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15888802 No.15888802[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>sitting at a beachside Los Angeles coffee shop reading
>two girls sit down at a table near me
>immediately start talking about guys that have dm’d them on Instagram, talking shit making fun of them
>move on to conversations about tik tok and needing to make tik toks together
>talk shit about guys under 6’3
>start talking about music festivals they’re gonna miss
>loads of small tattoos and skimpy attire
>their eyes are dead and soulless
Books to explain modern women?

>> No.15888809

stop listening to whores and read faggot

>> No.15888814

I’ve been reading for the past 3 hours, the whores are very loud and intrusive, anon

>> No.15888819

i am reading faggot right now (reading your post)

>> No.15888820

Where in LA were you?
If it was a wealthy/hipster neighborhood, yeah they're gonna suck. They have the mindsets of spoiled children. Learning to hate the bourgeois is the first step in understanding the world.
There's plenty of soul in the young women, even the young women of the west coast. You'll just find it in the working class. By which I mean- people who must work to live.

>> No.15888829

You have to remember that women distribute far more closely on the bell curve than men. So the majority of women are ~100iq simpletons. They also tend to care more about what peers think so they flock together like sheep much more than men do. The inverse of this is while there are more smart men than women, there are also more retard men than women.

>> No.15888836

>If it was a wealthy/hipster neighborhood, yeah they're gonna suck. They have the mindsets of spoiled children.




>> No.15888841

Dude I've read this Delicious Tacos story. Take her to the lake birdwatching then back to your condo.

>> No.15888847

>i hate women thread

>> No.15888849

I've known plenty of working class women who are just as insufferable as those OP describes. Perhaps slightly less spoiled, but no less superficial. It doesn't do to fetishize entire classes of people. I would agree that this is not the inherent condition of modern women. OP just needs to look in different places.

>> No.15888857

dunno anon
do you know of any books that explain why modern men are such insufferable whining pussies?

>> No.15888869

>sitting at a beachside Los Angeles coffee shop reading

Which place? I have a place by the beach in Santa Monica (near the pier) but am currently living on the east coast. Not really missing LA women or the Los Angeles covid predicament.

>> No.15888872
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Everything they said is perfectly fine it's called having a preference.

The idea that just because you yourself don't measure up all women are indecipherable whores is the apex of incel thinking.

it scares me to think that girls can't have innocent conversations in public without some genetic trash bin listening in and being resentful because he doesnt like what he hears.

have you ever considered there's probably a good reason why women are repelled by you?

>> No.15888874

Single motherhood and the nanny state: a deepening valley: the chin recessening

>> No.15888877

Hermosa Beach

>> No.15888880

>do you know of any books that explain why modern men are such insufferable whining pussies?

There are a lot of those books—people have been writing them for years now.

I guess I should point out that by "place" I mean an apartment, not a coffee shop.

>> No.15888884

is that a trilogy or summat

>> No.15888892

Inflated egos is easier nowadays for women to have. It comes crashing down in their 30's when they lose their young beauty and realize they have no meaning in their life besides souless consooooming. Don't sweat it anon, this happens to men aswell but women are the center of attention of social media so its harder on them

>> No.15888897

I’m 6’5 220lbs, attractive Swede/Dutch. I just hate whores

>> No.15888906

Reminder that women have no idea how feet and inches work. I'm an even 6 feet but everyone thinks I'm taller than that (6'2", 6'3").

>> No.15888917

Thats is bait you silly autisto

>> No.15888919

what the fuck is that cringe editing and intro?

>> No.15888922

>Women have high standards
>Men don't like it
>"You men are gross and repellent"

>Men have high standards
>Women don't like it
>"You men are gross and repellent"
Reminder that anyone who argues by attacking your social standing, appearance, or sexual ability is invariably a woman, a troll, or a predatory male.

