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/lit/ - Literature

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15891978 No.15891978[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Can YA fiction be saved?

>> No.15892030

No, burn everything. We need to get back to oral tradition. Printing press was a mistake.

>> No.15892035
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Nå I don't think så

>> No.15892038

I can save it, but choose not to.

>> No.15892048

there's nothing to save

>> No.15892050

I want to write PKD schizo YA fiction for teens with mental disorders. The sort of fiction that makes them go out and kill a wife beater from famous band name after an insect.

>> No.15892101

Anything written for young adults is destined to be shit

>> No.15892132

Based. I'm tired of books being treated as an accessory by girls trying to be quirky and nerdy

>> No.15892138

She probably likes those books, anon. Unironically. Otherwise she would be doing a makeup channel or something else.

>> No.15892323

all those newfags on youtube using 4chan slang

>> No.15892334

better than ideologically poisoned /pol/fags using it

>> No.15892341

You have no idea virgin. Its an accessory as the previousy anon stated.

>crying about /pol/
alright newfag

>> No.15892349
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>Otherwise she would be doing a makeup channel or something else.
Couldn't be more fucking wrong

>> No.15892399

There has been zero good YA since the mid-2000s.

>> No.15892460

Now that you mention it, that's actually true. I wonder why that is

>> No.15892498

Probably something to do with adults becoming the major readers of YA over that same period.

>> No.15892511

Why did that time period come out with so many good children books?

>> No.15892545
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I'm honestly confused by YA. Like, why would you still read that shit in your late teens/twenties? I really just don't understand. Why don't they try out something that is known to have literary merit? This is why I never watch booktube, because 96% of it is just females with shelves upon shelves of YA behind them, giving their shitty takes.

>> No.15892548

If I had to guess, it would be because books like Harry Potter showed that there was a lot of money in it. You could write a relatively low effort book and cash out big time. Just look at Eragon. It's A New Hope and The Empire Strikes Back in a LOTR inspired world. The kid had a leg up since his parents were in publishing, but he made a ton of money for what was essentially fan-fiction

>> No.15892629

What book inspired Lennon's murder?

>> No.15892714

>All those thirsty white knight Betas.
So /lit/ chooses a tranny over truth?

>> No.15892755

I wish YA novels would take more inspiration from LNs. Not Isekai garbage, but the weird shit like boogiepop or baccano. I think part of the problem is that YA novels are so afraid to try something new for fear of alienating the core audience of mid 20 somethings who still act like children that they just stick to the same formulas that sold well in the past: "dystopia", closeted gay teen romance, chosen one must save the world, ect. The other part of the problem is that they greatly underestimate how smart kids and teens actually can be. Most YA novels are infantile to the point where someone with a room temp IQ could enjoy them, and when you write like that, you end up just making your material accessible for anyone, but enjoyable for almost none except the lowest common denominator. As for that can YA fiction be saved question it probably can't but I'm gonna try

>> No.15893820
File: 87 KB, 1280x720, iu[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sometimes ill watch kat's videos muted. she's cute, but her videos are pretty garbage.
lets put aside the
>"she only reads YA what a PLEB"
even her videos diving into a YA work are almost incoherent ramblings. at best, they're quick summaries of the plot, some rating/recommendation, and nothing deeper.
she's really more of a vloger, who happens to read as a hobby.
>imagine if she was holding a positive pregnancy test and not a smartphone

>> No.15893882

Isn't YA just the genre that failed literature goes to?

>> No.15893888

Even more cringe than YA booktubers are the white knights that defend YA booktubers. And the only thing more cringe than the white knights that defend YA booktubers are the incels who shitpost on YA booktuber's videos.

>> No.15893891

she's unironically ugly. i MIGHT let her give me a blowjob, but I don't know, she's quite repulsive.

>> No.15893917
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>LiTeRarY meRiT

>> No.15893928


>> No.15893929

i work at a library and there are 30/40 year olds who only read YA.

>> No.15893930

Don't worry. she wouldn't think about giving you one.

>> No.15893939

You've never read any YA fiction.

>> No.15893940

What a nice idea it was to put the commenting feature on every platform on the internet. The guy is a dick but the white knights are even more cringe. Why give access for everyone to comment when there's so little value actually realized?

>> No.15894027
File: 10 KB, 262x381, Looking_for_Alaska_original_cover[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking for Alaska was pretty good desoo. it came in out 2005.

>> No.15894031

She's absolutely rats. I'd reluctantly give her a good seeing to, but I wouldn't be happy about it. And I'd probably have to imagine it's a boy to coom as per usual.

>> No.15894097
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videos are getting privated

>> No.15894112

did she discover 4chan.org/lit/ discusses her daily?

>> No.15894317

>Otherwise she would be doing a makeup channel or something else.

Way too much competition among makeup channels.

>> No.15894366
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>read more than 500 books at the age of 21

>"she's pretending to like books XD"

Why are incels like this?

Have sex.

>> No.15894368 [DELETED] 
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>other videos are about makeup
oh how wrong you are