic Chinese communities; triad movies from the 80s used to depict gangsters lighting incense for him.
>Water Margin
among the classics, this one is def more fun, supposedly. a bunch of outlaws come together and fuck shit up. i dont know more than that except that of those of us who did actually read any classics in high school, it was either Romance or Water Margin - my friend read Water Margin. the only notable anecdote i know of this work is the tale of Wu Song beating the shit out of a tiger (武松打虎).
>Journey to the West
this is where Goku from DBZ gets his name and likeness (at least, the monkey tail). priest gathers a bunch of odd characters, including a demi-god monkey, some pig looking like dude, and some troll/gobling looking like dude, and they go on a journey to India to gather some Buddhist scripture. Sun Wukong is the monkey (i think LoL has a hero based on him) and some of his well known tales including him taking care of and/or getting involved with nasty little hooers like the Princess Iron Fan.
>Dream of the Red Chamber
the most recent work of the classics (Qing dynasty, 1700s?1800s?). sometimes called the Tale of the Stone. depicts the rise and fall of a "noble" family (and probably some other stuff too, there's a shit load of characters). insert Hawthorne quote "families are always rising and falling in America." the only memorable parts that i still remember are some old lady passing by their house thinking theyre rich when really the family is poor and theyre bleeding money to keep up a front. and the story of some dude infatuated with some girl. he is then given a mirror (and warned about it) that will show her face to him. he becomes lost in this mirror (i believe literally getting sucked into a void) of lust and carnal desire. very much mirrors my luv for the buttercunt. or you can read it as a cautionary tale for the coomer. i like the buttercunt interpretation better though.

some more contemporary works would be the Wu Xia series by Jin Yong. many of his novels have been made into movies, tv series, etc. Wu Xia is a genre. you can translate it as martial hero. it usually takes place during a time where people used swords and shit, and is almost always about some figure who is great at kung fu and shit. the following are probably his most well known works:
>The Legend of the Condor Heroes
>The Heavenly Sword and Dragon Saber
>Demi-Gods and Semi-Devils
>The Smiling, Proud Wanderer
>The Deer and the Cauldron (this one is a little different and probably more fun, as it focuses on a lazy, non-kung fu fighting, useless protagonist that stumbles into various adventures and somehow comes out on top)

>> No.15893460

I'm reading Waley's abridgement of Journey to the West and it's a blast, might check out the full length Yu translation in the future. I'd been reading a lot of Buddhist texts so I'm getting a lot of the references, I think if i read this earlier a lot of it would've went over my head,

>> No.15893931

Endymion Wilkinson's "Chinese History : A New Manual" is very good from what I've heard.

>> No.15893935
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Analects of Confucius

>> No.15893941
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shit taste, friend

>> No.15893955

>classical Chinese literature
>nearly all of it is in mandarin

>> No.15893984

>just b urself man

>> No.15893992

>just do what the state tells u bro, it's the order of heaven or something

>> No.15894073

Getting cucked in the boipussy isn't sex, anon.

>> No.15894286

>applying that to modern democratic states