>> No.15888924


>> No.15888928

Protip: lift weights and have good posture

>> No.15888929

>he lives in muttmerica

You have no right to complain about anything

>> No.15888932

>I HATE WOMEN also books haha

>> No.15888941

>anyone who argues by attacking your social standing, appearance, or sexual ability is invariably a woman, a troll, or a predatory male.
anon... those things are literally the only things that matter? all of that can be mapped onto corresponding with high waged job i.e. good education i.e. intelligent and the appearance stuff corresponds to good genes.

but thanks for tipping us off to the fact that you are a socially low status male with a subpar appearance and sexual ability

>> No.15888942


Why would you take a hideous person's opinion seriously though? The way that they look has shaped their skewed outlook in life due to the different in how people treat them. Beware an ugly man's opinion.

Monstrum in fronte, monstrum in animo.

>> No.15888951

One thing I like about being 6 ft. is that I can wear boots without it being assumed that I'm trying to make up for something.

>> No.15888952

>immediately start talking about guys that have dm’d them on Instagram
What does dm mean? M stands for some kind of message? I know what pm me means, text me, call me, sms me, email, whatsapp, message me on facebook, retweet, like/dislike but what is dm, some kind of message where guys send their dick pictures to thots hence the dm?

>> No.15888957

this. no good looking person has ever had bad opinions about anything

>> No.15888959

dm= direct message, its the same thing as pm

>> No.15888964

Direct message. Where guys will start conversations with girls on Instagram whom they don’t personally know

>> No.15888971

yeah trust me the instant someone who is even an inch taller than you (in my country 6'1" is actually lower end of average so wouldn't be uncommon) they will immediately classify you 6' ass as "short"

don't cope like this, it's bad in the longrun

>> No.15888977


>> No.15888990

>Books to explain modern women?
Modernity has nothing to do with it. Women are still the same as they were. This answer is, was, and will remain to be: Charles Dickens.

>> No.15889006

>6'1 is the lower end of average
m8, the highest average height in the world is 6'0 in the Netherlands, you're lying. There is no country where 6'1 is a low-average height, it is above-average in every country on the face of the Earth, and more than a standard deviation above average in most.

>> No.15889011

In my country, though, essentially everyone inflates their height when they say what it is. Growing up everyone kept saying to me "oh you look like you're about 6 ft. 2 inches," and so I assumed this to be the case; didn't find out that it wasn't until I went to join the military and actually got measured.

>> No.15889017

People are just bad with height in general. I'm 5'11 and my old high school friend always claimed that height, even when I was taller than him barefoot with him wearing boots. In reality he was probably like 5'8. Whenever I'd tell him that my height was 5'11 he would always say that I must be taller than I think.

>> No.15889020

Why call it dm instead of just pm or just message?

>> No.15889025

no check sources again 61 - 6'2 is common in many scandi nations. most women here 5'10 or 11 then with heels they are over 6 easily.

6 foot man is noticeably small but maybe in tacoland of burgers he's considered mountain

>> No.15889033

why do proles do anything? another prole did it first

there's no use finding the original prole, you just have to accept that at some point, a variation arose. it's like natural selection except there is no selection and it only produces degenerate mutants unfit for survival instead

>> No.15889040

the sky is blue, grass is green, normies are mindless sheep

>> No.15889041
File: 490 KB, 449x401, Laughing girls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>talk shit about guys under 6’3
Butthurt manlet detected

>> No.15889058

private message implies privacy, which is what (((they))) absolutely despise

>> No.15889066

i have experienced this so many times while reading in public this summer. and usually when i look at the whores bickering away, they're fat, ugly sluts. and they keep making this vomiting sound and think it's funny for some reason. women have really gone to shit

>> No.15889076

Stop fucking lying.

Average M height Denmark: 5'11"
Average F height Denmark: 5' 6"

Average M height Norway: 5'10"
Average F height Norway: 5' 6"

Average M height Finland: 5'11"
Average F height Finland: 5' 6"

Average M height Sweden: 5'10"
Average F height Sweden: 5' 5"

The highest figure I've seen for a country as a whole is the Netherlands at 6'0 average male height. There is no country on the planet with an average female height of 5'10. You're a liar or a troll, either way source or practice neck hangs.

>> No.15889077

>Reminder that anyone who argues by attacking your social standing, appearance, or sexual ability is invariably a woman, a troll, or a predatory male.
based. sucks that most people are trolls desu

>> No.15889080

lmao is this literal unironic manlet seethe

>> No.15889084


>> No.15889085

>they keep making this vomiting sound and think it's funny for some reason. women have really gone to shit

>> No.15889088

Not an argument

>> No.15889092

estrogen in the foods they eat

>> No.15889104

because good looking people are retards

>> No.15889115

>those things are literally the only things that matter?
How and why do they matter?

>> No.15889123

post cock and body

>> No.15889124

Then move!

Or get cancelling headphones!

Or fart blood!

Why is their removal a problem for you?

...are you a fucking orbitter you dogrammed simp?

>> No.15889136

Saying "You're wrong because you're a poor, ugly loser" when you know someone is a poor, ugly loser is very different from saying "You're probably a poor, ugly loser" to someone you've never seen or met in your life.

>> No.15889138

It's an indication for him that those women are not desirable as long term partners.

>> No.15889145

>literal pissed out birth control hormones so women can get fucked by Chad consequence-free are in the drinking water and turning me into a transgendah
Drugs for this feel?

>> No.15889149

>Why take an ugly persons opinions seriously

Have you seen the roster of mugs that are canon /lit/?

Not one fuckable.

>> No.15889159

>because good looking people are retards

Ugly people like to tell themselves that they're intelligent and creative as a coping mechanism.


"In the United Kingdom, attractive children are more intelligent by 12.4 IQ points (r= .381), whereas in the United States, the correlation between intelligence and physical attractiveness is somewhat smaller (r= .126)."

It makes sense. Men who are more intelligent tend to be more successful, and as a result they get their pick of women they want to breed with (typically they choose the more beautiful women). Over time, this yields offspring who are both intelligent and beautiful.

>> No.15889162

No, this is numbers.

>> No.15889163

What is the average of age group 18-23? I am 184cm (6ft or 6'1?) and out 20 males in my class only two were shorter than me, many people were between 184 and 187 and several taller than that.
My neighbour who is like 3 years older than me is 210 cm which is like 6 feet and 10 inches for burgers. And I am not even from Netherlands.

>> No.15889174

There are plenty of average and above average looking authors. If there is any reason for some authors to not seem attractive it's probably because many of them are older and are less attractive because they're older, not because they were born ugly.

>> No.15889175

Crawl back to your basement, the light is not good for you.

>> No.15889178
File: 269 KB, 1600x1003, laughing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>6 foot man is noticeably small but maybe in tacoland of burgers he's considered mountain

>> No.15889180

>Yield offspring intelligent and beautiful
Explain Trump and how he got his orange ass in.

>> No.15889192

It's funny to think that the US used to have among the greatest average heights in the 19th-20th Century. Then diets went to shit.

>> No.15889195

Tacoland of burgers?

New Mexico?

Or any city with San in it?

You are making me use my brain and i hate it

>> No.15889196

>Explain Trump and how he got his orange ass in.

First of all, he's in his 70s. People in their 70s aren't typically described as being attractive. Secondly, he proves the point that I made—he married a model and had a child with her.

>> No.15889208

>Then diets went to shit.

If by diet you mean let a bunch of small goblin people illegally walk into the country, yeah.

>> No.15889217

Right, so if old adds to ugly, will that write off anything boomer or older?

>> No.15889254
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Trump looked so yuppie before Home Alone.

Still dumb as a rock, but he got a look.

>> No.15889276

>Right, so if old adds to ugly, will that write off anything boomer or older?

Or just see what they looked like when they were younger.

>> No.15889277

The Higher You Climb, The Harder You Fall
Whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and whoever humbles himself will be exalted.